
My Childhood BestFriend

Things went on as usual at school.You had fun with your many friends.From time to time,you got to see Dae,since he was usually buzy with all the studies AND bieng a celebrity.You were very proud of him and his endless efforts to becoming perfect in everything.As days passed by, Daehyun became friends with a group of girls.You didn't mind ofcourse,'afterall,he's my bestfriend!' you'd think everytime you'd see him hang around them. Two of these girls were Kim Hyun Ah and Jeon Ji Yoon.Now you didn't have a problem with Ji Yoon unnie.She was pretty nice and would always talk to you.But who REALLY pissed you off was Hyun Ah. She'd always in when you would be talking to Dae in privacy,always give you the look as if she was better than you.One day you finally told Dae about her.

'i don't like her Oppa.'

'Why not _____?'

'I just don't!I think she's trying to get your attention!And I don't know why she's giving me these dirty looks!'

Giving you the puzzled face,Daehyun just shrugged it off,telling you you were seeing things.But he was hiding a smile.'She's giving you the looks simply because you're the one who always grabs my attention ______' he thought.'And the cute thing is,it bothers you....'

As you and Dae were sitting in the school grounds,Ji yoon and Hyun Ah unnies approached.You tried your best not to slap her in the face.....'Why am I feeling like this?' you think.'It's none of my buisness!I should be actually happy for Dae!'

Hyun Ah,did not pay any attention to you at all.It was frustrating.It was annoying.'Its not like I care'  you think, 'I don't need her attention on me anyway' and with these thoughts you turn your head to Ji Yoon,ignoring Hyun Ah's flirting with Dae, and start chatting with her.When both leave,you look at Dae.

''So,'' he says,''will you come?''

''Matters where we are going.What are you talking about?''

''There's a party and anyone who comes has to be in a couple.Which means I'm taking you with me _____.''

''Why don't you take Hyun Ah?''

''God.Are you kidding me?I don't like her that much to take her out with me to a party!''

'Did he just admit he likes me?' you think,and as an uneasy feeling spreads though you,you say,''Okay....I'll come Dae...''

And as he leaves for the next lesson,making you feel like you want to melt from that smile he gives you,you start worrying about what to dress.Because Hyun Ah would obviously look gorgeous.It would piss you off,and men always get distracted and attracted easily.And this is when you remember Sophie.

''Will find something.''She says as you tell her the problem,''It's not like she's a goddess or something.And just because you're boyish,does not mean you can't attract people.'' And with this,at the end of the school day,she dragged you off for shopping.'It's true,' you thought,'boyish girls can be hot too!Maybe I should try and be a little positive..and anyway, i got Sophie to help.''

The day was coming to an end,and because shopping for the right things took time,it was dark and as you walked home the dark shapes of the trees loomed around you and you imagined hands instead of branches,hair instead of trees.Creepy atmosphere.You regreted declining Sophie's offer to sleepover at her place.Instead,you've decided to make her stay at your place this time and you both walked quietly.You just didn't feel like walking in the streets right now.''Next time'',murmurs Sophie,''we are going to shop much faster...''.Shivering,pulling up your zipper,and putting on your hood,you try to walk faster but something stops you.Perhaps it was your imagination that day but you saw a man come right out of the ground.Maybe it was because of the bad light the lamps on the road gave off.But it didn't matter anymore.Because the electricity went out.Chills went up your spines because you both caught a glimpse of the mans face,who was pretty famous for bieng a maniac.His pictures where everywhere , with ''WANTED'' stamped on them.And as you both stood there,speechless,you heard him speak.

''Well well.Who have we got here?''

He got nothing but silence for an answer.Your and Sophie's heads were working a way out,but in this situation,nothing smart enough can get you out of the claws of a freak.

''Wow.Two in one day.Ain't I lucky?My,my.''

Disgust swept through you as you heard footsteps coming closer.You couldn't run for it was pitch black and you've forgotten where you were,and what direction to run in anyway.

And then both of you hear a voice.''amudo mollae saranghae,amudo mollae saenggakhae'' it sang,filling the air with it's sweetness and beauty.You recognized it immedeatly.Dae.He was singing his lines from Secret Love.You were still nervous though.The man looked strong,and Daehyun was too young.He couldn't solve this by himself.And as both you and Sophie were having these troublesome thoughts,the moon was now high up.You could easily see the silouettes of the people who were now there.The man was in confusion because he couldn't see where the voice was coming from.Niether did you,until you realised Dae was sitting on a rooftop of a 3-story building,which wasn't very high.From behind you,a husky voice started the rap,and as you turned,you saw a powerfull figure come closer,and giving off a purplish hue from his hair,he halted just two steps infront of Sophie,who was now completely dumbfounded.Two more forms appeared from the dark sides of the alley.One had blonde hair,while the other had black.''eoreum wireul geotneun gibun.haneul wireul naneun gibun.'' they sang.Another guy now appeared on the rooftop,and both he and Dae jumped down to the ground easily.'I didnt know he was such a bad-' you think.They were now five.You and sophie just had to guess who was missing.And there he was,tall slim figure,alien pink hair standing right at the back of the maniac.He put his fingure on his lips,and as Bang Yong Guk gently pushed you to the back,the six of them started to close up on the maniac.



                                                                     Dedicated to my friend,who knows herself =)

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Soo cute!
Lol!I was reading the chapter without even realizing its the deahyun one ..when i knew i re-read it!
SISBRO!! ;D hahaa!!
Noooooooooo!!! Whyyyy....update soooon!
;) got me excited i think i recognised some parts n a few lines in there ( told ya i love ya XP )X] ;] hehe thumbs up woman!! every time i read a "swear" on coming to russia and making you write..just gets more convincing ;p XD haha
.*.U.P.D.A.T.E.*.S.O.O.N.*.( * o * )
Lol,im making MYSELF nervous!
Im jumping up and down right now....pretty weird but better than screaming in the middle of the living room..that my friend was awesome..
Pretty Interesting! I like it!
Haha lol thanks @kpop_awesomeness!!! Thanks for spilling the beans for everyone that my name is actually sophie -.- , was a secret!!
YOU CALL THAT WEAK??!! O__________O IM FREAKING OUT MORE THAN ANYONE HERE!!! -__- when we grow up sophie...probably in like 6 or 7 years....if you stop writing awesome stuff..or if u dont write anything at all...IMMA COME TO RUSSIA AND MAKE YOU.......!!
XD cnt wait till dalya reads this ;) wanna see her reaction to those "breathtaking lines" XD