Wu Fan-Flight

6 grounds+6 skies=1 planet

This is it. Today was the day to say goodbye to your fiance for 1 whole year while he goes off, busy with schedules and promotions for his album. Why it was a whole year, you didn't know. And in all honesty, you didn't care. All you wanted was to lay in bed with him one more time, talking about the future, and all the things he has in store for you. You were sitting in the passenger seat, not saying a word. Your boyfriend was driving, with a straight face. He didn't want to show any emotion, or to talk to you. He knew, that once he started talking to you, he wouldn't be able to stop, and he wouldn't want to leave your side.

"It's for the good of the group, love. I know one year seems like a long time, but I promise it's going to fly by, and before you know it I'll be back home, with you in my arms."

You pouted, on the verge of tears. You didn't want to wait a whole entire year. You didn't want him to leave you by yourself, to love and nurture that 5 month old boy sitting in his baby seat. He looked just like his father, which in this case, would only make the time and distance harder to bear. You were getting closer and closer to the airport. The time was coming to say goodbye to the love of your life for a year. The only thing that was racing through your mind, was having to take care of your son, who will be 1 year old by the time he comes back.

After about 20 minutes of sitting in silence, he parked in the airport parking lot. You got out of the car and went to unstrap your baby boy. You walked hand in hand with your fiance, getting closer and closer to his gate. You wear holding onto his hand as tight as you could. Fans saw the three of you and tried to take pictures, but the security gueards stopped them from getting any closer. Here was another thing you had to worry about: the media, and the fans. You knew he wouldn't do anything while he was gone, but you still couldn't trust the girls.

You stood in the waiting area for his gate. Then, you heard on the intercome,

"Flight 48 to Seoul, Korea will be boarding in 10 minutes."

Your heart sank into your stomach. The time was here, and in no way were you prepared to say goodbye. He looked down at you with sorrowful eyes. He bent down and kissed the top of your forehead, and grabbed the sleeping baby in your arms.

"Baba's going to miss you. Please be a good boy for your mama, okay? Wo ai ni, my little erzi. I promise I'll be home in time for your 1-year celebration, okay?"

He kissed the sleeping boy on his forehead, and gave him back to you. Their whole entire face was the same. Same bushy eyebrows, with those full and centered lips. Their eyes were alike, too. Even though he was only 5 months old, he had the tendency to share that cold, yet blank glare as his daddy. Same exact nose too. Not too round, yet not too sharp. You could only imagine what your son will look like when he gets older. Oh yeah, that's right. He's gonna grow up to be the handsome faced, at least 6'3" framed boy. Like you thought earlier, exactly like his daddy.

The flight was now boarding, and he had to go. Tears started to form in your eyes, and you actually regretted coming to say bye to him. You hid your face with the baby's blanket, while you cried silently. When he walked back to you, he lifted your face with the palm of his hand, and said

"My love, I'm going to miss you so much. I promise to call everyday, and whenever I get the chance, I'll even Skype with you and our son, okay? Please don't cry, it makes me hate myself even more. Like I said in the car, that one year will fly by as if it never happened. I love you, please never forget that."

He kissed your lips on lingered there, making  sure he's able to remember the feel of your lips, and remembering your scent. He pulled you and your son into a big, tight embrace. You felt his tears start to fall on your shoulder. You kissed him one last time. He was gonna turn to start walking already, but your son suddenly decided to wake up. He blinked his eyes at his father, and before he started walking away, your son yelled out,


Your fiance stopped dead in his tracks, turned around to see his son staring at him, and he answered,

"Wo ai ni, my er zi."

A/N: Annyong, ^__^ flamer808 here! Well, I know this chapter was a little confusing for some of you, so here is what I did. I want to see if you guys can tell which member I'm talking about, from the description in the story. If you can't get it from there, simply look at the Title of the chapter. It's "their" power. Have fun guessing! But, please message me or Roro28 to see if you got it right! We don't want you spoiling it for other readers ;) 

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Annyong~ flamer808 here. sorry for taking so long for our updates! we will try to update within this week or next week. Again, sorry for taking so long!


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I'm currently writing similar theme when I found your story, except mine sole focusing on each individuals discovering their powers and learn to accept them. But I really love your writing style! looking forward to look up on your future works :D
cornyking #2
I really really liked the Kai oneshot, but all the oneshots were great! :)
aww it's kinda sad knowing this is the last chapter hawwwww :(( I loved all your oneshots!!! specially xiumin's <3
poor Yixing, getting slammed into the wall :(
Poppy1231 #5
I really like these :) :> keep writing!
mauisj1kyu #6
I likey likey the new title. Can't wait to read more.
scoobie #7
>>>.<<< oh soo sweet!!!!!
im really loving these oneshots!! i really like Yixing's :D
i cant wait for Kris and ChanYeol :D <333
mauisj1kyu #9
Wow chapter 2 was great, can't wait to read flamer808. Update soon.