Saviors of Disasters

My Childhood BestFriend

It wasn't as cool as one would think it would look.They were beating him up but apparently they had some sort of pattern with rules.They never attacked him all together and gave him enough time to stand up for himself.Not that he could.Not that anyone could,against these guys,who now looked like they were truly from some other planet.And as Yong Guk gave him a blow that threw him in the wall of a neighboring building,causing dust and falling of brocken bricks,you started to REALLY freak out.You weren't going to let them kill him,no matter who he was.They'd get to be in prison.Now it was Dae's turn and as he jumped,you thought that it would look beautiful in slow motion,with the moon right above him,but his outstreched foot landed right on the man's face,breaking the nose with a sick cracking sound.And then,''Enough,'' says Yong Guk suddenly,''we should keep him alive.Call YG ahjussi,tell him they're fine and the guy will be delivered to the station soon.'' Zelo pressed something on his ear,and you realised it was some kind of bluetooth device in the shape of a bunny earring.Sophie turned her head towards you giving you the 0.0 look,which you gladly returned. 

In less than an hour, you were at YG entertainment company,only that it didn't look like an 'entertainment' company anymore.You were underground,walking through grey tunnels behind Bang Yon Guk who was leading the way like he knew this place by heart.Dae's hand was around your shoulders which were under the protection of his leather jacket.You looked at him,and he smiled,making you feel warm despite the agonizing cold in this place.Finally you all reached a door,and as it opened you saw that it was a very comfy,welcome and grand room.Dae carefully seated you on an extremely soft couch and sat next to you.You felt really nervous because thanks to the soft couch you both kind of fell closer.The couch was pink and you  thought you probably looked like you were sitting in a flower.

''So,yong guk,'' spoke YG,''report please?''

''11 PM,at _____ street,man,tall height,attempted an attack-''

''Yonggukkie,you're not in military or police office.Can you just speak like you're a normal human and not a robot?''

''Sorry sir,'' he answered in a more natural and free way,'' Anyway,so Sophie and ______ were walking in the middle of the street when the guy came up from the front,but we didnt let him touch them.''At the mention of her name,Sophie gave you a 'HOW THE HELL DOES HE KNOW MY NAME' look and seemed about to faint.You stiffled a laugh,knowing what a fangirl of Bang Yong Guk she was.

''Anything else?'' asked YG and at this point,Bang Yong Guk's face turned guilty,and he answered,''Well yes.....we kind of.....kicked his .....,'' ''That's it?'', ''No......majorly....''

''It was my fault,'' says Dae suddenly and everyone looks at him,'' I suggested we give him a beating for the bastard he is.''

''Really?'' says Himchan,'' Was it cause he was a bastard?Or was it because of her?'' and he points at you,winking while you can't help but smile at him,'such pretty face this guy has',you think.

''Okay,enough of stupidity kids.I know you guys would all beat the guy up,and to say the truth,i'm glad you did it,He diserved that.'' and with these words,YG shooed you out of his room,and told you to go and enjoy your lives.

You were all outside now,walking together,because the guys wanted to walk you home,to make sure the two of you were safe.Just at that time,Dae's phone rang and after he hung up,giving you the apologetic look, he said,''I need to go sis!Himchan will walk you home,sorry kay?'' and without waiting for your answer,he sped off to a different direction.You gave a scowl to his back and turned to your right side,finding your eyes to fall on Himchan's.''Agyeeooooo,'' he says,''look at _____,she looks so cute just now!!!'' You smile with the thoughts of 'you're waaay cuter than me' in your head.

It was now the time for the group to split up,and as Bang Yong Guk walked away with Sophie,you were making slow steps towards another street,Himchan by your side.He was the kind of guy who would make anyone laugh and forget about the world.But as he was imitating his hyung,you memory flashed back to Dae.'Where did he go?' you thought.He left you alone,well,not alone,but it was slightly awkward with Himchan,particular because you've known him for only 2 hours.But Dae was still a hero in your eyes,even though you were now afraid of him and his kicks.He was now a bad in your eyes,one that deserved respect.You never saw this powerfull warrior side of him.

You were now walking closer to you your house,next to an old building that looked like it needed to be taken down immediatly or it would collapse.''You sure are talketive.'' you say to Himchan who replies,''AND attractive.'' and you both laugh loud enough for all the sleeping people to hear you.

''So are you going to Hyuna's party?'' he suddenly asks.

''It's HER party?I don't know,'' you reply,'' we aren't on good terms.''

''Well everyone's aloud to come,and we are supposed to be in couples.And as Dae is going with Hyuna herself....''

''With her?!'' you ask,surprise and jelousy rising.

''Yeah.I'm kind of surprised too.Even though you guys are just friends,i though you'd go with him.So since it's not like that,I figured you'd come with me.'' you weren't walking anymore,and he was playing with as stone on the ground,kicking it here and there.Anger suddenly flowed through you.You suddenly wanted to revenge.And so making a final desision,you say,''Sure!Why not?'', causing Himchan to blush,making him look even cuter.If not for Dae,you'd probably fallen in love with him by now.

And then something happened.You heard a creaking noise and looked up,seeing a metal object falling from the old building,right where you stood.By the time it nearly reached a metre within you,Himchan hooked your waist and swirled you away to prevent it falling on both of you.Breathing heavily,turning his eyes away from the object,he looked at you and that's when you realised that his hand was still on your waist and you where too close.You held your breath.


                                                                                            intrigued? hope you are!wait for more!!!

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Soo cute!
Lol!I was reading the chapter without even realizing its the deahyun one ..when i knew i re-read it!
SISBRO!! ;D hahaa!!
Noooooooooo!!! Whyyyy....update soooon!
;) got me excited i think i recognised some parts n a few lines in there ( told ya i love ya XP )X] ;] hehe thumbs up woman!! every time i read a "swear" on coming to russia and making you write..just gets more convincing ;p XD haha
.*.U.P.D.A.T.E.*.S.O.O.N.*.( * o * )
Lol,im making MYSELF nervous!
Im jumping up and down right now....pretty weird but better than screaming in the middle of the living room..that my friend was awesome..
Pretty Interesting! I like it!
Haha lol thanks @kpop_awesomeness!!! Thanks for spilling the beans for everyone that my name is actually sophie -.- , was a secret!!
YOU CALL THAT WEAK??!! O__________O IM FREAKING OUT MORE THAN ANYONE HERE!!! -__- when we grow up sophie...probably in like 6 or 7 years....if you stop writing awesome stuff..or if u dont write anything at all...IMMA COME TO RUSSIA AND MAKE YOU.......!!
XD cnt wait till dalya reads this ;) wanna see her reaction to those "breathtaking lines" XD