Kim Jong In- Teleportation

6 grounds+6 skies=1 planet

Entering a class you found your two friends talking. Knowing them to well, you knew their conversation had to be k-pop related.

“ Did you see EXO’s teaser?”

“ Yeah, but did you see their only dance performance to History?”

“ Of course! SeHun and his….”

Cutting them off I said a simple “Morning”

“Morning unnie!”


You took a seat next to them only to find them talking about EXO again.

“Ugh,  EXO this. EXO that. Who the hell are they talking about?” You thought to yourself.

Ignoring their little chat, you took your i-Pod out and listened to BIGBANG’s latest album instead.
Mouthing the lyrics to myself, they finally saw you weren’t  in the conversation.

“So unnie, who’s your bias from EXO?” they asked which caught you off guard.

You didn’t want to make a fool of yourself so you said, “The guy that can dances good”

All idol groups had to have a good dancer,so why not reason with it.

“Which one?”

“Umm……” the pasue being way too long.

“Yah! You don’t know EXO?”

“ I’ve heard of them. I know it’s a twelve member group. Half of them focusing on the Korean market and the other the Chinese market, right?” You said a bit hesitate because of your little knowledge of them.

“That’s it! Okay unnie tonight you have homework, watch the videos EXO released and see why we love them so much.”

“Sureeee………….why not?”

With my sarcastic tone the bell rang before they could hit me.

“Save by the bell, they’ll get me later anyways” you thought.

Later that Day

It was only eight and you finished everything that had to be done for the night except the little assignment you friends gave.

“Should I?”

Sighing you gave in and typed EXO on the search bar.
To your surprise there was a lot on links however one caught your eye.

Waiting for the video to load you pressed play.

In that one minute and forty-nine seconds you weren’t in your right mind.

“What’s with the throwing baby, first the cane, then the hat, now the coat!”
“Ohh, white pants!”

The next thing completely threw you off guard.
The way he swayed through the water and smoke made you go crazy.
The little grabbing “down there”  was a little add on to your already fangirling mode.
“KIM JONG IN, you dancing bastard.”

You watched that teaser over fifty times that night. When your inner fangirl couldn’t handle it anymore you decided to watch the other videos on their page.

BAD IDEA! One member was enough but twelve!
Let’s just say you didn’t sleep a wink that night.

You finally understood your friends. You weren’t obsessed as them but at least you didn’t mind it.

Before you knew it years past and  the love for EXO has never changed.
You remember the first concert you attended as three.  The first step you took in the country of South Korea. It was all to much, the fans, the idols, more so the person you’ve been wanting to see for so long.

To your luck, you won the prize hosted by the stadium.

It was the chance to see EXO backstage. You  brought your friends along knowing they would come along with you anyways.

In that white room, you saw twelve worn out guys. Your friends ran to there biases but you stood rooted to the ground.

You didn’t know why ,but was this really happening to you? For the years of being an EXOTIC you finally saw them but all you could do was stand there.

Kai then stood up, walking in the same direction you were in. Your heart rate exploded. He didn’t look well and from the look in his eyes he looks as if he was in pain. Exiting out of the room you followed him.

The stadium had been cleared and the only people in sight were the janitors.

“ Why are you following me?” he asked walking up to one of the seats.

“A fan can’t follow?” You retorted back.

He smirked “ Just like the others”

Knowing from his stand point it sounded like an insult.

“Excuse me, bias or not I hate insults”

“ So, why would I care if you hate insults. Your just a fan, nothing more.”

That made you furious. You scoffed at his remark,”Let me say something. Get this in your head, you may be a dance machine on stage but in all your just a conceited bastard waiting for some attention. So what if I’m a fan, if others see what you truly are all will be gone. You’ve been in the limelight far too long and I think its your time to get out.  If you want some pity for your injury, go to your hyungs instead and don’t wait for someone to come begging in their knees. “

“So this is the difference between being a fan and reality!”

After releasing that last comment, you waited for him to charge right at you but instead he started laughing.

“So, are you telling me………. your crazy?” you asked

“No, its not that. No one had ever had the guts to talk back.”

“I’m confused”

“ I’ll tell you later, let’s start all over though “

“Hi, Kim Jong In-imnida not the conceited bastard you call Kai”

Getting what he’s trying to do, you continued the act.

“Annyeong, _____________-imnida”

Shaking his hand you looked at his eyes and smiled. You tried to hide you blush but in the end he saw it anyways.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You woke up with sweat on your face. Putting all the pieces together it was all a dream. It was all too vivid but in truth it did happen. It all started when you friends mentioned EXO. Just thinking about it made you smile, if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t know where you’d be.

Your husband entered the room breaking your thoughts.

He came around and hugged you from the back. His chin resting on your shoulder inhaling your sweet scent.

“Bad dream?” he asked.

“No…no…..not at all” you smiled.

“Oh, sister-in-law called and said she’d bring him today”

“Who, dragon boy?”

“Yeah, she said little Jiyong was bored today and wanted to see us today and something about buying him a bag of Lay’s.”

“Okay, but don’t go teaching him any dance moves. He’s to young to do a handstand”

“Please hon, I’ve always wanted to teach him.”

“NO! I’d get killed if he get’s hurt.”

“Don’t worry, sister-in-laws has to get through me first before they kill you”

“Really, sorry hon but I have to break the news to you”

“You have no ABS!”

“Oh sweetie, I’ve been working out.”

He leaned towards your ear and whispered  “ Just wait for tonight,babe!”




The EXO one-shots are finally done! I had a blast doing this collaboration. Thank you @EverlastingDream18 and @flamer808 for giving me the chance to finally write something here on AFF!  I also want to thank those who subscribed!

@EverlastingDream18 <3





















and @kpoprincess15

Thank you once again!

On behalf of @flamer808 and @EverlastingDream18, we have another collaboration we want to announce! This time its a collection of one-shots but this time its rated, in other words !


Here's the link, see you there~

Twelve Powers, Twelve Stories

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Annyong~ flamer808 here. sorry for taking so long for our updates! we will try to update within this week or next week. Again, sorry for taking so long!


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I'm currently writing similar theme when I found your story, except mine sole focusing on each individuals discovering their powers and learn to accept them. But I really love your writing style! looking forward to look up on your future works :D
cornyking #2
I really really liked the Kai oneshot, but all the oneshots were great! :)
aww it's kinda sad knowing this is the last chapter hawwwww :(( I loved all your oneshots!!! specially xiumin's <3
poor Yixing, getting slammed into the wall :(
Poppy1231 #5
I really like these :) :> keep writing!
mauisj1kyu #6
I likey likey the new title. Can't wait to read more.
scoobie #7
>>>.<<< oh soo sweet!!!!!
im really loving these oneshots!! i really like Yixing's :D
i cant wait for Kris and ChanYeol :D <333
mauisj1kyu #9
Wow chapter 2 was great, can't wait to read flamer808. Update soon.