
We Belong Together

While on the car, Jinyoung kept glancing at Hyemin while she was just staring out the window. He cant help but to notice how pretty she is. As she was still half-asleep, she didn't realise that Jinyoung was staring at her. She curled her hair behind her ear and that's when Jinyoung noticed the scar. He unconsciously reached out to touch it but Hyemin turned around and his hand hung in mid-air. She gave him a weird look. "What?" "Uh... H-how did you get that scar...?" He asked and Hyemin narrowed her eyes and faced the other way again. "It's none of your business." He felt hurt by her statement, but he knows that that's the way she is, and that she'll tell him when she's ready. He nodded and looked out the window as well.

Soon, they reached Lotte World and Jinyoung raised his hands in the air after he stepped out of the car. "Woohoo!! Lotte World!!!" He cheered. His parents laughed at how childish their son is and even Hyemin bit back a smile. After entering, Mr Jung told them to have fun by themselves and meet back at the entrance at 5pm. Jinyoung nodded and dragged Hyemin along with him. "Which ride do you wanna go on first?" He asked, slinging an arm over her shoulders casually. She glanced around and saw the ride she was looking for. "That one." She pointed and smiled. She dragged Jinyoung along with her to the queue and Jinyoung silently thanked his dad for bringing them here while Hyemin was determined to enjoy the childhood she had lost.

It was finally their turn and Hyemin pulled down the safety barrier excitedly. Jinyoung, on the other hand, was kind of scared. He gulped and gripped onto the safety barrier for his dear life. He looked over to Hyemin and saw how excited she was to ride on this ride and tried his best to forget about his own fears and just enjoy the day with her.

After the ride, he got off the ride with a green face. Hyemin helped him out and brought him to a nearby rubbish bin where he puked out the breakfast he had just now and maybe a bit of yesterday's dinner as well. She patted his back and looked at him with concern. "Aye if you couldn't take that much excitement you could've told me and we could go on other rides first." She reprimanded. Jinyoung tried to stand up straight and wiped his mouth with his hands. "Nah, I'll be fine. Besides, you wanted it. I'll just enjoy the day with you." He smiled and her heart starts beating faster, something that hasnt happen before. She was touched by him and smiled. "Then you choose the next ride." Jinyoung shook his head. "Nono! It's your first time here, so you should pick!" "Precisely. So you shall pick the rides and I'll just enjoy." She told him and he thought for a while before agreeing. Today is gonna be the best day ever.


They went on numerous rides, and this day was the day Hyemin smiled and laughed so heartily ever since her parents left. She realised that Jinyoung wasn't a bad person, and he might actually be the perfect brother that Hyemin dreamed of having when she was a child. For the last ride, Jinyoung suggested going on the ferris wheel. As they got on board, the capsule started rising higher and higher above the ground, and that was when she realised she's afraid of heights. She started retreating away from the windows of the ferris wheel capsule and hid behind Jinyoung. "What's wrong?" I'm... s-scared of heights..." He chuckled. "Youre not afraid of roller coasters but youre afraid of ferris wheels?" She hit his arm lightly and glared. He hugged her close and her eyes widened at the sudden contact. "It's okay, I'll protect you. There's nothing to be scared of with me around. See? Look at the beautiful scenery!" He gushed and she turned her head slightly to look at what he was talking about and true enough, it was indeed beautiful. "Woah..." she exhaled and admired the scenery in his arms. Strangely, she didn't feel uncomfortable or anything. Perhaps this means that she's comfortable with Jinyoung already. As the ride is quite long (25 minutes to be exact), they sat down and just looked at the scenery in front of them. Hyemin wasn't that scared of heights anymore after knowing that Jinyoung would be there to protect her. She suddenly thought of what happened this morning and turned to him. "Do you... wanna know the story behind the scar on my ear?" His ears perked up and nodded. "But only if you wanna say it. Because if you dont wanna tell me then I won't force you." She smiled for the umteenth time that day and said "It's okay, I want to." 

She told him her story, about what happened with her parents and how did she end up in the orphanage. Every little detail of her past was revealed to him in that short 25minute ride. When they stepped off the ferris wheel, it was exactly 5pm and they went over to the entrance to find their parents. "Oh, you guys are here, Let's go for dinner." Mr Jung smiled and led them to his car. "Mrs Jung walked with the children, asking them about their day before returning to Mr Jung's side. Hyemin turned to Jinyoung. "Hey." "hmm?" "Thank you, for everything." She smiled genuinely and he can't help but to smile too. *Snap!* The sound of the camera snapping went off and the person hid behind a tree near the Jungs. A few more snaps went off and the person admired his/her own work and smirked. "Well well well... this aught to be interesting..." 



updated <: please comment >: and subscribe too if you havent! ^^

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uhm so aff deleted the last chapter i've updated =_= will update again when im on my laptop!


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i'll be looking forward to the next chapter! FIGHTING!
@authornim HAHAHAHA XD no problem ;) i think gongchan was his friend on the orphanage HAHAHAHA IM SO EXCITED YEAAAAH~! Update soon!! :)
New reader :3 your story seems interesting. update soon HWAITING!!~ :)
yuxuan #4
update soon