Chapter Eight

Love Story


This is not a dream. This is not a dream. This is not a dream. I kept repeating the same sentence in my head, chanting my little wish that everything that is happening now is real. It is not a dream that the love of my life is standing right in front of me and promising me that he will protect me. This is all too good to be true.


Wait a minute. What if I was in a dream?


I then mentally prepared myself. I raised my hand and strongly pinched my cheek. “Ouch” I could not help but yell in pain. It then suddenly occurred to me that this is not a dream and that this was reality. My wish has been granted! I secretly gave an imaginary fist bump to whoever that granted my wish.


Wait a minute!


I attempted to recall everything that had just happened in the last few minutes. Firstly, I fell on him. That is not too bad. Secondly, we nearly kissed. Damn it, why didn’t we? I mean, that was a close one. Thirdly, I let him into my house. I squinted at my decision and looked at Woohyun who is standing in front of me now. Well, it is too late for him to get out of the house now. Fourthly, we hugged. (Well, more like he backhugged me while I was preparing drinks but you know it counts.) Wait another minute! Am I missing something? I pondered to myself for a moment.


Something was terribly off and I know it is damn wrong but I cannot seem to remember. I flipped my hair to the left and managed to catch a glimpse of myself on a full length mirror which coincidentally appeared. I suddenly realised what I was wearing.


Here is a thanks to the wonderful author for providing a detailed recap of what happened the last chapter so you need not read it again. However, it is highly advised that you do so you can increase the view counts. I mean, so you can recall your feelings and emotions that you had while reading the last chapter. Now, back to the story:


I suddenly realised that I was barely covered with only my underwear and shirt on. I have to admit I look y. I could not help but my lips at the sight of my long and slender legs which was radiating from the light coming from the window.


Seriously, I think I look so much better than that Ice Cream singing girl and ier.


Wait a minute, where am I? I looked around me and saw Woohyun looking at me with a curious look on his face. It took me about 5 seconds to realise what just happened and another 1 second to send me into panic mode.


I immediately flew to the sofa to grab my blanket which was suddenly there like magic. (Cries of the author of how everything is becoming illogical can be heard.) I hastily covered myself from head to toe like a cocoon. There is no way I am going to let Woohyun see me like this, especially when I am dressed like this. He might get scarred for life! (Trust me, he did but he had no qualms about it – He loved the way he was dressed.)


It suddenly hit me that he saw what I was doing – He saw me my lips at my own reflection! Never in my life had I ever felt so dumb. I mean, sure I may never get higher than the passing mark in my test but this makes me feel much more stupid. How could I have drowned so deeply in embarrassment?


Wait a minute, maybe if I am lucky, he did not just see whatever that has just happened. That would be great. I slowly lifted up the blanket and peered to see if he was looking. To my shock and horror, he was looking and is still looking. He is actually peering at me with curious eyes wondering what I am doing.


Hogod, this is worse than expected. I punched the air above me and screamed silently, cursing my sad fate. What did I do to deserve this? In about 10 more seconds, I decided to continue seeking refuge in my warm and cosy blanket. There is no way he can find me under this layer of protection like in that magician movie with that nerdy lighting scarred person with the floor cloth that can make him invisible.




He is definitely way cuter than I expected. Indeed, he caught me in surprise when I saw him his lips with his y tongue at his own reflection. I mean, who on earth does that? He is indeed one of a kind and I will make him mine. It does not matter how long it will take. Every part of him shall belong to me and anyone that stands in my way shall be ripped into shreds and be decapitated first or whichever appropriate because he is all mine and they will die from touching him. I mean, I will make him mine. Gosh, I am starting to sound like an obsessive freak that is seriously overly attached to him like some fan boy who only wishes to his beloved idol.


Seriously, who can resist this adorable looking thing that is now cowering in his blanket which came out of nowhere and pretending that he cannot be seen by me? He is definitely the one for me. However, I got to think of a way to get him out of his shell (BLANKET). This would be a hard one. Well, I could simply lift up the blanket and talk to him with him hugging his legs tightly which would make it difficult for me to control myself from embracing my adorable little hamster. Gosh, this will be tough.


I finally got it.


I picked up the jacket that I had left on the sofa (which appeared out of nowhere by the author so that he can make Woohyun look way cooler than how he is now) and started to make my way towards the door.


“I am leaving now…” I told him standing about two meters away from the door.  


No response.


“I am seriously leaving now…” I tried again, now talking a few steps closer to the door.


Still, there was no response.  This was a risky gamble but I knew I had to try it. It was too late to change or deviate from my plans anymore anyway.


I walked slowly and finally reached the door. I placed my hand on the knob and slowly turned it, hoping that the sound would get him to get out of his blanket to see me leave. However, there was still no response. I sigh. I opened the door and closed the door, and made sure I slammed the door as hard as possible. I was so disappointed.




“How dare you leave me? You promised!” Sunggyu screamed as loud as he could as he lunged towards the front door. He could not believe that Woohyun left him just like that, especially after he promised that he would protect him. How was this protecting him? How was leaving him alone protecting him?


No, he simply could not accept it and hence, threw the blanket away and rushed to stop Woohyun from getting away from him. He needed at least an explanation from him. An explanation as to why he lied to him. An explanation as to why he left. An explanation as to why is he acting this way. There is no way he is getting away especially when he so close now.


He dashed towards the door and was about to open it until he heard a familiar voice.


“You missed me?” A smirk clearly formed on his face which the familiar voice belonged to. There was a sense of relief that filled Sunggyu but that feeling soon vanished when he realized what just happened. He realized that he just had been played by Woohyun and he did not like it one bit.


He then lunged himself at the smirking handsome fellow who is leaning casually on the wall and causing his victim to get pinned against it.


“Why did you go? Why did you lie to me? I thought…” The words were choked in his mouth. There was no way he could say that out loud – he was a man in any case. He could not just admit that he needed protection and that he needed Woohyun’s protection to be more exact. He could only feel safe when he is in the arms of Woohyun.


Woohyun, being an opportunist, did not let this chance slipped away especially when his captor seemed to be deep in thought and bashing unknowingly. He flipped the tables onto the unsuspecting person and instead pinned him against the wall. Sunggyu was trapped and he was close to the love of his life, like only a few centimeters away. There was no way he could hide his face anymore. It was burning red from embarrassment and shyness – he did not expect himself to be so close to the person he loves.


“Well… as you were saying?” Woohyun questioned the poor Sunggyu, encouraging him to continue his sentence. Since Sunggyu was trapped by the wall of Woohyun’s muscular arms, he had no choice but to tell him. He whispered softly, “I thought you promised that you would not leave me…” Too bad for our poor blushing hamster, Woohyun did not manage to catch a word that he had said. Thus, he leaned close towards him and asked him to repeat what he said.


However, it was way too embarrassing for Sunggyu to do so and he just shook his head furiously in response.  This led Woohyun to do something which made him blush in a deeper shade of red. Woohyun leaned in so close that their eyes were meeting each other and he was staring deeply and lovingly into those gorgeous brown orbs. “I said, Repeat yourself…” He commanded softly.


There was other option for Sunggyu left so he decided to repeat what he said but slightly louder this time. “I thought you promised that you would not leave me…” and almost immediately, he lunged his head into Woohyun’s chest, trying to bury his burning face.


“He is just so cute…” Woohyun could not help but think as he pulled the rest of Sunggyu into a tight embrace. “Yes, I did and I will.” Sunggyu looked up from the chest with beady eyes that held tears that were threatening to roll down his beautiful face. How Woohyun could have ever hurt this beautiful being? There was no doubt that he felt a pang of guilt when he saw Sunggyu’s face.


Gently, he wiped off the tears and told him softly, “Yes, I will protect you…” It was definitely reassuring for Sunggyu to hear those words and it no doubt placed a wide grin on his face.


Well, let us just say that Woohyun had to stay over that night so as to keep our poor hamster company and through that period of time they had gotten to know each other more. Despite not officially registered as a couple, it was a mutual understanding that they know each other has a certain spark for each other and that they knew it was going to grow strong as an everlasting flame of love.


(This time-skip is due to the author’s realization that about three chapters has been revolving around events that happened within only a day and thus decided to increase the progress of the fiction and in NO WAY lazy to type out another 1000 words of how they both spent the night. Trust me, you would not want to sink yourself in the amount of flirting, grease and honeyed words that were used that night. It was like a tsunami, just saying.)


However, here comes the biggest challenge for our newly formed but not official couple:


Sunggyu’s return back to school.


There was no doubt that his bullies were still within the school compound and Woohyun thought hard and long as how can he protect his beloved lover.


He finally settled with this:


He held Sunggyu’s hands tightly and walked the corridors of the school with the love of his life. Never has he ever felt so nervous walking through those familiar corridors of the school. This was his open declaration that Sunggyu was his and if anyone dared to bully him had to go through him.


And they lived happily ever after.


You wish.


A mysterious figure stood at the corner of the corridor observing the couple walking down the corridor which had everyone staring and looking at them.


“Looks like he is harder to get rid of than I expected.”




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Good job authornim!
blacksea #2
Chapter 10: lol. i've been reading this story long time ago and finally u updated it.

was laughing when i read all the chapters again. from the beginning. this is the best crack story I've ever read. i dont know you tag this story for 'crack' fic or not, but this is so funny!! can't stop laughing.
straybangfinite877 #3
salflower #4
Chapter 9: I agreed with you. Hoya is . Hsywoshslsge *die*

This is the... *inserts tons of love* I'm waiting for the next chapter. Hwaiting! c:
Chapter 9: hogod hoya = . YES HOGOD YES!!!!!
and who's that person in the detention room? myeongsu? nooo! hoya plis rescue gyugyu for namu~~~~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 9: As usual, your chappies always make me laugh like a mad person... :D
But I really enjoy reading...
Hmmm... Wonder who's that person in the detention room..? He sounds scary... >__<
incubus #8
Chapter 9: I love your writing style, it makes me laugh (like a hyena XD) but I'm still worried about what will happen to my cutie pie gyu gyu. >.<