True Or False

Photo Freeze

A/N: Boring day of studying, so I shall procrastinate by writing this chapter. May we call this a filler?

Jiyong's POV

If you asked who was the most try-hard or 'business man like', it wouldn't be a secret that all five of us would say Seungri. Even he had to admit he was the group's manager. Naturally he was the first to get an official paying job at such a young age, and since I was in need of a quick buck, I decided to join him.


Age 17

Seungri's POV

"But you know, I'll never recommend you to anything but the best." I flashed a subtle wink to the cute redhead in front of me as she giggled, looking down at the brand new nail polish in stock I had put in her hands. Already feeling that I would make a sale, I marched her up to the check-out counter to punch in the total on the frilly pink cash register. As we were walking, I took the chance to take out a delicate lace handkerchief from my pocket and gave my 'employee of the month' photo hanging on the violet wall a good polish. 

"Alright, You're final price would be $15.50" I stated the unreasonably high price for one single 10 mL container to the girl following me, but my eyes met with two puppy like orbs of brown instead. In fact, the fiery haired girl was no where to be found. I sighed and glared dishearteningly to Jiyong's happy expression as he held a women's weekly magazine to my face.

"Then how about you suggest the best eyeliner for a poor fellow like me?" I snatched the tabloid from his grip and set it back on its respective rack while he continued to mock me. Due to lack on customers in the shop at the time, I resigned to sitting on one of the overly stuffed beanbag chairs in the corner of the room with Jiyong tailing closely behind.

"Not funny hyung, you just made me lose a sale!" I let my body sag deeply into the red cloth squeezing my in all the wrong places and attempting to glare menacingly at the standing figure beside me. Being angry at him was really a waste of breath if I was going to accept defeat minutes later.

"Awe, wouldn't want you to lose your position as 'employee of the month' at none other than the... Oh look! 'The Wonderful Women's Emporium!'" 

"Yah! I bring all the customers in!" He scoffed at me cockiness while settling on the ledge of the large window right next to where I was seated, having perfect view of a nearby ice cream bar he used to take Surah to all of the time. The frown on his face was small, but still there, so I coughed a few times to change the subject. "Plus, why are you here anyway. No loitering!"

"I WAS looking at that magazine you put back for me, so technically it's your fault." that was really just a poor excuse, ever since I had first told him I got a job at this place, he insisted on tagging along saying he needed to get some things for his mom. He never bought anything, all he successfully done was ruin potential business and stare out that window with a book laid untouched in front of him to give the facade of actually doing something. The only reason he isn't kicked out by now is because as much as it hurts me, I want to let him reminisce. My previous hope of him getting over her through time seemed to slowly fade away.

For now however, I wait.

Speaking of kicking people out, the over-excited female manager's heels clicked on the baby pink tiled floor as she approached the two of us with an annoyed pout glued to her lips. Instinctively I straightened up dramatically from my lazy slouch and bowed my head towards her out of respect. Not buying my good boy act at all, she brought a hand up to her forehead and massaged the worry lines created on her face. 

"Slacking off are we?" I shot a look pointedly to the boy still amerced in his own world with cheek pressing the cold glass and turned my attention back to her glumly. "Sorry Aria noona...But that kid," I held an arm out to Jiyong's unaware figure emphasizing that he had absolutely nothing to do with me. "Was preventing me from working." 

"We don't blame customers Seungri." Somewhere along the conversation, Jiyong had come back down to earth and was grinning ear to ear upon hearing my boss defend his sorry . I abused the bean bag chair underneath me as I deformed the stuffing beads and fabric hotly. How I wanted to slap that smile right off of his face.

"He made us lose a sale." Knowing how much she disliked slow business, the smirk was back on my features as I watched fall into a ridged line. Her head turned to Jiyong's no-longer cheerful expression, and she tapped the toe of her left heel a few times as she decided the best way to punish him. I would suggest a long and brutal beating, but I'm guessing that's too old school.

"Hmm... Young man, interfering with an employee's occupation is not tolerated here at the 'Wonderful Women's Emporium'. I would like to have a word with you." Unable to refuse the command, Jiyong stiffly got up from the window ledge frowning down at my comfortable position on the bean bag and together they walked away from me into Aria's large office. With nothing left to do, I got up from my seat and headed over to my framed employee of the month picture with lace napkin ready in my hand.  

*the next day*

"I got the job."

"You WHAT?" I dropped my cleaning cloth as I stood in front of my gigantic picture frame I was wiping, staring back at Jiyong's open armed torso gleefully beaming back at me wearing the exact same pink dress shirt with brown slacks and matching button up vest. I discretely pinched a bit of flesh from my wrist to confirm that this wasn't just a horrible nightmare, and indeed Jiyong was there claiming to be my new co-worker. My only place to exceed at something and flirt to my heart's content, gone.

"Aria noona offered me the position after we had cleared some things up in her office! Aren't you glad?" no. 

I left him there smiling like a fool as I zoomed my way into the makeup section where I knew the manager would be at this time. Luckily she was not caught up trying to sell something, or else I would never get the time of day from her, at least until she's finished.  I proceeded towards her while waving an angry fist in the air to hold her regard.

"You went in to scold him, and then you HIRED him?" I spat out to Aria, taking the box of eye shadow from her hands and putting it down on the glass counter beside us. She rolled her eyes at me and tried to loop around only to be blocked from all openings with my  flashy arms. "This was the only place I could be ME! The only place I could be the BEST at something and not have someone mess it all up! Why noona why!" If only I had Jiyong's eyes instead of my panda ones, then maybe she could actually be swayed by my infamous pout.

"Oh please Seungri, I'm sure he won't ruin all your work. Plus, he's a handsome one isn't he?" Aria cooed as she directed our attention to Jiyong pacing in the middle of the room aimlessly as he fiddled with his hands and uniform. When he noticed the two of us looking, he began smiling and waved. I had to hold my hand down in place to prevent myself from waving back.

"Tell me about it..." She glanced at me questioningly as I processed to myself what I had just said. Blushing madly, I motioned the matter away and cleared my throat for good measure. "I mean... Aren't you married already?" My statement was automatically ignored as she went to reclaim the eye shadow on the counter and started walking away.

"He said you two are good friends, you'll be fine." Patting my hair down as a goodbye, she escaped without another word leaving me there gaping at her back. As far as I've known her, she has never been wrong once; but that was only when it came to doing business. I turned to look at Jiyong's confused little figure wandering around the shop testing out various samples for the first time, either delighting himself with spraying the whole container onto his body or cringing away from whatever else, I decided to just evade him for the day and see what happens.

"Whatcha doing?" Jiyong popped up just as I moved away from him to sort through the clearance bin. I groaned as I looked down at the now shattered $2 shimmer powder on the ground, his smile never leaving his face as he stared at me expectantly. I quickly went to get the dustpan and brush from behind the register to sweep up the mess, but Jiyong was one step ahead of me with the two items in either hand for me to take. 

"Looking for these?" I stole them from his grasp and bent down to wipe clean on the silver on the floor as he watched over me like a hawk. I began feeling cautious of my actions, I tend to do my worse whenever he was around, and all that clouded my mind at the moment was to 'not do anything stupid'. Why on earth was he staring at me like that anyway? Weirdo...

But I could not deny how amazing it made me feel.

I got up with my clothing and palms powdered with glitter, playfully pressing my hands on his chest to some extent permanently have their outlines imprinted on the shirt. "Aren't you supposed to be working in the clothing section?" He held a palm up to do a little salute in my direction and stepped away from our somewhat embrace, not stopping to pick the shimmery hand prints from his vest and spun around.

"Aye aye captin" I stared after him as he blended in with the numerous of clothing racks, even in this hideous flower boy getup he does not fail to take my breath away. I stood there without breathing for the longest time before my needs gave in and I was forced to take in air, he was seriously going to be the death of me.

Jiyong's POV

A little tune had flooded into my head as I watched Seungri refill the testers I had used up like a pro from across the room, and I found myself leaning my head on one elbow in adoration similar to what schoolgirls do when they see their crush enter eyesight. I suppose the comparison isn't all that off as I wrecked yet another pile of clothing while playing around with whatever my hands could reach. I exhaled as I folded the clump back in order.

'I think it's time for a break' 

Abandoning my post in the clothing section, I shuffled to that same window I sat upon yesterday afternoon and curled myself at the corner of the ledge. It was such a beautiful day, and the sunlight brought out the best of the small ice cream shop next door. Old scars that I had purposely hid away stretched a bit at its stitching as I remembered going there every Sunday morning with someone who I probably would never meet after graduation now. 

Sunday morning sundaes, our own lame personal joke. They tasted the best when they were shared with the one you loved. I don't really know why I miss it, it wouldn't be the same anymore. The cream would be just as good, but the sweetness wouldn't reach my heart as we would exchange each spoonful.

Still, you never forget your first love

As I leaned my head against the window pane, the transparent door of the frozen yogurt mart opened revealed a happy couple each with a tall double chocolate hot fudge sundae feeding the other a large bite of their own. That was the exact same order we would get every time, chocolate was something we would never get tired of. Come to think of it, we would let the other have the first scoop as well, said it made the treat twice as sweet.

In fact, I used to do it with the exact same girl too.

I widened my eyes and pressed my nose to the glass as the familiar features came into better view. There was no question now that it was Surah eating the sunday morning tradition with the mystery guy, but also I think I see them coming this way!

I immediately jumped from my spying position and climbed down from the ledge, speed walking towards my original spot and pretended to be adjusting the sloppy mess I had created earlier. My thoughts were running all over the place wondering who on earth the boy next to her could be, perhaps her cousin? 

I'd only be fooling myself if I concluded with that. 

I peeked from my place behind the counter of shirts as the two of them walked into the store hand in hand, confirming my suspicions as she cuddled in the crook of his neck and he hugged her waist protectively. I had officially ruined the last good stack of cloth and I hastily put it somewhat back in place. 

They were looking at a pyramid of lip balm before Surah had finally recognized me cowardly busying myself with price tags, and even though my eyes were to my feet, I could tell she was smirking. The guy with her still oblivious to the tense situation that was happening right now asked if she wanted to browse the clothing isle, which she immediately accepted, and she walked a bit closer than my liking towards me as she innocently looked through the circle of dresses just to my right. I didn't even have time to escape before she turned to me in artificial surprise.

"Jiyong! I didn't know you worked here!" I first secured my strained grin on my face before twisting my neck to get a look at her. She hasn't changed all that much through the past year, so she was looking good. Surah was wearing my favorite top, or maybe his favorite top now, and she curled her hair at the ends like I always suggested. It was as if she already knew she would find me, and already knew I would be slightly crushed inside while seeing her like this.

"Well, it was actually pretty recent since I got the job." I used folding as a distraction as my peripheral vision saw her nod a couple times before beckoning the guy to her side insistently, how did I know this was going to happen.

"I would like you to meet my new boyfriend" she emphasized on the 'new' part as she continued, "His name is Eunhae, the SWEETEST guy I have ever met in my life, compared to some." Surah held on to his arm dingily and stared at me with her large, doe eyes to try and read my facial expression. I wasn't sure what I looked like, but it seemed to satisfy her enough. The clueless boy in her arms held out a hand for me to shake and I roboticilly returned the gesture.

"Eun, do you mind finding those ridiculously cute red pumps we saw the other day? I think it's to your left." He nodded obediently before running off to the shoe section in the emporium. He was really more like her dog than a boyfriend, but I did not dare say a thing.

"So" She leaned her elbows on the counter across from me and smiled, "What have you been up to?"

"Just normal things..."

"Did you find that special girl you've been talking about when we broke up?" She suddenly went bitter and cold unlike her previous persona. I bit my lip as I thought of the pains I gained in the lower regions when I had talked of someone with an angelic voice and irreplaceable attitude. She wasn't really in the right mind set to have listened, so I was shocked that she brought it up in the first place.

"I found them..." My eyes responded with scanning around the room until it met with a certain panda boy juggling with a crate of body cream next to a bare shelf. Surah did not catch on.

"Let me guess, you found her but you're too wimpy to do something about it." I cringed at her choice of word, even though it was the exact truth

"You're always like this, too scared to do anything. Too scared to move too fast. I'm so glad I've advanced on from you" At that very moment, Eunhae returned with the high heels tucked neatly in his arms and handed them to her proudly. She took it without a second glance and dragged him away from me, I did not falter as I stared back at her with eyes glossed over. Too afraid, that's what I was, too afraid to beat her over the head with a stick.

Seungri's POV

I saw the whole scene from my spot stacking up lotion bottles on a shelf, I could only hear bits and pieces of the conversation, but by the looks of things it wasn't going well. Jiyong was unreadable besides hurt, and she looked as though she was just spitting out previous anger from the break up into his face, all of which he took without a word.

I couldn't let her get away just like that.

I dropped the canister in my hand and marched up to her fleeing figure going to the change rooms, somewhere along the way she had lost grip of her boyfriend though it didn't stop her from continuing on. I stalked into the stall just before she could get the door closed.

"Yah! Can't a woman try things on in peace?" She would have yelled some more if it weren't for my threatening expression molded onto my face, Surah took a step back before glaring at me with the same rage I had her.

"Why Surah." Her anger shook just for a moment before it regained itself, making her look ten times uglier then she was supposed to be. "Why did you come in here and step all over Jiyong's old wounds, you know he didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to what? Break up with me days before my birthday? Ruin my first experience at love?" I winced as I felt her miff radiate off of her words slamming into me like bricks. I closed my eyes and stood my ground hoping for the vixen to cool off, but it only seemed to grown larger.

"Do you realize how he cut the rope with me? Instead of a simple: I don't think its going to work out, he talked of someone ELSE's undefined beauty and difference in his eyes! He was saying how he might have been in love with her for the whole time!" So he was lying about losing the fire with Surah, there was someone else after all. What was probably worse was that he didn't even bother to tell me, did he consult Youngbae? Seunghyun? Daesung? Was I the only one out of the loop foolishly chasing him when he already had another?

"How could he have done this to me! He deserves every sour thing that is coming his way." Though I was mad at Jiyong, I was even more furious at her. Deep down inside I wanted to curse him to hell too, ask the gods to strike him down for making me feel like such an incredible idiot. But I suppose it was a given, he was straight after all. What did I expect? The whole world to change for me?

"Do you have no shame, just because you're a girl doesn't mean I won't hurt you." Surah did not faze as my threat rang out into her ears, instead she began smiling. Narrowing my eyes into slits, I chewed my plump cheeks up until they withered as she remained unchanged. "What's so funny?"

"Oh please, You can't hurt me. Jiyong still cares you know, I can see it in his eyes. If you go as far as to displace a hair on my head, he'll think it's entirely your fault." She picked up her pumps as she rested her case, already knowing she had won, before walking out of the tiny room to find another one to use. This time I didn't follow her.

I hate how true her words had been, not only the part about him finding that one girl who shone above the rest and won't have mercy to the others who love him just as much until he gets what he wants, but the sad fact that I could not lay a finger on her without being labeled as a monster in Jiyong's eyes. Somehow I could tell that she would forever have a small spot in his heart, something I already know I would never have room to fit in to. But this was just waving it around like a red flag, mocking me. 

And here I am knocking on the door to his compassion pathetically showing up empty handed. 

I walked to the back of the emporium, the place where we dump all the garbage, and saw Jiyong pulling out a tobacco stick from his pocket and lighting it on fire. He held it to his lips and blew the smoke out from his nostrils, finally noticing my presence as I awkwardly stood leaning on the backdoor frame. I took that as my signal to make my way crouching down beside him while covering my nose in disgust.

"You know how much I don't like it when you do drugs hyung" He ignored my warning as he took another swing at the cigarette. Annoyed, I brought my hand up to singe the spark out but the item in question was quickly flung away from me onto the ground a few feet away. Eventually the roll burned up and there was nothing left but ash and smoke.

"Yah, don't do that ever again, you'll burn yourself." I retracted my hand slowly and cradled it on my knees, cursing myself for needing the advice and not thinking before I act. The thought soon left my mind as I remembered why he and I were out here in the first place.

"About Surah..." My voice was put to a halt as I tried to begin conversation.

"There is nothing to say about her. What's done is done." Jiyong reached inside his pocket for another cigarette, that of which I quickly confiscated and threw it perfectly into the the only trash can not overflowing with chemical junk. I smirked at the success and held in the urge to let out a cry of victory.

"Of course there is! She was your first love..." I bit onto my tongue regretting that I brought the topic up, but I had to know

"So? You don't choose who you fall in love with." That would be an understatement

"Yeah..." We shared a calm and soothing silence as we watched the cars go by, for the first time he did not stop to break the moment by taking out more drugs from his pants, and even though crouching down for so long was numbing and bringing pain to my legs, I lingered by his side.

"You're not hiding anything... Or anyone from me, right?" I saw from the corner of my eye him visibly stiffen, and that was basically all the proof I needed. He started fiddling with the cuffs of the pink dress shirt as I quietly wondered what her name was, where they met, if he loved her...

"Are you still not over Surah?" I had to ask, the only person who came to mind who matched those descriptions she had given to me back inside the store. It scared me how long he paused without saying a thing before finally answering.

"No, I am. And I regret nothing" The smile he gave me showed a new kind of light in his eyes, familiar but not usually directed towards me. he got up from the uncomfortable position on the ground and stretched up to the sky, never looking quite as godlike as he did now, and lent a hand for me to take. 

"Come on, let's go get some sundaes. I know just the place." He had been lying all this time, playing me for some kind of a moron and influencing my actions like the puppet master he was. Nevertheless, I took it.


I remember how surprised Seungri had been when I let him have the first spoonful of my double chocolate hot fudge sundae, and those same butterflies I felt began fluttering into my stomach once more. This time however, I knew it was the real deal.

A/N: Kind of ish, I wrote whatever had came to mind so... What I REALLY wanted to say in this author's note was this: the story is going to be ending pretty soon, so don't be surprised if one day you see that the final chapter has been posted up. I know, it's been a long journey together and I hate to see it be over too, but I'm going on a vacation soon and I wanted to finish this before I left. Don't know the exact chapter it would end on, but stay tuned.

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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD