Chapter Nine

Love Story


“Why are they so close to each other?”


“Since when they were so close to each other?”


“Did something happen?”


“You don’t say! How could this happen without me knowing. Someone is going to die.”




As soon as he started walking down the corridor of the school with Sunggyu holding his hands tightly, everyone started to whisper (quite loudly if you asked me) or whipped out their hand dandy handphones and started to spread the news. There is that small minority who decided to take their picture to document this historical moment.


The tension started rising and if you were there (which you obviously was not), you could sense the amount of attention people were showering upon them with the obvious curiosity emitting from their eyes, which were beaming with the need to know what the hell was happening. Perhaps, Woohyun was being a nice person who saw this random (but surprising cute) stranger and decided to help him out, hence, holding him tightly so he does not injure himself again.


However, what many do not realise is that both of them are a couple, an item. It would definitely break many hearts if they were to realise that. Despite that possibility, they decided to not question the one and only Woohyun and move on with their lives.


You wish.










People started to scream and shout at the top of their voices at the couple, trying to figure out what is going on and were demanding answers from the person in question. Meanwhile, the couple were taken aback by the sudden wave of questions that were directed them. Caught unaware and shocked, they whipped out their sunglasses which appeared out of somewhere (I guess?) and wore them, covering their faces with their hands and shielding themselves from the flashes of light from the cameras. They needed to escape the crowd.


However, was that even possible for this celebrity?


No doubt, they had to escape. However, they were trapped by the people flocking them and crowding them, sealing off every possible routes of escape. They were fated for doom and death.


Suddenly, it happened.




The bell rang.




Within 1 second, the crowd dissolved into nothing, leaving the corridors empty and ghost-like with population of only two. It was silent like really quiet. Only the breaths of the two people can be heard.


“I guess… We are alone now?” Woohyun tried to break the silence. However, it was still awkward, considering that there were a mass of people gathering and surrounding them earlier which left Sunggyu greatly in shock. Sunggyu could only nod meekly.


Suddenly, the clockwork of Kim Sunggyu’s brilliant mind started ticking and moving. (No people, he was not thinking of that stuff – If you know what I mean.) Anyway, back to the story:


“WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR OUR FIRST LESSON!” He suddenly screamed on the top of his voice and immediately grabbed Woohyun’s hand, making a sprint to their first lesson which is coincidentally just the next classroom. However, the only thing that was going on in Woohyun’s mind was that Sunggyu was finally initiating skinship with him and to add, he was holding on so tightly to him which made him even more endearing.




“Damn it, how am I supposed to stop them?” The mysterious stranger bit his finger as he glared at the two people making a mad dash into the class room.




“KIM SUNG GYU, Why are you late?” The teacher’s voice boomed at the couple who were perspiring numerous beads of sweat from their foreheads. (Seriously? They only like ran for a while. Oh well, this whole fiction defies logic anyway).


“Well…” Woohyun tried to protect his lover from being reprimanded by the teacher but was stopped, “Woohyun, I know… So not worry, I will punish this person who made you late for my lesson.” Her reply simply stunned Woohyun and Sunggyu. She went over to her table and took out a slip which made the entire class gasp in horror. It was the slip.


“Oh my gosh. It cannot be.”


“Oh yes… It is…”


“The slip.”


“Well, I hope you know what this mean for you, Kim Sunggyu.” Her voice slowly raised in volume. The entire class held their breaths and even, the couple held their breaths. It was a terrifying moment. There was just silence in the class as the teacher handed the slip of paper to the poor hamster. And finally, it came. The word boomed out as a shout, “Detention.”




The class entered chaos mode. People were flinging papers everywhere in shock. Some choked on their water. Those that were asleep woke up from the horror. It was said that even some people fainted from the scene.


“It is fine…” Sunggyu patted Woohyun on his shoulder when he saw his lover about to retort something to the teacher. She was after all the teacher and he did something wrong, he should and must be punished (if you know what I mean, Sunggyu is such a bad boy.) He took the slip and took the walk of shame to his seat. Everyone in the class was looking at him with pure and utmost sympathy as detention is apparently the one place that no one ever wants to be. Woohyun sigh in resignation as he took his seat. There was nothing that he could do now.


“Well class, it is time for you to submit your homework from yesterday. Yes, Sunggyu you are excused since you did not join us yesterday…” She went on rambling about the importance of being present for lesson while the class in a systematic and robotic fashion passed their homework to the front of the class room, nodding their heads in unison at her monotonous and dreadful speech.


Well, remember about a few chapters back. (Hint: Re-read the story to know what the author is referring to. This is definitely not a plot by the author to get you to increase the number of view. Most definitely. Not.) Anyway, Woohyun was well prepared despite spending the entire day with Sunggyu and the entire night thinking of Sunggyu  since he asked Dongwoo, his best buddy to do the work for him. There is no way…. Bam! It like smacked him in the face when he saw that his entire homework was written in green ink. He was so going to get killed by the teacher. Or worst, he could be sent to detention. He gulped at the thought of it.


However, his mind started working again. This was a perfect opportunity to not get separated from his lover and he has to grasp it!


He immediately shot up from his seat and raised his hand, waving his green-inked homework and screamed, “I did my homework in green ink!”




The whole class went into chaos mode level two. People were flung out of their seats with papers scattering around. Pens and other stationeries were exploding, releasing the ink everywhere. Some even said that they could feel the ground shake. It was simply unbelievable that Woohyun, the perfect and ideal student did something stupid like that. Everyone was in denial (and chaos).


However, what happened next merely made what Woohyun had done seem so minor. The teacher smiled at Woohyun sweetly and said softly, “It is fine.”




The whole class entered chaos mode: end of the world version. Clothes were ripped off from everyone brutally from the smile of the teacher which unleashed strong gushes of wind, blowing away all the clothes, tables and chairs from the floor. Students were flung out of their seats and some sadly hit the ceilings while others broke through the window. Tremors could be felt and the lights were flicking. Lightning started to strike and the thunder could be heard. Some even claim that a one metre tsunami was coming their way and they would be swept away to their deaths. Others started calling up their loved ones and telling them their regrets and wishes as they depart from the earth.




Meanwhile, as all these dramatic things happened in the classroom, three things were happening and one did not happen in the classroom. (Hint Hint: Someone is going to appear soon but who?)


First, we have Sunggyu:


He is currently busy at what would seem to be drooling on his table. Let us take a closer look. He may look awake but he is actually in fact in deep sleep. How does he sleep amidst all this chaos remains as a big mystery to us? Regardless, his miniature eyes or lines on his face if you would call it make him look awake yet asleep at the same time.


Wait a minute, he seem to be moving. Let us another closer look now. He seems to be twitching in his sleep as though he is running away from something out of fear. His face is contorted by fear. We believe that he is currently dreaming of the time when he was young, he was sadly attacked by a… (insert tears/eye-drops)… puppy. That is right. Our poor hero down here has this fear of puppies. Well, we believe  that it is out of fear of the scariness of the puppy or he is just scared that something else is cuter than him.


It is all just a mystery to us.


Second, we take a glance at his lover who is currently sulking at his seat. He apparently seems unaffected by whatever that is going on in the classroom right now. Oh my gosh, is that a cow? Sorry, it would seem that there are cows flying in the classroom amidst all this chaos. This is a crazy world. Anyway, back to Woohyun! He seems to be frowning even harder but still retaining his all so handsome features. He is so adorable. Look at him! He is so working that pout. Those lips simply scream y while his hair seems to be unswaying in the strong gust of winds that are currently blowing even the tables apart. How does he do it? Let us try to get him to tell us.


So Woohyun, why are you so perfect?


“I am?”


Yes, you are.




Now, tell us what is troubling you.


“I did not get detention for doing something wrong.”


Well, that means that what you done is not bad enough to deserve detention.


“No! I deserve it! I deserve to get punished! I am such a bad boy!”


Oh yes. Yes, you are a bad boy. (Insert suggestive wink)


Well, I guess that is all for the Woohyun’s segment. We will now move on to somewhere less chaotic and with less flying cows.




Insert running to the grass patch in the school where a certain dinosaur is currently resting on.




He seems to be sleeping with his mouth slightly opened. Is that drool coming out of his mouth? This is such a mystical moment we are witnessing. Wait a moment! Wait a moment! He also seems to be lying on something or someone for that matter. Is it another dinosaur? No. Wait, let us take a closer look! 


It is Hoya. Oh my gosh. Hogod. My lord. (insert incoherent screams at the hotness of Hoya) I cannot believe I am finally meeting the school’s most ist beast ever (Sorry, Woohyun. Hoya = . The end.)


Oh wait! He seem to be looking in this direction. Is that him smiling? He is smiling at me? Oh my gosh. Hogod. Hogosh...




It would seem that there is a connection error and now will continue formally to the story proper:




“Ho… Ya?” Dongwoo looked up from where he was lying.


“Yes?” Hoya replied in his sweet voice.


“I love you…” He then proceeds to snuggle in closer to his chest and hugging him like one of his soft toys with a wide grin on his face.


“Ring!” The bell rang which signified the end of school. (My gosh, the time lapse in this story is so screwed up. Luckily, I am not a reader but I will so keep reading this!)


Hoya lifted up Dongwoo head preciously from his lap and said softly, “Sorry… I have to go to detention now…”


“I will still love you…” Dongwoo’s voice trailed off as Hoya left for the dreaded room.




“I can do this…” Sunggyu thought to himself. He was standing in front of the dreaded room. He can do this. He was alone as Woohyun had some after school activity but still he managed to survive thus far without him, what is a few hours right? He then placed his hand on the knob, fully prepared to enter the room. He took a deep breath and went in.




“Welcome to Detention!” A wide smirk was formed on his face.


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Good job authornim!
blacksea #2
Chapter 10: lol. i've been reading this story long time ago and finally u updated it.

was laughing when i read all the chapters again. from the beginning. this is the best crack story I've ever read. i dont know you tag this story for 'crack' fic or not, but this is so funny!! can't stop laughing.
straybangfinite877 #3
salflower #4
Chapter 9: I agreed with you. Hoya is . Hsywoshslsge *die*

This is the... *inserts tons of love* I'm waiting for the next chapter. Hwaiting! c:
Chapter 9: hogod hoya = . YES HOGOD YES!!!!!
and who's that person in the detention room? myeongsu? nooo! hoya plis rescue gyugyu for namu~~~~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 9: As usual, your chappies always make me laugh like a mad person... :D
But I really enjoy reading...
Hmmm... Wonder who's that person in the detention room..? He sounds scary... >__<
incubus #8
Chapter 9: I love your writing style, it makes me laugh (like a hyena XD) but I'm still worried about what will happen to my cutie pie gyu gyu. >.<