Lie To Me (Part 1)

Photo Freeze

A/N: So I decided to override all gri fan's wishes and make this a rather long todae two-shot! It's for the sake of balance! *shot* (I'll try to add a few gri moments in there for the hell of it though)

Jiyong's POV

There are times when one of the members gets on my nerves so much that I just want to throw them out of my 15 foot tree house. This is one of those moments, Daesung to be exact.


Age 16

Seunghyun's POV

"Why must I participate! I don' even LIKE drama!" I tugged at the obnoxiously tight green fairy suit I was forced to put on for the year end school play rehearsal. Seungri, Jiyong, and Youngbae all snickered at me from where they stood behind the head of the performing arts department; he of which was fixing the lacy wings onto the clips attached to my back. I put up as much hassle as humanly possible before he finally latched them in place.

"You haven't joined a SINGLE recreational activity in your 5 pitiful years of high school. No sports, no events, nothing." He walked around to face me and laid a sympathetic hand on my shoulder, something I shrugged off immediately and crossed my arms in front of my chest. " It's your last year, you need this to graduate Seunghyun."

"Can't I join the basketball team or something! I'm pretty tall!" He shook his head while trying to calm the hysterical bursts of our audience behind him. The body suit was starting to squeeze me in places that were not meant to be violated in such a way, causing the three to break out into laughter once more.

"You could have, but all school teams and clubs are full this time of year." Of course he had to turn it around until it became MY fault.   I presumed glaring menacingly at the back of his head as a soft buzz vibrated in his pocket bringing his attention away from my fuming state.

"You're just a fairy anyway, you have the least lines in the whole entire play. Be grateful." With that the unhelpful staff member walked to a secluded corner to take an important call, leaving me with my three friends who have long given up on holding back their giggling.

"Really y Seunghyun" Seungri gave me a giddy thumbs up as I took his head in my hands and gave it a good shake. The costume seemed to take away my malice with it, Seungri not even being fazed at my actions which only encouraged the teasing from the others. I did not appreciate the way Youngbae kept taking the chunks of elastic cloth from the outfit then letting go immediately after, the force attacking my body leaving red blotches on my skin.

"Hey, at least I actually JOIN things at school. You dug your own grave." Maybe if I had listened to Youngbae's attempts to recruit me on the soccer team, took part in Jiyong and Daesung's band practices, or tried to follow up on Seungri's dance club meetings, I wouldn't be in this situation. But they really didn't have to remind me.

Before I could shoot a smart- comment back, Daesung pranced into the back room of the drama auditorium in his blue get-up equally as tight and uncomfortable as mine. His looked a lot more masculine than my little fairy jumpsuit; complete with a blooming navy cape that draped his on shoulders and the ground below it, exaggerated ruffle collar, and a giant golden grown with fake gems glittering in all its delight on top of Daesung's head. He immediately ran over (or the fastest speed he could master with a heavy ornament place on his skull) and put a secure arm around my much taller neck. Unlike my expression, his own had a shine of pure happiness.

"It's not so bad Seunghyun, now we are co-actors!" Daesung, also different from myself, had willingly joined the production of 'A Mid Summer Night's Dream' as soon as they had announced its performance. He was all for trying on cramped clothing and speaking line after line of old-korean that in my eyes, really didn't make any sense at all. When they had published the list of actors who had landed each role, he was absolutely ecstatic about being able to play Oberon: king of the fairies. And here I am, taking on the part of his as well as the fairy queen's unworthy servant.

"Whatever you say..." The drama teacher had finally finished his call and took his stand in the center of the room, clapping twice to get our attention as the sound echoed off the dark walls. Seungri, Jiyong, and Youngbae took that as their cue to leave while waving goodbye towards us and exiting through the door to the auditorium.

"We'll be watching the rehearsal in the stadium seats!" Seungri chimed clearly not bothered about having to stay extra afterschool to watch me humiliate myself with the meager lines I had. Daesung not sensing the displeasure radiating off of my soul, beamed at the devils in disguise as he straightened out his tall hat that was close to slipping off.

Most of the practice was just reading through the lines with your respective counterparts, motioning the scripted actions if said. When my parts came up I just simply spoke them with no enthusiasm as if being forced to read a passage in a textbook. Daesung however shouted his character proudly earning hoots of approval coming from the 3 audience members sitting near the back, I had to cover my whole entire face in embarrassment as the cheers continued, don't encourage him!

I was beginning to suspect that we would never get to the end of the play, but we finally crawled to the last scene where the fairy king and queen settled their differences and made up. Sadly the fairies had to crowd around them even though they had no lines to say, the book stating that they must pamper the two while getting ready for a celebrational feast. A staff handed me a couple grapes to hold while the scene took place, and I amused myself with juggling the 5 balls palm to palm as they began.

"I am truly taken aback at how events have turned out. When I had awoken, I was well asleep next to an -head! But no more, now that my sweet Oberon has returned, I can lay peacefully." The girl playing Titania's role spoke emotionlessly. She was in Daesung's grade if I remember correctly, and she was in both his P.E class as well as choir. They were actually close acquaintances, Daesung bringing her into our conversations from time to time.

"As will I, now that we have halted out acts of indecency and you have returned that boy to its rightful owner, myself of course." Daesung was fully in character as he tenderly took her hands in his and closed the arm's length distance between them until it turned into merely a new pencil's height. I roboticlly lurched my head forward until they were away from view and focused on the anticipating three in the arena's cushioned chairs as my only distraction.' It's just a play, that's what he is SUPPOSED to do.' I chanted like a martyr in my head.

"Shall we seal it with a kiss?" I nearly dropped my script from shock, this wasn't apart of the play was it? I quickly flipped through the countless of pages in the book to find that certain line, ignoring the looks of confusion shot at my little dilemma in the corner of the stage as the actors in the middle had not noticed my sudden blunder. Sure enough, her line was printed there in fine black ink. The book specifically even said that they needed to follow up on her statement, and that was when I realized that I had unconsciously crushed my prop grapes as I breathed fire at the back of Daesung's head. Why couldn't he have been a minor character like me!

He seemed to falter from his original confident act as he read over the same line I had been trying to erase from the book and nervously looked back and forth between the girl and the director. Telepathy seemed to fail me as I stared deeply into Daesung's back telling him to refuse to do such a thing, but he wouldn't even look at me.

"Um... It says that we kiss here..." Daesung innocently waltzed up to the teacher to show him the proof, even though he already had the same script book opened up to the right page in his hand. Despite that, Mr. Ko took the evidence from Daesung and read it over while nodding to himself at the not-so-unknown news. Why teachers even bother to try and make students look resourceful was beyond me.

"Ah... It does doesn't it? Okay, we'll skip it today and rehearse it next practice." My relief was cut short as I realized the reality of this situation, next practice they'll have to do the same thing, and there would be no teacher to help out with that one. As I fisted my hand once again, the grape juice and remains squished in my grasp reminding me of the perfectly good food I had just destroyed. The staff that came over to recollect our props sighed at me while rubbing his temple at the mess I had created.

"You didn't even have to do anything... And you ruined your prop?" I busied myself with the fruit off of my palm, enjoying the refreshing taste as he mentally noted to bring fake grapes next time. 

"All right, that's a wrap"

*the next day*

"I was just so... Nervous! It's not that I didn't want to kiss her or anything... Wait that's not what I meant" Daesung stumbled over his own words as he tried to explain his emotions during the almost-kiss. He's been like that all lunch, the residents at our table now rolling their eyes at the mentally confused boy instead of offering advice like on the first couple times he had mentioned it. He was replaying the scene alone so much that it wasn't healthy, if only I could be his medicine.

"Dude, it's just a stage kiss. It's no big deal." Jiyong finished off his turkey sandwich in one large bite and the tips of his fingers for the excess salt. Daesung seemed to think otherwise and scoff at his remark, angrily shoving the rest of his hamburger down his throat; the meat and bun choking him just as he was about to reply to his comment, it was really hard to take Daesung seriously sometimes.

"You don't get it! This is going to be my first OFFICIAL kiss ever! It's important that I get it right." This time I was the one to cough up a few chunks of food. The knowledge of that... incident (I refuse to call it a make-out session) had been eating at me for weeks, Daesung really didn't remember anything about Seungri's party. Not only that, I had taken his first official kiss right from under his nose, yet he he still thinks his lips are pure. Somehow a sadistic sense of joy flooded into me at the realization of what's-her-face not being his first, because I had stolen that away already. 

"It doesn't really count as your 'first' Daesung, it's a STAGE kiss for a reason." Jiyong tried to explain to the panicked boy across from him at the round table the 5 of us shared, searching around for something until his eyes zeroed in on Seungri contently scooping up his bowl of rice oblivious to the situation that was about to take place.

"You see, acting kisses mean nothing!" Jiyong gestured Daesung as well as the rest of the gang to watch him, reaching out and grabbing the collar of Seungri's jacket to make the younger face him. Seungri dropped his metal spoon on the floor at the sudden movement, meeting eye to eye with Jiyong as he struggled away from his tight grip.


Almost the millisecond after, Jiyong's lips came crashing down to the maknae's completely unguarded mouth, he of which was too taken-aback to try and push the elder off. The three of us gasped at the scandalous display, and I counted on my fingers to record the amount of time they had stayed like that, which was much longer than necessary to 'demonstrate' a peck for Daesung. All digits were used up by the time they had parted, Seungri going into completely shock as Jiyong let out a guilty laugh when he took note of our expressions. If it was anything like how I was feeling, it must have been pretty surprising.

"Yeah... So it's easy..." He concluded as if he did this everyday and had planned it from the very beginning. But the look on Seungri's face showed that it must have been a first. If Jiyong was so relaxed about kissing other males, how come I felt like a freak of nature every time my heart reacted to Daesung's subtle touches and gentle whispers of comfort? Unless...

No, he couldn't be gay... Could he?

"...C-can I TALK to you for a second... Jiyong?" The once gleeful smile planted on Jiyong's face was swept off as Seungri came back down to earth, or up from hell. I couldn't tell if the kiss had any effect on him at all expect bewilderment. I watched the two of them get up from their seats and stalk off out of the school most likely to some quiet stair way away from prying eyes and ears.

"...I-I guess stage kisses aren't that nerve racking after all..." Daesung stuttered, trying his best to keep the same face stretching smile on his lips that faltered on and off every so often. If that's his response to Jiyong's actions, what would he say if he found out he did the exact same thing to me a while back? Disgusted, shameful of himself. But what was so wrong about it? I am still Seunghyun, he's still Daesung, would that end up changing?

"Yeah, if you're Jiyong that is..."

Jiyong's POV

I sped-walked closely behind Seungri, the road to the back of the school seeming endless until his frame abruptly stopped causing me to collide face first into his back. He remained unfazed. Instead, he spun around to face me showing hints of confusion, fluster, and anger. I wanted to stay as composed as possible, but my insides were literally jumping all over the place at my sudden decision. I reasoned that if I didn't do it then, I would never have the courage to. Regretting is not really in my nature, so I found myself smiling at the new change in events.

"What the HELL was that about Kwon Jiyong!" I cringed back at the unexpected harshness laced in his words. Be indifferent Jiyong, don't show weakness. I closed my eyes and tried to level my heartbeat till it was somewhat normal again before answering.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, I was just demonstrating." He lowered his head staring downward at the pavement as if it was the most interesting thing on the planet. Well two could play that game, I chose my element to be the sky and traced the outlines of clouds with my eyes which all somehow came out to look like panda bears.

"Oh! So does that make it okay?" Seungri pressed with sarcasm. All the excuses I had thought out in my head before the kiss just seemed pathetic now, what if the person Seungri had a crush on saw? I always knew I was selfish, but now I just feel dirty. If she had, Seungri would never be able to forgive me, was that worth expressing my feelings in the smallest amount?

"Yes! It's not like it meant anything!" I wish I would stop lying.

Whatever I said, it seemed to have hit a sensitive cord. Perhaps if it was anyone else, the tears would have already fallen; but it was Seungri, the one who protects his image more than his sanity. Replacing the tears was just continuous blinking of the water back into his eyes, chest tight with grief. Shouldn't I be the one breaking, being the one on the short end of unrequited love. He still had a chance, but I have no one.

"I suppose that means the kiss in the meadow didn't mean anything either?" It did. How could I forget? Our strictly business peck that should have been sent to the grave immediately after and never brought up again. Yet here it is, just hearing about it rips me in two.

"Of course! We just did it to get it over with!" I am so stupid

"Thanks for clearing that up." Seungri looked up in the air revealing a few mysterious sparkles glittering on the tips of his eyelashes and began walking past me, were they tears? My arm managed to catch his before he left, and my imagination played tricks on me by seeing a tiny speck of water drop from his eyes down on the cement below. It blend in nicely with the puddle of remainder rain water, disappearing as swiftly as it appeared.

"Let go Jiyong" The hairs on my neck and arms rose from how cold and icy his voice had come out. What if I didn't want to?

"Why do you keep saying that." I replied just as stonily, words heavy with hurt that somehow sounded uncaring.

"Because it hurts. It really does." My grip was so loose though. 

"Ah... Does it?" As quickly as my hold had slipped off his wrist, Seungri had taken off back into the school as if him just being here was a figment of my imagination. I closed my hand around the now empty space between my fingers and looked after him. I screwed up, not only had I lied to him, I've also lied to myself. I stood there as the rain clouds decided it was the perfect time to start crying now, and I was left wondering maybe if he turns around I would be able to say something different.

He never did.

*take two*

Seunghyun's POV

Back in the drama room, I was once again in my green fairy body suit and this time, FAKE grapes in my palm watching Daesung and that girl (whom I've now learned was Mi Sun) redo the ending scene once again. I stood near behind the two to prevent having full view of the scene, I really dread coming to practice now.

"Shall we seal it with a kiss?" No you shall not. I sighed at the fact that I have now resorted to talking to myself to keep the sanity I had left in place. Already squeezing the grapes, I was pleased that this time they were hard as a rock or I would have been making grape juice like last time. 

I was snapped back to reality when I noticed Daesung hesitantly lean in to the girl, eyes concentrating on doing it the most natural and 'right' way as Mi Sun awkwardly closed his eyes as well. The prop turned into my own personal stress ball, my eyes unable to tear away from the amount of space fading between their faces, I think I'm going to be sick...

Bringing my hand up to cover my eyes, the fake grapes were tucked nicely in my palm and thumb. They were beginning to look awfully appetizing...

Daesung's POV

You can do this Daesung, you're strong, you're brave! 

Oh who am I kidding

I had little to no experience with kissing besides with that babysitter, and even that didn't count. Somehow though, I feel like I know how it is like, a distant memory that no matter how hard I tried I could not recall. I remember soft lips pressed against mine, both fighting to out do the other and gain dominance. I remember how my heart was on my sleeve and I was ready to just give it to the person underneath me on their command, but it was really hazy, and I cannot remember the stranger's face anymore. Unable to find sense in the experience, I had no choice but to classify it as a dream. 

What was about to happen felt nothing like the giddy excitement that had built up in me that night. It was plain worrisome, Mi Sun and I are just friends, and I felt like someone was staring down at us like a hawk as if just tempting us to do it. Challenging me to close that inch of space left between us, yet I really didn't want to.

Jiyong made it look so easy.

"Cut cut cut!" I immediately jumped back as the director hopped off of his plastic chair, running through Mi Sun and I to catch Seunghyun's jerky form behind us. He was holding onto his chest in pain while trying to cough something up, legs stumbling for the ground as other students and the teacher reached out to him. Soon enough 3 hard as rock grapes fell onto the floor from Seunghyun's mouth as he leaned against Mr. Ko for support, the rest of the grapes slipping from his grip as well.

"Why would you do that Seunghyun! These are fake grapes!" Seunghyun managed to stand on his own after some time of recovery and bent down to help collect the fruit off the stage, after all no one wanted to touch a saliva covered prop that may or may not have been swallowed by said person. He kept his eyes on the grapes sheepishly while not meeting anyone's eyes.

"I... Forgot" Groans came from the rest of the actors and actresses surrounding him as he once again avoided eye contact. Clearly tired from a long day at work, the director massaged his face with one hand while the other was waving a couple circles in the air.

"I think we can all agree that we cannot take anymore interruptions... Have a good afternoon you guys." A few cheers at the news of early release set the students off as the scurried to gather their stuff then run out of the auditorium in hopes of having a few hours of daylight. It was rather bleak inside the drama room. I followed everyone else's example by taking my bag and walking up to Seunghyun's spot sitting on a vacant table.

"You alright?" He shrugged while setting the grapes down on the surface next to him, getting into standing position and grabbing his book bag as well. Instead of looking guilty for cutting rehearsal early, there was a bright triumphant expression glued to his face. Did he plan this all along? Together we weaved up the staircase with row after row of seats lined up along both its sides, Seungri, Jiyong and Youngbae already packed up to go as the 5 of us made our way out of the school.

Seunghyun's POV

The first few minutes of the walk was silent, not that I've noticed considering I was congratulating myself for my temporary victory of the day. Eating the nonedible grapes, genius! When I finally settled back to the present, I began taking note of the small changes in the way we had been walking.

Normally Seungri and Jiyong would be fooling around with each other, either arguing about something they both knew was not worth the hassle, or steal each other's supplies causing the other to chase after them. This time, they were placed well away from their counterpart with Youngbae awkwardly walking in the middle, obviously feeling the tension but deciding not to get involved. Seungri occasionally shot daggers through Youngbae's head while Jiyong would play with his hands regretfully and look at him with loneliness written all over his face. Not that Seungri cared.

"Hey guess what guys!" Daesung suddenly popped up to try and save the mood between them. He was the only one at his original spot right next to me, something I was thankful for. My little stunt had not pushed him away after all. He began clapping his hands together the way he always did when he was about to tell an exciting tale. "I got to miss third period today to sit in on a talk with some professional drama professor teaching ways to improve our acting as well as the ability to tell when someone is lying or not!"

The skipping class part had brought my full attention. "Hey! I'm acting in the play too! How come I wasn't invited!" He rolled his eyes and tapped his lip several times wondering what was the best way to break the news to me.

"Well... You're just a fairy, you barely say two lines..." I pouted, someone still should have said something...

"Wait, why would you need to know when someone was lying or not?" Youngbae asked out of curiosity, he was probably the only one gave two sh*ts on Daesung's new findings. Tom and jerry too occupied with ignoring each other.

"So that you know NOT to do those things, acting in some sense is like lying isn't it?" I took a moment to ponder that comparison. It may be so, but acting has to convey emotion and exaggeration in it; lying is just well... Not telling the truth

Does that make me a brilliant actor? I think not.

"See! I can tell when people are lying to each other or not, It's super cool!" 

"So cool..." Jiyong stated sarcastically, still trying to get the attention of Seungri. The younger boy in turn had decided that his feet were really interesting...

"You're lying!" Even I had to roll my eyes at his exclamation, I'm beginning to question if Daesung had really learned anything at all from that lecture.

"No sh*t sherlock" As Daesung took mock offense from Jiyong's remark, I peered from the corner of my eyes and spotted Seungri crack the tiniest hint of a smile. He was back to his stone frown as soon as Jiyong had set his eyes back on the panda boy. Aish... These two.

"Don't worry Daesung, Jiyong pretends about a lot of things." Seungri said pointedly targeting the unsuspecting male. Jiyong's eyes widened then narrowed into slits at the other, I'm guessing whatever had happened would stay within them, yet here we are right in the middle of their battle field as they took turns taking shots at one another.

"I do not lie!" 

"You're lying" Daesung thought it was the perfect opportunity to prove himself, not a very smart decision if you ask me. He was quickly shoved aside as Jiyong approached Seungri more closely, ignoring the smiling boy's input and slowly fading glee.

"Why are you doing this Seungri." Now pushing Youngbae away as well, the two came face to face with each other, Jiyong was always so open when it comes to getting what he wants. Even though Youngbae was probably cursing his name under his breath as he rubbed his sore shoulder in the edge of the sidewalk. We were half way home.

"I'm just simply being a good dongsaeng to Daesung and telling him how things worked, that's all." The poker face was out of the bag and masked on Seungri's perfectly composed face, in some aspects it was like his shield away from the world. If he needed a safe harbor, it would always be there to block anyone and everyone out. Though it was no match for Daesung apparently.

"Seungri's a liar!" Breaking away from his calm state, Seungri glared hard at Daesung. Still not getting the hint, he bounced around Youngbae and I stating the wonders of being a professional actor. His happiness was very unfit for the little drama episode happening within the other two.

"When have I ever lied to you Seungri!" Jiyong was always one to get into other's personal space, shoving his nose up to Seungri's ear causing him to flinch a couple meters away.

"That is a lie!" Unhelpful Daesung strikes again

"Always! So many times that I can't even recall a single one cause they all sound the exact same!" Seungri roughly pushed Jiyong to the ground, his jeans scrapping the pavement below marking a few patches on his brand new jeans

"That is also a lie!"

"So you're saying you haven't lied to me about one single thing in your life?" The 16 year old who would usually make a big fuss over his clothing if it is a hair out of place didn't even bother to inspect his scratched up pant legs as he chased after Seungri's speed walking figure, both of them distancing themselves from the rest of the group.

"...Not the important things." My peripheral vision could see Daesung opening his mouth to speak something along the lines of 'that's a lie!'; so to save him the trouble and everyone else's brain cells I brought an arm up to slam into his chest, knocking the wind out of him and muting his voice box for a couple seconds. Youngbae sent me a sly grateful grin.

"Cause apparently, everything in the whole universe is unimportant to you then." 

Jiyong had somehow been able to corner Seungri in one of the brick walls of a pass by clothing store perfect for window shopping. Seungri was struggled on both sides, each with a long, slender arm forcefully placed there. From an outsider's point of view, it looked as though Jiyong was planning to kiss him. That the two were lovers, and not best friends trying to rip each other's throats out verbally.

Hell, I could have been fooled

"Look, I don't want to talk now." Seungri remained uncomfortablly restrained between the shop's wall and Jiyong's body.

"Well I'm far from finished speaking! This is not over Seungri"

"No Jiyong." The younger by some means had managed to slip away from Jiyong's trap, crouching down and crawling out from the gaps he had left underneath his arms. "This has been over for far too long, and you're just trying to stretch the issue out. I'm done Jiyong, I'm done."

"Oh and by the way," Seungri turned to face him one last time, voice showing nothing but hurt that betrayed his perfectly mastered unreadable features. "I fu*king hate you."

"You're lying." Daesung has GOT to stop break the mood.

"UGH" We were coincidentally on the path where Seungri has to part with us, and that is exactly what he did. The 4 of us watched his little silhouette fade with the horizon. What has become of our perfectly dysfunctional family. Jiyong had resorted himself to kicking over the shop's overflowing garbage can, something Youngbae had hastily picked up for him in fear of the owner coming out to give us a good beating.

"You always walk Seungri home since it's the farthest, aren't you going to do that now?" He stared at my incredulously while shaking his head. I could have swore that he was going to knock the bin over again if it weren't for Youngbae moving it to a safer location away from Jiyong; no trash can would be spared if we let him have his way with things. Doesn't matter if it was a recycling bin, paper can, or compose bag, they're fate would not have ended prettily.

"You heard him, he doesn't want me." He made sure to coat his words with dripping venom as he spoke, still glaring deeply at the long gone shadow down that road. "Whatever, I like it much better this way. Less walking for me."

"Stop lying hyung, it's not healthy" Jiyong let out a cry of outrage, completely bulldozing through Daesung as he sprinted ahead of us. I helped righten the abused boy up as Youngbae switched views back and forth to us then Jiyong, eyebrows furrowed in nothing but frustration. 

"I'll get him, See you guys tomorrow." He made quick work to cover the ground he had lost by bidding us goodbye, being surprisingly really fast for such a midget (in my point of view anyway). Daesung and I waved to his disappearing frame, leaving me here with someone who could perhaps read into my soul with his new found knowledge. My secrets certainly weren't safe with me as far as I knew, the thought already sending chills throughout my spine.

Daesung seemed to have been waiting for this moment for a while, not wasting any time before interrogating me with countless of questions he must have thought of beforehand. "Why did you eat those grapes hyung?" my brain froze for a while, the silence filled with his searching eyes swarming all over my body. If I lied he would know, if I didn't... he would KNOW.

"I was hungry..." It sounded lame even coming from my own mouth. Still, swallowing my pride I smiled in the most convincing way I could muster while feeling like a total idiot in the process. He rolled his eyes at me, giving a couple playful punches that if any more force were applied to them, would have actually hurt considering the ridiculous amount of muscle growing on his body. 

"Liar" I unconciously let out a couple snorts and sent a few good punches back, reflecting right off his rock-solid chest as I discretely rubbed my knuckles at the new found pain. Mental note to never punch Daesung... ever.

"Stop calling people out, it's annoying." 

"Then don't change the subject." I sighed, he really wasn't going to let go of it was he. I've always knew that after all these years of avoiding problems, they would come crawling back from their graves of banishment and haunt me like this; except what I didn't expect was that they would reincarnate in the form of Kang Daesung.

"Well that's the only explanation I have so..." My house was only 3 more blocks, I can withstand this for a couple more minutes...

"I know when you are lying" 2 blocks and counting

"Seriously, I was going to die from starvation." a whole 'nother block left

"yet you still have energy to walk this fast" I made it to my front porch, fishing a spare key from the letterbox and shoving it into the hole. As Daesung was babbling, I had gotten the lock undone and opened the door. Quickly stepping inside, I gave him a half-hearted wave then slammed the door right in his nose.

"But-" And then I was alone.

The door bell rung for a couple times as I pressed my back against the oak sliding down in fetal position. Eventually Daesung had let up, and I spied from a nearby window his body walking down the sidewalk comfortably while basking in the dying afternoon sun. I croaked out an anxious, broken laugh that made my voice split a couple octaves higher than my normal low vibrato.

I don't know why I even bother doing this, school is tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, I could not run forever. Yet I still try. What I also I can't keep avoiding is that dreaded kiss scene that Daesung looked so eager to partake in; It's not like I could continue on making distractions like today's class, no one would stand me choking on grapes and breaking equipment. If it gets too bad I'll be permanently kicked out of the play, and that means I can not keep and eye on him or graduate for that matter.

Because it is impossible to avoid every problem you face, an art I have tried to master my whole entire life. I oddly feel like a little kid being told that santa never existed and it was all his parent's work and underpaid actors. But it would not stop me from trying.

*take three*

"Here Seunghyun, I'm giving you an APPLE this time so you don't try to eat it. Okay?" I nodded numbly, once again in my green leafy clothing and absentmindedly twisted the fruit in my hand. The hour I had been stressing over had finally arrived; speak of the devil, Daesung and Mi Sun walked through the change room door together into the auditorium. It was nearing the end of rehearsal and the last scene of the play was about to be performed. As always, Seungri, Jiyong and Youngbae sat in the back giving us polite applause whenever an act finished and shared quiet chatter amongst themselves. That is, Seungri and Jiyong talking through Youngbae much like the owls in Harry Potter. The look on Youngbae's face was a mix between restless, frustrated, and just plain murderous. I'm glad that I'm up in the stage and not in those seats to experience his wrath.

I began making a few dents in the prop as Daesung and Mi Sun said their respective lines and the unavoidable has come. Confidence built from the interruptions that has taken place in the last two practices, his eyes flowed with determination unlike when they were first fidgety and cautious. 'I suppose this is what he wants' the mini angel inside me said, I allowed my devil to commence beating the crap out of it in my head.

'it's not fair how I have to watch as this happens, don't I have any say at all?' I blinked, was the devil... talking to me? Then again, we are the exact same person, so I must have gone insane.

'look at her, beaming and about to get what you DESERVE' I gulped and shook my head rapidly, I kissed him once. That's enough.

'I know why you're like this, coward' shut up, just shut up

'you're afraid of rejection, you care about Daesung far too much to ruin this for him. You like to avoid your problems and be stepped all over for what? Nothing in return.' the internal force of evil slowly began morphing into my own voice, it was going to take control any minute now. Restrain yourself Choi Seunghyun, this devil has been telling you to do a whole lot of hair brained things; taking advantage of Daesung's drunk state, choking on those grapes, falling in love with him.

'all of which you enjoyed whole-heartedly'

Somewhere during my dilemma, the apple had left my hand. Flying through the air in a perfect straight line that couldn't have been incidental, the ornament slammed right into Mi Sun's eye centimeters away from Daesung's face. My extended arm was all the proof they needed.

"Seunghyun!...What is with you and fruit!" Mr. Ko came running up to the now injured girl who was cradling her eye socket holding back tears. The whole room inhaled sharply as Daesung wrapped his arms comfortingly around her while rubbing soothing circles on her back, staring at me stingingly.  What had I just done, have I turned into that much of a monster?


you shut up

I could not even move my legs to go and apoligize to the victim of my apple, they stayed firmly on the floor beneath them as I hung my head shamefully. I had a lot of explaning to do.

"Let's take 5 shall we?" the drama teacher shot me a warning look before escorting Mi Sun to the school's infirmatory. The actors and actresses scattered around for their water bottles and snacking packets, I decided to take my quick leave during the clamor and walked over to the change rooms of the auditorium. They were thankfully empty as I polped down on one of the benches and sighed. I relished in perfect silence before the sound of a door swinging open was brought to my attention.

"Seunghyun!" I snapped my eyes open to find a fuming Daesung standing in front of me, still in his king Oberon coustume making it really hard to take in his anger, but I somehow did. I remained silent as I twiddled my thumbs round and round waiting for him to be the first to speak.

"I don't understand, what happened out there?" My devil took over, that's what.

"I accidentally lost grip..." I grinned to add a humourous effect, but my glee was not returned. Daesung dwelled on his confused and raging expression showing that he found nothing comical about the situation. "Mi Sun is hurt out there, and you think this is FUNNY?" what I did find funny was the fact that he expected me to watch him live his perfect life and just take it. She'll live Daesung, it's not like I stabbed a knife in her back. Can't you see the way you're killing me at all, you murderer.

"You can't lie to me Seunghyun, at least not anymore." That's right, I should stop. I've been avoiding everything for far too long, why not just let the cat out of the bag now? Thing's couldn't get any worse anyway, but it was just so hard for me to breath.

"You want to know the truth Daesung?" 

"More than anything" 

"It's because I'm jealous. I'm jealous that she could kiss the lips I have been wishing to taste for more than two years now. I literally have an argument with the angel and devil every night just because of this so called 'sin' that makes me feel on top of the world. I've waited patiently Daesung, they said good things come to those who wait. Well look what I got, a whole load of sh*t" How I wish it was one of those moments where Daesung would sprout out 'you're lying', the only right time those words should sit. Though it never came.

"...Seunghyun..." His voice was pained, he didn't WANT to hear this, he didn't want to hear it from ME. I stared back as if daring him to try and stab me more than he already has with his answer. Go on Daesung, do it. You've done enough already. "Please tell me you're lying... Cause I can't tell anymore." 

This is why I don't believe in love.

"Seunghyun, you can't lie to me about this" He looked so broken that if I was in any other position, I would go up and take him in my arms. Perhaps exchange a few kisses and hope that he doesn't push away, because I would be ready to let go if he does. Sadly I'm not nearly as prepared as I thought I was right now.

"Do you love me? Honestly" That class has really taught him a lot, if only I had went and learned all of their tricks. That way I wouldn't have been in the situation I was in now, maybe if I just joined a few extracurricular activities I wouldn't even have known about the kiss until the premiere of the play, and by then it would be too late to throw fake fruit at the fairy queen.

What ifs are so varied, there are so many other possible outcomes set out for us, yet I HAD to choose this one.

"No." Just believe me this once and I'll disappear.

"You're lying"


To Be Continued

A/N: for the next chapter, should I do a recap before continuing or are you all good? This chapter...It feels too messy for me. On a brighter note, monster was... just... I can't even express myself. The music video as well as song was so good! I loved how each of them represented a different mythical creature, but I'm still confused on what Seungri was playing... Bummer

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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD