
We Belong Together



It was Monday and since she was enrolled in Jinyoung's school, she had to go there today. She loved to study, but she just didn't know if she'll like it or not, especially since she's gonna be in the same school as him. She was woken up by the incessant knocking on her door that morning. She groaned and checked the clock by her bedside. 6:45am. She buried her head under the pillow but the knocking continued. She screamed before flipping the blanket away and headed towards the door. "WHAT?!?!?!!" She screamed, which startled Jinyoung. "It's school day!! Cmon! Go get ready and eat breakfast! You wouldn't want to be late for your first day right?" He patted her head and skipped downstairs gleefully. SHe muttered a few curse words under her breath directed to him and closed the door. She laid back on her bed, wanting to sleep more but she can't fall asleep again after being woken up, so she went to get ready instead. She wore the white uniform and combed her hair. It was barely 10 minutes and the knocking came again. She rolled her eyes, slammed the brush on the table and opened the door. "What. now." She glared at him and he just smiled. "Oh you're done! I thought you might go back to sleep. Cmon! eat your breakfast and let's head to school!" He grabbed her hand and dragged her downstairs towards the dining table. She turned around and grabbed her bag. "No thanks. I don't have a habit of eating breakfast." She said and headed towards the front door. "B-but-" Jinyoung didn't even finish his sentence and she was out of the door already. He sighed, grabbed a banana and chased after her.

"Here." He handed her the banana and she stared at him. "Just eat something. It's better than surviving on an empty stomach till lunch." She hesitated before snatching the banana from him and eating it. He smiled, glad that she accepted something he offered to her, despite the cold attitude. "Oh! Call me oppa from now on!" She stared at him with cocked eyebrows. "And why should I?" Her eyes darted around, trying to find a rubbish bin to dispose of the banana peel. "Because I am!" He took the peel from her and headed towards the bin towards the left. She mentally facepalmed herself for not seeing such a big bin that was just next to her and walked even faster. Jinyoung caught up to her and laughed. "Are you blind or something? That bin was just right beside you and you didn't see it!" He joked and she glared at him. Before she could flare up, she saw the school not far from her and she ran towards it. "Yah!! Wait for me!" He hollered and ran after her.

When she reached the front gates, she was awed by the sight. I could get used to this place, I guess. She thought to herself. She wandered around, trying to find the office while exploring the school. "Yah Hyemin-ah! Why did you run so fast?!" Jinyoung panted as he caught up to her. She was to absorbed in her own world to pay attention to him and she left. Jinyoung saw the small smile on her face and his smile immediately lit his own face. "She looks so pretty and innocent. Please smile more." His thoughts were broken when someone pounced on him. "Morning hyung!" Sandeul smiled and Jinyoung patted his head. "Morning guys." He greeted the 2 other guys approaching. "Oh! cmon, I'll introduce you guys to someone!" He led them to Hyemin and he shouted her name. She turned around this time and he smiled. "Guys, this is Hyemin, my new sister. Hyemin, this is Sandeul, Baro and CNU, my friends." He introduced and Hyemin just stared at them blankly. "Omo! You're so cute! And pretty too! I'm sure hyung wouldnt mind me dating you, right hyung?" Sandeul slung his arm around her shoulders and she rolled her eyes before getting out of his grasp. She saw the big 'General Office' sign from the side of her eyes and she went over, ignoring the group. They watched her retreating back and Sandeul pouted. "She doesn't talk much, does she?" CNU asked and Jinyoung nodded. "But I'm sure she'll open up to me soon." He said. "Oh right, where's Gongchan?" He asked and they just shrugged. They haven't seen him all morning either.

"Hello, I'm a new transfer student. My name's Yoo- I mean Jung Hyemin." She told the lady at the front desk and she typed something into the computer before turning back to hyemin. "Jung Hyemin?" She nodded. "Here's your schedule and a map to make sure you won't get lost. Enjoy your first day." The lady said listlessly and Hyemin muttered a thanks before going out of the door. She read through her schedule and looked at the map, trying to figure out where the heck is classroom 2B. She was too engrossed in her map that she knocked into someone. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She apologised and tried to collect the flying papers that were all over the floor now. "It's okay. Hey, are you new here?" He asked and she raised her head. "Yeah, I am." He chuckled. "No wonder I've never seen you before. Hi, I'm Woohyun. Freshman this year." Hyemin collected the last of the papers and handed it back to him "Me too!" She said and he smiled. "Really? Which class are you in?" She checked her schedule. "2B." "Woah!! What a coincidence! You're in my class! Cmon, I'll bring you there." He flashed her a smile and she fought the urge to smile back.



tadah update!~ heheheee hope you guys enjoyed and please comment and subscribe!! I like reading your comments :3

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uhm so aff deleted the last chapter i've updated =_= will update again when im on my laptop!


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i'll be looking forward to the next chapter! FIGHTING!
@authornim HAHAHAHA XD no problem ;) i think gongchan was his friend on the orphanage HAHAHAHA IM SO EXCITED YEAAAAH~! Update soon!! :)
New reader :3 your story seems interesting. update soon HWAITING!!~ :)
yuxuan #4
update soon