Dancing On My Own

Photo Freeze

A/N: Doing a joint todae and gri chapter this time, tell me what you think :)

Jiyong's POV

High school dances, either the most favored time of students or an absolute nightmare. One factor that must never be unaccounted for is having a date, and that is exactly what the 5 of us intend to get; most anyway. However like the majority of things in reality, nothing goes precisely as planned. For better or worse.


Age 15

Jiyong's POV

Youngbae came running in the distance toward our quaint little table in the crowded food court, due to lack of elbow room causing us all to be physically touching each other in uncomfortable positions . He pushed through to the huddle squeezing in the little space we had left and pointed to his phone in animatedly, smacking Seungri and Daesung on either sides of him in the face lightly with his flaring arms. Though it was entertaining watching him physically abuse the others without realizing it, I decided it was time to speak up.

"What do you have there Youngbae?"  He immediately pressed the touch screen into my face, the brightness so high that it couldn't have been very good for my eyes. I snatched the phone from his grip to take a better look; it was in the contacts menu scrolled perfectly to line up with a name I did not recognize. 'Chung Ae'

"Isn't that the leader of the dance team?" the picture accompanying the name showed the brunette practicing in her twirls, how Youngbae got that photo I have no idea. He beamed while taking the device back into possession cradling it to his chest. The others and I eyed him suspiciously before he extended the explanation.

"I finally managed to get her number. I'm thinking of asking her to be my date for the dance." I began choking on my ketchup covered fry upon hearing that. The only one who was just as surprised was Daesung who dropped his subway meal all over Seunghyun's new shirt, toppings smearing white dressing onto the completely disconnected oldest. Small hints of red appearing on his face when Daesung innocently rubbed onto his chest to remove the fresh stains.

"What dance? Since when?" I said to bring the attention back to the main problem. Youngbae and Seungri shot me confused looks. "They announced that it was going to be on Monday, as in tomorrow." I slouched upon being last to hear the news,even though dances aren't anything new. I found myself sinking lower as I remembered why I had not heard, it may or may not have been the fact that Surah and I have been making out- erm... Nevermind. Shaking previous shock from my features, I howled laughter while waving the matter off.

"Oh, no worries. I'm going with Surah anyway so I don't need to stress about finding someone unlike you guys." Both Daesung and Seungri stiffened at this, the first scanning around for potential dates and the second playing around his his hands under the table refusing to meet my eyes. I shoved Seungri a bit to show that he would have no problem with it either, but that only made him ignore me further.

"Oh no! That only gives me one day to find someone to go with! I'm screwed!" Daesung swiftly tugged Seunghyun from his stool beside him until they were both standing. "Come on Seunghyun, we have to go find dates before everyone is taken!" The 16 year old seemed to have wanted to say something, but was quickly hushed as the two rampaged out of the overpopulated court leaving me to mooch some food from their abandoned lunches. Well now there's three left.

"I'm going to go call Chung Ae to hang out too, see you." Youngbae escaped the area as well, and then there were two. I finished up Seunghyun's pack of tidbits as I watched Seungri search for an excuse to take the liberty to leave me like the others. I've noticed this for the past month now, we have never been alone together for long periods of time before Seungri miraculously needs to disappear without a proper permit. In fact, even when the guys were here he would refrain conversation with me entirely. 

"Aren't you going to go scrambling around for a date as well?" I regrettably suggested wishing that he wouldn't leave my side again. Seungri shook his head much to my relief. "I don't plan to get one. I don't even want to go." I scuffled a small gasp at his new declaration. Seungri loves to dance, he would never just let go of a chance to show the world his talent. I observed the boy crawl from his seat with garbage in hand to throw it in a nearby bin. Departing the other's uneaten food as well, I followed after him as he tossed the ball of trash into the can.

"You love dances though! Are you scared that you can't get a date?" I said doubtingly. It wasn't just that Seungri never distrusted anything he was capable of, but also that I myself thought so too. He has grown into a perfectly attractive male who could probably pick out any lucky female to be his for the night, maybe a little too easily much to my dismay. I've always served as his body guard against his hormones getting out of hand, but I guess I kind of resigned from that duty when I found a girl of my own. Seungri deserves one too as much as I wouldn't like to admit it.

"I just don't feel like it this time." walking out of the food court together, we silently weaved through the endless masses of bodies on our way outside the mall. I had to quicken my pace to keep up. "If it's about finding a girl then I could easily hook you up..." I offered in spite of myself. Still not slowing down, we busted from the humid air inside into the open oxygen for the taking when we emerged into the sunny parking lot.

"Look, I don't need a date. Why don't you just go to Surah and make out or something." I blushed under the summer heat, faltering a bit letting him walk in front of me for a few steps. I persistently caught up to his speed and grabbed his arm.

"But I want to hang out with you." The intolerable panda boy who still hasn't met eyes with me once finally decided to look up. His chocolate brown refused to show any emotions that used to pour out to me rapidly, now just boring into a wordless frown. I could no longer read him. A weak smile appeared onto his face, eyes still not showing the path to his heart as he nodded half heartedly to my demand. At least this was a start.


Seunghyun's POV

"Look! That's a cute girl, go talk to her." I was shoved in the behind towards an obviously dyed blond waiting patiently for a friend by the coffee shop. I swatted the nuisance's hands away from my privates while hiding behind a potted plant in shame. I've been telling Daesung that I really didn't want to have a date for the dance, let alone go at all. But to him I just seemed like a whiny 9 year old who was throwing a fit for attention and not for a profound purpose.

"Aw hyung, why not! She looks our age and I think I've saw her around school somewhere. Just chat her up and shoot one of those smoky eyed stares and she would be swooned! Not saying I have been when you did that or anything..." turning away from me, he focused his eyes onto the girl still standing alone next to the cream colored stone wall. "If your not going to do it then I'll ask her to me MY date."

I felt my back stiffen involuntarily as I jerked my body upright. No way in hell am I letting that happen, Daesung is going dateless if I have anything to say about it. Pushing the smiling boy off of my path towards the blond, I shot him a menacing glare that must have come off as jealousy for the girl's love and headed towards her. Her eyes brightened up upon seeing me coming this way as I forced myself to give a friendly wave. What am I even doing? I really should have thought this through.

"Hey..." I strained a smile as I peeked behind me to see Daesung giving me two happy thumbs up. I let my hopeful imagination play tricks on me and drew jealousy lines onto his face wishing that my actions could have some, any effect on him on at all. But all he showed was smiles and cheer.

"Hello!" She was literally throwing herself at me, I may be dense but I'm not blind. Uncomfortable already, I inched my heels backwards as sweat drained down the sides of my head. I heard faint 'Do it you idiot!' and 'Man up!' from Daesung's un encouraging shouts behind me as the girl giggled prettily at my fluster. but not because of her, because of Daesung.

"Uhhhhhhhhh...." I saw her friend speed walking towards us as my little savior from heaven. The blond was briefly distracted from my piercing gaze, shushing her companion aside to look back at me only to discover that I had completely disappeared. Meanwhile I blended into the massive crowd with Daesung in tow away from the 2 girls. This has been a nightmare already and the day isn't even half over.

"We'll call you!" Daesung shouted out from his position with me tugging hard on his shirt collar. Yep, a very long day indeed.

Seungri's POV

"And Surah ate all the kimchi up in one bite! Who knew she could take so much heat!" I muttered a small agreement for the hundredth time as we sat on the park bench where we USED to be betting on how much spice WE could take, not his girl friend. I sighed as I decided to cut in.

"That's funny, cause I thought it was a competition between us." I barked bitterly, putting my head in my hands dejectedly.

"That reminds me! Surah said the FUNNIEST thing yesterday-" Shooting up like a torpedo with embers steaming inside my skull, his rambling was put to a halt as I began walking away. "Seungri!"

Going off into a near sprint, Jiyong's legs struggled to keep up as I approached the docks of the park. There were no boats since it was just a small plank for passersby to wander on and enjoy the view of the lake. When Jiyong finally bordered where I was, the wood rocked slightly in its chains signaling that another pair of feet has entered the dock.

"Why did you run off Seungri?" I was spun around gently as I shrugged his hands off my shoulders, taking a large step back. Personally, I didn't even know. I should be a good friend and be happy for Jiyong's new found joy, his new universe. I say new because that used to be me, or so he says. I can't really trust every word that comes out of his mouth all that much anymore.

"Who wouldn't" I lied, a good friend wouldn't have. Especially a best friend who is supposed to support his enthusiasm and listen to what he has on his mind, but he tends to forget to do that towards me as well. Trying to find a way around him, my chest was blocked by a solid hand coming in contact with it and holding me there in place.

"Surah this, Surah that. Do you even need me anymore? Do you even need anyone when she's around?" Jiyong froze as I continued on what has been burrowed in my chest for far too long, " I feel like all you ever think about is her. All you ever talk about, are your friends no longer important to you?" 

"Seungri... I thought you would be happy for me." He restrained my struggling protests and with his free hand made me stare into his eyes, but I don't even think I could manage that without revealing anything I would regret. His pupils were hard, but I was no longer that open book for him to leech off of, he wouldn't get a word out of me. 

"I thought I could too, and at least the others are. But I don't think I can deceive myself anymore. I'm sorry, I tried but can't. Have fun at your dance." Successfully shrugging free from Jiyong's no longer strong grip, I took off back into the park with the mind set of going home and not coming out. This time, no one followed after me.

Seunghyun's POV

"20 girls. 20 people who either already have someone to go with or YOU scare them off!" Daesung sank to the ground in a deserted alleyway of the mall. I sighed while rubbing my temple, plopping down right next to him like two hooligans hiding out in the night for possible victims to jump. 

"Do we even NEED a date for the dance?" the look he shot was enough for me to shut up, apparently to him it was the whole point of dances. Why was I even worrying about this? I can't dance, I don't want a date (female anyway), and I prefer solitude much over the annoying and loud music that would be playing during the event. 

"I can't believe this! I'm going to be dateless! The horror! The pain!" Daesung threw a limp hand on top of his forehead dramatically as I couldn't help but chuckle despite the situation we were in. Who knew something like this would matter so much to him, he's been dateless in past dances. But I guess people change.

"We could always go with each other... If it matters so much to you..." coming off as a joke, the two of our laughter echoed in the long narrow hall causing interesting stares to be shot from the heart of the mall. It wasn't exactly meant to be a gag, but I let it go.

"Sure, why not Seunghyun." All fun times aside, Daesung and I exchanged a small gaze trying to read the other's expression. It looked like he was being serious, but like I said, Daesung was full of secrets.

"Erm... It's not too weird to you...?" he moved his shoulders up and down to show he didn't care less, opposite from just a couple moments before where he was stressing for a date. "We have no one to go with anyway, why not. As friends right?" I gave out a nervous laugh and nodded along immediately trying to calm my ever rising heartbeat.

"Yeah... As friends."

*the next day*

Seungri wasn't at school for the whole entire day, and it was now 6 o'clock, the time for the dance. Still yet to show up, Daesung and I were linking arms in front of the school ignoring all the weird looks passed our way next to Youngbae and his date as well as Jiyong with Surah as expected. The gym was nicely decorated with balloons and streamers giving the illusion of it not being the place were 2000+ students sweat daily while being forced to be active. Jiyong was awfully distracted, spinning around wildly trying to find something unknown.

"Where's Seungri..." He said rather distantly as if to recall a memory. I shrugged, arm still blissfully hung around Daesung's frame as the gym doors prepared to open up for the public after final preparations. As we headed inside, I noticed a few girls glance at me hungrily; something I've regarded but was very unaccustomed to. I held onto Daesung a bit tighter as we made our way into the dark gymnasium at the unwanted attention, was there something on my face?

The thin eyed male saw what caused my distress and tugged me onward quicker than normal until we were fully amerced within the crowd, no telling who was who under such low light. A powerful beat pulsed throughout the speakers hung on the top of the walls as Korean spilled out verse by verse. I found myself instinctively moving my body with the music, probably attracting questioning glances to both myself and Daesung with the awkward hip-waves.

"Want to dance?" I asked cautiously, ready for rejection followed by embarrassment. Instead, my hand was met with his as we stalked off to the dance floor in the center of the room. I smiled gratefully as I prayed my blush would not be seen in the darkness, my arm coming down to his waist while his went up to my shoulder; hands still intact as we began to waltz despite it being a fast-paced song.

After a comfortable silence of just spinning in circles, Daesung finally spoke. "I saw a lot of girls looking at you today..." He mentioned quietly, barely allegeable if I wasn't in such close proximity with him. Not really sure what he was going with that, I shuddered as I remembered the way their eyes roamed around my body invading my private space.

"It's really creepy, I've never really been looked at like that before..." 

"Oh..." I continued to try my best not to step on his delicate feet as we pranced around the room. "I was just kind of thinking..." I waited for him to advance on his statement.

"You could probably get any date you wanted in this whole entire school... But yet here you are with me." My breath hitched as my heart began skipping numerous of beats per second that couldn't be good for my health. I suppose hoping this inquirement was missed by his tiny eyes was too far fetched,  darn you Daesung. I struggled to answer his question as seconds ticked into minutes.

"No one really interests me." I said easily, my voice slightly cracked as I finished my sentence causing me to become beet red once again. I saw the outline of his head nod as he decided not to push for more justification. I exhaled deeply at the thought of not having to explain my emotions.

"I just thought you would want to be with your dream girl..." The song had ended but our hands remained on each other, we had given up on dancing long ago settling with just standing in the center of the stage drowning in the other's eyes. I bit hard onto my lip as his head rested upon my shoulder, butterflies running throughout my whole torso as I felt his hot breath tickle my neck washing heat into my body.

but I was with him , not dream girl anyway.

Seungri's POV

I checked the clock hanging right above my study table indicating that the dance had already started. Jiyong must have been have a blast with Surah now, and what made it worse is the fact that I can't even find a reason to hate her. She was a perfectly funny and nice girl, she never did me any wrongs. Yet I couldn't help but want to find something to dislike.

"Seungri?" I jumped and snapped my head around to face Jiyong in a light blue dress shirt and dark jeans at my doorway, making my heart drop to the pit of my chest and get dissolved by the stomach acid. Am I dreaming?

"J-Jiyong...Why aren't you at the dance...?" He was fully in my room now, closing the door behind him and sitting on the chair across from my spot on the bed.

"It was really dull, plus Surah was always busy with her girl friends." hearing her name pressed yet another needle into my side as I kept the composed smile plastered on my face for the sake of being the best friend I promised myself I was going to be from now on. No more mr. jealousy. But you can't really control your feelings could you.

"Oh... So you came here because..."

"I wanted to be with you." He said nonchalantly, completely unaware of the fireworks exploding right inside my chest. How dare he utter words that he didn't mean. A long silence passed along us as I felt him inspect me with his eyes, I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat trying to tear his gaze away from me. Afraid that he would be able to see right through my expressionless corpse and into my true fallen state.  

"Since you missed the dance... Would you like to dance with me?" I blinked as he got up, bowing down fairytale style and holding a hand out to me for the taking. I wanted to smack the false invitation of kindness away from me, but my self control was only up to 10% as I held a tight grip into his and he pulled me off of my sitting position. Spinning me upright, we were in regular tango form noses slightly brushing from the intense lack of space he had created between us.

"There's no music." I tried to disobey my wants with a feeble attempt to break the atmosphere, but it did little to keep a distance apart from our faces as he leaned his forehead onto my own staring down into my eyes warmly. And his lips were just so close, too near to be safe.

"Here, I'll sing." humming a gentle melody as a substitute for a real dance song, we bobbed to the beat just like that. Heads touching and all, I began to focus on calming my alarming heart beat so that he wouldn't feel it with out chests pressed up against each other. But of course he did.

"Your heart is beating quite fast Seungri" it's because I'm afraid when you're near, but hate it when you're not

"That's cause you're getting into my precious personal space, back off." Please stay close forever

"But I like making you squirm, it's fun." Stop playing with my heart

"Bastard." I love you

"I also came back cause I would rather spend my time with you Seungri, I said it when you were 5 and I'll say it again." I closed my eyes as I made a quick flashback to when he ditched school to come comfort me ever so long ago, back when I was insecure. But no, he was lying then and he's lying now. He'd rather spend his waking moments with Surah, not me. When I was naive I had believed him, but I don't plan on making the same mistake twice. I don't understand why he would play with me like this, it was so inhumanly wrong, yet he doesn't even know it.

"About yesterday, if you were jealous..." I seized swaying to Jiyong's short little tune that previously made me feel on top of the world. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he pressed my chest closer to his, though there wasn't really any room between them in the first place and play with the bits of cow sticking up over my messy bangs. "The right girl would come along for you soon, just because I have a girlfriend now doesn't mean that you never will."

But he was only half right, I was jealous. I was jealous of Surah though, envious of how openly she could caress the boy in my arms without being shot judging stares. Yet I live in a society where I could not live with or without him; this was wrong, but indeed I am jealous. Like a triangle trying to fit into a circle's hole, I could never land perfectly into Jiyong's criteria.

Something tells me that I would never be able to find that 'right' girl when he's around.


Running out on Surah wasn't the smartest move I had ever made, but it was definitely the best. I still remember the shivers sent deep into my core as we stood chest to chest, our heart speeding up until we matched the other's musical beat. And about my presumption on the whole jealousy thing, I hit a little closer to home than I thought.

A/N: Schoolwork has been taking up a huge part of my daily cycle with the end of the year coming up and all. So I wrote this for you guys in the dead of night so that you don't go burning down my house and stuff like that. More updates soon.

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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD