Kim Joon Myun-Water

6 grounds+6 skies=1 planet

So here's Chapter 2!

Done by no other than @EverlastingDream18!



A guardian, a leader. Being neglected and deemed as unnecessary, criticism being the most common words advised. But all the while, a smile is expressed. No matter what the situation, the conscious of one's mind always sounding the words to be strong for the others. To put up an unbreakable barrier to mask the heartache and despair. Nonetheless, he's my source of strength to do anything and everything no matter what; my smiling angel.

"They're in the waiting room." Nodding in understanding of their, or shall I say his, whereabouts I greeted the staff. Entering the four-walled room, escaping the chaotic happenings taking place in the hall.

Eyes searching for the main individual I came here for, I soon became accompanied by the feeling of disappointment. Doing an under the breath roll call, one member short. Once again, the person I came here for. Not only has his disappearance quickened my heartbeat but also fueled the, in a blunt matter to say, negative thoughts.

"Excuse me," Unsure of who and how to approach the person resting calmly on the couch with his head rested against the edge. Even if it was a slight whisper, I still managed to gain his attention. "Do you know where-"

"He's in the transport." Giving me an answer to my unfinished question, I bowed in gratitude and with a slight smile I made my way out of the building. Doing so, my eyes strained as it scanned every identical black van to find the right one. Like a lost child looking for his mother, I indifferently peeked into each mode of transportation. After the nth time, I finally succeeded in my journey.

Hands firm on the door handle, I slid the entrance open. Right in front of me, there he sat. The once self-assured and optimistic being now crumbled into an emotional roller coaster. The person I knew all these years is completely different to the one now crouched forward with his head buried in his palms.

Do I approach him or not? If I do, how will I comfort him? While I constantly debate about my next actions, my heart and mind decide to take control. Working in unison, I unconsciously found myself sitting beside him. Getting his hands into mine, our eyes met in result of me gently lifting his chin. Tears stained down his cheeks, I cupped his face and wiped them away.

"I can't take this anymore, I can't." Admitting to the source of his breakdown, I rested his head in the crook of my neck. At this very moment, shock overwhelmed me. Not one single word nor thought that would be comforting welcomed me.

All I could do was sit there silently and let his cries mutely fill the atmosphere. Even in our deepest and darkest moments, those who manage to maintain a strong front will untimely meet their demise. Those we deem perfect and flawless all have battle scars incognito. The ones we least expect are always the ones with the unimaginable background.

Suho, my smiling angel, you aren't alone. The burden of not being good enough and the pressures of the higher powers is not for you to carry. Not on your own like this. Whether we like it or not, we all have our downfalls. And just as you were there for me when I needed you the most, I'll be beside you to withstand all that's headed our way. To keep that breathtaking smile on your face, no matter what.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Hope you like it :)

Next up is @flamer808!

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Annyong~ flamer808 here. sorry for taking so long for our updates! we will try to update within this week or next week. Again, sorry for taking so long!


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I'm currently writing similar theme when I found your story, except mine sole focusing on each individuals discovering their powers and learn to accept them. But I really love your writing style! looking forward to look up on your future works :D
cornyking #2
I really really liked the Kai oneshot, but all the oneshots were great! :)
aww it's kinda sad knowing this is the last chapter hawwwww :(( I loved all your oneshots!!! specially xiumin's <3
poor Yixing, getting slammed into the wall :(
Poppy1231 #5
I really like these :) :> keep writing!
mauisj1kyu #6
I likey likey the new title. Can't wait to read more.
scoobie #7
>>>.<<< oh soo sweet!!!!!
im really loving these oneshots!! i really like Yixing's :D
i cant wait for Kris and ChanYeol :D <333
mauisj1kyu #9
Wow chapter 2 was great, can't wait to read flamer808. Update soon.