We Belong Together


Everyday was the same for Jinyoung and Hyemin; she would ignore him and he would still tell her everything that happened during their day in school. They walk home together everyday now, and Hyemin seemed to have grown accustomed to his incessant talking – or as she called it, annoying buzzes. Her relationship with Woohyun was getting better too, and she was starting to open up more and more to him. She was worried at first, about how she could open up so easily to a guy she just met not long ago, but she decided that he was a trustworthy friend. Friend. A term that was so foreign to her before. She finally has someone to call as her friend. Not only Woohyun, his group of friends accepted Hyemin quite easily as well. She realized that unpopular kids, aka woohyun and his friends, can be fun to be with as well. Who said you need to be popular to have fun in school? Hyemin was living perfectly incognito. As for her friendship with Gongchan, it was the same as woohyun. She could say that Woohyun and Gongchan were her best friends now. But as Gongchan was a popular guy along with Jinyoung and the rest, other than a few smiles to each other along the hallways, nothing much was exchanged between them when they pass by each other in school. Jinyoung felt hurt that she could open up to Woohyun so easily, but he wasn’t one to give up easily, so he tried and tried again to get her to talk to him. Even a simple hello or a smile would be enough for him. But obviously, being Hyemin, she wasn’t going to do that.

One day, Jinyoung was waiting for Hyemin to come out of the school to go home together. When he spotted her, he ran over immediately. She nodded to acknowledge his presence and walked away. Jinyoung smiled until his lips were about to break, if that’s even possible. This was the first time she actually acknowledge his presence.

He walked beside her, not making any conversations. She told him yesterday that he was very annoying with his continuous talking. That was the most that Hyemin ever told him and he shut up immediately, not wanting her to hate him even more. Hyemin, on the other hand, felt weird because the walk home was very quiet, and it was kind of abnormal. She sort of regretted telling Jinyoung to shut up yesterday, but she shook that thought out of her head and thanked god that he finally stopped talking, although she was still getting used to the quietness. When she turned around, wanting to cross the road, she noticed Jinyoung wasn’t by her side nor behind her anymore. She looked around, scared that another incident like last time would happen. She didn’t realize that she was already depending on Jinyoung a lot. Whenever she didn’t want to eat her vegetables during dinner, he would eat it up for her. When she sleepwalked in the middle of the night, Jinyoung followed her around to make sure she doesn’t fall over the window or down the stairs or something. And all this happened without her knowing.

For the second time in her life, she felt scared because Jinyoung wasn’t by her side. She walked back, trying to find Jinyoung. Suddenly, an ice cream cone appeared in front of her face and she followed the hand on the cone to… Jinyoung.

She heaved a sigh of relief and glared at him. His eyes widened and slowly retracted his hand that was in front of her. “Why did you go away and didn’t tell me?” “I… I… I thought you didn’t like me talking so…” She sighed again. She wasn’t going to admit that she actually felt scared, no way in hell. She grabbed the cone away from his hand and went on her way, eating the icecream that Jinyoung bought for her. Once in a while, she would glance back just to make sure he was behind her and not elsewhere without her. He caught her action and smiled widely again. Things are starting to look better.

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uhm so aff deleted the last chapter i've updated =_= will update again when im on my laptop!


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i'll be looking forward to the next chapter! FIGHTING!
@authornim HAHAHAHA XD no problem ;) i think gongchan was his friend on the orphanage HAHAHAHA IM SO EXCITED YEAAAAH~! Update soon!! :)
New reader :3 your story seems interesting. update soon HWAITING!!~ :)
yuxuan #4
update soon