
Scent Of You


A/N      Hi guys. Only the foreword and I already have so much supporters. Kamsahamida.

             How do you find the poster? Isn't it great? The baby in the poster was cute, isn't it? I like the baby very 

             much. Special thank to yun042min for her hard work. This is the first chapter of this story. I hope you

             will enjoy it.smiley


Yunho woke up feeling the warm beside him. A fair arm was laying across his waist. He can feel the soft breath of air on his shoulder. Yunho turned to look at his still sleeping wife. He smiled happily seeing his wife snuggling into him. How he loves to see his wife the first thing in the morning. He kissed his wife forehead and the sleeping wife stirred from her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and a wide smile spread on her face.

Good morning, chagiya. Do you have a good sleep?” Yunho smiled to his wife not forgeting to give her a morning kiss.

Morning, yeobo. With you beside me, I have such a good night sleep.” The wife responded and gave him another kiss. They stayed laying on the bed until a boy's noice heard from outside their door.

Appa, omma, wake up now.” Soon enough, a little boy peeked his head from the door. He quickly ran inside and jumped on his parents bed. Yunho held on to his son's body and the three of them were rolling and playing in the bed.

Omma, Minnie is hungry.” Five minutes later, the boy was whinning, telling his omma that his little stomach is asking for food.

Alright, Minnie ah, we are going to have breakfast now.” Soo Yoong said and she quickly get up from the bed and held Minnie in her arms and both of them heading towards the kitchen, leaving Yunho to wash himself.

After Yunho finished washing and dreassing, he went downstairs and into the kitchen. There on the dining table was a cup of coffee and a plate of toast, an egg and two hotdogs waiting for him. His son, Jung Taemin, was already eating while his wife is trying to help his son to eat. The small family were happily eating their breakfast and Yunho can't ask God for more than the happiness that he already has. He and Soo Yoong were happily married to each other since three years and they were blessed with a son, Taemin. Yunho and Soo Yoong met each other in college. They went to the same college but different department. Yunho was in Bussiness Department while Soo Yoong was in Education Department. Now, Yunho owns a big Telecomunication Company while Soo Yoong is a kindergarten teacher.

After they had their breakfast, they went out together but with different cars. Yunho left for his company while Soo Yoong will drive their son to the nursery before she went off to the school. It was what they used to do for three years. However, one thing that was unusual that morning was, Soo Yoong left with a kiss on her husband cheeks before she took off with her son. Yunho was surprised because Soo Yoong never gave him goodbye kiss before but Yunho did not complain because he like this changes and he hope he will receive it everyday starting tomorrow.




Soo Yoong dropped her son at his nursery and she was a little bit late today. It was rare and Taemin was being difficult today when he refused to get down the car after they arrived at his nursery. The teachers helped her to get Taemin out and he was crying for his omma. Soo Yoong left the crying Taemin with a kiss on his cheeks before she rushed off to her school.

On her way there, she did not notice a black car was driving dangerously fast from the opposite side of the road. She was on the phone with her best friend and colleage, telling her that she will be a little bit late and asked her to tell the headmaster about her problem. Suddenly the black car came into her lane and she was shock and she twirled her car to another lane only to collide with a blue car next lane before the black car rammed into both her car and the blue car.

Every thing stopped and people started to gather around the three cars. A black car and a red car were badly damage while the blue car had rammed into the street pole. The driver in the blue car was slightly injured and he managed to walk out from his car. However, the drivers of the black car and the red car were stuck in between the steering wheel and the sit. Glasses shattered every where and blood were starting to pool on the sit.

Some one call the ambulance.” Someone from the gather crowd shouted and ten minutes later, two ambulance arrived and took the victims to the nearby hospital.




In A Nearby Restaurant


Gosh! That was one terrible accident.”

Deh. Poor girl, she was down with badly injured. I hope she will survive.”

The people who gathered outside came back into the restaurant. They were actually the customers there eating their breakfast before the accident occur. They ran outside once they heart the loud bang and they saw the three cars collided into each others. They continued eating their food while talking about the incident happened.


CLING !!! CLANK !!! ..........


A loud sound of glasses crashed on the floor making the people in a restaurant turned their head to look. A young male was laying on the floor. His face was pale and cold sweats streaming down from his forehead. His hand cluntching at his heart and he was in so much pain.

JOONGIE ! JOONGIE !” An elderly woman was screaming out her lungs when she saw her son was laying unconcious on the floor.

Quick! We have to bring him to the hospital now. Hongki, help me carry him to the car. Yonghwa, call Changminnie and look after the restaurant.” An elderly man already had the car key in his hand and both him and his worker, Hongki carried the unconcious male into his car followed by his wife close behind and headed to the nearest hospital.




Yunho was in the middle of a meeting when his secretary informed him about an important call.

Yunho shi, I think you should take this call. It's from the police.” His secretary handed him the phone.

Deh, Yunho speaking. WHAT?! Deh, I'll be right there.” Yunho paled and he felt his body went weak. His board members were looking at him with concerned. His best friend and helpful assistant, Park Yoochun was the first to break the tension in the meeting room.

Hyung, what happened? You don't look good.”

Can...cancel the meeting. Soo Yoong was She...accident...I have to...go...” Yunho managed to utter his thought when he finally calmed himself down a bit. He ran to the door and within seconds he was already in front of the lift. Yoochun was there beside him because he knew that Yunho was not in good condition to drive to the hospital safely. He will accompany his hyung to the hospital. Yoochun called his boyfriend, Junsu to pick Taemin up at the nursery and to come to the hospital as soon as possible. 


A/N      Sorry for the short update. Anyway, hope you like it. I promise to make longer chapters next time. Please

             comment neh. Thanks.

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Chapter 16: I want to know if they marry. Please update soon
Everoselen314 #2
Chapter 16: What happen then ? Plz don't abandon this great fic
JjeKim #3
Chapter 16: OMOOOOOO... Author-nim.. I Love this story.. can you update this author-nim?
JjeKim #4
Chapter 16: OMOOOOOO... Author-nim.. I L
Chapter 16: AWww.... please continue author-nim.
please update soon ><
Chapter 12: OoOooOohhh~~~ *×*
it turned was just a wet dream that both of them have it as well. >.<
Chapter 11: Wow~~~ O.O
sure Jung Yunho was super fast to have his way with the beauty
Chapter 6: Hahahah~~ naughty Taeminnie, he made his yun appa jealous.
I loved this chapter. <3
Chapter 2: I love this type of stories, like simple,romance,easy going AND MPREG.kekekee><
asuwakurakara #10
awesome story :D