
Scent Of You


A/N      Hi...long time, yeorobul. Mianhae for the late updating. I'm feeling a bit down nowadays since AFF was so

            quiet and that had made me too lazy to write. I hope this moody mode of mine will be better soon. Enjoy

            the chapter neh. ^^


After Yunho and Taemin left the restaurant, Jaejong went back behind the counter to continue his unfinished work. Mrs. Kim saw everything since from the start and she wanted to know more about her son's relationship with that customer.

Jaejoong ah, you know them?” Mrs Kim asked while looking curiously at her son.

Ah, deh. That's Jung Yunho and his son, Jung Taemin. Taeminnie is Mun Songie's best friend. We met when I went to fetch Mun Songie two days ago.” Jaejoong explained to his mother.

Really? You just met him? But you looked so close together. It's like both of you are old friends.” Mrs Kim said with her hand supporting her chin on the counter, interogating her son.

Well, maybe that is what people called fate.” Jaejoong told his mother.

Kurae. So, Jaejoong ah, tell eomma, do you like Yunho shi?” Mrs Kim asked. She don't like that Jung Yunho at all. She felt that the man is a playboy flirting shamlessly with her son even though he is a married man and with a son too.! What are you talking about?” Jaejoong nearly got chocked by his own saliva when his mother asked him that question.

Don't eomma me, Jaejoong ah. I heard the boy called you eomma and you just let him. If you don't have feelings for Yunho shi, then why did you let his son call you eomma?” Mrs Kim was not happy with her son. She was worried that Jaejoong will get hurt. Furthermore, Jung Yunho is a married man, she don't want her son becoming a third person in his marriage and ruin the happily married man and his family.

Eomma, you know I like children. I just don't want to let the boy down.” Jaejoong said absentmindedly.

Jaejoong ah, don't you forget that he is a married man. I don't want you to get blame if his marriage came to an end. I don't want to see you hurt. There are a lot more guys out there who were more suitable for you.” Mrs Kim told Jaejoong, showing her concerned to her only son.

Eomma, he is a widower. His wife passed away two years ago in an accident. I'm not ruining his marriage.” Jaejoong knew his mother had misunderstood him.

Really? Well, anyway, I hope you will make the best choice for yourself. Remember that appa and eomma love you very much.” Jaejoong's mother continued her work, leaving Jaejoong to think for himself.

Do I like him as in love? I don't know why I let Taeminnie to call me eomma. Am I being possessed? But then, why I felt happy and warm when Taeminnie called me eomma?” Jaejoong thought hard and it make him a little bit dizzy.

Aish, stop thinking already.” Jaejoong shook his head to forget about the problem for he has other works to attend.


The Next Day


Jaejoong prepared a big pizza and put it into a box. He was on his way to meet Yunho and Taeminnie for lunch. Two hours ago, Yunho called Jaejoong telling him that he had made a reservation at Evergreen Restaurant. He hoped Jaejoong will be there around 2p.m. Jaejoong agreed to meet him there and so he dolled himself up for the lunch date.

When Jaejoong reach Evergreen Restaurant, he received Yunho's message telling him to go to table 15. Jaejoong went to the receptionist and asked her for table 15.

Hi, I'm sorry. I was looking for table 15.” Jaejoong greeted the receptionist which she replied with a bow.

Oh, you must be Jaejoong shi. Yunho shi was waiting for you. Please follow this waitress, she will bring you to him.” The receptionist said while waving for a waitress to lead Jaejoong to table 15.

Once he was there, Yunho stood up and helped him with the chair.

Thanks for coming, Jaejoong ah.” Yunho said with a smile.

You are alone? Where is Taeminnie?” Jaejoong only saw Yunho there alone. He was wondering where Taeminnie was.

I'm going to fetch him later from my mother's. After that we can go to the park together. What say you?” Yunho asked worriedly. He was afraid that Jaejoong will decline his offer.

Oh, it's fine. I though my pizza will be a waste without Taeminnie here.” Jaejong left out his relieved when he knew the truth.

Hey, you still have me to eat it. I wanted to taste your cooking too.” Yunho said with a pout. He looks so cute with his pouts and Jaejoong giggled. Yunho was looking at Jaejoong passionately when he started to giggle. A moment later, a waitress came with their food. She put the food on their table before she bowed and went away.

I'm sorry for ordering for your. I hoped you will like it.” Yunho said while pointed at Jaejoong's plate. It was beaf steak coating with black pepper sauce and there was a small bowl of salad as side dish.

I love it very much. Let's eat.” Jaejoong said with delight and both were eating their lunch and chatting for a bit.

Yunho ah, you said just now that Taeminnie is at your mother's place. Also yesterday, Taeminnie said he had to go back to halmoni. Did he stays with your mother?” Jaejoong asked remembering what he heard earlier from Yunho.

Deh, Taeminnie stays with my parents since my wife...passed away two years ago.” Yunho's mood was gloomy suddenly when he mentioned about Soo Yong.

I'm so sorry.” Jaejoong was shock seeing how gloomy Yunho became and he quickly appologized. “Aish, I'm really a mood killer.” Jaejoong mental scolded himself.

That's fine. I'm already healed from the grief...because of you.” Yunho mumbled the last part.

What did you said, Yunho ah?” Jaejoong couldn't catch on the last part and so he asked Yunho.

Ah...nothing. Let's continue eating.” Both ate silently and when the it's the time to go, Yunho being a gentleman pulled Jaejoong's chair out for him making Jaejoong blushed.

It's feels like I'm a princess.” Jaejoong said making Yunho chuckled.

You looks like a princess, a beautiful one too.” Yunho replied making Jaejoong blushed more.

Both were heading towards Yunho's car with the pizza that Jaejoong made. Earlier, Jaejoong had called Hongki to get his car from the restaurant. Jaejoong buckled the safety belt and Yunho drove the car carefully to his parents' place. It took them around half an hour to arrive due to the heavy traffic. Yunho's mother and Taemin were already waiting outside the house.

Wait here neh. I go get Minnie.” Yunho told Jaejoong and walked out from the car.

Appa!” Taemin called Yunho happily when he saw him.

Yunho's mother noticed there was another person in Yunho's car. She was very curious. As she passed Taemin over to Yunho, she opened to ask.

Who's that in your car?”'s my...friend, Kim Jaejoong.” Yunho answered simply.

Eh? Jae Eomma is in the car?” Taemin asked when he heard Yunho talked about him.

Deh.” Yunho nodded his head and Taemin was very happy.

Jaejoong? Jae Eomma? Is that the one that Minnie was telling me about? His Jae Eomma?” Mrs Jung walked closer to the gate. She wanted to take a closer look at Jaejoong. Taemin had been bragging all night about his Jae Eomma after he get back yesterday.

Ah...deh.” Yunho smiled shyly which made Mrs Jung more curious. She wanted to meet this fabulous person who managed to capture both her son's and grandson's heart.

Jaejoong saw a middle aged lady was looking into the car. He felt impolite to just sit there and so he came down from the car to meet her.

Jae Eomma! You come get Minnie.” Taemin shouted happily when he saw Jaejoong.

Deh, Minnie ah.” Jaejoong said. He then bowed to the middle age lady.

Anyeonghasaeyo, ahjuma. Kim Jaejoong immida.”

An...yeong, Jaejoong shi. I'm Yunho's Eomma.” Mrs Jung was stunned to see a beautiful male standing in front of her. His beauty is beyond words and what Taemin told her last night was totally under compliment.

Eomma, it's getting late. We will get going.” Yunho saw his mother was in a trance and reminded her.

Ah...deh. Jaejoong shi, please come visit next time.” Mrs Jung said whole-heartedly.

Aigaesumida, Mrs Jung.” Jaejoong said bowed to her before the three of them headed to the park.

Oh My God! is so beautiful, like an angel. Yunho ah better take him as wife.” Mrs Jung grinned like an idiot at the gate until she was interrupted by Mr Jung.

What are you doing standing here and grinned at nothing?”

Yeobo...I have something to tell you.” Mrs Jung said dragging the middle age man into their house.



Yunho, Jaejoong and Taemin came to a park. The park was full of people who came to enjoy the fresh air and to bond their relationship with the one that they love. There are a lot of families around and so the park was a bit noisy with the children's voices.

Yunho chosed a nice venue under a tree. He laid out the mat and started to put the food baskets and drinks onto the mat. Jaejoong only looked on and he has a smile on his face.

'He sure a good husband candidate' Jaejoong thought to himself. However, he quickly shook his head when he realised what he was thinking. 'Aish, Kim Jaejoong, how can you think of it like that. You don't even know how he think about you.' Jaejoong kept on swaying in his own thought.

Joong...Jaejoong...” Yunho had been calling Jaejoong for quite some times now. He finished laying out their picnic thing and both he and Taemin already sitting on it. When he saw Jaejoong was still standing, he called Jaejoong to sit down only to being ignored by Jaejoong. He called for the second time but Jaejoong did not reply which made him worried. He stood beside Jaejoong and called him again while he gave a small shake on Jaejoong's shoulders.

Eomma...Jae Eomma...” Jaejoong heard a small voice was calling him. Jaejoong blinked and he saw Yunho was standing in front of him, looking at him worriedly. Taemin's small hand was pulling at his shirt's helm and Jaejoong looked down at him.

Jae Eomma, gwencana? Appa and Taeminnie had been calling for you just now.” Taemin told him with his cute voice. gwencana. Waeyo, Taeminnie?” Jaejoong smiled sweetly to Taemin and the boy smiled back.

Jae Eomma, let's sit down. I'm hungry already.” Taemin said, giving Jaejoong his puppy eyes.

Jaejoong smiled at Taemin and sat down on the mat, followed by the father and son. Yunho sat beside Jaejoong and looked at Jaejoong who took out the pizza and gave a slice to Taemin.

Jaejoong ah, are you sure you are okay?” Yunho was still worried about him.

I am fine, Yunho ah. Here, try my pizza.” Jaejoong said and gave Yunho his slice of pizza.

Hmmm...Jae Eomma, this is very delicious. Komawo, Jae Eomma.” Taemin said while eating the pizza happily.

That's good. How about you, Yunho ah. Is it good? Do you like it?” Jaejoong turned to Yunho and asked. Jaejoong.” Yunho said, making Jaejoong stunned at his sudden confession.


A/N      Yunho finally confessed!!!!!!!!! Will Jaejoong accept him? Stay tune!!! Please leave your comment neh. ^^

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Chapter 16: I want to know if they marry. Please update soon
Everoselen314 #2
Chapter 16: What happen then ? Plz don't abandon this great fic
JjeKim #3
Chapter 16: OMOOOOOO... Author-nim.. I Love this story.. can you update this author-nim?
JjeKim #4
Chapter 16: OMOOOOOO... Author-nim.. I L
Chapter 16: AWww.... please continue author-nim.
please update soon ><
Chapter 12: OoOooOohhh~~~ *×*
it turned was just a wet dream that both of them have it as well. >.<
Chapter 11: Wow~~~ O.O
sure Jung Yunho was super fast to have his way with the beauty
Chapter 6: Hahahah~~ naughty Taeminnie, he made his yun appa jealous.
I loved this chapter. <3
Chapter 2: I love this type of stories, like simple,romance,easy going AND MPREG.kekekee><
asuwakurakara #10
awesome story :D