Huang Zi Tao (Tao) - Time Control

6 grounds+6 skies=1 planet

"Heartless, mindless. No one, who care about me."

"Tao, can you stop watching that god damn video already?!"

"Okay, one minute. Let me watch this part one more time, then we can go."

You rolled your eyes, as you saw your boyfriend watch that god forsaken video for the tenth time in a row. You watched as he spazzed continuously from watching Kris' rap over and over.

"Waaah, duizhang's hair looks amazing like that! He should've kept it like that. I told him to do it, but he still said no.", he sighed. "Why does Kris-gege have to be so cool?"

By the way he acted, people could think he was gay. He finally stood up, grabbed the keys, and you both went to eat dinner. And guess who Tao invited? That's right, his precious leader Kris. When you pulled up to the restaurant, Tao didn't even bother waiting for you. He jumped out of the car and ran to catch up with Kris. The papparazi standing outside took various pictures of the two of them. Little irritating fangirls standing on the side continousuly screamed

"TaoRis, TaoRis! I love you!"

You could tell Tao was enjoying this. He loved hearing them scream "Taoris", acting as if TaoRis was a real couple. Now HunHan, that was a real couple. But TaoRis? Please, they would never come close to being like HunHan.

Throughout the dinner Tao was complimenting, well practically praising, Kris.

"Your hair looks so good with that light color, you should smile more I love your smile, you need to wear more brand-name clothes, let's go shopping duizhang!" over and over. He was acting as if he was a 5 year old kid! You could tell Kris was getting a little irritated, too. But he just smiled at Tao, pinched his cheek and said,

"You're so cute, Zi-Tao.", which made Tao completley spazz out.

You soon left the restaurant with Tao. When you pulled up into the garage, you got out and slammed the car door. When you unlocked the front door, you slammed it when Tao was going to step inside. He looked at you puzzled. You went into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of smirnoff, and locked yourself in the bathroom. Tao knocked asking if you were okay, but you didn't want to answer him. Instead you opened the top drawer and pulled out the old razor that has been sitting there for months. You sat down on the counter and twirled the razor in your hands, while looking at your arm. You placed the razor on your wrist and slowly dug into your skin, pulling it along the length of your arm. You watched as your skin slowly turned from the tannish-tone into an angry red. When the razor reached the middle of your arm you dropped it and fell down on the floor. Tao heard you and busted the door down. He looked down at you with horror on his face and quickly squatted down next to you, checking your pulse.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why did you do this, Jae?!"

"If you want to die, don't go across the river. Go down the stream." you quoted. What that meant, was instead of going across the wrist/arm area with your razor, cut down the arm, causing the main vein to be punctured.

Tao picked you up and placed you on the bed. He bandaged the wound and asked if you were okay.

"No, I'm not okay Tao. I'm sick and tired of you and your ."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, stop making me your second choice! All the time I hear you spazzing over Kris. Day and night, all I hear from you is 'Kris this, Kris that, Kris' hair looks amazing, oh my he's such a good rapper!'. What the hell Tao?! Are you like, secretly gay or something?! Cause if you are, just leave me and go be with Kris already, god dammit!"

"How the hell do you think I feel when you fangirl over Xing-Xing ge? All day I hear how great of a dancer he is, or how about the times you told me to learn the guitar, so I could be like Lay?! How the hell do you think I felt, huh?!"

"But you're spazzing over a guy, Huang. At least I fangirl over someone of the opposite , okay!"

"Jae, please, don't even start with this. You're just jealous that I'm giving Kris all of my attention."

"EXACTLY MY POINT, TAO! Ugh, you know what? Whatever, Tao. I'm done with all of this ." you said as you stood up. You grabebd your already packed suitcase and left the house. Tao folowed you and watched as you got in the car, begging you not to go.

"Jae, I'm sorry. I didn't mean the things I said, I was just upset and irritated. Please don't go."

"I'm sorry Huang. But until you figure out what's really important to you, then I have no other choice."

"Where will you go then, huh? You have no family here, remember?"

"Believe me, you don't want to know where I'm going."

"Yes, I do. Please just tell me where you're going, just in case anything happens to you."

"Fine, you really wanna know so badly?! I'll tell you." you said as you dialed the familiar number. You looked at Tao, and said with a sigh,

"I'm going over to Yixing's."

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Annyong~ flamer808 here. sorry for taking so long for our updates! we will try to update within this week or next week. Again, sorry for taking so long!


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I'm currently writing similar theme when I found your story, except mine sole focusing on each individuals discovering their powers and learn to accept them. But I really love your writing style! looking forward to look up on your future works :D
cornyking #2
I really really liked the Kai oneshot, but all the oneshots were great! :)
aww it's kinda sad knowing this is the last chapter hawwwww :(( I loved all your oneshots!!! specially xiumin's <3
poor Yixing, getting slammed into the wall :(
Poppy1231 #5
I really like these :) :> keep writing!
mauisj1kyu #6
I likey likey the new title. Can't wait to read more.
scoobie #7
>>>.<<< oh soo sweet!!!!!
im really loving these oneshots!! i really like Yixing's :D
i cant wait for Kris and ChanYeol :D <333
mauisj1kyu #9
Wow chapter 2 was great, can't wait to read flamer808. Update soon.