Chapter Eleven

Love Story

“Well, what are you going to about it?”


“About what?”


“The baby”


“What are you talking about?”


“I am talking the baby you are having?”


“I am having a baby?”


“Of course you are!”


“Are you saying I am fat?!”


“No. I mean, we slept together so you should be having a baby right?”


One. Two. Three. Insert facepalm. There are certain pieces of information that might have been left out by the author. Thus, as the narrator, I will fill you in! To begin, Sunggyu and Woohyun had a sleepover. Second, nothing happened. Third, nothing happened serious. Fourth, Woohyun is dumb and thus, the above conversation happened. Explanation ends!


Back to the story:


Upon hearing that sentence, Sunggyu instinctively smacked himself in the face with so much force he could feel his nose move. Kidding. Why would he want to destroy his precious face because of this stupid person he calls his lover?


“What gave you the impression of that?” Sunggyu asked the poor innocent lad who was worried about his upcoming fatherhood. He gave a dazed look and then, he smirked. He finally knew something ahead of someone. It was his crowning glory.


“You mean you don’t know? Why when two couples sleep together on the same bed they will have a child after that. It happens in almost the next episode.” Suddenly, it became clear to Sunggyu. His boyfriend was two things: First, he did not know where children come from – bet you he doesn’t even know about (looks like our poor hamster will not be getting any anytime soon!). Second, his boyfriend is a complete and utter idiot but is hot. So hot - Just so hot that he will melt your popsicle.  And no, I am not quoting any song. Or am I?


Insert evil laughter.


“Woohyun, I am sorry… But…” Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Woohyun’s finger, which was gently placed on his lips.


“No, Sunggyu. Listen. I am the one who should be sorry. I got us to this mess and I will take responsibility for you being pregnant.” Woohyun closed his eyes and said that in a melodramatic manner.


“Wait, Woohyun...” Sunggyu wanted to tell Woohyun the truth but Woohyun brought them together and embraced him. While petting his hair, he comforted Sunggyu, “Everything will be alright…”


“Yes… I understand.” Sunggyu whispered back at Woohyun and they both continued their embrace.


Wait a minute.  Something is wrong with this scene. However, his embrace was too warm – he did not want to let go. Sunggyu wanted to snuggle in this familiar warmth that he has missed since this morning and wanted this moment to last. Yet there was something nudging Sunggyu that he could not place his finger on. It was hard. It was difficult to pin point it out. It was so striking and this was causing Sunggyu much discomfort. He could not take it anymore when he suddenly realised what it was!


“Woohyun! I am not pregnant!” He screamed at Woohyun and broke from the embrace. He realised he needed to tell Woohyun the truth. The truth that was screaming in his head and that kept on nudging him – the truth was that Woohyun was indeed stupid. (And duh, Sunggyu was not pregnant. I studied Biology and I would know. I know so much more than you think I know which is what I think you know that I know but you think that I know so much which is what you do not know. That is enough of the author and back to the story!)


“But how do you know about that? We slept together!” Woohyun exclaimed in shock. There was no way he could believe what was happening. His entire reality was crumbling before his eyes. He was no longer a father. Sunggyu is not pregnant. Then again, could Sunggyu get pregnant? Of course he can! He is just a fictional character from a fanfic written by someone who has total power over everything – including Sunggyu so why not? It was quite obvious that Woohyun was trying his hardest to break the fourth wall. However, the author did not allow it.


Bad Woohyun is bad.


“First, I am a guy so there is no way I can get pregnant unless someone magically insert a womb into me and maybe a hole for the baby to come out from and (continues rambling about the biology of the plausibility of male pregnancy which the author can go on and on about).”


Sunggyu snapped at Woohyun when he caught his boyfriend sleeping in the middle of his lecture.


“I am listening!” Woohyun said sleepily. 


“Good! Second, (insert long story about how babies are formed which can be found via Wikipedia or Google but remember to put up your filters).” And Woohyun finally understood.


“So you mean I am not and never going to be father?” Woohyun asked innocently to confirm what he has learned from Sunggyu’s long lecture.


“Yes!” Sunggyu exclaimed in exasperation. He was secretly proud of himself that he managed to help his not that intelligent boyfriend with something. And there was no way he was ever going to let Woohyun know about the kiss. That kiss that he himself initiated during detention. Something that should not have happened yet it did.


That is right! Sunggyu is a .


I mean, Sunggyu was not that faithful as we all thought he would be.


But who did he kiss?


Back to the story:


 “Well, that is a good thing! Don’t you know painful it is to have a child? I heard it is worse than having a period!” The stupid things that Woohyun says – it just keep flowing on and on. Someone help this poor little person. I mean, luckily for him, there is someone like Sunggyu who is loyal and faithful to this poor little person and will guide him along with sincerity and no lies.


Right, Sunggyu?


“Huh? Who is that talking to me?” Sunggyu looked around in confusion as he thought he heard someone calling his name. He could have sworn that something was wrong. Something was up but he could not put his finger on it again. What was it?




The voice could be heard again. What is going on? Who is calling him?


“Woohyun…. Do you hear anything?” Sunggyu asked Woohyun as perhaps his boyfriend heard it in the midst of his constant rambling about counter-pains to which a was brought into the conversion. Seriously, what is going on in Woohyun’s mind? What is happening to Sunggyu? Is he become crazy from listening to Woohyun? Is he really pregnant? So many questions and who has the answers?


Me, of course.


I mean, then Woohyun casually replied, “Yeah. Dongwoo here has been trying to call out to you all this while but someone is apparently caught in his own world… (Insert nonsensical stuff and more idiotic ramblings about acupuncture and moles)”


“Who is Dongwoo?” This was the time for Sunggyu to be confused. He has never heard of that person or that name before. Did he know a Dongwoo? “What do you mean you do not know who is Dongwoo? He is the prettiest () stuff in the entire school.” Sunggyu could have sworn he heard the word “” come out of Woohyun’s lips. His red and luscious lips that are all so kissable and Sunggyu just wanted a taste of the lip balm that Woohyun has put on – strawberry, he concludes, which is Woohyun’s favourite fruit anyway.


“Anyway, he is just there sitting beside you now.” Woohyun said causally. Confused, Sunggyu turned his head around and saw this dinosaur looking person. So like who is this person… Why is he looking at me like this? Is there something on my face? How can anyone look like this? So many questions and yet again, who has the answers?


“Sunggyu!” Dongwoo exclaimed softly like a whisper which is technically a whisper but he was exclaiming – just do not ask please. Even I do not understand this. I just narrate.


“Sunggyu!” Dongwoo said once more and this time, to Sunggyu’s ear. Just beside his ear. Almost seductively. Almost. The most important part was that Sunggyu was drawn in entirely by Dongwoo – his voice, soft and deep with a sense of protection, security and iness whiles his breath, the smell of fresh mint and love. There was just something so intriguing about this dinosaur that Sunggyu could not resist – it was just an unspoken attraction, a fatal one.


“Dongwoo! That is enough.” A loud and familiar voice broke away Sunggyu from the infatuation that he was drawn into by the siren named Dongwoo. It was Hoya.


(For more information about Dongwoo and Hoya, please read a few chapters back or better yet read the entire story from the start again – that will help increase view count. I mean all the views matter. I mean just read the part that you think have Dongwoo and Hoya in it to understand the relationship between this two person.)


“But why! Hoya, he is so cute!” Dongwoo squealed and started whining to Hoya and acting all sweet and cute which would be rather disgusting but Hoya is so handsome that you just get so distracted by his looks that you do not really notice what Dongwoo was talking about. They are really an odd couple.


“So you mean, he is cuter than me?” Hoya asked Dongwoo with a smirk so charming that one will just melt away. And of course being Dongwoo, he did not really melt away but he did melt a bit, maybe a lot – totally fell head over heels for this piece of heaven in front of him.


“No…” Dongwoo shyly admitted and started to snuggle into the neck of his beloved boyfriend, hugging him like a soft toy – Hoya never looked more attractive. Handsome, cute and perfect – he was perfect.


“Ahem” Woohyun coughed loudly at the overly-loving couple and drew the attention back to him. (Sunggyu was admittedly very focused on the two individuals who were such an odd but interesting couple but he was very much focused on one of them.) Upon hearing Woohyun’s cry for attention, Sunggyu immediately looked at Woohyun with the most endearing eyes that he could produce (what eyes?) and biting his lips, attempting to be seductive.


Apparently, it worked on the pretty boy and Woohyun immediately pounced on his beloved. He was hugging Sunggyu so tightly and he did not want to let go. Something was nudging him. He was getting this feeling that Sunggyu might leave him if he lets go. And he does not wish for that to happen after all, Sunggyu is his one.


“Aw… So sweet!” Dongwoo looked at the couple. It was their turn to be in the spotlight. Being Dongwoo, flowers magically appeared in his hands in the form of a basket and he started to hop around them throwing flowers over their heads in a ring, like a fairy. Some witness even claimed that they saw fairy wings sprouting out of Dongwoo’s back. Others were convinced that he was some magically dinosaur – no, not the purple one. Ultimately, Dongwoo was in no doubt, magical.


“Ah stop it! You are ruining the moment!” Woohyun let go of Sunggyu and started to give Dongwoo chase. Both being fast runners started having a competition of who runs faster – the person who gets caught loses. And there was no way either one will lose with their pride at stake.


“Ready! Set! Go!” Dongwoo and Woohyun sped off to the horizon and far away from the sights of Hoya and Sunggyu which gave them approximately about ten minutes of alone time together.


There was so much one can do in ten minutes.


So much.


“Hoya…” Sunggyu said softly.


“No. Don’t.” Hoya silenced Sunggyu with his lips.




And they both were lost in the kiss yet again.


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Good job authornim!
blacksea #2
Chapter 10: lol. i've been reading this story long time ago and finally u updated it.

was laughing when i read all the chapters again. from the beginning. this is the best crack story I've ever read. i dont know you tag this story for 'crack' fic or not, but this is so funny!! can't stop laughing.
straybangfinite877 #3
salflower #4
Chapter 9: I agreed with you. Hoya is . Hsywoshslsge *die*

This is the... *inserts tons of love* I'm waiting for the next chapter. Hwaiting! c:
Chapter 9: hogod hoya = . YES HOGOD YES!!!!!
and who's that person in the detention room? myeongsu? nooo! hoya plis rescue gyugyu for namu~~~~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 9: As usual, your chappies always make me laugh like a mad person... :D
But I really enjoy reading...
Hmmm... Wonder who's that person in the detention room..? He sounds scary... >__<
incubus #8
Chapter 9: I love your writing style, it makes me laugh (like a hyena XD) but I'm still worried about what will happen to my cutie pie gyu gyu. >.<