Forever Young (Part 1)

Photo Freeze

A/N: Another two parter! Also the one that would end the story. I wanted to add a couple chapters before this, but father time rarely has mercy for the likes of us, so this was all I could do before I need to leave the country. As for gri making up in the last two-shot I made, they eventually woke up beside each other on the roof, and you can let your imagination figure out what had happened next xD

Jiyong's POV

All fairytales have to come to an end, it's not like someone can just go around stopping the hands of time. Eventually the destined couple would find each other and ride away on their little white carriage. For a moment there however , it seemed like the door to a 'happily ever after' was slammed shut.


Age 17

Jiyong's POV

It was just the beginning of summer break, one of the only times Seunghyun can catch a flight to visit us from that well-known university his parents paid big bucks for he's been talking about, not that I really focused enough on for me to remember its name. It was also just past his and Daesung's 1 year anniversary, something that Daesung has never failed to remind and complain about for every day Seunghyun's presence was absent for the event.

That was how we all found ourselves standing amongst the crowded airport bypasses, being pushed and shoved in all directions in hope of Seunghyun's mop of black hair to poke out in the sea of people. But when every other person had the number one most common hair color in asia, that was a pretty incredible feat.

"Where is he! He's like... a whole 120 seconds late!" Daesung tilted his head down for the hundredth time, looking at the digital numbers flashing on his phone and sighed. The rest of us could only stare at him agrivatingly now, the first couple times were rather cute of him to be so worried about the other's arrival... But now it was just plain annoying.

I took a moment to miss our youngest member, the only one not present besides Seunghyun as we searched for his familiar face to appear from the port gate. It wasn't a secret that Seunghyun would be arriving today, and all four of us had planned weeks ahead to take the fresh grown-up out for some kidhood fun. When we had called Seungri's house to pick him up however, he simply said he had other things to take care of first, and that he wouldn't be able to make it to the airport in time. Having no better judgment than to follow instructions, the 3 of us hung up empty handed and left without him.

Though, now I was starting to regret it, he would have served as a great distraction.

"Daesung, don't you thi-" Youngbae's train of thought stopped upon seeing something in the distance, and I only had a split second to react before Daesung let out a cry of happiness and ran from our sides with arms spread open. I blinked a couple times before fully registering the figure Daesung had literally tackled into, blinding his face with a bone-crushing hug. Seunghyun had indeed finally decided to show.

The impact had caused him to loose grip of the heavy luggage previously in his hand, now lying on the ground sideways blocking paths of busy passersby as he took the chance to wrap his arms around the muscular 16 year old in earnest. Seunghyun didn't even bother to acknowledge the rest of us as they made their scene right in the middle of the bustling airport. If I wasn't so provoked, it would have been heart touching. But it only made me start to miss my maknae even more.

I cleared my throat to announce Youngbae and I's existence to the two who evidently forgot, earning a flat look by Daesung who still hasn't unhooked his legs and arms from the growing boy. Seunghyun made quick work with his pockets and threw his used plane ticket at my face, the plastic lingering on my skin for a while before I ripped it off. I laughed at the reunited couple still hanging onto each other like a lifeline.

Once Youngbae and I successfully pried the two away from each other, Seunghyun had reclaimed his abandoned suitcase on the floor and walked up to us joyously. It took a while for him to do a head count and realize that one of the group was missing from the small huddle. His eyebrows immediately furrowed upon the recognition, no longer in that same mood after the little picture-worthy embrace.

"Yah, I bought you all souvenirs from my trip, and this is the thanks I get? Seungri didn't even come to celebrate my full year at university with me!" The three of us exchanged small looks within one another guiltily, none of us wanting to be the first to speak up. "He said he had other plans today..."

"Nothing could be more important then my arrival!" Seunghyun boomed as we cowered behind each other further. He threw a hand limply up to his forehead, the other clenched dramatically over his heart. "All those years of looking after him, that special bond between the oldest and the youngest, gone!" I squeezed my eyes shut to prevent myself from rolling my eyes, we all knew that Youngbae and I were the ones who looked after Seungri the most, he was too caught up with Daesung to associate with the panda boy more than regular contact amongst the 5 of us. Still, it did not stop him from causing a display.

"We can always have fun on our own" Youngbae insisted, not really wanting to ruin the perfect atmosphere created before the oldest had noticed Seungri's lack of accompaniment. Seunghyun instantly waved him off, a new determination glowing in his eyes causing the pupils to be set aflame. The two sparks ignited greater as we shot wary stares to one another. 

"Come on let's go." The three of us stood speechless as we watched Seunghyun's tall frame start shifting away, hesitating to follow after the slightly psychotic man. He turned around and glared intensely at our indecisive fidgeting and flicked his head onward for us to imitate. 

"Where are we exactly...going?" Daesung coughed out, barely audible if I wasn't just centimeters away from him. The 18 year old cocked an eyebrow up and rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious and unnecessary statement there could be made in our situation. "Seungri's house duh, to see what was so important to miss welcoming me back today. Now hurry up!" 

Getting over the initial shock of his abrupt demand, instead of standing around like stone statues waiting for a flock of birds to make ourselves living toilets, we had no choice but to follow after him.

The journey to where Seungri lived took longer than needed, Youngbae's safe driving causing us to miss every single yellow light or risky turn making the trip twice as dull and slow. Deciding who got the driver's seat was always a tricky thing, Youngbae was too guarded, I was said to be hopelessly reckless, Daesung wouldn't get into the front knowing that he was breaking certain laws of driving without a proper guardian so he never drove other than practice rounds, and Seunghyun didn't even bother to get a license. I still thought they should have let me take the wheel, so what if there are a couple scratches on the paint job? It's my car.

It was clear to us that when Seungri finally learns to drive, he would be the one carpooling all our get togethers.

After constant complaints and bickering followed after it, we made it to Seungri's drive way in one piece. There were no signs of life through the poorly lit windows, but his parent's car is still there, so I doubt he went anywhere far. Seunghyun was the first to get out of the car, big surprise there, and marched up to the front door. Instead of knocking or ringing the bell like any average person would, he took the spare key under the mat that had been used for far too many 'emergencies' on our part, and shoved it in the slot.

We all piled into Seungri's spacious entrance way/living room. The house was quiet and it appeared that no activity had been inhabiting it's 4 walls for the past few hours of so, but that did not pry our attention away from the stacks of cardboard boxes littering the living room floors and any available surface there was. Just off to the right was the Lee house hold's kitchen, equally as filled with things. From an outsider's eye, it would give the impression that they were well... Moving away

The 4 of us stood there unmoved for what seemed like an eternity later, unsure of what to make of the scene before us. With nothing left to do downstairs, we quickly intruded our way up to Seungri's closed bedroom door. We didn't bother with the master suite or bathroom, because there is no where else Seungri could possibly be except here. When we opened the door for viewing, we weren't surprised to find Seungri's figure cooped up on his window sill with knees propped up to his chest. He however, wore an astonished expression as we barged into his space.

The area was similar to the one downstairs, like a carbon copy with a different setting. Boxes filled with Seungri's old things, clothes, and random knick knacks were put hastily into them for storage as we approached his frightened state. I felt like I was walking on thin ice, one more step and all hell would break loose

"S-Seungri? What's going on?" He refused to meet our eyes as he studied the dust mites on the glass edges with a passion. I held my breath as each second longer it took for him to reply suffocated my lungs to the brim.

"My parents got into a fight..." He briefly went over, not exactly saying how serious the argument had been. The situation he was in, crowded with mountains of boxes holding his things, was all the explanation he needed. I heard the others gasp around me, but with airway passages still blocked from use, I let the news settle in the bottom of my heart as it pumped harder to keep me alive without oxygen.

"And whatever had happened, ended with you being dragged away with the parent that is leaving." Youngbae panted out, perhaps just as breathless as I was. I wanted to yell, I wanted to tear this whole room up before my eyes and flush it with gasoline, burning both me and Seungri in the fire. My voice was gone with my air supply.

"To the states" Seungri finally ended, his murmur cracking at the very last syllable. My eyes widened, when I found out he was moving, I didn't think it would be that FAR. To the other side of the world! I quietly leaned onto his bedpost for leverage, because my legs could no longer hold my torso up effectively without revealing the sad truth; I was broken.

"AMERICA!" Everyone cringed back at my sudden exclamation. I stood slanting against the wood with arms wobbly like noodles, completely loosing strength from my statement and my arms collapsed from underneath me as I fell harshly onto the cold, unforgiving wooden floorboards. My expression remained unfazed, eyes still glued onto the boy who rudely shoved his way into my life without anyone's consent; he just decided that one day he wanted to be my everything, and that was exactly what he became, and now he was announcing that even if he established his rightful place in my heart, he was going to be roughly taken away from me. No goodbye or I love you, he was just planning to disappear.

"How long." Seungri's back was all that was in view as he twisted his whole torso to face the window. But I knew he could feel my pins and needles sticking into his flesh, craving his eyes and whole hearted attention. I wanted him to look at me, I wanted for me to be all that he ever sees. "How long have you known? How long have you been hiding from us?"

"...A month" Daesung scuffled a gasp as he clutched onto Seunghyun's arm much like I had been doing to the bed post. The other's face was hard, not imagining his day of celebration to have gone like this at all, and Youngbae looked as though he was about to break into tears. Now was not the time to blubber or whine, now was the time for answers, but his responses seem to just get worse and worse.

"A MONTH?" Somewhere during the dilemma I had got up on my two feet again, and this time rather than recoiling away like all the previous times I had an outbreak, Seungri found solid ground on his toes as well trying to match my height. I continued to stare him down until he was rocking on his heels once more. 

"Look, I knew you would react like this" I took note on how he used an 'you' instead of 'you guys', non plural form. "That's why I didn't tell you guys sooner. If you came here to yell at me, save your breath" but you're the one who keeps taking them away from me, tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?

"And just when were you planning to tell us then! Huh?" I promptly blinked the salt water back up to my eyes, ordering it to not fall or so be damned, I will make sure they never cry again.

"I... Don't know" It seems that Seungri thought that was all the answer he needs

"There's still a chance! We can just convince your parents-" Daesung tried, desperately attempting to push the conversation to a lighter tone. Seungri sighed to the ground labeling his futile efforts as utter bull crap, holding a hand up to cut him off.

"It's been a month Daesung, you really think I haven't tried already? My mom says it would be a fresh start in Washington, probably just looking for an excuse to get away from dad. They are out doing the finishing touches for my custody just as we speak and I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. It's over" Daesung quickly sealed his lips grudgingly and sank lower in his spot. As if already sensing that I would have something to say about the new information he had just delivered to us, Seungri gazed at me with pleading eyes. 

'Please Jiyong, it would be easier this way' what he meant by the silent statement was beyond me. Easier to do what?

The boy by the window sill scanned around the room one final time, taking in all the reactions from each and every one of us. Most were shocked, some where grieving over the loss already, but his eyes seemed to trail when he met mine. Whatever I had managed to say through my sadness was enough for him to finally look away.

"I'm sorry I hadn't told you guys sooner. But can you please... Just go?" The others dwaddled near the doorway before hesitantly stepping out of his room while I remained fixed in the position I was, not saying anything, just staring. When he had thought everyone had left already, his eyes peeked up for just a second filled with regret and horror then immediately dilating them back to the ground again.

"Jiyong... I..." Seungri was fighting with himself to try and say something, he was urging me to understand already through his actions, but I was absolutely stumped. "...Just go"

And that was positively what I had done.

*the next day*

Seungri's POV

I stared out my window like I had been doing for the past 24 hours straight. My mom and dad begged me to come down for meals or recreation, but I would not stir from my spot after the unexpected encounter I had with the 4 people I never thought I'd meet in person anymore. Phone calls were always easier to break news like this, they couldn't see your facial expressions or your hidden tears. They couldn't tell if you were unquestionably cried-out.

It was such a nice day too, the sun truly liked to mock me

Both my parents were out doing different errands when I first heard the door bell ring.

*Ding Dong*

I reluctantly stretched getting off the stiff ledge and walked down stairs to answer the door, taking my sweet time that I have so little of to arrive at the entrance way. Now I just regret not checking the peep hole first.

"Seungri" My heart fluttered at the sound of the familiar, soothing yet raspy sound of Jiyong's overused voice. Either when he had an opinion in need to share with the world, yelling at the likes of us to 'just do better', or singing me one of the many little melodies he comes up with in the bathtub or right before bed, it was an understatement that I could pick out such a voice from a mile away.

"Jiyong" I greeted the same way he's done. He played around with the stuffing of his pockets as an awkward silence flowed around us and I tempted myself to just shut the door. I sighed, letting my angel win this round by widening the opening between us and stepping out into the warm, summer air. His face suddenly cracked a smile and grabbed my hand like old times, breaking through the thick layer of tension from before and completely eliminating it from existence entirely. I found myself grinning back and lacing my fingers with his own as he towed me to his stylish BMW, not the smartest choice for a first car and a negligent driver. But his parents had money to burn and it was nice to sit in, so I wasn't complaining.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I hopped into the passenger side and buckled in my seatbelt. He quickly made his way around to the driver's chair and gave his knuckles a satisfying crack before putting his hands on the leather of the wheel. "It's a surprise"

I can never really get used to the way he makes illegal U-turns or have close misses with ongoing vehicles and a storm of honking following after him, one can never just be content with near-death experiences. This time was no exception, and I clung onto the cushion of the seat for dear life as he zoomed by yet another almost-red light, the cars going perpendicular of us already veering up their engines. I pressed my body onto the headrest and let out more of a squeal than a breath.

"Had fun?" I glared lightly at his head as he took his eyes off the road to send a wink my way, letting go of the steering device completely and laughing like the lunatic he was. The road was busy on either sides, and I couldn't help but cover my eyes and scream. I had my hands safely on my face for the rest of the ride, not registering that we had already stopped a long time ago and Jiyong was probably staring at me sizing it up for blackmail later on. If there was a later on.

"You can uncover your eyes now princess" I flinched and choppily brought my arms down back to my sides. The scene outside of the windshield was none other than an amusement part, filled with exciting screams and giggling topped with the sweet scent of unhealthy junk food and cotton candy. I let myself whiff the different odors zestfully, savoring each flavor that comes in contact with my nose.

"An amusement park?" I turned to say, catching him in the act of staring at me deeply. It took me off guard, and I felt like I needed protection from the way his eyes roamed into my soul leeching all the love I had for him like some sort of all-you-can-eat buffet. I gulped and tried to find the poker face I had hidden in the darkest compartments of my mind, but it wasn't there.

I did not like feeling defenseless and vulnerable.

"Yup!" The two of us slid off our respective seats and opened the door of the car, each getting out and basking in the wondrous cheers of happiness that flooded our eardrums. "I always wanted to come here with my girlfriend, wear masks so that no one could recognize us, and turn the whole circuit off." He smiles and takes my hand again from as they have separated when we got out of the automobile. "Not that we are going to do that or anything, today's a day for fun, not havoc"

I hadn't realized how tense I got when he had mentioned the certain word 'girl friend'. He got us through the ticket counter and rushed to the nearest balloon stand he could find, laying a bill on the platform for the seller to take. As soon as the colorful helium toy was in his possession, he tied it around my wrist securely and smiled as it jotted up and down whenever I go as far as to lift my hand up, then pull it back. I pursed my lips to prevent the smile for coming up on my lips and looked away

"But I'm not your girlfriend hyung" He chuckles a bit, most likely not understanding the full meaning of my statement and swung our arms north and south, letting the balloon in the sky go into a frenzy as it followed each movement my wrist made. 

"I know" Jiyong stopped what he was doing to look seriously at me in the eyes, and for once I did not turn away. "You're better"

Seunghyun's POV

"I am a horrible person" Daesung repeated as he stabbed yet another hole into the cookie dough we were preparing, his only job was to mix, but most of the batter's chocolate chip turned into mere mush under his guidance. I reached over to grab the bowl and wooden spoon from his grip and set it on his dining table. To think we were supposed to bake cookies together...

"How is it your fault if Seungri leaves?" it wasn't that I didn't care, but I had the oddest sensation that even if he does go, he'll be back alive and kicking. Jiyong wouldn't allow anything else. 

"It's not, but how can I sit here and bake like everything is normal? I should be grieving, I should be hurt, I should-" I put my ingredient covered index finger on his lips to hush the whining boy. It effectively shut his trap as he crosses his eyes intently to stare at the digit on his mouth before looking up at me with eyes full of confusion.

"You SHOULD be baking chocolate chip cookies with me to make up for missing our anniversary. Remember that?" He exhaled onto my finger washing it with hot air as I withdrew the hand to take the spoon filled with dough and gave it a couple . "But this is just as delicious, I admit." 

Even with my attempts at picking the mood up, Daesung's frown was still plastered onto his face. Having enough of all the fun and games, I spun my chair until the spine was facing him and sat down backwards with elbows and head rested on the back, my puppy eyes peeping just into view. "This isn't the end you know? He won't be gone forever. We'll message, facebook, phone call, the works!"

"I know... But it's not the same" I sighed, lifting an arm to run a hand through his hair fondly, something of which he swatter away playfully. I took the chance to wipe some excess cream from my hand onto his nose before slipping it limply back to my side, Daesung didn't even bother to try and take it off; I would just replace it with another droplet of food anyway.

"Knowing Jiyong, he's probably out playing romeo and doing something extravagant for him right now. If he was bleeding on a battlefield, you'd be damn right if you think he'd blow both himself and the enemy up to get one, final kill. Seungri'll come back, he always does." Daesung held a hand up and pressed it firmly on his lips, eyes betraying no emotion; but I knew underneath his palm laid a large, heart throbbing smile that is really a shame to be covered up like this. I quickly peeled finger by finger the hand from his face to reveal that tiny hint of glee, and that was enough for my spirits to soar above the clouds.

Retrieving the spoonful of cookie dough I left inside the dented bowl, I handed the substance to him from across the back of my chair, waving it in front of his face tauntingly. "Now. Eat" He persistently pushed the utensil away from his mouth, once again trying to mask his smile with a hand placed over his grin. 

"You know you want it" I shoved the dough right into his mouth just as he was about to say something, letting go of the handle for him to take as he it shamelessly. I threw my head back howling in laughter and turned away, a rosy pink flying up to my cheeks. I temporarily distracted myself by wondering where on earth the others were right now, Youngbae was probably at Church, typical of him. Maybe Seungri was still at home by that window ledge, but where could Jiyong be...

Romeo, romeo. Where thou art thou romeo.

Seungri's POV

We spent the whole day running around in the giant, playground-like, amusement park. Either he was desperately trying to buy my forgiveness with cotton candy and stuffed animals, or we are screaming our lungs off on the thrill seeking rides, we wasted no time. Rollercoasters just aren't my thing. Finally, during late afternoon we decided to retire on a good old fashioned Ferris wheel ride. Sitting across from each other in the tiny cubicle, I contently dug my hand in our supposedly shared cotton candy bag overlooking the landscape from sky high. My balloon was still tugging at my arm to set it free, but I wasn't ready just yet.

"What are you thinking about?" I blinked and shifted my attention to Jiyong's attentive figure, chin resting on his left elbow as he pierced me with his questioning gaze. I looked back up to my balloon working at its bindings to fly away and sighed, trying to explain or even comprehend my feelings would be too much of a hassle, not to mention embarrassing. I settled with staring at the clouds instead, they are so much more visible up here.

"Just, random things." I watched him fumble with his pockets for something, some drug of sort, but my hard gaze nailed him right in his seat. He sighed and took both his palms out from their hiding places and held them in surrender position, putting them to the sides of his body on the maroon brown cushion below him. Jiyong's lips turned from a playful smile into a thin line, the plump of his lips fading into nothing more then an opening; the once perfect bow of his upper mouth and full curve of his lower where nonexistent.

"Can I ask you a question?" the sudden remark jolted me awake from my half-dazed state as I struggled to keep the cotton candy on my lap from slipping off. Shooting him a confused stare, I righted myself and timidly thought of my response

"I guess so..." He rewarded me with a weak grin before leaned on the back of his seat, stretching his legs out in front of him until they met mine as a sign of defeat. This could only baffle me more.

"Do you still look up to me as a role model like back when we were innocent?" His eyes pleaded me to say something other than yes.

"My view of you has never changed Jiyong" He crumpled the edges of his shirt frustratingly. I always seem to cause him anger, don't I?

"But look at me now? I do drugs, rebel and lash out on anything that moves. I'm a loser" And then, almost non-eligible to the human ears and easily mistaken as my own imagination, he added "I'm selfish"

"So what?" He looked up at me incredulously as if he had just told me that the sun was going to fall from space in 2 days from now, and I didn't give a flying sh*t. He shook his head at my supposed carelessness.

"So everything, you shouldn't be throwing those words around. Everyday, you and those around me look down upon what I have become, I'm not perfect Seungri." By the looks of things, he seemed like saying that sentence was painful, though I couldn't imagine why. Was that he was thriving for all these years? To be flawless?

"I never thought you were..." but you were perfect to me

"Good" The strained silence hung over us hauntingly as I stared across the cubicle towards him, and he did everything in his power to not look at me. Maybe this was the best time to speak up as well.

"Since I answered yours, can I ask you one in return?" 

"You just did" Jiyong let out a brisk laugh at his own lame joke, quickly quieting down and nodding for me to continue. I chose to ignore his little discharge and went on with the other half of my statement anyway.

"When I leave... Will you and the others forget me?" His once relaxed state went rigid as I spoke my inquiry. In my eyes, it wasn't that absurd of a question to ask. It was perfectly plausible; when I'm gone, the 4 of them would have to continue with their lives, they can't hold on forever. Eventually they will share new memories with each other, one's where I'm not apart of them, and people would remember them as 'the 4 best friends', where I never intruded in the first place.

"Oh course not Seungri! You'll always be number one in our hearts" you say that now

"Cool" I settled with the vague reply that didn't nearly answer any of the worries dancing on my chest, pressing their heels deep into my ribcage. What more did I expect, Jiyong's not some sort of fortune teller, and those were about as real as the ones that come out of fortune cookies.

The ride ended at last, and as if on cue my phone vibrated in my pant pocket indicating that our fun was officially over and it was time for me to go home. The ride in Jiyong's car was a deadly silence, and every time I attempted to bring up conversation, it all sounded wrong coming form my mouth; like learning a new language, nothing rolled off of the tongue.

"Just drop me off at the park" I said suddenly, the little playground coming into sight line, Jiyong had to quickly step on the brakes to pause the car before it could surpass the area, and without another word of explanation I hopped out of the vehicle with a forced smiled and walked. I couldn't stand being in there knowing that soon, I will be replaced by another and I would be nothing more than a distant memory. Soon, my name would no longer be included in group events. Soon, Seungri would be just another word for 'victory' or 'oh yeah, I remember that kid who moved to america'. Barely conversation worthy.

Soon, I would be erased from the others' minds completely, deleted off their permanent heart drive. I can almost see my picture slowly fading away out of all our group pictures placed in OUR photo album, and later to be theirs. I can see my hand being removed from Daesung's shoulder, my body disappearing from underneath Seunghyun's arm, my head wiped clean away from Youngbae's own where I had been giving him a piggy back ride, and my hand vanishing from Jiyong's ever so tight grip. I would be nothing more than the background trees or grassy field, leaving just the four of them like it was always supposed to be.

'let it go, just let it go'

So I unknotted the piece of ribbon connecting the balloon from staying on earth and watched it be set free, fly away and never to be seen again.

There was still a good few hours before night would officially capture the city, a few hours before I have to dissolve.

Jiyong's POV

I knew something was wrong the moment I saw Seungri's balloon float up into the clouds. 

Parking my car in the underground parking lot, I ran up 20 flights of stairs to the still unlocked rooftop door and softly crept in. Seungri laid there with his hands underneath his head staring up as the sun slowly made it's way out of the sky, the light displaying a colorful view of purple, pink, orange, and yellow onto the clouds surrounding it. I walked over casually and plopped down with legs crossed beside him, simply enjoying the scenery

"Remember the last time we were up here?" He says while never taking his eyes off of the delicious sight.

"I was drunk and you were pissed? Yeah" Seungri barked out a harsh cry of laughter, sounding more like a whimper of pain than anything else.

"I was mad, but something calmed my fury" He did not bother to continue on, so I didn't either. Instead I saddled up closer to him and took his torso into my arms; he gave in without a proper fight, cuddling into my chest warmly and releasing a sigh of relief. His parents breaking up must have been really hard on him, a factor I never really decided to address. During the silence, we shared a small moment of defeat knowing that this brief period of time would most likely be our last.

"That one looks like a dog fish" I bit my lip from smiling at the old memory a million years ago, back when we were so young and naive. Now we were tainted, stained with sorrows and past experiences. Wiser, but never less, rotten.

"There's no such thing as dog fish Seungri" This time, he did not argue. Perhaps he was just as spoiled, smart enough to realize that fighting about a mythical creature was pointless and a waste of time, but I really wasn't sure which one I preferred. Stupid but innocent, or smart but grown so cold.

"I wish we could stay like this forever" I tilted my head downward to look at the absolute masterpiece in my arms, the dark circles were still there, but it really complimented his character and just added to his radiance. As they say, flaws and blemishes make the person beautiful.

"Like what? On the roof?" He shook his head gently while still nuzzled in the crook of my neck, I had to keep my eyes on the sunset and forget he was there to stop from doing things I would soon regret. Not to mention about my unhealthy amount of beats per second on my pulse.

"No, young and in your arms" I allowed myself to look down at the now snoozing boy and sigh. To be here forever under such circumstances, what an impossible wish. But isn't that what young people do? Hope for the unobtainable, until they learn to grow up and out of their childhood fantasies? 

I guess it would be too selfish to wish that Seungri would never grow up to find comfort outside of my embrace.

But alas, I will wish, because I am young.


To Be Continued.

A/N: DUN DUN DUN, last chapter is coming up next

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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD