Ohanzee's Test

My Childhood BestFriend

That event wasn't easy to forget.Almost two months flew by.It would always stay there in your memory as the most painfull thing you have ever experienced.The positive thing about it was,that you weren't scared of any kind of physical pain anymore.What was a broken rib,when you had your whole body once in casts?

These months,you always had someone by your side.It was only one week in which Dae wasn't there,which was BAP's fanmeeting.He'd sleep at the hospital,walk you everywhere after you were out.It was embarrassing sometimes,a bit painfull,but with him by your side,you never noticed.

All this time,you never forgot the incident when you and Sophie were saved by BAP that day,with the maniac.It wasn't because it was scary,but because of what took place in the aftermath.Bang Yong Guk had then lead you to an underground basement,and when you reached,YG has asked YongGuk to 'report' the details.It didn't seem like a police office or anything,but like some kind of secret organization.You decided that it would be best to ask the Leader instead of Dae,because if it was something big and serious,he wouldn't tell you.He said he was too concerned for you to worry.

You finally got Yong guk to talk.

''If Dae doesn't want you to know then he probably has a reason,'' he said,'' but I think you have the right  to know.You'd  to find out about it sooner or later anyway.Yeah.It's a secret organization,just a bit different from a police office.We are in fact connected to them,but we mostly do our own thing.''

''Your own thing?That is?''

''Killing people,'' he smirked as your eyes widened,''people who diserve it.Mostly they are the ones that have been assined to death penalty by the government,but got to run away.Our job is to quietly take them out.So you see,we aren't entirely bad,but not good either.We're doing the dirty,but the good job.This is how we role.It's hard ofcourse being famous at the same time,but it has it's advantages.Fan meetings?They're just a cover up.We also not only do it in our country,but in other countries too.Our organization has a name,from which a pretty enormous number of criminals freak out if they hear it mentioned.'Ohanzee'. It means 'shadow' in Native American Sioux.''

''Why did you say I had a right to know?'' you asked him,and got your answer,but not from the leader hyung this time.Dae was standing behind you.

''Because everyone who is a trainne under TS or YG company,in their time are given a choice.They can just be a normal musical group,such as TS's Secret,they've chosen the calm life,or like BAP,or all the YG celebreties,become agents of Ohanzee.''

You turned to him now,''So when me and Sophie debute..we get to choose too?''

He nodded.YG had thought that you and Sophie would debute as a duet,with you as a singer,Sophie as a rapper.Your D-DAY was coming soon,you'd both already recorded and filmed the song and music video.

''Are 2ne1....''

''Yeah.Them too.'' Minzy never really explained her great fighting skills to you.And you never quentioned her.So the day you'd be asked,you had to make a serious decision.You knew that some wild part of you wanted to agree.You knew your teammate would think the same.

You were in a practice room,in TS ,and you haven't noticed how YG himself entered.He and the TS guy,whom you bearly knew,were close friends.''But it's not as easy as you think.You don't just agree like that,and then we send you off,'' he said,''you need to pass a test.You will not know what kind of test.But you have to be physically prepared for it.We need you to recover completely first.You'll have help,a mentor from our ranks,an experienced one.'' He looked at Dae.''Although,I aready know who you'd choose.'' And Daehyun  winked at you.

A month later:

You were panting.He attacked again but you managed to dodge the blow and hit him in the side,so he staggered.Not hit him really.You both had protection pads everywhere,so it didn't hurt a lot.

''Good enough for today,'' said Daehyun,and pulled you in for a kiss.

Another month later:

''So how are we gonna test them?''

''If I'd be in Dae's place,I'd want Hyung to do the attack.If they succeed,then they'd do a pretty good job,because he is tough.''

''Yeah.It better be him.Don't wanna hurt my own girl.But hyung,if you do anything to her....''

''Hey hey...!!! _________ isn't the only one there!Sophie's there too.I wouldn't hurt them.At least not seriously...But I think we should have two attackers.One for Sophie,other one for _____.I'll be the one for ______.Fair enough?''

''You better not hurt her.Well i guess yeah.''

A week later:

You finaly debuted.It was your first stage,and you went in backstage sweating and smiling from the fanscreams.Yeah.You already had fans.Your little 'band' was called 'Double' ,it was because it was two of you.''I wander if it was called 'TRIPLE' if we had Minzy here.'' you joked,and you both cracked up.

It was now time to go home,and being officially a band now,you had your own van,droven by your manager Unnie.Sophie took a room next to yours in the same building now,and Unnie was your neighbor.It was that simple.

As you drove in the parking,your unnie said,''Girls,get inside,need to meet up with someone!''She gave you a motherly kiss,and locking the car,left.You were now both going up the stairs,an exercise.What's the point of going up a lift if you could loose some weight like this?Plus,you had to now really take great care of your health.

And then something happened.

Two guys,dressed in black,one being more bulkier than the other,but looking both equaly strong and scary,with masks on their faces attacked you.The bigger one went for you,and you dodged his first blow.He missed and went down a couple of stairs,you took advantage of that,grabbed his leg and tripped him,causing him to fly down the remaining flight of stairs.He fell on his front,but was quick enough to jump up before your leg hit him in the back.It landed on the wall,and not hesitating,you pushed yourself from it,making a backflip.Something you learnt from Dae.And then you heard a wooshing sound and turning your head,saw Sophie throw the other guy in your way,whom you caught,and from you station,he flew in to the other one,whom you caught completely by surprise,and they both tumbled down.'Size doesn't matter'  said Dae once.


           Yeah,this is how it ends today.I think it was weaker than the previous chap!!!Hope I can excite you more!

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You guys excited?Hehe...you gotta wait


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Soo cute!
Lol!I was reading the chapter without even realizing its the deahyun one ..when i knew i re-read it!
SISBRO!! ;D hahaa!!
Noooooooooo!!! Whyyyy....update soooon!
;) got me excited enough....bt i think i recognised some parts n a few lines in there ( told ya i love ya XP )X] ;] hehe thumbs up woman!! every time i read a chpater...my "swear" on coming to russia and making you write..just gets more convincing ;p XD haha
.*.U.P.D.A.T.E.*.S.O.O.N.*.( * o * )
Lol,im making MYSELF nervous!
Im jumping up and down right now....pretty weird but better than screaming in the middle of the living room..that my friend was awesome..
Pretty Interesting! I like it!
Haha lol thanks @kpop_awesomeness!!! Thanks for spilling the beans for everyone that my name is actually sophie -.- , was a secret!!
YOU CALL THAT WEAK??!! O__________O IM FREAKING OUT MORE THAN ANYONE HERE!!! -__- when we grow up sophie...probably in like 6 or 7 years....if you stop writing awesome stuff..or if u dont write anything at all...IMMA COME TO RUSSIA AND MAKE YOU.......!!
XD cnt wait till dalya reads this ;) wanna see her reaction to those "breathtaking lines" XD