First Date Together with A Child

Scent Of You


A/N      Sorry for the late update. I tried to update earlier but I was engaged with too many work. Please enjoy

             reading this new chapter. ^^


Jaejoong and his parents were having their dinner together. Jaejoong's parents were asking what he did the whole day with Changmin and his family. Jaejoong told them, leaving out his encounter with Yunho. After they finished their dinner, Jaejoong's mother instructed him to rest in his room and so he complied for he felt tired. When he was resting on the bed, his mind kept on thinking about Yunho.

Yunho is a handsome and charming guy. He has bright brown orbs to make his almond shape eyes stood out. His small face was decorated by his pointy small nose and love shape lips. A mole on his upper left lips make him looks cute and y at the same time. When he smiles, it can melt the heart of the on-lookers. Jaejoong blushed when he realised that he had been thinking about Yunho who he just know today. He can't believe that Yunho managed to grab his full attention in just a day. He knew that Yunho is a married man with a son. However he is a widower because he lost his wife two years ago in an accident. Jaejoong felt sorry and pity to hear Yunho's story. He can see through Yunho's eyes that he was lonely and he needs somebody to be by his side and take care of him. Jaejoong was hoping that he can help him.

This have never happen before. I don't think I'm gay but why I felt something special about him? Why he managed to hold a small piece of place in my heart?” Jaejoong had his right hand on his chest. The thudding heart was sending it strong pulse into Jaejoong's palm. The more he think of Yunho, the stronger the heart beat.

Gosh! Does this mean that I had fallen for him? Is it possible to fall in love with someone in just one day?” Jaejoong asked himself.

That night, it was the first time Jaejoong had a sleepless night. He tossed and his bed. He was dreaming. A beautiful lady had visited him in his dream. He did not recognize the girl and he don't know why the girl came into his dream. She tried to tell him something but Jaejoong can't figure out what.

Jaejoong woke up from his dream, sweating all over. He looked at the clock and it was already 7.05 morning. Jaejoong jumped up from his bed for he was already late. He quickly took his shower and changed his clothes. When he reached downstairs, a plate of beckon egg and toast bread was waiting for him a note was beside it and Jaejoong knew that his parents were already long gone to their restaurant. He read the note.




Appa and Eomma are going out. Don't forget to eat your breakfast. If you don't feel well, just stay at home and rest.


Jaejoong shook his head. His parents were so protective of him. But he can't blame them because he was their only child and that they nearly lost him two years ago.

Jaejoong ate his breakfast and decided to go to the restaurant for he felt bored just staying at home doing nothing. His parents were shocked to see him there in the restaurant.

What are you doing here, Joongie ah? You should just rest at home.” Jaejoong's mother was raising her voice at him for not listening to her.

I'm fine, appa, eomma. It's bored staying at hime. I want to help out.” Jaejoong told his parents with a pout.

It's fine, chagiya. Let him help.” Jaejoong's father knew Jaejoong was lonely and bored staying alone at home. He knew Jaejoong was fine, if only his wife would agree with him too.



Yunho waited impatiently for lunch time. He can't wait to see Jaejoong, the angel that accidentally dropped in human world. When his mother finally sent Taemin to his office, he quickly grabbed his car key, picked Taemin up and headed towards Sapphire Restaurant.

Appa, where are we going for lunch today?” Taemin asked with his childish voice.

Appa wanted to go to Sapphire Retaurant. We ate there before remember? You had your carrot mushroom soup there. The food suits Appa's taste and also it is delicious. What do you think?” Yunho smiled sheepishly to his son. That was not the main reason he wanted to be there. It was Jaejoong who attracted him there.

Ng. I think the food is delicious too. Appa, why don't we go there every day?” Taemin being innocence as he is did not suspect anything and just agree with his Appa.

All right. Let's go.” Yunho happily drove them to Sapphire Restaurant. In his head, he silently thanked Taemin for being such an adorable son.

Jaejoong was busy looking through the account book of Sapphire Restaurant. He did not realised that he was being watched until a child's voice distracting him from his work.

Jaejoong ahjushi.” He looked up from his work and smiled when he saw the pair that was standing in front of the counter.

Oh, Yunho ah, Taeminnie. You came for lunch?” Jaejoong asked with a wide smile. He was blushing as well when he met Yunho's eyes.

Ah...deh...” Yunho was nervous when he was facing Jaejoong.

Follow me. I'll take you to your table.” Jaejoong came out from behind the counter and led the way. He was wearing a black skinny jeans which emphasized his full . When he walks, his swinging elegantly and that make him even more y and appealing.

Yunho who was following from behind was drooling from what he saw. He nearly dropped Taemin from his hand but luckily Taemin was holding onto him like a koala.

Here we are.” Jaejoong led them to a table just beside the big glass window. From the place, they can look out into a small garden which belongs to the restaurant.

What will you have today?” Jaejoong put down a menu in front of Yunho after they were seated comfortably. Yunho smiled to him and showed Taemin the menu.

What do you want to eat, Minnie?”

I want...this.” After looking at the pictures in the menu for a long time, Taemin finally pointed to one of the food in the picture.

Okay, one set of Happy Meal for Taeminnie. How about you then?” Jaejoong looked at Yunho and he blushed a bit when he saw Yunho was actually staring at him without blinking. He asked again but Yunho was quiet, still in his trance. Jaejoong had no choice but to wave his hand in front of Yunho's face.

Yunho felt movement in front of him and he blinked his eyes, coming back to himself. When he saw Jaejoong was looking at him and waited patiently for his orders, he felt his face gone hot after being caught staring at him.

Argh...mianhae. I'll take...this one.” Yunho pointed to a picture and then Jaejoong smiled while wrote down the order.

Your food will be served in 15 minutes. Please wait patiently.” Jaejoong suddenly became formal and bowed slightly to them. He then walked away with their orders. Yunho followed his back with his hawk eyes but then he turned back to his son when Taemin called him.

Deh, Minnie? What do my Minnie want?” Yunho asked his son lovingly.

Appa, do you like Jaejoong ahjushi?” Taemin asked cutely.

Deh? What are you talking about?” Yunho was shock when his son asked him that question. How did a three years old know about it? Did he make it too obvious? Yunho was asking himself.

Appa, it's okay to like Jaejoong ahjushi because Minnie like him too.” Taemin told Yunho. Yunho chuckled listening to his three years old saying this. What did a three years old understand love?

Five minutes later, Jaejoong came back with their drinks. Yunho took this opportunity to invite Jaejoong to sit down with them.

Jaejoong ah, if you are free, can you accompany us here?” Yunho's face was as red as a tomato when he invited Jaejoong. He held his breathe, waiting for Jaejoong's answer anxiously.

O...okay.” Jaejoong sat down in front of Yunho. He played with his fingers whenever he was nervous and now, he was indeed nervous.

The three of them sat there quietly with Taemin looking gleefully at the scenery in the grden, Yunho was staring at Jaejoong while Jaejoong was looking down at his fingers.

Ten minutes later, a waiter came with their food.

Yay!Food!” Taemin jumped happily in his seat for he was hungry while waiting. Yunho and Jaejoong laughed seeing Taemin's behaviour. Yunho was mesmerized by the way Jaejoong covered his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked so sweet and angelic at the same time.

Appa, let's eat.” Taemin said and Yunho helped him with his food.

Do you want some, Jaejoong ah?” Yunho ate his food and he offered some to Jaejoong who just shook his head while blushing.

Jaejoong watched the father and son ate their food. He was smiling when he saw how happy the two of them.

Jaejoong ahjushi dommo ippo yo. Mun Sungie so lucky to have pretty Appa like you.” Taemin said looking at the smiling Jaejoong while he stuffed himself with food.

Aigo, Taeminnie is such a sweet talker.” Jaejoong was all shy with Taemin's compliment while Yunho made a mental note to praise his son later.

Jaejoong ahjushi, Mun Songie said that he called you Jae Appa. Can Minnie call you Jae Appa too?” Taemin looked at Jaejoong with his puppy eyes.

Of course, Minnie. You are Mun Sungie's best friend. You can call me Jae Appa. I won't mind.” Jaejoong replied with yet another smile. He likes children very much and he wishes he will have his own children some day.

Keundae, Jae Appa so pretty, like eomma. Can Minnie call Jae Appa as Jae Eomma?” Taemin blinked his innocence eyes at Jaejoong. His statement caught Jaejoong off guard and he as stunned on his seat.

Yunho was choking on his food when he heard his son said that. It was so unexpected and he looked at Jaejoong worriedly, fearing the pretty male will be offended.

Minnie, you can't say that to Jaejoong ahjushi. He will be sad. Palli appologize.” Yunho put out his strict father's look and adviced Taemin.

It's okay, Yunho ah.” Jaejoong saw Yunho was going to scold Taemin. He quickly stopped the man from being angry. Then he turned to Taemin, smiling.

Minnie wanted to call ahjushi as Jae Eomma, not Appa?”

Deh...but Appa...” Taemin lowered his head because he thought his Appa was angry with him.

Arraso. Minnie can call me Jae Eomma.” Jaejoong told the child which earned him a big grin.

Jae Eomma.” Taemin shouted and his loud voice was attracting attention from the other customers.

Shhh...Minnie, lower your voice.” Yunho scolded his son while turned around to the other customers, bowing appologizing to them together with Jaejoong. Actually he was happy as well that Jaejoong let Taemin call him Eomma.

This is a practice for Minnie and Jaejoongie to be familiar with the Eomma thing.” Yunho smiled. Suddenly, he realised that he had gave Jaejoong a nickname unconciously.

Oh my God! Did I just call him Jaejoongie? I even like him being the eomma.” Yunho grinned stupidly while Jaejoong was puzzled by his behaviour.

After the lunch, Yunho has to send Taemin back to his parents and back to his office. Jaejoong walked them until the door. Yunho felt reluctant to part with Jaejoong.

Jae Eomma, Minnie has to go back to halmoni. Minnie see you tomorrow?” Taemin was holding Jaejoong's hand, he was reluctant to let go as well.

Okay, Minnie. What Minnie want to eat tomorrow? Eomma will cook for you.” Jaejoong said. He already used to this Eomma calling.!” Taemin shouted in delight.

Minnie! Eomma is busy with his work. Don't trouble him.” Yunho's heart was trilling when he called Jaejoong “eomma”.

It's fine, Yunho ah. I'll make the pizza tomorrow.” Jaejoong said, blushing hard when Yunho called him “eomma”.

I'm sorry to trouble you.” Yunho appologized on behalf of Taemin.

Ani, it's no trouble at all. Besides I like to cook.” Jaejoong replied with more assurance.

Eomma, kamsahamida. Can Minnie get ppo ppo?” Taemin tilted his face up, waiting for his kiss.

Yah, Jung Taemin, don't be such an annoyance.” Yunho was shock with his son's boldness. Also, he was jealous.

Sure. I'll see you tomorrow, neh.” Jaejoong kissed Taemin on both his cheeks making the boy so happy and clapped his hands.

Aish, I want ppo ppo too.” Yunho said in his mind. He was pouting when he saw his son get the kiss from Jaejoong.

I'll get my ppo ppo soon, Jaejoongie. I'll claim the red blossom lips of yours when the time come.” Yunho made the determination in his head.


A/N      Hehehe...I have a feeling that Taeminnie was not that naive and innocence at all. He talked Jaejoong into letting

            him call him Eomma and also asked for a kiss. Hahaha...Yunho was jealous with his own son. Please comment neh.


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Chapter 16: I want to know if they marry. Please update soon
Everoselen314 #2
Chapter 16: What happen then ? Plz don't abandon this great fic
JjeKim #3
Chapter 16: OMOOOOOO... Author-nim.. I Love this story.. can you update this author-nim?
JjeKim #4
Chapter 16: OMOOOOOO... Author-nim.. I L
Chapter 16: AWww.... please continue author-nim.
please update soon ><
Chapter 12: OoOooOohhh~~~ *×*
it turned was just a wet dream that both of them have it as well. >.<
Chapter 11: Wow~~~ O.O
sure Jung Yunho was super fast to have his way with the beauty
Chapter 6: Hahahah~~ naughty Taeminnie, he made his yun appa jealous.
I loved this chapter. <3
Chapter 2: I love this type of stories, like simple,romance,easy going AND MPREG.kekekee><
asuwakurakara #10
awesome story :D