Chapter Three

Love Story

“Help me!” Woohyun shouted at the top of his voice which shocked the hell out of his friend who is apparently lying down peacefully under the shade of a tree.


Furthermore, there was something about that look of desperation on Woohyun which makes it a little scary and awkward. It was as though he was about to give a mission which is highly impossible to be accomplished. The question now remains, was his friend ready for it?


Insert awkward dramatic music as the two characters make eye contact with each other shooting lasers, throwing swords and other weapons of choice.


A sudden moment of awkward silence between the two individuals as they both awaits each other’s replies. 


“His name is Kim Sunggyu…” Dongwoo finally decided to break the silence. (It was mostly due to the look on Woohyun’s face which was to every extent freaking Dongwoo out. Imagine this: Someone with messed up hair, puffy cheeks and wide eyes which are near tearing suddenly coming up to you, screaming for help and disturbing you from your beauty sleep and shows no signs of remorse at all. )


“Sunggyu?” Woohyun replied, opening his eyes wide and is astonished by how his friend is able to read his mind and how his friend is a far better stalker than him. This is without him even opening his mouth! There is no doubt that it is a good investment to keep Dongwoo as a friend – he is so helpful.


To be noted: Woohyun finally knows the name of his love after a month. There is nothing more to be said.


Meanwhile, what is going on in Woohyun’s mind?




Sunggyu? Kim Sunggyu? Such a cute name! Like owner, like name I would say. He has just become more squish-able. I can see it now: Headline News – Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun gets married and becomes the number one couple in the world!


Wait a minute! To be a couple, we need to have an official name. Sungwoo? No way! It sounds so unromantic. Woogyu? That has a nice ring to it! I love it. Woogyu Forever; I can totally imagine it being carved into every tree in the world which just shows the vastness of our love which stretches beyond the school and everywhere else but the whole world as well!


Watch out world! Woogyu is here to capture your hearts and minds with our romantic love escapades!


Insert idiot who is suddenly posing in the middle of nowhere and is fist pumping the air yet again.


Anyway, the most important thing is that I need to have a nickname for him. Something endearing and cute that matches my beloved hamster. Sunggie? Not that nice. Sunggyuiie? That is way off! Gyu? I like this one! Gyu gyu! The tribe has spoken from now on, he shall be called GyuGyu and only I can call him GyuGyu and all of GyuGyu shall belong to Nam Woohyun which is me!


Insert appearance of the random pillow again. This time, the idiot hugging it while chanting “GyuGyu ah~” and burying his face into it.


To be noted: Woohyun is still sitting under the tree with Dongwoo.


One more thing, do not ask why and how the pillow did appear. Imagine it as something like in Pokemon: A wild pillow appears or any other logical explanation since this author here has no idea how did that pillow appeared.


Back to reality:


Dongwoo looked at his friend with a look of amazing rather than shock. He has seen this scene way too many times as after all, this was not the first time Woohyun had actually disturbed him from his afternoon nap to discuss about the love of his life. Well, the fact that Woohyun still does not realise that he and Sunggyu are in the same class and the additional fact that it took Woohyun about a month just to find out his name can just leave one in total and utter amazement at the creation called Woohyun. (“Hey what is that supposed to mean? Pillow, let’s ignore the author! He is just jealous that I found my true love!” Enough said. He also talks to the pillow.)


Anyway, there were two options that Dongwoo can take now. One, he could wake Woohyun from his fantasy that he is apparently deep in right now so that to prevent him from embarrassing himself in front of anyone else that happens to walk past. Then again, the tree which Dongwoo is lying under is apparently in quite an isolated place, away from majority of the study body. So perhaps, he could avoid this option.


Second, he can just simply let Woohyun continue hugging his pillow and resume his beauty nap that he was having. This idea is way more tempting than the first. After all, there were more pros. He gets to see Woohyun make a fool of himself while resting away under the cooling shade of the leaves so as to make sure he looks his bests later in class for a certain someone.


However, little did Dongwoo expects, Woohyun decided to go with option three: Bounce onto Dongwoo with all the strength possible and get advice for his next move. After dreaming about his future with Sunggyu, Woohyun realised that he has entirely no clue of what his next step will be. Therefore, since Dongwoo was the more experience of the two, it is obvious who Woohyun could seek advice from.


Insert the groan of pain from Dongwoo as Woohyun lands on him with full force onto his stomach with his elbow as a cushion.


There is simply no doubt. Dongwoo was close to putting Woohyun into a plastic bag. Whether Woohyun was in one piece or not, it did not matter anymore.




Suddenly, it happened.


Woohyun activated his powers.


Insert dramatic music part two.




“I need your help...” He said with his puppy dog eyes and lips pouted out, looking like a completely abandoned puppy but somehow the way he does it, this dog sparkles as well.


Dongwoo is definitely trapped.


It is just sad for Dongwoo that he loves cute things. At that moment, Woohyun transformed into something that is cute which could only mean one thing: Total and complete submission.




However, the price Woohyun had to pay would as he would realise soon enough be too high but there was no turning back now.




“Help me!” Sunggyu tried his best to shout at the top of his lungs while fending off a crow which was trying to steal his food.


As fast as his old and tired legs could carry him, he managed to run away from the crowd of birds as swiftly as he could to protect his precious food which he hold dearly and promises to guard with his life. He could finally sigh in relief when the crowd dissipates, moving on to find a new victim. (“That is right; never mess with a hamster, especially when it is regarding his food.” Sunggyu exclaimed victoriously at how he managed to outrun the massive flock of birds.  It should be noted that there were only two crows at that point of time and Sunggyu just referred himself as a hamster. No other comments shall be made by the author.)


 Anyway, after lunch, it is obviously time for his next lesson. Thus, he quickly made his way to his locker to take the materials for his next class but only to find that there were more notes in his locker this time. By more, it meant that the moment he opened the locker many pieces of paper flowed down his locker. Many of the paper have the same words written on them, “Leave Nam Woohyun alone” while others were much worse and even hurting to a large extent. However, the note which caught our hamster’s attention the most was one that was written on a rich velvety red card.




“There is no way Nam Woohyun would love someone as ugly as you, Kim Sunggyu” with the word “ugly” written in bold and gold.




I do not understand why there are so many pieces of paper in my locker again. Why do people keep making threats but at the same time, send them to the wrong people? They just keep chopping down innocent trees to produce such useless pieces of paper, especially when they are addressed to the wrong person. I mean, those pieces could not be referring to me right? After all, I did not offend Nam Woohyun in any way. It definitely leaves me puzzled. Oh well, my conscious is clear.


Wait a minute, this card looks nice.


I re-read the card again and took in the words that were written on the card. What is going on exactly? Why did someone send me such a message? I felt as though a knife pierced through me like reality has slapped me harshly in my face. It hurts. What did I do to deserve this?


Wait a minute; does this mean that all those paper are actually for me? What the hell is going on? Leave Nam Woohyun alone? How can I? Why should I?


I did nothing wrong.






“Woohyunnnieeeeeee…” Apparently, Dongwoo loves cute things. He has a serious addiction to them and whether he spots something cute. He will have this strong urge to hug and squish the cute thing as long as he likes. Sadly for Woohyun, he has been targeted by Dongwoo who is currently hugging him by the waist tightly which made it hard for Woohyun to breathe.


“Ah.. Ah…” Woohyun tried to produce some sound so as to hint to Dongwoo that he is dying and unable to breathe properly. However, those sounds merely accentuate his cuteness level (according to Dongwoo who at the same time, tighten his grip). In some sense, Woohyun had this coming.


Suddenly, Dongwoo released his captive and moved on to the approaching individual. Luckily for Woohyun, someone cuter and better has arrived which managed to distract Dongwoo from crushing his ribcage into pieces.


“Hoooooobabyyyyyyyyy, I missed you so muchhhhh!” Dongwoo cried out while running towards his beloved and dragged him into a tight embrace. Hoya then whispered something into Dongwoo’s ears which made him blush and dig his head into Hoya’s well-built chest.


Meanwhile, all Woohyun could do was to look at the lovely couple in envy. He decided to walk away from the scene so as to leave to two beloved love-birds alone. Since this is his problem, it is naturally that he should be the one solving it. After all, now that he knows Sunggyu’s name, half the battle is won! Wait a minute, other than just his name, not much is known about him. Perhaps, the solution is simply to get to know Kim Sunggyu better!


And what better way to get to know him than the best and easiest way to do so – Operation Stalking Kim Sunggyu.


Insert image of Woohyun hugging a pillow and throwing a fist into the air while the Yadong couple are still hugging each other under the tree. Just do not ask. Do not ask.




Something is definitely wrong these days. My hamster senses are tingling. It is just way too weird these days. Perhaps due to the notes that I am still receiving that is making me very paranoid about everything. However, it is a legitimate reason to feel paranoid. These days, I feel that there is someone watching me, following me and tailing me wherever I go, even the toilet which is just so weird. However, why would anyone want to stalk me? I guess, I am just being paranoid right? 


Also, I realised that instead of protecting Woohyun, I should be protecting myself. Speaking of Woohyun, it has been a while since I saw him. He seemed to have disappeared from my sight which somehow is a good thing. I mean, with people threatening me, I have no choice but to avoid him right? Sometimes, it is best to do what people say rather than what your heart say. I need to live so that I can continue loving him.


Sorry Woohyun but I have to protect myself first before protecting you so that I can continue to love you because I still live. Secretly, I am quite thankful that there is no real threat that is haunting Woohyun when it turns out to only be me. After all, I am doing nothing to him so Woohyun should be safe.


Oh well, it is time to continue with my daily activites so where is my food?


It is time for the hamster to scurry through his bag for his precious food.




Target spotted. It is time to observe and wait. Stalking Kim Sunggyu seems to be much easier than expected as after all, he is always there wherever I want him to be. There is no denying it. I am definitely in love with him. After all, who else would go through such lengths in order to find out more about the love of his life? (By lengths, Woohyun refers to how he noted down Sunggyu’s schedule, habits, what he does anywhere including toilets and who does he talks to and about what.)


It is indeed quite exciting and fun to do this. I had never done this before! Trying to not let Kim Sunggyu realise that I am stalking him; I feel like I am on an important mission that I simply cannot fail.


Kim Sunggyu, I promise you, I will make you mine! 




“Look at this! Woohyun is avoiding Sunggyu like a plague!”


“I know right! Looks like the situation is getting much worse than expected!”


“We need to do something about it!


“I agree!”




“I will not give up!”


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Good job authornim!
blacksea #2
Chapter 10: lol. i've been reading this story long time ago and finally u updated it.

was laughing when i read all the chapters again. from the beginning. this is the best crack story I've ever read. i dont know you tag this story for 'crack' fic or not, but this is so funny!! can't stop laughing.
straybangfinite877 #3
salflower #4
Chapter 9: I agreed with you. Hoya is . Hsywoshslsge *die*

This is the... *inserts tons of love* I'm waiting for the next chapter. Hwaiting! c:
Chapter 9: hogod hoya = . YES HOGOD YES!!!!!
and who's that person in the detention room? myeongsu? nooo! hoya plis rescue gyugyu for namu~~~~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 9: As usual, your chappies always make me laugh like a mad person... :D
But I really enjoy reading...
Hmmm... Wonder who's that person in the detention room..? He sounds scary... >__<
incubus #8
Chapter 9: I love your writing style, it makes me laugh (like a hyena XD) but I'm still worried about what will happen to my cutie pie gyu gyu. >.<