
We Belong Together

Hyemin sat alone against the window, staring at the snow-covered trees around the vincity. Her hair cascaded down and covered the sides of her face. She sighed inwardly and hugged her legs closer, getting as warm as she could be. The children ran past her playing catch and she wondered how could they have so much energy and not get cold even during winter. She wanted to play too; to have friends. But being alone for so long, she has forgotten how to make friends anyway. Her parents died in a fire; as she was told by the person in charge of the orphanage. She couldn't remember a thing. She could only remember that when she woke up, she was in the hospital, with a stinging pain near her ear. The doctor said she was lucky that she was rescued in time, and only suffered a scratch near her ear, that might cause her to go deaf if it were any closer to her ear. A scratch. A scratch that will stay permanent there, forever. Because of that scar, she was outcasted by the people at the orphanage. Everyone that was there before she was were all adopted, even those that came in after her. She was envious; jealous to be exact. Why does everyone get to have a family and I dont? she thought bitterly to herself as she watched another child get adopted again. Minwoo was his name, if she remembered correctly. He was a bright young boy, very cheerful. The typical type of child everyone likes. She watched the 12 year-old climb into the Mercedes happily while talking to his new mom. As much as Hyemin didn't like interactions, she wanted to be adopted too. To be loved. But she didn't know how, so she just stayed along the sidelines, quietly seeing everyone come in with crying faces and leaving a few years later - some even weeks - with smiles on their faces and a new family. 

10 years. She was in the stupid orphanage for 10 long years. But all the couples that came in either didnt notice her or felt that she wasn't a good daughter to have. But most of them didn't adopt her because of the evident scar. I'm good, she thought. If only they give me a chance to prove myself. That was what she told herself for the first few years there. But as time passed, her hope of getting adopted grew dimmer and dimmer. Wake up, eat, stare out the window, eat, think, sleep. That was her routine everyday. If anyone needed to find her for anything, they could find her by the window. That place was her hideout. If she wasn't there, she'll be at the swings. She eventually gave up on the hope of ever getting adopted and just wanted time to pass by quickly so that she could leave this place legally. She tried running away a few years ago, but she was dragged back in the end. They even paid extra attention to her, keeping an eye on her 24/7, so that she couldn't run away. 

The ahjumma shook the bell and it sent the sound all around the orphanage. "Time to eat!" Hyemin snapped out of her thoughts and turned to look at the clock. 6pm. Her eyes widened slightly as she realised how much time she spent thinking today and left the windowside and headed to the kitchen. She sat down and looked at what she was having today. Porridge with dishes again. She cringed inwardly at the poorly cooked vegetables and fish. She took a small spoonful of the porridge and scrunched her eyebrows together ever so slightly. The porridge was underrcooked too, like always. She supressed the urge to throw her chopsticks down and not eat at all because her stomach was grumbling, telling her she was hungry. She took a few strands of vegetables, a big piece of fish and downed the porridge with it. "I'm done." She announced and stood up. She went over to the sink, washed her own utensils and bowl, and left for her room.

She closed the door and lay down on her bed. She was the only one with her own room. The rest had to share with either two or three other people. She stared at the ceiling for a long time, thinking of nothing. Soon after, snother ring of the bell travelled to her ears followed by the sound of the ahjumma's voice. "Lights off! Goodnight!" She faced the clock and saw that it was already 9pm. Time passed fast today. She let out a heave of breath as she got out of her bed to off the lights. Two more years, she thought with determination. Two more years and I'll be 18. Then I can leave this place forever. And she drifted off to sleep. 




first chapt up! hope you guys liked it~ I changed the plot from her being an orphan to her being ignored by her family back to her being an orphan again LOL I changed the writing style here too, its in third person view. hope you like this kind of narration (((:


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uhm so aff deleted the last chapter i've updated =_= will update again when im on my laptop!


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i'll be looking forward to the next chapter! FIGHTING!
@authornim HAHAHAHA XD no problem ;) i think gongchan was his friend on the orphanage HAHAHAHA IM SO EXCITED YEAAAAH~! Update soon!! :)
New reader :3 your story seems interesting. update soon HWAITING!!~ :)
yuxuan #4
update soon