On Death's Doorstep.

My Childhood BestFriend

That night you slept so deeply that you didn't have any dreams or at least couldn't remember them.You loved dreams,because you could do whatever you wanted in them.But now it didn't matter.Because from this time on,every morning you couldn't wait to get up and go find Daehyun's handsome face,which in return searched for your's too.You woke up and the first thing you saw was your dark grey walls.You adored your room.It was designed with Dae's advice and help.Apart from the walls,carpet and bed cover,everything else was white and had a pink floral design here and there.By your big,but not enormous,bed you had a night table,with a lamp,so you could read when you wished.You kept your bedroom clean because you never knew who might show up.Someone almost always would pop in,especially Daehyun who had now a copy of your keys and your complete trust.You were remembering how you set up your room the day you got it,when you felt a slight movement.You turned to your left (still on the bed) and saw Dae's face smiling at you.If this was someone else,like your friend Sophie or Minzy,you'd freak.But you just smiled back,blush blooming like roses in spring on your cheeks.''Good morning beautiful,'' he said,''get up and I'll make you breakfast.'' Sweet.

You were now eating your ' petit dejeuner ' with Dae sitting infront of you and staring.He registered every move you made in his memory.It wasn't unpleasant exactly,but a bit awkward.

''Can you please not stare like that Dae?''

''First of all,Its Dae OPPA,'' he winked,''Second of all,no I can't.You're too cute.'' And with another heart melting smile of his,he said this,''I'll go change,in half an hour I want you to be ready kay baby?'' You blinked. And at that he laughed cupping your cheeks saying,''I'm taking you out,on our first date.No need to wear anything fancy,I know you don't like it.Dress like you normally do.'' You answered him with a ''yess sir!!!'' and he left,kissing your forehead before going out.

He gave you just half an hour,but it was enough.You dressed up,skinny jeans with a shirt and some 'vans'.Dae loved it when you wore them.He used to say that because comparing to him,you were small,and these shoes made you look even smaller and more adorable and charming.

In half an hour you were standing downstairs with Dae waiting for his hyung to come and pick you guys up,since Dae still didn't have a licence.As Bang Yong Guk drove up,Dae Was complementing your purple skinny.

''But I think a black shirt would have been better...'' you say but he answers,''No.Would be too dark.White is better.My girl has style.'' and with that,you climbed in the car grinning.

''Look at these two love birds,'' says Yong Guk,''You guys enjoy this week to the max.We'll need to travel to Singapore  for another fanmeeting.Will take a couple of days,and you don't look like you can survive that.'' 

''Where are we going anyway?'' you remember to ask because until now, Dae has kept it a secret.

But instead of Dae answering first,it was Bang Yong Guk,'' I told him,'take her somewhere romantic', and he was like,'no,somewhere fun would be better for the first time.We can get on with it the day after'.''

''Thanks for spoiling my surprise hyung.''

''Any time dongsaeng.''

You finaly reached your destination.You realised it was the place in wich B.A.P. were filming their ''Ta Dah it's BAP' episode 7.You knew it by heart because you  were always waiting for news on B.A.P.,what they did,and ect.You were fangirling even though one of them was now your boyfriend,while the other 5 your nearly brothers.The area you arrived in was pretty huge,it was an amusement park,and unfortunately, you could not recall it's name.

Bang Yong Guk looked at the entrance.''Geez.Such kids you guys.Call me when you'll be done.Don't want you wandering around the streets alone later in the evening.'' And leaving the both of you,he drove off.

''Ready?'' asked Dae oppa,and as you nodded,he took your hand and led you inside.''Let's see.....''

''Hurricane!!!'' you scream,seeing a game you once saw BAP play.It wasn't very frightening,but it was enough for your adrenaline to start speeding through your blood.

Whenever you'd scream,like in places where it was dark and glowing skulls would suddenly pop up,you'd burry your head in Dae's shoulder,who in return put his hand around yours.'I don't know what Yong Guk oppa thinks is romantic',you think,'but in MY opinion,THIS IS pretty romantic.'

You where now nearly done with all rides,except one.Again,you didn't know it's name.But you could see that it was designed for two people,the seats of which where placed on a kind of robot hand.When the people were fastly secured,the hand would twist and turn and stop in mid-air,leaving the riders have their heads filled with extra blood.

''That one oppa!!!'' you exclaimed.

''Geez,'' he answered,'' you are pretty tough.Don't you feel like puking already?''

''No.Do you? Pfft.Look who calls himself a man.''

He gave you a sad/but cute expression and escorted you towards the ride.You didn't need to be pulled,you were literally running.You sat down,and as it started,you screamed.This was freaky,but Dae was laughing,and so were you.It was very amusing,and even the guy who controled the thing was laughing.

And then something happened.

When it was making one of these twists the fastening shell which kept you inside broke off and flew away.Taking you with it.




             Scary huh? XD wait till tomorrow,will hopefully update more chaps!!!What do you think is gonna happen? Subscribe!!! <3 

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Soo cute!
Lol!I was reading the chapter without even realizing its the deahyun one ..when i knew i re-read it!
SISBRO!! ;D hahaa!!
Noooooooooo!!! Whyyyy....update soooon!
;) got me excited enough....bt i think i recognised some parts n a few lines in there ( told ya i love ya XP )X] ;] hehe thumbs up woman!! every time i read a chpater...my "swear" on coming to russia and making you write..just gets more convincing ;p XD haha
.*.U.P.D.A.T.E.*.S.O.O.N.*.( * o * )
Lol,im making MYSELF nervous!
Im jumping up and down right now....pretty weird but better than screaming in the middle of the living room..that my friend was awesome..
Pretty Interesting! I like it!
Haha lol thanks @kpop_awesomeness!!! Thanks for spilling the beans for everyone that my name is actually sophie -.- , was a secret!!
YOU CALL THAT WEAK??!! O__________O IM FREAKING OUT MORE THAN ANYONE HERE!!! -__- when we grow up sophie...probably in like 6 or 7 years....if you stop writing awesome stuff..or if u dont write anything at all...IMMA COME TO RUSSIA AND MAKE YOU.......!!
XD cnt wait till dalya reads this ;) wanna see her reaction to those "breathtaking lines" XD