Tell Me That You Love Me

Scent Of You


A/N      Hi. I'm sorry for this super late update. It's been a busy year for me last year. So, now, finally, I managed to update a new chapter after a long time. I'm sorry for this and I hope this update will light up your day. Please enjoy.


Jaejoong was smiling looking at the little boy kicking and chasing the ball alone. His eyes never leave the boy and sometimes when the boy fell down, he will sit straight and his heart was thumping hard. He was ready to dash towards the little boy but when he saw the boy stood up unhurt and started to run around again, his thumping heart slowed down and he let out a relief sigh.


'Aish, this is bad for my heart.' Jaejoong held his chest and shook his head.


Jae umma...” The little boy came running with a ball in his hands. He was sweating a lot.


'Aigoo, Taeminnie, look at you, all sweat.” Jaejoong took out a towel from behind and helped the boy to wipe his sweats.


Jae umma, what time Appa will come fetch me up?” Taemin asked Jaejoong after Jaejoong wiped him dry.


Hmmm...let's see.” Jaejoong looked at his watch. “Oh, he will be here in twenty minutes.” Jaejoong saw that it was already 5.10 in the evening. Yunho promised to be here at 5.30.


Let's get inside and clean you up before your appa get here.” Jaejoong said and he led Taemin by the hand. Together, they walked towards Jaejoong's house.


Today is Sunday. Yunho was supposed to rest at home and he will have lunch with Taemin and Jaejoong. However, early this morning, he received a call from one of his business partners saying that he wanted to bring forward their meeting. Yunho had no choice but to accept. But, Yunho has another problem. Nobody can take care of Taemin because his parents are currently visiting his sister in Gwangju for she had just gave birth to a baby girl and Yunho can't bring Taemin to his business meeting.


When Yunho called Jaejoong to cancel their lunch date, he told Jaejoong his problem. Jaejoong voluntered to look after Taemin and Yunho was so thankful.


That was how Jaejoong ended up with Taemin and they were playing in his yard earlier.


Taeminnie, do you need help in cleaning yourself?” Jaejoong asked while he helped Taemin to undress.


No, Jae umma. Taeminnie can do it myself.” Taemin told Jaejoong and walked into the bathroom leaving Jaejoong standing outside with Taemin's dirty clothes.


Jaejoong smiled listening to what Taemin said. He knew that Taemin is such a clever boy. Yunho told him before that Taemin is a very indipendent boy and that he need not worried to much about him.


15 minutes later, Taemin was already changed into his clean clothes and waiting for his appa at the living room. He was doing some colouring when the door bell rang. He looked up and saw Jaejoong opened the door revealing Yunho.


Appa!” Taemin ran towards Yunho and hugged him. Yunho picked Taemin up and kissed him on the cheek.


Is Taeminnie a good boy today? Did you make Jae umma sad?” Yunho asked and Jaejoong smiled shyly.


Taeminnie very good today, appa. Kuraecho, Jae umma? Taeminnie did not make Jae umma sad.” Taemin asked Jaejoong with his cute face.


Kurae, Taeminnie is a good boy.” Jaejoong said and pinched Taemin's cheek. Yunho smiled brightly seeing how close Jaejoong and Taemin are.


Yunho put Taemin down and he gave Jaejoong a paper bag. “This is for you, Jae.”


Eh? What is this?” Jaejoong took the bag and looked into it. He was surprise when he saw what's in the bag. Jaejoong took out a small square box. He opened the box and saw a silver bracelet with three black diamond on top.


Yun...Yunho ah...this is...too much...” Jaejoong was stuttering when he saw the present from Yunho. He closed the lit and gave the present back to Yunho.


You must take it. This is my love for you and also thank you for taking care of Taemin today.” Yunho said. He leaned in and kissed Jaejoong on his forehead making Jaejoong blushed hard. Taemin who was looking since from the start, clapped his hands in shouted happily. “Yay! Appa ppo ppo Jae umma. Appa, figthing!”


Yunho laughed out loud while Jaejoong hid his face in his palms.


Jae ah, would you like to go out dinner with me tonight? Just the two of us.” Yunho asked after his laughter. Jaejoong looked at him and blinked his eyes. He was digesting what he had heard. Yunho waited patiently for Jaejoong's answer and when Jaejoong nodded his head, Yunho punched the air with his fist, making Taemin and Jaejoong laughed at his childishness.


I'll fetch you at 8.” Yunho said and Jaejoong nodded his head again. Before Yunho leave, he gave Jaejoong yet another kiss on his cheeks and again making him blushed.




Jaejoong prepared himself for the dinner date tonight. His mother saw how happy he is. His face is shining brightly and the smile on his face never leave. Jaejoong's mother can only shake her head. She knew no matter how she objected, Jaejoong won't listen to her. Besides, she does not want to see her son unhappy. Jaejoong has been given a second chance to live, she was so greatful of that. To make sure that Jaejoong will live a better life, she will do anything to make her son happy, including agreeing with Jaejoong's choice.


A knock on the door make Jaejoong running to open it. Again, Mrs. Kim shoke her head seeing how childish and happy her son can be. She is very sure now that her son is falling in love with that Jung Yunho guy.


Jaejoong opened the door and invited Yunho in. Yunho walked in with a bouquet of red roses in his hand. He gave it to Jaejoong who shyly received it. Yunho saw Mrs. Kim and he greet her politely.


Hello, aunty. My name is Jung Yunho. I am here to bring Jaejoong out for dinner.” Yunho bowed to Mrs. Kim and the elderly woman smiles.


Young man, we will meet formally next time. Take care of Jaejoong, ne.” Mrs. Kim said and Yunho nodded his head in agreement.


After getting permission from Mrs. Kim, Yunho took Jaejoong to a fine dinner. They were having a date at a fancy Italian restaurant.


Both Yunho and Jaejoong were eating steak when the waiter came with a bottle of red wine. Yunho taste the wine and he nodded his head accepting the offer from the waiter. The waiter then poured the wine into two glasses and left. Jaejoong taste the wine and he smile. It is bitter sweet and he like the taste.


How do you find this dinner?” Yunho asked after they finished their main dish and now were eating their desserts.


I like this place and the food. Thank you, Yunho ah.” Jaejoong said with gratitute.


I'm glad you like this. Jaejoong ah, can I ask you something?” Yunho smiles when Jaejoong thanked him and he has something he need to ask.


Yes? What is it?” Jaejoong asked with a shy smile on his face. He felt shy suddenly because Yunho is staring at him intensely.


Jaejoong ah, I love you. Do you love me?” Yunho choose to be straight forward. He wanted to know Jaejoong's feelings to him.


I...” Jaejoong was too shy to say anything that he looked down and nodded his head.


Yunho went up to him and put his hand under Jaejoong's chin. He lifted up Jaejoong's face making Jaejoong look at him.


Please say it, Jae. Tell me.” Yunho pressed for the answer. He wanted to hear it from Jaejoong's mouth.


I... love you, Yunho ah.” Jaejoong gathered up all his courage and told Yunho the answer that he dreaded to hear.


Thank you, Jae ah. Thank you for loving me. I promise to make you happy.” Yunho leaned down and kissed Jaejoong on his lips. This is their first public kiss and it is as sweet as sugar. Jaejoong can't feel his surrounding, all he heard was the ringing bell in his ears.


Suddenly, a soft voice can be heard in Jaejoong's head, "Thank you for loving Yunho."



A/N      So...who is that mysterious voice belong to? Please comment neh. Kamsahamnida.

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Chapter 16: I want to know if they marry. Please update soon
Everoselen314 #2
Chapter 16: What happen then ? Plz don't abandon this great fic
JjeKim #3
Chapter 16: OMOOOOOO... Author-nim.. I Love this story.. can you update this author-nim?
JjeKim #4
Chapter 16: OMOOOOOO... Author-nim.. I L
Chapter 16: AWww.... please continue author-nim.
please update soon ><
Chapter 12: OoOooOohhh~~~ *×*
it turned was just a wet dream that both of them have it as well. >.<
Chapter 11: Wow~~~ O.O
sure Jung Yunho was super fast to have his way with the beauty
Chapter 6: Hahahah~~ naughty Taeminnie, he made his yun appa jealous.
I loved this chapter. <3
Chapter 2: I love this type of stories, like simple,romance,easy going AND MPREG.kekekee><
asuwakurakara #10
awesome story :D