
We Belong Together


The following Sunday passed by pretty fast, and it was soon Monday. Hyemin, surprisingly, woke up earlier than the alarm. When the maid knocked on her door, she was already ready for school.

“You’re early today,” Jinyoung commented as he bit on his bread at the dining table when he saw Hyemin descending from the stairs. She just shrugged and grabbed a banana from the table and sat beside Jinyoung. Guess Jinyoung’s constant pestering of making her eat breakfast in the morning is starting to pay off.

They went to school together as usual, and when they were nearing the school every student that were walking past them were whispering to each other and giggling while pointing at them.

Even an idiot would know that they were talking about them.

Jinyoung, however, just ignored all the stares and soft laughter and focused on going to school with Hyemin, who on the other hand, felt like just shouting at everyone to get them to shut their mouths.

When she reached the school, it was worse. Whispers everywhere eventually erupted into loud chatters and Hyemin could catch a bit of the conversations around her. “So the pictures were true, she’s really with Jinyoung!” “What did he see in her anyway? She has no existence. I never even knew she existed till the photos came out.” Photos?

When she was about to turn to Jinyoung to ask him about it, Woohyun ran towards them, panting. “Hyemin!! Hye-min… The-there are pictures of you-with-Jinyoung and-people-are-speculating that you-you guys-you guys are-“ he huffed and Hyemin got irritated by the way he’s not speaking properly. “Aish just spit it out, Woohyun!”

“You guys are together!!” He said it out loud and Jinyoung’s eyes widened, if that’s possible. Hyemin’s hands curled into fists as she tried to control the anger boiling inside her. “Where.” She growled. Woohyun pointed towards the bulletin board next to the general office and she saw a group of students crowding around it, the number increasing by the second. She gritted her teeth in anger and stomped towards the area. Jinyoung, still recovering from the news that came out of Woohyun’s mouth, saw Hyemin’s silhouette go by him and he snapped out of his thoughts. “Hyemin-ah!”

The students, who were shocked and scared by the fact that she was walking towards them like some enraged bull, opened up a walkway and she could finally see the damn photos that everyone was talking about earlier for the first time in her life. They were photos from the Lotte World outing two days ago. She rolled her eyes at the immaturity of the person who pinned up the photos and tore them down just when Jinyoung arrived. “So where’s the photos?” She showed him her enclosed fists with paper corners sticking out from the spaces between her fingers and turned to the crowd. “Listen up! I, Jung Hyemin, am not, I repeat, NOT, dating Jung Jinyoung. I’m his adopted sister, for God’s sake. And to the person who took the time to print out the photos and pin them on the board, thanks, I’ll make sure to keep them and put them in my family album IN THE TRASH.” With that long speech, she stomped off, threw the photos in the bin and went out of the school gates.

Jinyoung smiled as he finally processed what she said. *She admitted that we’re siblings!! That’s a start!* He chased after her and pulled her arm when he spotted her not far away.

“What?!” She snapped. Her expression went from angry to indifferent when she saw it was just Jinyoung and continued walking. Jinyoung, who couldn’t hide his happiness, showed it by flashing his smile.

“Yknow, your smile is starting to freak me out. You’ve been smiling ever since you got out of school.” Hyemin commented as they were walking aimlessly around the streets of Seoul. It was relatively quiet as everyone was either at school or at work.

“That was the most I’ve ever heard you say. You’re always not talking, or just replying with just yes or no. That time, when you asked me to shut up, I thought that was gonna be the only time I’m ever gonna hear so many words spill out of your mouth at once. Turns out I was wrong.” Hyemin just stared at him and cleared awkwardly. “I just prefer to be quiet. And I talked a lot when we were in the ferris wheel as well.” She reminded.

“But this is the first time you acknowledge me as your brother!!” His grin went wider and Hyemin seriously thought that his mouth was gonna break from excessive smiling. “O…kay. Enough with the smiling there.” She couldn’t help but laugh slightly at Jinyoung’s over-ecstatic face. “Why did you run out with me anyway? I thought you were some perfect student.” Hyemin asked as she looked around for some place to eat. “I had to make sure you’re okay. I have to protect you, you know, in case- nevermind.” He cut his sentence but Hyemin knew exactly what he wanted to say. “And besides, staying in school is boring. And it’s a Monday. I think I have Monday blues.” He pouted and Hyemin resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks. “Fine. Let’s go eat first then, all the shouting and walking and drama in the morning is making me hungry.” Hyemin compiled and pointed at a ddeokbokki shop before heading towards it. Jinyoung smiled at Hyemin’s backview before jogging slightly to catch up with her. Yeap, things are definitely getting better.



SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONG!! anyway, i hope you enjoyed this update!! 

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uhm so aff deleted the last chapter i've updated =_= will update again when im on my laptop!


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i'll be looking forward to the next chapter! FIGHTING!
@authornim HAHAHAHA XD no problem ;) i think gongchan was his friend on the orphanage HAHAHAHA IM SO EXCITED YEAAAAH~! Update soon!! :)
New reader :3 your story seems interesting. update soon HWAITING!!~ :)
yuxuan #4
update soon