Piano Dramas

Photo Freeze

A/N: Man, I've got to start replacing these photos at the beginning of the chapters with something better. If only I had artistic abilities xD

Jiyong's POV

Long lasting friendships are hard to come by, it takes time to gain trust and loyalty, and needs a tenth of that for it to be destroyed without a trace; leaving you just as 'somebody that they used to know'. I'd like to think of myself has the group's savior, but even that's a bit of a stretch. I've come to find that most arguments start with a misunderstanding in desperate need for a little push in the right direction.


Age 11

Jiyong's POV

It was the day of Youngbae's audition to become the featured youth pianist at the global music fest this coming summer. He had been practicing his whole entire young career for this opportunity, and this was the year Youngbae had finally deemed himself worthy for the honor. After all, it took a fortune to even apply in the first place.

"What if I mess up? What if I even forget to play!" Youngbae stressed as he sat in the auditorium in hope and fear of his name being called next in the loud speakers that surrounded the whole entire stadium. Hundreds of eager contestants were scattered in the seats alongside him with their family and friends. We just came for support.

"Oh relax, You've been practicing for 6 years now. You can ace the judges with your eyes closed!" Seungri encouraged from his chair beside him. He was responded with a nervous smile before Youngbae continued to tap his foot on the ground impatiently. The last person at the piano bench finally finished his solo piece in front of the row of adults carefully taking down notes on the sheets of paper at the desk. One of them congratulated the child for performing before he stood up with a microphone in hand and spoke. 

"Next we have Dong Youngbae up to the stage playing a song he composed himself, Wedding dress. Please give him a hand of applause" I felt Youngbae cringe in his seat, accidentally crumpling his music at the edges and standing stiffly. The crowd was as silent as a death march as he weaved his way out of the columns and down the center pathway towards the stage. I gave him a half hearted thumbs up as his eyes connected with mine.

He was up on the platform now, giving himself a shake to take out the jitters in his hands and began to move his fingers along the 88 keys precisely. Even from all the way near the back of auditorium, I could see how hard he was concentrating with the furrow in his eyebrows. Though he was tense, the light smile on his face also showed that he was having fun; because piano is his passion. The music was stunning, each note ringing out in my memory before being replaced by the next. I did notice very few wrong keys somewhere jumbled in there from all the times he forced us all down to listen to him practice, but from a regular person's point of view it was flawless. It was an amazing feat for him to create such a wonderful piece of art in the first place.

When the last note was heard, all 4 of us gave a standing ovation to the stage below. Seungri and Daesung even going as far as whistling in delight, causing a couple surrounding audience members to shoot us funny looks. Completely ignoring the odd stares that were given to us, we ran down taking turns giving bear hugs to Youngbae who was blusing like a fool from his spot still on the podium. Soon enough it got so bad that one of the judges had to kindly shoo us away to let the next contestant onto the platform. 

When we gathered back stage, the real praises began. "You did great Youngbae!" I exclaimed patting his head a couple times out of excitement. He shook his head in disapproval.

"I made a bunch of mistakes" He reasoned, "I wish I could redo..."

Daesung jutted out his bottom lip stubbornly, not agreeing with the statement at all "The first time you do something is always the best!"

We took the rest of the time to socialize rather disruptively. Cheering on any new arrivals who passed through that curtain after each performance. Some embraced the compliments gleefully, while others decided to stay as far away from out insane attitudes as possible. Either way we were having fun. For what seemed like a couple seconds later, everyone had already auditioned and all that was left was the decision. Since it took a while for the ambassadors to think, we decided to roam the arena instead. 

Convincing Youngbae to play us an encore, we found ourselves in a spare practice room as we huddled around him while he fulfilled our wishes. Perhaps even better than the time he played for the judges, we applauded him as he took his bows. Seungri however, up to one of his latest tricks to prove himself to us 4, decided to step up the keys as well.

"The way you played was great Youngbae hyung," He started, taking a good look at the piece that he's probably memorized by heart from all the times he had heard it, "But you can also add a little flare to it, you know?"

The other laughed in good nature, rolling his eyes at his attempts to sound sophisticated. "Okay Seungri, please enlighten me."

Taking a bite at the challenge, Seungri stretched dramatically until his fingers gave a satisfying crack. And then he began. Though he hadn't been playing nearly as long as Youngbae had, Seungri included a little freshness to the song. Making it sound more original than before, he continued to add his own alibis as the rest of us chuckled and clapped to the beat. Except after the first few pages, we weren't the only ones clapping.

"Bravo!" The 5 of us stopped what we were doing and turned. One of the heads of tryouts was standing at the doorway of the anti sound proof room with a smile of pure joy. He walked up, completely surpassing Youngbae and extended his hand towards Seungri who still sat on the piano bench. Bewildered, all Seungri could do was shake it.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" The man inquired, still holding onto Seungri's hand.


Finally letting go, He put his palms together and turned to us. "Hello gentlemen, I am Yang Hyun-Suk. Founder of the global music fest youth department. I can see we have brilliant talent right in this very room" He said directing to all of us. We nodded our thanks as he carried on. "I just came here to congratulate Dong Youngbae for being this year's winner for the spot at the festival, but I can see there is someone else more worthy of the title."

All of us froze, shifting glances to Youngbae's heartbroken face. He however showed no emotion as he said "Who?"

Hyun-Suk's hand gestured to the boy at the piano chair, Seungri. I wasn't sure how to react, my best friend stole my other best friend's dream position without a second thought. But then again, it wasn't like Seungri asked for this. I tried to read both their expressions, but they were equally composed.

"B-but sir," Youngbae uttered shakily, it was like he was crying with no tears. "He didn't even apply..."

"I don't see why we can't bend the rules" The ambassador said easily, as if he wasn't crushing someone else's dream. Suddenly turning grim, he nodded his apologies to Youngbae before giving Seungri his card and walking out. I wonder if all these years of letting kids down had made him cold.

Somehow he took the light atmosphere with him when he left. There was no more clapping, no more chatter or the beautiful melody of the piano. Just silence. I gulped as I took a look at the rest of the group, Daesung and Seunghyun following in my example to stare at the two left. Youngbae was finally letting go of his calm state to completely break down. Little salt droplets forming in his eyes as he shuddered, shoulders shaking in disbelief.

We let him cry it out, taking turns to be his shoulder of comfort until there were no tears left. When finally cracking up a bit due to Daesung's compartment of gut busting jokes, he shrugged as if it didn't bother him anymore; but we all knew it did.

"Oh well, second place is as good as any" Youngbae made his way to Seungri, someone he hasn't addressed throughout this whole dilemma. "Good job Seungri, but I can't believe you won."

Instead of offering to give up the position for Youngbae to take, his ears perked up. "What's that supposed to mean?" I sensed that things were about to get worse before it got better.

"Well it's just that, you didn't play nearly as long as I have. So you weren't as good. Plus you had a distinct unfair advantage. Thats all" Youngbae remarked, still not noticing the sudden change of tone.

"How?!" I swore I saw a little crackle of flame hidden deep in Seungri's chocolate brown. I took that as a cue to walk in between them, only to be gently shoved by Youngbae who finally got the message.

"Well, you only performed easily with the 4 of us watching. But I had a whole stadium!" Youngbae flung his arms up in the air as his fury increased. This must be the after shock of coming so close then losing.

"So you're saying I wouldn't do half as good as you would have in your situation?" Seungri challenged.


The younger gritted his teeth in anger. A mix of hurt and betrayal in his eyes that matched the braided hair boy across from him. "I can't believe this. Just because you're not the best at something for ONCE, you're not even happy for me!" 

"You took my DREAM right underneath my nose unjustly! You don't even WANT the role! You said it was a waste of time going to some supposedly lame gathering for music geeks!"

"Well I changed my mind! I was going to give you the opportunity, but I don't feel one bit of guilt anymore" 

"Like I want your sympathy!" Youngbae's eyes somehow found mine in all the crisis. Taking my arm from my spot in between the two, he dragged me to his side. "Whatever, Jiyong knows how much this means to me more than any of you. We're going." He made his way to the door with me in tow. My gaze met every single one of the 3; Seunhyun displaying a look a frustration, Daesung looking like he was about to faint, and Seungri's. Seungri's showed no emotion except for one unspoken line: 'Is it true hyung?'. I wish I could tell him otherwise.

As I was roughly being carpooled out of the stadium, Youngbae muttered small curses and angry murmurs to himself. "Who does he think he is! He KNOWS the importance of this. Does he have no shame?"

My feet suddenly became very interesting as I fought to answer the questions Youngbae was shooting out. Seungri wouldn't do this normally, I know it. But I had no evidence to prove it to be anything else.  "Maybe there is a good reason?" I tried, raising my head to look at him.

Gaining a scoff, he shook his head. "Why are you defending him! You're on my side aren't you?" 

I couldn't find the voice to reply.


I was in my room staring up at the stars. Sometimes I wish God actually existed and could just point the right direction whenever I asked him to. But that defeats the purpose of growth. I thought of all the ways this dilemma could ruin the years of friendship we had built together. If Seungri and Youngbae don't work this out soon, the 3 of us would have to choose sides. Daesung would go with whatever Seunghyun picks, but what will I do? Be forced to comfort the one that wasn't selected? I bit my lip so hard that it bled, that being the least of my worries.

I settled with dialing Youngbae's number with a plan already formulating in my mind. 

"Hello?" Youngbae's voice called out happily, glad that I was calling and not anyone else. 

"Hey... Guess what! Seungri said he is going to apologize to you! Go to the park near my house to meet him." I instructed through the phone. Hoping that my lie hasn't shown, Youngbae paused for a while before responding.

"O-okay..." He stuttered before hanging up shortly after. My heart raced when I punched in the all too familiar number as I waited for the other end to pick up.

"Jiyong?" Seungri asked hesitantly. I let loose the breath I hadn't realized I was holding, at least he picked up.

"Seungri, Youngbae wants to apologize for today. Go to the park near my house ASAP ok!" I prayed for him to say yes. Luckily he did.

"He doesn't nee- Ok, I will. Bye" the phone clicked off as I held it to my chest. It's up to the hands of destiny now.

Sneaking out without my parent's consent, I stalked off to the play ground I had told the two of them to meet. Searching for a good hiding area that had a nice view on the two males, I crouched down in a cluster of trees as I awaited for them to come. Eventually Youngbae was the first to show, later followed by Seungri. The two of them sized each other up as they anticipated the other to make the first move. Both of them were too stubborn to admit defeat!

"Well?" Youngbae pressed, growing rather impatient with the silence. Seungri's eyes turned from hard to surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to see how you apologize before I decide to accept you or not." I held my breath as I waited for Seungri to reply. Things were not going as planned.

"Huh? Jiyong said you wanted to say your sorrys to ME"

"But Jiyong said that you would apologize to me today!" the two went from anger, confusion and realization; beginning to put two and two together.

"JIYONG!" they shouted in unison, now glaring at the new found hatred for the other and going back into their arguing phase.

"I've practice for YEARS!"

"You think so little of others just because of that!"

With a puff of outrage, Youngbae his heels back to the path to his house. "I don't want to talk anymore." He left the younger alone on the side walk as I continued to over look the disastrous plan I've put together from my spot in the leaves. Seungri made no movement as he stood there, looking the most vulnerable he has been in a long time. Slipping from the tree line, I approached the broken boy while gently putting an arm around his shoulder. He tensed up and fought at first, before molding into my embrace because of the lack of strength he had left.

"This isn't like you." Was all I said as I repeatedly rubbed circles on his back. 

"I...Just wanted to be something" I felt wetness stain my t-shirt, making it unbearably cold if it weren't for Seungri's frame against mine. "You're all amazing, a career road for you to follow because of your talent. I...Wanted to be known for something too. When Youngbae said that I didn't deserve the title, I felt like I wasn't good enough."

"I thought that when I got this chance, I could prove that I was to everyone. But I guess I just made a huge mess haven't I?" His dark pupils stared up at mine as we silently enjoyed the peace of the other's company. I shook my head no at his declaration. 

"But you are good at things Seungri. You're the most gifted person I know. It's just that you're good in so many areas that when someone is just exceptional at all other things, the places that they do well at seem that much more outstanding." I concluded, as soon as the words left my mouth I realized how true they were. Seungri was extraordinary, Seungri was victory.

Though I knew he wasn't vain enough to believe me whole heartedly, he choked out a tingling laugh. "So I should let others have the spotlight sometimes as well huh?"

"Exactly". I haven't done this in a while, so I wasn't sure if he would mind. But the thrill of his skin underneath my lips was enough to make the night's cold disappear, turning the winter air into a mere summer breeze. 

"Thank you"

*the next day*

"I see you guys have stopped fighting" Seunghyun commented dryly, though we all know that deep down he was enthusiastic by the difference in events compared to last day. Youngbae smirked and slung a playful arm around Seungri's shoulder as a response.

"I've decided that it didn't mean nearly as much to me as it did for Youngbae, so I resigned from my position. After much begging from the staff of course" Youngbae jokingly pounded Seungri's shoulder at his vainity as we all laughed along. It was nice to have all 5 of us smile as a unit again, instead of individuals at a bus stop that had no ties to any of the surrounding people. We truly felt like a perfectly dysfunctional family.

"Plus, I have to let you guys have the fame once in a while don't I?" Seungri made eye contact with me as I sent a wink to counter his statement. The rest of them were oblivious to the silent conversation we were exchanging with one another.

'thanks again Jiyong'

'For what Seungri?'

'For believing in me'


Like I said, all a misunderstood soul needs is a little push from those who love him.

A/N: too cheesy?

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Added an edit... so yeah


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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD