Hold My Hand

Photo Freeze

A/N: I think we are approaching the time where I stretch out the ages a bit more so the story doesn't end TOO quickly. And brownie points to anyone who made a reference to MJ's last song featuring Akon for the chapter's title, R.I.P. All right then, have some todae today xD Get it?...No? It was lame? Okay...

Jiyong's POV

Another one of those moments I'm not too sure about, because after we left the haunted house I had a major attack of the stomach fluids just begging to escape from my mouth. At least I've learned one thing educational that day, never bring Daesung as your bodyguard.


Age 13

Seunghyun's POV

"Why did we have to come HERE?" Daesung was directing a lot of wary stares our way as he threw a temper tantrum right in front of the blood-chilling mansion. Decorated with mounds of hanging dead bodies and freaking out the 12 year old with sudden shrieks of terror from the speakers well hidden under corpses, Seungri with a rolled up parcel held neatly in his fingers shook his head smugly.

"Come on Daesung, We went over this already. If it's on the LIST," the panda boy unrolling the paper and pointing at the large fat '7' printed in black ink, "Then we do it! Stop making it difficult for everyone and attracting weird looks!"

I watched the other scan the amusement park anxiously as his eyes landed on a nice and safe teacup ride, much under our league. "Hey! How about we ditch that plan and go on 'the mug expedition' instead! I heard it's a lot more frightening then you'd think" Daesung insisted even going as far as to read the kid ride's name to change Seungri's mind. But knowing him, it took heaps more then cheesy titles to win him over; it strictly went against his own name.

"It's not called 'thing's to do before we die' for nothing! Stop being such a wimp." Seungri waddled over to shove a couple skeletons from the display area to prove his point. "It's not even real!"

"You made the list, it doesn't mean I have to tag along! I'll just wait for you guys by that bench." The freckled male was about to take his leave before both Youngbae and Jiyong caught his arms and physically lifted him towards the entrance of the house. I think that would be my clue to defend the fainting boy. Taking off my light prescription glasses I've began using last week, I waved it out in front of me to give the impression of being blinder than a bat.

"Wait! I don't think I can go without getting lost in the dark, I'll just stay out here with Daesung so I don't end up dying in there." Oh no, Seungri was using one of his signature pouts again. I clamped my eyelids closed before the cuteness can have an effect on me. Though I could not see, I sensed Daesung stumbling to my side and nodding along to every word I said to save his sorry . Hmm, I'm swearing now, sue me.

"Then Daesung can be your guide." Eyes back open, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I stole a couple glances to the one mentioned as Jiyong continued. "And if you get lost, we know who to blame."

I tried to imagine it, Daesung actually getting me out there alive. I'd most likely be scared out of my skin from HIS screams to anything that moved, let alone have him lead me to safety. I pondered on how I will be able to survive the next 15 minutes of horror with someone like that by my side.

"Can't anyone else do it?" I tried to say it in the least hurtful as possible, but I don't think he even heard me with the stoned expression glued to his face as we walked through the ticket counter. Seungri barked a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah right! I'm already assigned to this loser who will probably be just as scared as the chicken," He directed his finger to Jiyong's putout glare, "And Youngbae is leading... Unless Daesung wants to do it." The frantic vibrations of my guide's head showed contrary to his statement, earning yet another gleeful chuckle.

'fine' I thought while concentrating of Youngbae's hesitant pace of removing the double doors from it's frame. When we all gathered inside of the mansion, the hinges fastened quickly right after the last person entered the house. Of course, I guess that signals that our journey was about to begin.

The first couple scares were expected, that is if you were anyone but Daesung. Things such as a moving body stapled to the wall or flashing eyes of the beheaded beings lying around would get a squeak out of him. If I looked closely I could pinpoint how everything functioned and anticipate where traps are going to be, honestly it was pretty amateurish. But we couldn't be let into the REAL thing considering our age, so we had settled with the mini version.

"Stop screaming you idiot, it's freaking me out!" I complained to Daesung as I weaved around a pile of moving props that caused yet another scream to escape his throat. 

"Don't call me an idiot, idiot" I couldn't help but scoff at his sad excuse for a come back. But an additional holler brought my attention onto a bit more pressing matter then insulting him back. A hideous looking creature crawled out of the shadows and approached our group at a frightening speed. The ghoul chased after the howling Jiyong and smiling Youngbae as Seungri slowly trudged along behind.

"Man, you are truly disgusting." Was all he said with a yawn. The monster seemed to be distraught by his comment and completely ignore the smirking boy to follow the other two still running down the narrow hallway. Maybe Seungri's onto something... 

"Relax Daesung, when we go down that corridor don't over react like you always do. They will ignore us as long as we stay-" I turned my body to the boy supposedly beside me, but he wasn't there. In fact, I think I hear him screaming far beyond where I was now. Traitor.

"Stop being such a coward!" I tried to find any familiar face as I walked through the pass way, but Daesung and the other's were long gone. With a sigh, I squinted to have a better view of my surroundings in such low light, running into a thick patch of spider webs placed at the end of the hall. The fake silk covered my whole face and upper body as I wrestled my way out of the mess. Though it was easy to break, it stuck on like glue to my hair and clothes.

"Aish!" sweeping web from my eyes, my hand came in contact with the glasses perched precariously on the bridge of my nose. Still yet to adjust to the new nuisance of the spectacles, the impact caused it to slip right off and clank on the ground with a thud as I prayed that it didn't break. It was like the whole world had turned it's back on me, engulfing my vision in a lonely abyss of pitch black as I grabbed at air for leverage. I was exaggerating back outside of the castle, but maybe I was a little more then lost without them. I could barely see at all!

"D-Daesung! Seungri? Anyone?" I was fumbling with my pant legs now, the room spinning in mad circles. Where was up, where was down? Where was anyone? The owl hoots and scrapping of fingernails never felt so unnerving.

Daesung's POV

"You guys should have seen your faces, they were hilarious." Seungri giggled as he held a snapshot of during the dilemma a hidden camera took as we were running for our lives. Jiyong, Youngbae and I all likewise took out the same photo from out back pockets grudgingly.

"We did, cause you bought us all 'souvenirs' for completing the 7th item on the list of things to do before we died." Jiyong spat out, pretending the crumple the picture in front of him. The other smiled while nodding proudly to himself.

"Yeah, now I have black mail."

As they ganged up on Seungri for the evidence, I began wiping every inch of memory from my brain like a computer chip of the previous events as I relieved myself of the thought of never having to go in again. "We finally got it over with, isn't that great Seunghyun hyung?"

"hyung?" my head twirled to the empty spot next to me where the tall male was supposed to be. Not only was he not alongside, he wasn't even anywhere to be found. My heart was hiking up my chest as I walked around in circles chasing my own tail for the boy to magically reappear again, but I don't think Seunghyun had superpowers, or else he would have told me by now. Seunghyun tells me everything.

"Uh... what are you doing?" I continued to move in a circuit for the boy I've accidentally lost as Youngbae took my shoulders to right myself again.

"Where's Seunghyun!" My wide-eyed expression must have shocked him enough to let go of me completely and taking a few long steps backwards. "I-I don't know! Weren't you in charge of him?" he stuttered as he pulled Jiyong and Seungri closer to him to solve the situation. The foremost of which had cheeks of disgorge green threatening to blow up chunks any minute now.

"Guys, I'm not feeling so good..." Jiyong whined as he rubbed his stomach soothingly. 

"We have more important matters! What about Seunghyun!"

"You lost him, go back and get him!" Seungri reasoned while scooting sideways from the puking boy.

"What! No! I'm not going back in there!" I held a firm 'x' mark across my chest as a response. 

"I'm gonna die!" Jiyong was looking awfully sickly

"Just go Daesung!" 


The two were carrying poor Jiyong bridal style to the nearest washroom. Ignoring my pleads entirely as I was left to deal with the mess I've created. I contemplated on if I could just let father time do the work and wait for Seunghyun to come out, but fate always liked to torment me. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad! Oh who am I kidding, back into the house I go...

Seunghyun's POV


Shoot! I must have stepped on it!

I crouched down to retrieve my stomped on eyeglass wear when I heard a pair of footsteps approaching me. Not now ghosts! Don't they know I'm busy trying to see?

The solid frame was stolen from underneath my palm and attached back onto my ears and nose like how it was originally. The world suddenly turning much clearer despite the crack marks near the sides of the casing. Daesung's startled but determined gaze came into view instead of the darkness all around me as he cracked a passive smile different from his usual face splitting ones.

"Great, after leaving me to fend for myself, you're back." I voiced hostilely, but I smiled back because indeed I was thankful of his return. Rolling his eyes, he genuinely laughed sounding out of place in the creepy atmosphere. Another thing I was grateful for was that no creatures tried to attack me as we had a small reunion, they didn't help me either, but leaving us alone was always good. The only way I could actually remember where I was is the occasional shifting and calls of make believe beasts from time to time.

It seemed to remind Daesung too, because right after our little exchange he was back to being stiff and alarmed. in a deep breath, he held out his hand for me to take.

"Hold my hand."

Bewilder, I blinked a couple times for it to register into my neurons. "Why? I'm not scar-"

"HOLD IT" The abrupt request was enough for me to jerk right into his grasp obediently while shrinking away from the impulsive confidence that suddenly took place in him. Nodding his head as if I was the one who demanded for the skin ship first, he tilted his nose towards the exit and led me out of the mansion that I've been trapped in for much too long. 

The change in events is surprising. Usual screams and shouts that come from Daesung were simply replaced with an indifferent mask that stayed on for the whole duration of the walk. I found myself wincing at the thrills of the haunted house and squeezing his hand for support, which was dazzlingly comforting to lean on. Rather than having to be the composed one to protect the younger  from having a heart attack, Daesung was improving the experience for both of us with his reassuring clutch sending waves of relief to my unsettled pulse.

In no time at all, we were outside of the house of horrors and back into the sunshine greeting us with a warm welcome. Daesung coughed to signal that the worst has passed and I could let go now. Detaching myself from him reluctantly as I reclaimed my hand, I began missing the soothing circles rubbed on the backside of my paw.

"Oh please, the only reason we held hands was because you were scared out of your wits wasn't it." I shakily laughed out to redeem some dignity I had left.

"Was I being that obvious?" My mouth shaped into a wide circular 'o' at his confession. If he really was that spooked, it didn't show on his features.

"No... You surprisingly did all right," my arm reached out to link fingers with the well accommodated beat of his heart I've grown quite fond of feeling, "More than all right, actually."

"Good, cause I think I peed a little" How he was able to say that statement so seriously with a faint blush coloring his cheeks was beyond me. It was genuinely endearing.

I realized I liked a lot of things about Daesung. I like the fact that he is bluntly honest even in things that really aren't necessary to bring up, he would think of other's opinions instead of his own, the way that he can just smile and laughs to be able to lift any of my dismays that may have happened, the sound of his voice, how he holds my hand. Really, I could go on and on to fill my mind till nothing inhabiting these brain cells are not about him. With Daesung, what's not to like?

I fished through my pockets for some spare change as I dragged both him and I over to the hidden camera photos employees were selling at the exit. Depositing the coins onto the counter and recieving the precious frozen image of us, I tucked the picture on the inside pouch of my jacket for safekeeping. This was something I'd like to remember for an eternity.


Daesung never did get rid of his fear for rollar coasters and haunted houses. I'm not even quite sure how be got Seunghyun out of there in one piece. I guess it's just something about those two that goes against the laws of fear and humanity. No telling how, but Seunghyun had always been able to get that different side of Daesung that I still haven't witnessed to this day.

A/N: I'm trying my best to even up the chapters, I hope you understand if your otp is sometimes not featured in the particular scene. 

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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD