Just The Way You Are

Photo Freeze

A/N: For lack of a better idea, a fan account inspired me to write this chapter. So here's some gri :D (pardon the cheesiness)

Jiyong's POV

Seungri has always been that ubber cocky kid who doesn't know when to give up. He never has to hear how great he was from his fellow peers, despite if they thought otherwise. That's why I never gave a single thought that I'd be the one to get his confidence back up. I only spoke the truth, and I guess that was enough.


Age 7

Seungri's POV

My eyes trailed restlessly to the clock hanging just above the stack of books placed hastily on the amber bookshelf. The hands refused to move any faster then its sluggish pace, causing me to groan as yet another minute dragged by. Kindergarten ends at 3 considering I was put in the afternoon class, and I was dying to reunite with my 4 older friends instead of actually associating myself with people of my age. They were just plain boring.

I walked over to a secluded corner and snatched a blue bouncy ball that just happened to roll in front of me at that moment, juggling it from one arm to the next as I noticed an already balding boy crawl up to me in wonder. I rose an eyebrow at him, but he only pointed at the ball I had in my hands.

"Mine." The boy stood up and tried to wrestle the ball away from my grasp, slobbering both me and the ball with his spit. Uninterested, I got up as well and placed the ball at my finger tips; too high for the kid to reach. "Hmm... I don't see your name on it do I?" I continued to mock him as he attempted to suddenly have a growth spurt and be able to reach the now-wet toy. I was just beginning to have 'fun' when he plopped back down onto the carpet and opened up his mouth, revealing 2 sharp buck teeth that quickly closed down on my thigh.

"YAH!" I crouched down to rub my leg while fighting the dinosaur off me. My skin now dented with two fresh bite marks, I gave the ball a squeeze as I glared menacingly at the cannibal, he of which smiled in triumphant and held out a palm for me to just nicely put the sphere in place. Well he's got another thing coming. 

"Fine, you want it? Here!" I resumed my standing position, no longer caressing my calf; and torpedoed the ball just a hair above the child's head and completely demolishing the LEGO castle right behind. Instead of laughing at the few singed stubbles the boy was rubbing from his spot, cries from the girls behind him were heard as they shot daggers of pure hatred towards me; Though I can't say I would have done anything different considering what the male had done, I felt bad since I myself had a thing for Legos as well.

"Oh..." I walked up to the mess, completely stepping over the sniffling young boy to the two girls who were just about to have a fairy tea party with their Barbie princesses. I winced in disdain before grabbing a couple blocks. "Here, I'll fix it..."

The two only stuck their noses out in front of me, something they've probably learned from watching too much Disney high school movies. "Get away from us, we don't want to play with you." One of them piped up, flipping her cherry red hair to the side and cradling her Barbie as if me just being there had caused them harm. The other nodded in agreement, "Look what you've done, no wonder you have no friends!"

Personally, I did kind of want to join them in building their castle again. But of course I wasn't going to say that. "I didn't even want to play with you guys" I stated confidently, "And while you are playing with dolls and dumb things like that, I'm going out to have ice cream and play mature video games with my Hyungs! At least those people are cool!"

I settled with kicking over a couple pieces of LEGO that survived the throw and stumbling back to my corner. See, this is what happens when you leave the safety of home, why did I have to be so much younger then my friends?

The only thing right that happened that day was the bell ringing just a couple seconds after I left the girls to their broken toys. I popped up from my seat as the familiar blare echoed in my mind. I saw Jiyong and Youngbae's heads poking through the window of the class, only increasing my need to leave the school.

As I pushed through the crowd of children to my cubby hole, those same females who criticized me earlier were staring at my two best friends waiting for me outside. One of them sneered, face showing a sign of disbelief. "I don't see why they can put up with Seungri" she spoke, voice cold like icicles jabbing into my sides, "He's so arrogant and weird. No one even likes him."

The second one scoffed, "They are probably just being nice, think about it. He's the weak link of the group, the one they all want to get rid of. Eventually they would figure that out." Together they smiled happily as they tried to imagine it, imagine ME alone. I don't think I could go on if they abandoned me like that. I took my time coming out of the cloak room, leaving after the two girls and everyone else was long gone. Youngbae and Jiyong still waited patiently.

"What took you so long?" Jiyong joked as he ruffled my hair, taking my mini back-pack from my shoulders for him to hold. I did not return the smile.

"Just thinking..."

He didn't further question it, probably assuming it was about how to groom my hair tomorrow morning and turned to Youngbae. "Where are the others?"

"Lets see..." The latter scratched his head as he tried to recall the day's events, "Right, Seunghyun got in detention for sneaking out of his class during lunch time to deliver some of his own to Daesung who forgot his at home. So Daesung's going to stay with him because he feels that it's his fault." Jiyong nodded at the explanation, it was just the type of thing they would do. Though Seunghyun would never admit it, he had a soft spot for Daesung; normally he would never share his food with anyone.

Turning back to me, he continued "So I guess it's just us three, where do you want to go Seungri?" The elder two stared at me expectantly. Oh right, I had this list of places I wanted to go before I died. Right now we are at number 7.

"I left my list at home..." I lied, stomach feeling queasy from the events that took place before. Jiyong just shrugged like it was no big deal. "Who cares, you didn't leave your brain at home too did you?" Even with his happy-go-lucky attitude it didn't make me want to throw up any less. I could only crack a tiny smile.

"No.. But I don't really feel like doing anything today. In fact I kind of want to go home and rest... I'll see you guys tomorrow ok?" 

I could tell that both of them were trying to read my expression, which I put on my best nonchalant face I had the energy to use. I think they knew something was wrong, but none of them pushed into it. I was secretly glad that Daesung wasn't here, or else he would have never let it go. 'What is it seungri? Girl problems? Guy problems? Life problems? Don't tell me it's math problems...'

I spun around on the heels of my no-lace sneakers and stomped off. "Wait!" I didn't bother to turn around, just raising my hand for a small farewell and continuing on the path for home. I know it wasn't the smartest decision to go wandering around at such a young age, especially since I lived the farthest from all of the 5, but safety wasn't exactly number one in my mind at the moment.

"What if they were right. Am I the weak link of the group?" I found myself saying out loud. The street was deserted, making my voice sound 10 times louder. At least no one was there to hear.

It's weird, normally I just brush off these comments like the lint on my shoulders. Because I'm Seungri, that explanation has always been good enough not only for me but all 5 of us. My heart beat pulsed violently as I thought of the day they'd realize that they were too good for a 5 year old like me.

'Seungri, we are all tired of you. I think it's best if you hang out with people of your age group instead.' Youngbae would say. Then Seunghyun would scold me for being such a jerk with everyone in my grade so I have nothing to fall back on. They would leave, never sparing me another glance again! Not even Jiyong...

"Maybe I should just disappear from their lives before that ever happens. It's not like I deserve their love anyway..."

The thought of that was enough for me to dive into a hard-on sprint.

That night I was curled up under my pillows and sheets, food and games left untouched and Jiyong burning up my home phone with countless of calls wondering if I was ok. It got so bad that I told my mom to block his number completely, finally allowing me to go into tear stained sleep.

*the next day*

I slept through my 4 friends banging on the front door to take me to school, something that they always did. My mom sent them away anyway even though I didn't tell her what was wrong just yet, I didn't tell anyone. The toys that I've deemed too immature to play with are now surrounding me under the covers for some sort of comfort from the outside world. No I wasn't going to school today, and I don't know when I'll go back.

It was noon when I finally crawled out of the safety of my bed to the living room, dragging my blanket with me. There my mom set up a nice breakfast/lunch for me on the coffee table since she still had to go to work. The world didn't stop just because Seungri was feeling down, unfortunately. I muttered a small thanks to no one in particular before taking the glass of orange juice and giving it a couple small sips.


My eyes crusted with heavy sleep cracked open as I stared at the front door of our house. The knocks seemed like urgency and need, and I hid myself under the blanket in fear of robbers breaking down the oak. Maybe they would leave once they realize there was no way in.


or not

"Seungri, it's me, Jiyong" a voice was called out from behind the door, knocking another frightening boom with every syllable. But it obviously couldn't be him, he was at school happily eating lunch with Youngbae in their designated class room. Still the banging would not stop.

By the 5th round, I slipped out from underneath my cloud of pillows and pushed a dining chair up in front of the peep hole. Sure enough, it was him. "Seungri, I know you're there. And if you don't open up I will break the door down and blame it on you!" 

That was enough to convince me to unlock the door and widen the opening just a crack for him to come into full view as I cowered behind the door frame. "What are you doing here" I feigned sickness with a couple of realistic coughs before looking directly at him.

"I know you're good at acting and all, but you're not fooling anyone."

'"I don't know wha-"

"Just let me in."

I opened the door just a little bit more and complied. Running back to my spot on the sofa and hugging the quilt into my chest.

"You still didn't tell me why you are here." I insisted as he made his way onto the couch next to me.

"Youngbae sent me back cause he was so worried for you." He said in a sing-song voice, much too cheerful to be real. I felt like he wasn't telling the whole truth, but I didn't voice my opinion.

"Well I'm fine. Just a little cold is all" I turned back to the TV that had Spongebob smacking Patrick up side the head with a giant snow shovel and gave out a brisk laugh. "You can go back now"

Instead of replying to my statement, he shifted closer to me, taking my shoulders and hugging me tightly. "Don't listen to anyone when they say that you don't deserve to be with us."

My eyes widened, but how did he know...

"I overheard you talking to yourself when I ran back to give you your back pack... Plus I couldn't let you go home alone in case of something happening..." he explained after reading me like an open book. "We love you Seungri, just the way your vain, overconfident, and outspoke self are. The others may not act like it but, we need you Seungri; We need our victory."

Did they? Did they really need me? Even if I couldn't confirm anything, it felt nice just hearing him say it. Like I belonged.

"really Jiyong?"

"Of course!" He exclaimed, finally letting go of my shoulders to look at the television. "You're like that one idiot friend we can't live without!" Though the last part kind of ruined the whole significance of the message, I understood. A smile instinctively lighting up my face for the first time that day.

"But wouldn't you rather hang out with people of your grade?" I inquired after the comfortable silence. He shrugged, ever so slightly leaning towards the side of my head. Normally I would have cringed and scrambled all the way across the room, swinging karate chops in the air as Jiyong would laugh at me for disliking skinship. But I didn't even react when he pressed his moist lips quickly to my baby-fat covered cheek. 

"I'd rather hang out with you then anyone in the whole entire universe. Even the other 3"

I know it wasn't much, but to me it was really touching. Deep down I'd always thought Youngbae hyung was his favorite, and Daesung was his most beloved dongsaeng. Whenever we did anything he would always want to pair up with the others. But hearing now that he'd rather be with me then anyone else, I felt good. Foolish, but good. Looking back, I guess he was always my favourite as well. Though I would never say it out loud, I really admire him; somehow he is my role model. And that role model is my bestfriend.

"You're not going to change your mind are you?"


Later we fell asleep on each other's shoulders, Spongebob still blaring on the TV. When my mom came home, she said it was so cute that she just had to take a picture. And into the album it went.


Ok, to be perfectly honest I kind of half forced-half begged Youngbae to cover for me in class because the thought of Seungri being at home alone worried me beyond repair. But I liked my explanation to Seungri much better.

A/N: I know I am making them age pretty fast, but it's pretty hard to write when the characters are so young. I will start dragging out the ages for a few chapters when they become easier to write xD

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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD