The Wall Between Us - Chapter 1

The Wall Between Us

He stood, surrounded by the group of men with their guns aimed at him.  He glanced around and saw the bodies of his men on the ground, drenched in their own blood.  The gun in his hand was empty.  There was no way out. He let out a sigh of resignation when a man in a black suit with slicked back hair, stepped forward with a sword in his hand.  He laughed when he saw the man.  He knew that this was the end.  

The gun in his hand dropped to the ground as the man unsheathed his sword and rushed at him.  The last thing he felt, was the cold steel ripping into his flesh as the sharp blade slashed across his throat.  Blood gushed out as he collapsed to the ground.  The man flicked his sword once to rid his blade of the blood, before sheathing it.

The man turned away from the scene as he walked out of the abandoned warehouse with his group of men following behind.

A mischievous smile spread across his face when he caught sight of a young waiter carrying a tray with several glasses of water.  As the waiter passed by his table, he stuck his leg out, tripping the waiter.  The glasses fell to the floor, shattering into pieces.  He turned away from the scene and chuckled to himself.  All attention turned to the waiter on the floor who stared in shock at the mess of broken glass and water.

The manager of the restaurant immediately ran out to apologise to the customer before scolding the waiter, who was picking up the pieces of broken glass.

"Why are you so clumsy?" said the manager in surprisingly calm tone, trying not to make a scene.  "You should be more careful!"

"I'm sorry," apologised the waiter as he lowered his head.

"Hurry up and clean up that mess!" ordered the manager as he walked away.

He sat smiling at his table, watching as the waiter gathered the broken glasses and cleaned up the mess.  The waiter got up from the floor and glanced at him.  He flashed the waiter a challenging smile.  The waiter quietly retreated into the back of the restaurant.

"Sungjong, why did you do that?" asked the man sitting opposite him.

He raised his eyebrows at the man.  "What?" he asked, feigning innocence.

"Why did you trip the poor guy?" asked the man.  "He's going to get in trouble for that."

He shrugged nonchalantly.

When their orders were ready, they noticed that it was a different waiter who brought out their food.  The man glanced around the restaurant but could not find the waiter from before.

"Where's the waiter that was serving us?" asked the man.

"I'm sorry," replied the new waiter.  "He's been dismissed."

The man turned to Sungjong and gave him a disapproving look.

"Don't look at me," said Sungjong, without a hint of guilt.  "His own fault for being clumsy."

The boy looked at his hands with several fingers wrapped in band aids.  He sighed as he carried his backpack and exited the restaurant by the back door.

A black car with tinted windows pulled up near the restaurant.  A man in a black suit stepped out of the passenger door.  Two men in the front seats also got out from the car as they followed the man.  They headed for the entrance, when the boy came out from the side and bumped into the man.  The impact made the boy lose his balance, but the man was quick to grab his arm to keep him steady.  The man noticed the band aids on the boy's fingers.  He looked at the boy who he guessed was about 17 or 18 years old.

"I'm sorry," apologised the boy.

"Who are you?" demanded one of the men as he rushed forward and grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt.

"Step back," ordered the man.

At his words, the man let go of his shirt and stepped aside.  The boy looked at the older man in front of him.  He was dressed neatly in a fine black suit with slicked back hair.  There was an air of authority about him and from the way the two men reacted, he seemed to be someone of high importance.

"I'm sorry," repeated the boy as he lowered his head.

"It's fine," replied the man as he walked on ahead with the two men.

"Ah, look who's here," said the man inside the restaurant when he saw who had just walked in.

Sungjong turned his head to look at the door.  His eyes lit up with joy when he saw the man approaching their table.

"Young master," greeted the man.  "Sorry to keep you waiting.  I had some business to take care of."

"I'm going to punish you!" declared Sungjong.  "I was so bored.  Sungyeol is no fun."

The man sitting opposite him rolled his eyes.  "I hate babysitting," he said under his breath.

"As punishment I want you to take me to the amusement park!" demanded Sungjong with a smile.

"I think our young master should be punished for making that poor boy lose his job," commented Sungyeol.

Sungjong glared at Sungyeol.

"Just because you're bored doesn't mean you should go around tripping people," Sungyeol continued, ignoring the death glares directed at him.  "Did you see the cuts on his fingers from picking up those broken glasses?"

An image flashed in the man's mind as he remembered the boy's fingers from earlier.  "What boy?" he asked.

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RtwoB01 #1
Why i read this so late TT^TT This is so good <3
Can i make a new version dêpnd on your story? I really love it so much <33
naznew #2
Chapter 18: Second time read..and it still great..i love it..
ourhouserp #3
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Chapter 19: we need more woogyu ^^
Geckokono8 #5
Chapter 19: I DEMAND AN AWESOME SEQUEL!!!!! Hahaha, omg, jkjkjk, no I don't...(YES I DO)
Lol! This was an AWESOME story! I loved it a lot, especially the turn for violence instead of . This was a very refreshing story to read~♥ id still love a sequel! GYU IS ALIVE! WOOGYU FOREVER!!!!
davidrd #6
he is alive... Oh God thanks author-nim you make Sunggyu alive...

I love this fic so muuchh. And I'm happy that I found this amazing fic of yours....
Perfections #7
i love this fanfics so much
Chapter 19: Omg! I love this's really good >.<
It's a great story! ^^ The ideas are really good too :D

So, Sunggyu didn't did he survived? I'm curious ^^
Chapter 19: Wahh so goood~~ ur fics are soo cool!! And i figured out most of the stuff ^^ only some things i didnt fully get ~ but i am just wondering one thing.... gyuie was the one who said that last line but... didnt he um die... so.. hw did he save woohyunnie ._. Unless....
Bonnie #10
Chapter 19: then? who the hell is it in the grave if you said sunggyu save him? ._.
explanation? T-T