Chapter Two

Love Story


It has been about a month of endless glancing at him, dreamingly looking at him from afar and wondering about the future that we both could have. I have finally found the courage to confess to him. Ever since that fateful meeting with him, I knew it was fate that we were meant to be, to grow old together and to love each other till the end of time like in those stories I have been reading.


It is like the love between the prince and the princess despite only knowing each other for only a few seconds or moments. I am like living in a fairy tale.


However, there is a slight problem with that which is preventing from doing so. 




I have no idea what his name is.




Trust me, I have my reasons. That person is a ninja I tell you. I cannot seem to find out his name despite using all my resources. As a self-proclaimed professional stalker who is empowered by the social media and other forms of modern day communication, I conclude that he is a ninja or a recluse that does not own a computer or something.




Note to self: Buy him a computer and teach him how to use one so we can be together even in virtual reality.


Insert wide grin of happiness.




The simple thought of his smile, the way he looks into my direction and the speed at which he runs away from me whenever he sees me are all simply one word: cute. I love him so much. He is like this adorable animal that is waiting and searching for a doting owner who will take good care of him.




Wait no longer my lover! Your master is here!


Insert image of an idiot hugging his pillow tightly and cuddling his face into his pillow like a person in love, thinking about his crush.


Oh yes, there is another problem that makes it harder for me to confess.




I am a male.


He is a male.


We both are males.


Insert sad music.




By theory and by a lot of other theories, we are not meant to be together at all. However, I believe that we both can defy the forces of nature, the negative commentary of homophobic and the disownment from our parents as our love will be everlasting and strong.


Insert image of the same idiot who is still hugging his pillow while fist pumping the air.


That is right! Our love will conquer all as soon as I confess to him and we both can live happily ever after.

Well, it has been a while since I have been in a relationship with anyone and my life now is kind of getting a bit lonely and I do not like being lonely. The thought of having someone to cuddle with everyday and every second is very tempting. I cannot wait to get into a relationship with my angel. (Basically, Woohyun is desperate to be in a relationship.)


I know. I know. Right now, you must be thinking what the hell this idiot is talking about.


Time for some role-playing:


“He has yet to confess and he thinks that they will be together forever?” (I am so going to confess but I am just waiting for the right time…)


“They can never be together. He does not have the balls to confess!” (Looks into pants; what are you talking about? They are still there!)


“There is no way he will love you even if you confess.” (Obviously, someone does not know true love when they see it.)


“He is not gay.” (No way, he has to be. Your argument is invalid.)


“He can never love you because he is mine!” (No way, my angel will never be yours! He belongs to me and I refuse to share him!)




I can understand that it is tough for two people to be together especially since my beloved angel is so irresistible. I sigh at how people always seem to want him, looking at him whenever I am doing my daily rounds of lover-watch.


He seems constantly be around me all the time. He is like haunting me in a good and un-stalkerish way. Well, according to me, he keeps appearing around me and is almost everywhere I am which is a very good thing! I can see my lover almost every second of the day with my dearly beloved pillow!




Looks left and right to check if there is anyone else around.


This a little observation that I have noticed that only me and my pillow knows. You may think I am over thinking it but I think he is secretly in love with me! 


Insert image of the same idiot hugging his pillow tightly, shaking it around while digging his face into his poor pillow.


He never seems to fail to show up whenever I want him to. Every time I turn around in class to like pass some piece of paper to the person seated behind me, he will be seated at his seat looking and looking intently at his book despite the fact that his camera of his phone is pointing at my direction. It is almost like he is stalking me. However, there is no denying it that he is secretly in love with me. He is deeply in love with me. Like how I am in love with him. Therefore, we will live happy ever after together forever. It is such a wonderful fairytale which we both can tell our currently still non-existent adopted children in the future or just some random children on the street because we want our beloved love story to be shared around the world!


Insert pillow session part two or three. (Apparently, even the author has lost count how many times he does it in a day.)



At least that is what Woohyun thinks.




And please, do not ask why Woohyun brings a pillow to school or why does he hug it in class. Such mysteries shall remain one of the many wonders of the world which can never be resolved. 


While our resident handsome and popular but a bit dim-witted Woohyun is spazzing over the hamster which he has met about a month ago, our poor little Sunggyu is currently fighting his own battle with his beloved stash of sunflower seeds being threatened.




It has been about a month since I have received that note and trust me, it has been haunting me. Someone must have placed that note into the wrong locker as after all, all I have ever done to Woohyun was to bump into him and almost accidentally injuring him for life but I was sure I left him smiling to himself on the floor. There were pictures and evidence of that. My photography skills are simply beyond amazing.


Well, other than that, I cannot think of anything else that I had ever done to him. To make matters worse, I have been protecting him by following him around to ensure that such accidents do not happen again with an occasionally snapping of a few photographs for my collection.


However, within a few days of the first note, I received another one with the same message and another and another. Someone is innocently killing trees out there and is constantly giving the note to the wrong person. Well, this just means that there is a threat out there that is potentially dangerous to my beloved Woohyun and I need to protect my innocent baby with my life!


In the first few days of protecting Woohyun, there is still no sight of the dangerous person who is disturbing my Woohyun. What troubles me is how Woohyun seems to be constantly so happy whenever I look at him. Why does he not realise that someone is threatening and disturbing him and could harm him right now?


I concluded that my Woohyun is such a brave and caring soul. He does not want people to worry about him and thus, puts up a strong and happy façade to bluff people into thinking he is alright but in reality, he is being disturbed by some mysterious stalker.



I tried my best to hold back my tears at how strong Woohyun is. He definitely deserves my love which is what I would wholeheartedly give.




Anyway, I have to say I am quite lucky that we both are in the same class and this would result in me being in the best position to observe and protect him like a professional bodyguard. Not too far away but near enough to attack people who seem to be threatening him.


Throughout this entire month, I realised that there is hardly any threats that is surrounding him. Everything seems completely normal and that is very suspicious. Furthermore, the number of notes started to increase and there is already a pile in my locker which could only mean that the threat is still there and is becoming more serious.




I need to do something about it before something bad happens to my beloved Woohyun.




Little did the little innocent hamster realise, that more bad things happened to him than to his beloved lover. In the first week, he somehow managed to avoid twelve pencils, thirteen erasers, nineteen rulers and about a hundred stapler bullets from hitting him while “protecting” his beloved Woohyun from his seat in class. Seriously, it remains another mysterious how he remains oblivious to this:


“Look at this pencil! It is so pretty! Look another one! An eraser too! Such a pretty ruler! I am so going to keep them! I pity the person who threw these away – they are such treasures!”


In the second week, other than being attacked in the classroom (to which he collected another round of treasures which he sold them to buy another battery pack for his phone to facilitate his protection program), he was attacked in the cafeteria which did not end up as anyone would expect:


Sunggyu was simply walking aimlessly and quite blindly around the cafeteria. (Well, basically our hamster has this apparent weakness to food which makes him very vulnerable and forgetful, even about Woohyun whenever he is in close proximity around food.) Well, someone or a group of people decided to strike while the iron is hot or simply when the poor hamster is distracted by food.


Their choice of weaponry: Forks and spoon with the occasional knifes.


“Oh, it is a chocolate bar!” He bends down to pick it up and avoids the first wave of attack successfully.


“Whoa…” He slipped and fell down from spilled soup. The second wave of attack was a failure again.


“Nom nom nom…” He walked through the finally wave while taking a sniff out of the food which he just order.


“Looks like we are out of utensils today…” He sighed for a while before whipping out a set of cutleries. “Luckily, I brought extra!” He continues walking to the empty table with a wide grin on his face and not noticing the huge pile of forks, spoons and knifes on the floor.


Insert face palm.


Anyway while walking back to the table, the unexpected happened again. He bumped into someone. Guess who?


It is none other than the love of his life, the one person he has been protecting and the one that he seems to get injured: Woohyun. Thankfully for our beloved protangonist, his food remained unharmed but the same might not be able to be said about Woohyun who was aching in his hips from the impact. To be fair, Sunggyu also flew from the accident and landed on the floor but somehow managed to savage his food from spilling all over the floor.


Insert screaming from author about how this fiction is drifting away from reality as more impossible scenarios happens.


Back to the matter at hand:


“Are you okay?” Sunggyu asked.


“I am fine…” Woohyun groaned in reply.


“Not you! I was talking to my beloved food!”


“Oh…” Woohyun could not help but smile at the sight of his angel looking at his food endearing and secretly hoping that he would do the same to him. However, from the perspective of others, it is just basically an image of a hamster spazzing over his newly refilled food bowl.


Insert face palm number two.


It took Sunggyu about a few minutes to realise who he was talking to and what he had just said. As a result, he dashed to the furthest table and ate his lunch as fast as possible with choking and sprinted out of the cafeteria to prevent Woohyun from recognising him.


This left Woohyun to himself smiling again.




“He does not seem to understand!”


“He is still following him!”


“And still hurting him!”


“After all, those warnings you think he would understand!”


“We need to stop this right now.”


“I agree!”




The next day,


“Help me!” 

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Good job authornim!
blacksea #2
Chapter 10: lol. i've been reading this story long time ago and finally u updated it.

was laughing when i read all the chapters again. from the beginning. this is the best crack story I've ever read. i dont know you tag this story for 'crack' fic or not, but this is so funny!! can't stop laughing.
straybangfinite877 #3
salflower #4
Chapter 9: I agreed with you. Hoya is . Hsywoshslsge *die*

This is the... *inserts tons of love* I'm waiting for the next chapter. Hwaiting! c:
Chapter 9: hogod hoya = . YES HOGOD YES!!!!!
and who's that person in the detention room? myeongsu? nooo! hoya plis rescue gyugyu for namu~~~~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 9: As usual, your chappies always make me laugh like a mad person... :D
But I really enjoy reading...
Hmmm... Wonder who's that person in the detention room..? He sounds scary... >__<
incubus #8
Chapter 9: I love your writing style, it makes me laugh (like a hyena XD) but I'm still worried about what will happen to my cutie pie gyu gyu. >.<