Youngbae's Night Off

Photo Freeze

A/N: Barely edited out of laziness. Please don't be too harsh on this one

Jiyong's POV

Youngbae in a sense is the mother figure of the group. I'm the dad, Seunghyun and Daesung are the idiot brothers, and then there is Baby Seungri. A household never really stops to appreciates the work of their mom until she, or he in our case, just isn't there anymore. So what happens when one night the mom finally snaps?


Age 14

Youngbae's POV

"Where the hell are they? I've been working my off on this project ever since we came home!" I rubbed my sore arm from coloring the bubble lettered title on the giant poster board we bought for our socials assignment. My cry was obviously ignored as Seunghyun continued to type away on his laptop and Daesung stuck his head in my fridge for the 100th time that day hoping food would automatically appear.

"Hungry!" The smiley eyed 13 year old moaned into the cold freezer. I dropped my head into my hands in fetal position just as the front door opened revealing Seungri and Jiyong shouting curses at each other. What else is new?

"I can't believe you literally swung me over your back like a sack of potatoes just because I was talking to some girl!" The panda boy roared as he dived into the sofa, rocking the emotionless Seunghyun from his seat. He continued to stare at the screen unfazed as Jiyong followed after him.

"Talking? More like with your eyes! I had to save her before she got pregnant!" As Seungri rolled off the couch to spring onto the smug dragon I hurled a pencil crayon right in the small space between the two, a 'whoosh' sound gliding underneath both their noses and striking the wall right behind. "Yah! Where were you guys, I've been stuck with these two morons while finishing up OUR project all by myself!"

"Blame it on Mr. Flirt here for slowing ME down!" Jiyong shot daggers at the boy across from him despite almost being stabbed with a coloring utensil.

"I was asking her a freaking QUESTION! Since when have you've gotten so pushy?"

"I don't count 'will you go out with me' as very innocent Seungri!" I shoved my body within the old married couple while nudging them both an arms length away from me. "So you're saying I've been doing all your work because you guys can't confess your love for each other?" They began ramming me on either sides.

"Hyung, I'm so hungry!" Daesung cut in, dragging me out of the hustle towards the refrigerator filled with junk. Being the only one who could actually cook properly did have its down side. Wrestling my hand from Daesung's tight grip, I waved both my arms to the cooler.

"Seunghyun was the one who was supposed to bring snacks for our work day, just make something yourself!" I pointed my gaze to the one mentioned as his eyes popped open guiltily from the computer while frightenedly gesturing to himself.

"I thought Jiyong was doing that..." I face palmed and winced at how hard my hand came in contact with my forehead. Slowly wiping my palm from my skull, I surveyed through the chaos around me. Seungri and Jiyong were still taking shots at one another like cat and mouse, knocking over plenty of furniture my mom would be less then thrilled about. Daesung kept pointing to his empty stomach as he draped his body all over the fridge, and Seunghyun just sat there giggling into the laptop like some horrible inside joke.

"Are notes really that funny?" Biting his lip, Seunghyun turned the computer screen to face me. What was presumably documents for our homework, happened to be just a bunch of cute puppy videos much to my great disappointment. An inhuman sound croaked out of the back of my throat as the reality of the situation crawled up on me.

"So I was the only one doing work all this time?" Everyone paused their movement to all nod in sync shamefully. But the silence only lasted for so long before it was back to disarrayed once again. Red flooded my vision as they sustained their constant complaints and resentment. Were they expecting me to tear tom and jerry apart, cook them a nice meal AND finish all the things they were supposed to do for the shared project just because what: I'm Youngbae?

"Youngbae hyung! Jiyong's being unfair!"

"Youngbae! Pick a side!"

"Youngbae hyung! I'm SOOOOOOO hungry! I'm going to die!!!"

"Youngbae... The internet's not working, how am I going to watch my dog videos?"




"ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" The chatter stopped as all 4 of them saw me explode right in my own living room. Blood rushing up to my brain making it unbearable to think, I continued to scream on the top of my lungs as the others shrunk back with every octave I could reach. 

"Youngbae this! Youngbae that! Can't you guys do anything by yourselves!" Out of rage, I tipped over a nearby flowerpot and the contents spills all over my carpet. Still not giving a sh*t, I went over to slapped Seunghyun's laptop shut and speed walked to the foot of my stairs. "I quit! I quit this assignment, I quit being your personal maid, I quit being you guy's friend until you learn to calm down!" Stomping up to my room, I slammed the door shut to emphasis how much I meant what I said and collapsed on my bed. 

Turning on my classical music, I hummed along with Beethoven as I changed into my PJs. So much for doing an all-nighter with the guys, they can fail for all I care. They can starve, they can tear each other apart, I let steam seep from my head as I relaxed my muscles on the blanket. Sleep, take me now.

Seungri's POV

The sweet lull of quiet came over all of us as Youngbae ran up to his room. Guilt was all I could feel as I realized it was because of us that pushed him over the edge. There was no one else to blame. As if a telepathic signal was sent throughout our minds, we all filed up the stairs mutely as we piled right in front of his door.

"Youngbae..." I started, I strained my ears to try to hear a reply, but there was nothing other than old people music behind the wood. I urged someone else to speak as Jiyong cleared his throat.

"Look, we're really sorry Youngbae!" Still nothing, Seunghyun combed through his hair and sighed. "Look, it's all Jiyong, Seungri, and Daesung's faults. I hope you can forgive them." Getting elbowed in all areas, the oldest learned to shut up as a groan came from inside the suite.

"Go away, I don't feel like dealing with extreme stupidity right now." Rejected, we all walked calmly back down the stairs and took a seat on the sofas provided. Poster still left untouched, we stared at all the work we still had left to do with just not enough time.

"Really? All OUR faults?" Jiyong piped up, glaring at Seunghyun from his seat next to me.

"What? It's true!" and then the room erupted with bickering once more.

Youngbae's POV

When I was sure that the 4 of them had left, I stretched into meditation mode and huffed at the mess they had created. I'll let them figure out how to survive without my guidance before I choose to forgive them. This is nice, solitude. But being cooped up in one place isn't exactly what I'd call a vacation. 

Peeking out my window, the welcoming night flourished under the street lights beckoning me to join its presence. A few yards away down below had a couple shadows laughing at death as they swerved around posts on their motor bikes. One even waved to me from the road as if I could come along for the ride. I gulped as I played with one of the many braids sticking up all over my head. 

"Come enjoy the fresh air!" The stranger shouted. I squinted to get a closer look, the familiar faces coming into full view for the first time. Aren't they from my school? Immediately opening up my window and climbing out in just my hotel slippers, I cautiously approached them as they parked their bikes next to me.

"Youngbae is it?" I nodded my head still fidgeting with my hair as they started chuckling over my closed off appearance. "You're friends with that pack of wimps right? The obnoxious brat, bossy goody-two-shoes, simple minded weirdo and useless giant?" I cringed at the harsh labels given to the 4 and agreed, not feeling up to pick a fight.

"Aren't you guys from my school?" Still crackling, they began high fiving each other at the unknown inside joke. "Used to be, before we dropped out." I found myself wanting to run back home and never coming out into the cruel world again. 

"Anyway, want to ditch your yoga session and come to the bar downtown with us?" I chewed up my bottom lip until there was nothing left at the offer. I could still leave, I could run back home and be taunted and unappreciated, I could go back and be the underpaid baby sitter, I could.

"Sure, but don't call me Youngbae anymore. Call me Taeyang" The dropouts showed their approval at my new name as I slipped onto the back of the leader's motorcycle getting ready for a fresh beginning. The guys can live without me for one day can't they?

Daesung's POV

"I think we can all agree that we should give Youngbae a well deserved break from us. So let's try to take care of ourselves and have the greatest dinner of our life time, am I right?" the others nodded from their seats at the well lit dining table I had set up for them. Toasted slices of bread on a platter as appetizer, grape juice in wine glasses for our cocktails, and the main course. 

I brought the surprise dish I had been preparing for the last hour to the rest of the anticipated stares, only to be thrown with disgusted words as a response.

"Ew! Daesung, what is that?" I looked down at my creation hurtfully, what was wrong with it?

"It's sweet chicken!" I argued as I put the food down on the desk. Everyone scooted their chairs two steps back.

"Is that marsh mellows?" I beamed proudly as they continued to choke. "Just a couple months expired too!" 

"Why the hell is it flashing!" I plunged my hand deep into the guts and pulled out the blinking toy connected to a pair of keys.

"So THAT's where my keychain went..." More yelling followed after my proclamation. How come no one appreciates my hard work? I think I'm finally beginning to understand the pain of taking care of the others. Seunghyun was the only one who actually put on a fake smile and stuff his face with my course, but having to spit it out right away.

"Why couldn't you just have left the chicken edible and the sweets in the garbage can?"

"You guys... Why are you so ungrateful!" I threw down my apron onto the floor and crossed my arms. "No wonder Youngbae quit, you  make me want to do that same!" hoping to get a reaction out of the 3, I stormed out of the dining room and pressed my ear onto the wall to hear their conversation.

"Daesung's right," I could make out Seunghyun's deep voice from my spot on the wall, "We should eat what we can get, no matter how bad..."

"...Or we can order pizza" Seungri countered. That being the better choice, the 3 encouraged his statement as they began dialing the phone to 'Pizza Hut'. Huffing out a breath of air, I pushed myself off the wall and jumped onto the couch. Ungrateful children.

Youngbae's POV

"I've never had this much fun in...Forever!" I exclaimed, cat walking into the bar like I owned the joint where me and the others were clearly under aged. We pushed our way into an empty booth and ordered cheeseburgers all around. Clinking glasses of alcohol on their part, the leader of the gang ruffled my hair roughly.

"Welcome to the club Taeyang, how you liking the wild life so far?" I quickly sprung off into a detailed description on how different it was here then back home, but was cut off with a hand clapping over my mouth.

"Don't speak when you can drink." he passed a small shot of whiskey my way as I stared at the liquid curiously in front of me. I never actually drank before...

"But I only just turned 15 a month ago..." I gently placed the wine elsewhere before it got essentially shoved back under my nose.

"What happened to living on the edge Taeyang? Drink up!" Out of peer pressure, I gulped down the slimy texture, some of it still getting stuck in my throat. It was truly disgusting, but I tried not to show it on my features as I let out a small bark of laughter. it seemed to work as I earned some pats of support from the rest of the gang. Just as things were settling down to normal, one of them began tugging at my corn field cut in disdain

"We need to do something about your hair Taeyang, it's not cool enough." I reached up to touch my braids defensively. "What's wrong with it?"

"I'm thinking Mohawk." each of them grinned wickedly as I cowered into my seat. I had my rows of pigtails for as long as I could remember, and despite the fact that it was all puffed out when I went for bed, I liked it just fine. Maybe a new hairstyle couldn't hurt.... Taking out a shaver, he got right behind me and undid each and every one of my tails and snipped it away, taking parts of my identity with it.

In 5 minutes, all my precious hair was on the floor below and someone pushed me up to a glass window to see my reflection, no....

"I...I love it!" I ran my hands on the sides of the hairdo affectionately, making it stand up taller and prouder then the weak pianist I had always known myself to be. No more reserved perfect student, no more second banana or right hand man, no more Youngbae. In fact, there was no such thing as 'Youngbae' anymore, he simply didn't exist. I wasn't Youngbae, I was Taeyang.

Seunghyun's POV

"How dare he leave us to starve and do the project ourselves. How selfish." Jiyong cursed spitefully, lying on his back taking up the whole entire sofa making us all stand. I rolled my eyes at the irony. "I hope he rots in that room." Seungri said in the same mind set, biting off another chunk of Pizza we had just ate up.

"If I was Youngbae I would feed all of you to the sharks..." I mumbled while playing with my hands. "You guys are really horrible children."

"Us? Your the one looking up dog videos!"

Instead of fighting back, I just continued on my train of thought. "I know, I realize my wrongs too. But why do we expect him to do everything anyway? He's not our mom, and even if he was he doesn't deserve to be treated half as bad as we treat him." I stood up, taking a couple pencil crayons and began coloring the poster board where Youngbae had left off. "lets just clean up, finish this god damned socials homework and do a favor for poor Youngbae starving up in his room because of us."

Finally having something we all could agree on, everyone scattered. Either picking up some plates and getting ready for kitchen duty or typing away on the computer for information on our assignment. I cracked a small smile at how impressed Youngbae would be of our team work.

'Hang in there Youngbae, we'll be done soon'

Youngbae's POV

The air was heavy with smoke as the high school drop outs held up their cancer sticks to relive their lack of stress they had at the back of the bar. It must be nice, not needing to worry about anything like consequences and having no responsibility in life, but also rather boring. What kept you from just killing yourself because you had nothing to offer the world? 

"Want a smoke?" the leader handed me a stick which I rejected kindly. "I'll just watch..."

Still insisting, he put the tobacco between my lips as I immediately spat it out. I must have pushed one of his buttons as he began glaring at me menacingly. "Yah! Those things cost money! If you want to be one of us you have to stop acting like such a wimp."

one of them? Is that what this was about? My heart pulsed violently about being stuck in a life of no direction. It was fun for a while, but I don't want this forever, do I?


"You came cause you wanted to ditch your pathetic old life and friends isn't it?" I shook my head at his assumption. How could I abandon the 4 of them like that, never.

"Why would you want to spend your time with a bunch of losers who as you said yourself, is a pain in the and you would rather do anything but cater to their every whim?" So somewhere during the night I had been talking about them, how come I don't remember? I regret the massive hang over I would have the day after.

"That's true, but I also can't think of a single thing I'd rather be doing then keeping the 4 most important people in my life besides my parents out of trouble. They're more then just my friends, they're family." Mind hazy from the alcohol, I stumbled towards the back door of the club. I wonder if they burned down the house yet.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"Back to my life. It's been fun, but this is enough adventure for one lifetime." I really shouldn't be driving without a license AND in my drunk state, but safety was the last thing on my mind as I strapped on the helmet of one of the bikes they didn't bother to lock up and sped off into the busy open road. Swear words shot right behind me.

Jiyong's POV

"We are really sorry Youngbae! We understand how much we need you now thanks to Daesung's bad cooking and Seunghyun's aggressiveness!" I whined with the others as we stood once again in front of Youngbae's closed door blaring out classical music. Why wasn't he responding!

"Jiyong's right, and I hope you don't quit on being our brains, our source of food, and most importantly our best friend. Please forgive us!" Seungri continued after me. The silence dragged on causing me to suspect that he wasn't even in there. "He's not coming out." I stated, looking down in shame. We had really crossed the line this time.

"...We begged for 2 hours straight and he doesn't come out?" Before I could reply, Youngbae's bedroom door opened up and his head peeked out feigning sleep. All our eyes snapped open upon seeing the new alteration.

"Youngbae... What's with your hair?"

"You like?" He smiled gleefully as he smoothed it upward making the spikes more prominent. I shuddered, the imagine in front of me looked so much more different then the Youngbae I was used to knowing.

"Uh... Sure?" He rolled his eyes at my lack of enthusiasm. Daesung decided it was time to in. "We've been here for 2 hours, where were you?"

"To tell you the truth, I climbed out of my window and took a motorcycle ride with some high school drop outs, got drunk at a bar and cut my hair. I was almost convinced to join their gang, then realized that I still had you guys to take care of, and rode back without a license." All was silent as we waited for him to finish his story, Seungri's obnoxious laughter filling the air as he pointed at him. One by one we followed in on the snorting.

"Youngbae, you don't have to make up some random story as an excuse to cut your hair. It's all right" I slung an arm around my friend and ruined his spikes by rubbing my knuckles onto them, "We like the responsible, boring you just fine."

"But..." Abandoning the mentally confused boy, the 4 of us walked down to the living room to complete our assignment. Man, Youngbae is full of surprises. if I didn't know better, I would have believed him.

Youngbae's POV

Walking back into my room, I re spiked my hair in my closet mirror and smiled. I guess I don't blame them for no believing me, I can't even believe myself sometimes. But I would trade the easy life for my best friends in a heart beat. Like they said themselves, they need and love me as my boring, responsible, old self. It's time to put Taeyang to rest.

Walking up to my open bedroom window, I sealed it tight and shut away any of the craziness that had rubbed off of me during the experience. That was one hell of a night.


I learned 3 things that day. One, Youngbae can make very imaginative stories when he wants to. Two, Youngbae isn't as passive or reserved as everyone many think he is. And three, may us never let Daesung near the kitchen ever again.

A/N: I felt like writing about Youngbae vs Taeyang, so here is the verdict xD

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Added an edit... so yeah


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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD