
We Belong Together



The Ahjumma led her towards her new family, who was waiting by the front counter. "Hyemin-ah, please be nice to them. They are your family now, after all. Be good okay?" She gave her one last hug and a pat on her shoulders before pushing her towards Jinyoung. "Do take good care of her!" The ahjumma hollered as they headed out the door after thanking the ahjumma. "I hope she'll adapt well." The ahjumma sghed.

Hyemin headed towards the car with her hands full of luggage. Jinyoung offered help, but she was too stubborn to let anyone help her, much less a stranger that now became her brother. Jinyoung climbed into the back seat as Hyemin loaded her luggage at the back. She slammed the boot shut, gave the orphanage one last glance and left in the car.

On the car, Jinyoung was trying desperately to get her to talk more, but she only nod or shook her head. His face would light up whenever she gave one short answer, His parents tried too but the most they got out of her was "I'm tired. Wake me up when we reach." They sighed and gave up trying to make her open up. Jinyoung stared at her as she leaned her head against the door and slept. 'I'll make you open up to me, just see.' he thought to himself.


When the car stopped, Hyemin's eyes flickered open. Jinyoung was about to wake her but as he saw her eyes open, he retracted his hands and coughed awkwardly. "We're here," He smiled and got out of the car. This time, he opened the boot before Hyemin did and took it for her. She scratched her head for a few times before climbing out the car. She turned around and her eyes widened in awe. 'this is a house?! It's practically a mansion!' She thought, unable to close . "C'mon, I'll show you around." Jinyoung reached out his hand to grab hers, but her reflexes were faster and she pulled her arm away.

"I can manage myself." She muttered and walked towards the big door with Jinyoung following behind her. She slowed down when she was nearing the house to let Jinyoung overtake her. He saw this and suppressed a chuckle before walking faster to walk next to her.

As they stepped past the door, butlers and maids greeted them. Jinyoung was used to this so he just nodded and bowed back slightly, but for Hyemin who lived in the orphanage for such a long time, this was a scene that she thought only happened in dramas. "This is Hyemin, my new sister and your new miss." He introduced and they chorused "Afternoon, agasshi." She didn't how to respond so she just bowed back. "You," Jinyoung pointed to a short, average-sized maid. "take her bags and bring her to the room." he instructed. She nodded, took Hyemin's bags and gestured for her to follow. She looked at Jinyoung, who gave her an encouraging nod and she followed the maid.

"This is your room, miss. Please make yourself comfortable. The bathroom is to your right." the maid pointed and Hyemin looked towards the direction she was pointing. "If you need anything, you can just call me or any of the maids. Please remember that dinner is at 7pm every night, so be punctual. Old Master doesnt like people who disregards meal times." She explained and all Hyemin could do was nod. "Then I'll leave now." she bowed and closed the door. Hyemin looked around the room and she had to admit it, she loved it a lot. It was in a shade of baby pink, her favourite colour. And the room was decorated very simply, which was what she liked the most: simplicity. She unpacked her bags, took a shower and decided to take a nap first before dinner.


She would've overslept if not for the maid knocking on her door and waking her up. She stretched herself, washed her face and headed down towardds the dining table.

Dinner... was awfully awkward. They all ate and chatted, but Hyemin just kept quiet and ate her food. After she was done, she bowed and took her bowl and utensils towards the sink. "I'll take it." The maid came by her side but she refused. "It's okay," Hyemin replied but the maid was persistent. Hyemin was about to argue again but Mr Jung's voice cut in. "Just leave it there, Hyemin. They'll wash it." She had no choice but to nod and excused herself upstairs.

After Hyemin left, Mr Jung sighed. "This child is a tough nut to crack." 

"Don't worry, dearr." Mrs Jung started. "It's a foreign environment to her. The fact that she has manners means that she isn't a bad girl. We just need to give her time." She explained and Mr Jung sighed.

"You chose her, Jinyoung. Hope you can make her open up and warm up to us soon. We're family now, after all." Mr Jung told Jinyoung and the latter nodded firmly. 'Yoo Hyemin, I'll make you warm up to me soon!'



weeeeeeeeeeell finally updated after so long lol sorry! hope this story is okay up till now. Do leave comments! and subscribe too! <3333

@yuxuan updated! hehehee :3

@JK_021 updated! hope you like it :3

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uhm so aff deleted the last chapter i've updated =_= will update again when im on my laptop!


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i'll be looking forward to the next chapter! FIGHTING!
@authornim HAHAHAHA XD no problem ;) i think gongchan was his friend on the orphanage HAHAHAHA IM SO EXCITED YEAAAAH~! Update soon!! :)
New reader :3 your story seems interesting. update soon HWAITING!!~ :)
yuxuan #4
update soon