A Thin Line Between Protective and Possessive

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A/N: 14 already? They grow up so fast :' )

Jiyong's POV

Before you all go pointing fingers at me, I just want to put out that I did it all for Seungri's own good. Honest people are hard to come by now a days, I can't have my little panda running around doing whatever he WANTS can I? And I repeat, this has absolutely nothing to do with the little green monster crawling on my back the moment he mentioned the word 'date'.


Age 14

Jiyong's POV

"When is he going to be here?" Seunghyun complained as he toyed with a random ornament littered in Seungri's spacious living room. I nodded my head impatiently. The 5 of us were supposed to hang out at his house afterschool, yet he got caught up behind and told us to go ahead. His parents aren't going to be home till late, so we let ourselves in with the spare key under the mat placed there only used in emergency situations. 

As if on cue, a hyper young 12 year old spontaneously slammed his front door open. Greeting us with a toothy grin, he threw the school day's belongings onto the empty couch and hopped on the loveseat with Youngbae, never stopping for a second while bouncing in his seat.

I could tell Seungri was urging one of us to say something, and Youngbae seemed to sense it too as he rolled his eyes and slung an arm around the maknae's shoulders. "Anything happen today Seungri?" He said sarcastically knowing the other boy was already dying to tell his tale. 

"Guess who just got asked out on a date?" He began pointing eagerly to himself in case of anyone having an incredible amount of stupid in their system. 

"Oh I don't know... Lee Hyori?" I teased from my spot separating Daesung and Seunghyun.

"No..." Seungri bit his cheeks in frustration at my mocking.

"Ahn Sohee from the Wonder Girls?"


"Boa then"

"NO!" He was fuming now at my disinterest. His rage was probably radiating off of Youngbae too causing the older to jump off the couch like it's hot and run to Seunghyun's side. 

"Then I don't care" A matching pillow from the sofa quickly met with my face as I broke out into insane laughter. Seungri finally chose to ignore my input and gestured to himself once more. "Me you idiot! She's cute, she's funny, she's smart. Totally my type right?"

To be honest, I never knew Seungri HAD a 'type'. He enjoys hitting on anything with a skirt right? Hell, I could wear a dress if he wanted me to for crying out loud. Before I could word what I had in mind, the others were already patting the chipper boy on the back for his sooth moves and he had announced that he was going to pick her up at 5:30.

"Who gave you the permission to date." my tongue slipped out my inner thoughts as I wondered if I was being too harsh, or maybe not harsh enough. Perhaps the latter as I felt my torso being covered in a suffocating coat of anger only encouraging me more. I let the steam blow out of my nose to ease the pressure in my skull, finding all 4 of them watching as my face turned from purple, to red, to green...

"Uh... Are you okay?" I don't think Daesung was only referring to my constant color changing, but my outburst as well. I shrugged the most casual way I could muster while still toasting the back of Seungri's bangs with my stare. Luckily I managed to compose myself before he had the chance to turn around.

"I'm perfectly fine Daesung." I felt my eyes twitch up and down still frowning upon the panda boy's decisions. Suspecting the potential danger but not realizing his mistake, Seungri squirmed out of Youngbae's grasp and directed himself to the steps leading upstairs.

"Well, I'm going to get ready now..." He backed away from the group and scrabbled up the staircase to his room, shooting me one last unsure glance before completely disappearing from view. Yeah, he better be worried.

"You were acting pretty weird back there Jiyong" Youngbae agreed poking me back to reality. Instead of responding to him I began quietly cursing the youngest under my breath.

"Who does he think he is? Dating at the age of 12... I've only just went on my first like... 5 months ago? Kids these days..."

"I'm in high school and I haven't even gone on a single one..." Youngbae randomly called out upon hearing my dissatisfaction. I beckoned to him as I continued my rant.

"How do we even know if it's safe? What if she's some psycho planning to ruin the innocence of Seungri?" the others began stirring and spitting out considerations at my idea. The thought of him being harmed in any way was enough to get some reaction out of them.

"It should be our mission, no, RESPONSIBILITY to protect our maknae by quizzing this girl to see if she's fit to date him!" I went into all out speech mode, standing in the center of the 3 and smacking my fist into my palm in determination. I've always had a way with words, that or I threaten them. But it seems that there was no need for punishment as I watched my fellow peers nod along to everything I was saying. I took that as a note to start digging deep into Seungri's abandoned back pack on the couch for his phone. 

Successfully finding the device and flipping it open, I scrolled through the countless contacts until I met his obvious date for tonight, the one with hearts all around her name, and made a quick text.

From Seungri
To <3<3YoungJin <3<3
Change of plans, come to my house at 5 okay? 

Smiling deviously at the phone, I dropped it back into his sack and and turned to the wary faces behind me.

"Isn't it kind of... Wrong to try to mess up Seungri's first date like this?" Daesung voiced soundlessly as he cringed at the maniacal grin I had plastered on my mouth. No, I did not think so. In fact it never felt so RIGHT to sabotage someone's plans so carelessly, 'cause I wasn't really in the mood to be sympathetic.

"We aren't messing it up," I persisted while entirely lying to both the gang and myself, "We are just helping it go on the right direction!"


The room was pitch black all except for the small lamp resting on the table the 4 of us dragged into the living room to add the interrogation effect. I watched with Youngbae and Seunghyun from the nearly closed kitchen door as the victim awkwardly opened the front to let herself in after being confirmed by a mysterious voice, aka me, to do so.

Daesung at his seat across from a vacant one stood and signaled the oblivious girl to the empty chair in the low light. "Sit" She complied hastily at the eerie tension masked in his voice. Daesung exaggeratingly played with the non existent beard on his chin while studying the girl like a science experiment.

"Kim YoungJin is it?" Seungri's date spoke a 'yes', still not getting the vibe 

"W-who are you...?"

"NO ONE YOU NEED TO KNOW" The girl trembled from her position across from Daesung. I had to literally jab Seunghyun a couple times to stop him from killing the mood with his obnoxious giggling. Turning my back on the scene, I walked up to Youngbae.

"You lock Seungri's room yet?" The braided boy gave me a thumbs up while winking. "Not only did I dead bolt it from the outside twice, I pushed some heavy furniture in front of it. There is no way he'll get out before we are done."

"Excellent..." I clapped my palms together dementedly as a soft cry of evil laughter escaped my mouth, going back to surveying Daesung interrogate the poor female.

Seungri's POV

Hmm which one is better, regular t-shirt and jeans? Or stylish leather jacket. Maybe a bad boy look would win her heart easier.

I held my stacks of outfits out in front of my closet's built in mirror as I fanned it next to my body to see which one looked the best. Seunghyun would know, he was the fashion master. I dropped the clothes on the carpet and proceeded to my bedroom door, however it didn't budge an inch. That's weird, it's not like this is an old house. I continued to give the knob some more jiggles.

"Hello? Anyone out there?" the guys couldn't have left already, this was one of the biggest days of my life! Weren't they planning to see me off? A few more bangs on the wood was enough for me to slide down the door in fear of never being found in time. This was probably just a phase, they'll come! They always do...

Jiyong's POV

"Where would you rather go on a first date, a cinema or amusement park?" Youngbae questioned her as he looked down at the clipboard of organized inspection Q&A made especially for her to answer. Youngjin tapped her lip as she pondered her reply, her face looking awfully cute in the dim light causing me to dislike her more.

"Today, Miss Kim" Youngbae clicked his pen on the desk impatiently, breaking her out of her relaxed state back into stiff again like when she was being interrogated by Daesung.

"Amusement park...?" The other tsked dishearteningly as he jotted down some notes on the board, shaking his head slowly along to the beat of his writing utensil.

Seungri's POV

What were they doing out there? It was looking unpleasantly dark in the cracks under the door frame. Was that shouting I hear? I hated not being in on anything, let alone being stuck in one place for too long. It was already 5:20, 10 minutes before I had to pick Youngjin up yet here I am; pathetically stranded in my own home like some sort of sick house arrest. 

But my friends would never do that to me, they have no reason to! Right...?

Jiyong's POV

"If you were married," I cringed at Seunghyun's attempt at making futuristic questions that I probably would never allow to happen in real life, "what would you want him to cook for you in the morning?"

"Pancakes and bacon sound nice" She replied dreamily only to be immediately interrupted by Seunghyun's alarming smack to the wooden desk, if not leaving a few cracks in it. That's my boy.

"Wrong! Trick question, Seungri can't cook anything but tuna omelet. to be you." Youngjin stared wide-eyed at Seunghyun's happy aura showing that he was really enjoying the inquisition. He patted her back reassuringly as she flinched away from the touch, I remained sitting by the crack in the kitchen entrance; eyes never leaving the two sitting across from each other. My pupils began gaining red blood-shot marks when Youngbae nudged me with his foot.

"I know I've asked this before, but are you sure you're okay?" His eyebrows were scrunched up together as he looked down at me pitifully. Normally I would not accept sympathy given, but my expression must have said it all as I lingered around the opening watching the girl continue to answer the questions vigorously; each correct statement compressing my sliver of hope smaller in my chest. I don't think I could take much more of this.

"No, thing's aren't going well at all." Youngbae granted me a puzzled look, the one where he tries to get inside your head against your will to read you like an open book.

"Why? The girl seems normal enough, she's even kind of nice. Maybe her and Seungri could-" I shook my head at his negligence.

"No no, this isn't over yet." opening the door wider now, I stepped into the room to switch out with Seunghyun. No, this was far from done.

"Hey... So I hear you want to date Seungri?" I decided to play good cop and lean on one elbow while I put a coy smile falsely on my face for the sake of professionalism. She rolled her eyes, "Another one? How many more tests do I need to pass?"

"Not too many, but Seungri is a man who is hard to please... I'm just prepping you up for the horror that's all." Youngjin displayed disinterest as if challenging me on what more I could say about him that would surprise her. Challenge accepted.

"Well... He loves his hair more then he will ever love his girl." I said matter-o-factly, no reaction.

"He has horrible dark circles that won't go with anything you're wearing!" Youngjin scoffed at the well known fact

"...Most non trustworthy and cocky person you will ever have the displeasure to meet!" The first two statements may be true, but it was anything but disfavor of me to get to know someone like him. The girl probably thought so too, because she kicked her chair back and sprang up, confidence finally building for the first time we started examination.

"Are you done?" I could not respond as she was about to take her leave to Seungri's room. Did she really still want to have a date with him after all we went through? I can't tell if she is extremely sincere or just plain dumb.

"To tell you the truth, he hates you. That's why he told us to do this! So you could leave without him having to hurt your feelings! He never wants to see you again, You're not his type!" I spurted out lies of venom as my last resort. The hurt was evident on her features, but the words just reflected off uncared for as she paused at the foot of the stairs.

"I don't believe you."

"Wait!" I grabbed her wrist to stop the fleeing target. This complete and utterly selfish mission wasn't working at all, but I really couldn't lose after I've humiliated myself so much. What if she tells Seungri? Regret was all I could feel as I said the next words.

"He had his first kiss with a guy" I held my breath for it to have any effect at all, no matter how little. But I guess she just thought I was playing with her as she wrestled her hand from my grip.

What a horrible friend I must be, to speak lies about him just so he doesn't grow out of his childish ways from my fantasy of never losing the youngest. Can't I think of his feelings for once? Why couldn't he had considered mine too when he first agreed to this chaos. I should just give up, I should save the dignity I have left. I hung my head in shame as I waited for her to go up the stairs and take my precious baby away.

"AHHHHHH" My eyes snapped up to see Youngjin had fallen to the ground in fear, a glimpse of Youngbae and his monster Halloween costume from last year running away shot me a look that I could understand all too well.

'you owe me one'

Right at that same moment, Seungri in mismatched clothing probably from his failed attempt to chose what to wear tumbled down the steps till he was upright at the bottom; cursing the whole way down.

"I swear I hate you all so much for making me miss my- Why is it so dark?" He blinked a couple times to adjust to the gloomy black before he zeroed in on Youngjin still cowering on the floor.

"Oh my god! Youngjin, when did you get-" Seungri reached down to help the lady up, but was quickly pushed aside as she staggered herself back on her feet and kept a well arms length away from anything in the room.

"S-stay away from me, all of you!" her frightened face was shot at everyone as she waved her arms out in front of her accusingly. "Seungri, your friends are freaks, FREAKS. I don't think it's going to work out." holding her heart as if it was going to pop right out of her chest, she grabbed her stuff from the interrogation table and walked out the front door, making sure to slam it loudly behind her.

"Don't let the door hit you on your way out!" I commented, pure bliss emanating from every syllable. Seunghyun and Daesung were high fiving each other in the background as Youngbae turned the lights back on. The bright glare shining down on me caused my eyes to sting from the sudden change.

"I swear Jiyong... Whatever you did..." I was directed back to the fuming boy winding up to demolish me, but his absolutely exploding anger only added fuel to the fire. I found myself taking out my phone and switch it to camera mode to capture the memory.

"Say cheese to a first date" 

The next moment I was tackled harshly into the living room wall while being beat senseless by the fiery panda boy. Though the others sprang in to help, it did little to contain his fury as fists were flying and brusies were made. At least I made the shot, and it was totally worth it.


Perhaps I went a bit too far this time, that or I should have apologized somewhat. Especially since I discovered that I had a heart next to my name on his phone as well, at least I did before that little scandal. Then it went back to no-heart Jiyong instead. But hey, there will be other times to make it up to him, because he would always be my little panda.

A/N: Sorry for so many POV switches. And yes, I do feel bad for making Taeyang forever alone, but I'm really clueless about who I could possibly pair him up with at this point. Any suggestions?

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Chapter 20: this story is soooo sweeeettt & sooo cuuuuuteee, i cried... good job
ILuvToDae #2
Chapter 20: Wow... This is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming fanfics I’ve ever read. I’m absolutely in love with every bit of it. It has definitely made my list of favorites. Thank you so much for writing this!
Your_fangirl #3
i don't know if it's creep you out or something, but i 'm crying as i read your story, it's really good and awesome, and fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, they're so cute when they are talking about marriages~~~
tixhenataho #5
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
tixhenataho #6
Chapter 20: whoaaa one of the best fanfics i've read 'til now :D :D it was so beautifully-written.. nothing more to say... i actually read it during the night.. i liked it that much! :D GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 21: Awww... The ending is soo nice. I love it. Gri especially needs more stories like this.
KangGwisoon #8
read this story a loooooong long time ago but forget to subscribe and upvote /slaps/ I really love this >W< I nearly cried when it was ended but yeah, it was a happy ending so it's ok XD