Cat Fight

My Childhood BestFriend

She was walking up to you like she was some queen.When she was close enough,and to say the truth,too close,she looked you up and down and said, ''Hah,look who we got here.Well i'll tell you what honey,with that body of yours,and strut like a dude,dresses aren't gonna help.'' This was too much,you barely knew each other and then here she is,talking about how awful you look.But you aren't that type of quiet girl who sits in a corner for ages and cries.No.This isn't you.You are the type of girl that would stand up for weak ones,and for yourself too.It made bit*hes like her hate you.You weren't scared and everyone knew that.No matter where you were,what was happening,you'd stand your ground.And so with a smirk on your face,you answered thus,''Ah.Pardon me.Does my natural beauty bother you because under all that makeup you look like a ghost and i don't?'' 

''You fat-''

''What?I look fat too you?'' you answered,''is it because you see chopsticks and not curves in the mirror?'' You weren't so in love with your body but when someone starts offending you,you get and can even show off.

''Hah.Well unlike SOMEONE,i'm famous already.''

''Im sorry?'' said a voice from behind you and as you both turned to look,you saw your friend Minzy (2ne1) who was a close friend of yours and Sophie's who was right next to her.''Famous? Pfft yeah....''

And then everything happened in slow motion,Hyun Ah tried to grab Minzy's hair.Everyone knew she was jelous of 2ne1's huge success.Especially Minzy's,since both were rappers.But because she was too fast for her,hyun ah ended up on the ground.''You.Don't touch my hair.And you.Don't open your mouth against ______.'' Hyun Ah started to get up from the floor,and unexpectedly,grabbed your leg,which from years of experience,made a gracefull motion reaching her face.Which obviously cut her lip.That was one awesome thing Dae tought you.A gracefull and successfull kick.

A bodyguard next to the door now approached.''Stop this kids.You either stay inside,either get out.''It was Sophie's time to step in,''Then let's get out,'' she said,fists itching.''Because I need to beat someone up.Missed the fun.'' He scowled but didn't say anything when she grabbed Hyun Ah's long,unffortunatly for her,hair and dragged her out.But as you followed,happy to do SOMETHING,Daehyun,Zelo,Himchan and Bang Yong Guk ran out from behind you.''Wowow,stop it girls,'' said Daehyun,worry on his face.He grabbed Hyun Ah and dragged her back inside making you laugh,''Seems like she's been dragged a lot today.''

You were back inside,watching Hyuna dance slow mo with Daehyun.Whose face wasn't satisfied at all.You had no choice but sit there,doing nothing.Himchan was still too appalled about you,so he stayed quiet,sometimes throwing comments here and there.Your face was probably showed every immotion you felt because then,DaeHyun couldn't stand it anymore.


She sat there,with that hurt face,and then I realised that it wasn't just because of the stupidity of Hyunah but because of me not being with her.I didn't know if she felt love or friendship for me,although the former was what I wished for,but I felt that no matter the circumstances, I should be with her.Yes,Hyunah had threatened to send one of her s,but now I knew that having a bestfriend like _____, and B.A.P. with me,those 'pretty boys' as HyunAh called them,would become very ugly if I just worked harder.I didn't know why I was so scared.I think I just overreacted.Overprotective over _____ much?I think this love is growing stronger and I might not be able to keep it inside anymore.Because right now,I want to be dancing with ______ and no one else,or maybe walk under the moon,hold her and hug her.But forget the plans.We will deal with that later.I need to get her out first.And just incase Hyunah thinks of some kind of revenge,others must know where we will be and will hopefully stay close.

I let go of Hyunah,who was shocked by the sudden change,and passing by our leader whispered softly,''Hyung,backup.I'm on it.'' Us B.A.P. aliens have our own language,which probably doesn't make sense to you,but hyung understood it this way :'' I found my perfect girl,and she might be in danger.Can't handle by my self.'' He and YoungJae were the only ones who I actually let in on the fact that I am crushing big time on _____.He winked,giving a positive answer and taking Sophie by the hand,slowly started to dissappear through the crowd.Four of the other guys started to slowly move to the exit.

You were probably wondering why we were so cautious,it was because Hyunah had a damn load of connections.No one could screw with us either,but always tried to stay on the safe side.Bang Yong Guk hyung's orders.


Himchan suddenly disappeared into the crowd,and you were now completely alone.And then,out of the blue,Dae was walking to you,or probably flying,he looked so good,it was too hard to take your eyes away.As he approached,he took hold of your hand and you followed him out,where it was freezing and dark.He took his jacket off,and put it on you.This was weird because he never did that and this was the second time.He was just making you like him more.'Pabo....' you thought....and instead said out loud,'' What happened?''

''Love happened.''

''To who?''

''To me and you.''

''Dae what are you saying?'' what on EARTH was he talking about?You were getting nervous.

''Im saying that while all this time,these years of our so called friendship,i never realized how much I actually love you.I love you like the sun loves the sky,like the tide loves the beach,but in both cases they are together.In OUR case it's different.Why can't I be the leaves to your flowers?Your moon to your stars?Is it because to you,I'm just a friend?''

''No,'' you answer as you finally understand.Here came the moment when both of you could open you feelings to one another,''It's because,you pabo,you never speak,always quiet,always the one with 'no comment'.You could have told me earlier.Because while you were making up these wonderful,breathtaking lines,I was dying here Daehyun.''

He smiled.''So you like me too?''He got a smile back for an answer.And at that moment,something in your relationship changed.''You are now officialy my girlfriend.''And with that,taking your hand once again,he escorted you home,where he promised to see you the next day.



                                                               I think this is a bit weak.But i hope you enjoyed =)happy ending for this chapter ;)

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Soo cute!
Lol!I was reading the chapter without even realizing its the deahyun one ..when i knew i re-read it!
SISBRO!! ;D hahaa!!
Noooooooooo!!! Whyyyy....update soooon!
;) got me excited i think i recognised some parts n a few lines in there ( told ya i love ya XP )X] ;] hehe thumbs up woman!! every time i read a "swear" on coming to russia and making you write..just gets more convincing ;p XD haha
.*.U.P.D.A.T.E.*.S.O.O.N.*.( * o * )
Lol,im making MYSELF nervous!
Im jumping up and down right now....pretty weird but better than screaming in the middle of the living room..that my friend was awesome..
Pretty Interesting! I like it!
Haha lol thanks @kpop_awesomeness!!! Thanks for spilling the beans for everyone that my name is actually sophie -.- , was a secret!!
YOU CALL THAT WEAK??!! O__________O IM FREAKING OUT MORE THAN ANYONE HERE!!! -__- when we grow up sophie...probably in like 6 or 7 years....if you stop writing awesome stuff..or if u dont write anything at all...IMMA COME TO RUSSIA AND MAKE YOU.......!!
XD cnt wait till dalya reads this ;) wanna see her reaction to those "breathtaking lines" XD