Chapter Seven

Love Story


No one knew what made Kim Sunggyu so daring. It might have been that hot chocolate with marshmallows, sprinkled with a tablespoon of brown sugar with a dash of whipped cream and chocolate syrup as the finisher. Anyway, the main thing is that he is currently facing his crush of a long time with only his pyjamas on.


You must be thinking: What is the difference between this attire and that attire from a few minutes back? How is pyjamas more daring and y than the furry hamster slippers that he had on? However, who said that Sunggyu was wearing every part of his pyjamas?




Imagine this:


Kim Sunggyu standing at his apartment door, leaning against the hinge seductively at a suggestive angle and biting his lips with his eyes attempting to look as ty as possible (half-closed in short which (to the author) had no difference from having his eyes closed) and is dressed in only his pyjamas shirt on.


Yes, you heard me right. Only his shirt was on him plus his underwear, revealing his long and smooth milky legs which seem to be radiating from the lighting of the corridors.


Somehow is the world of this story, the lighting plays an important role. So coincidentally, the sunlight from Sunggyu’s window is shining through the door which gives Sunggyu an angelic aura.




Notification: Seductiveness level increased.




A deep and sultry voice left Sunggyu’s throat, “So you want to come in?”


Notification: Seductiveness level increased. Again.




All Woohyun could do was look.


It was as though his dreams have come true, in particular his wet dreams. In short, he was really enjoying this moment. “A lot” would be a mere understatement.


Sunggyu his lips and gave Woohyun a suggestive smirk, asking him yet again: “So you coming?” as ually as he could. He ended it off with a wink. (which in reality did not make much of a difference considering the size of his eyes but whatever, I say that the wink was detectable by the eye. Author wins.)


Anyway, Woohyun was definitely blown away by the suddenly aggressive Sunggyu and was reduced to a small puppy, nodding mindlessly – hoping to get into Sunggyu’s house or pants for that matter. (Suggestive eyebrow movement from the author)




Back to reality (or what is left of it to the author’s dismay):


The only thing that was going on in Woohyun’s mind was how wonderful was this dream is. Insert facepalm for him not realising that this is reality he is in now. And he was most certainly not dreaming. However, if you look at it from his point of view, it really does seem like a dream. Imagine this: You have this squishy and cute adorable hamster that suddenly out of the blue becomes this y and seductive fox. Regardless, this was one dream that Woohyun did not want to wake up of anytime soon.


He attempts to get up from his slightly embarrassing position of sitting on the floor with a stunned look on his face but only to fall back down on his squishy tushy, making Sunggyu chuckle in amusement.


“Wow, this must be how an angel’s laugh sound like…” He thought to himself as he saw the sight of his angel covering his laughter shyly with his hands.


“He is so cute like this…” Sunggyu could not help but think as he saw his crush of a long time on the floor rubbing his from the pain.


“I guess you need some help?” Sunggyu asked cutely with a megawatt smile and extended on of his hands out to the fumbling Woohyun who was still on the floor. Woohyun could only nod mindlessly and reach out to grab his crush’s hand, curious as to how it would feel.




They touched.




Almost immediately, the faces of both parties flush into a deep shade of red, clearly very shy about their first ever skinship. It was something new for the both of them and something that they have wanted to do so far and for so long.


“It feels so soft… And warm…” Woohyun thought as he felt the smooth and baby like palms of Kim Sunggyu. He could not help but break out into a wide grin as he pulled Sunggyu hand so as to lift himself up.


However, as usual, the author would not let this go according any plan and shall let the most random thing happen to the couple. (Insert evil laughter.)


Now, there are two things in consideration. First, Sunggyu was greatly distracted by the smile on Woohyun’s face which was definitely one of the most beautiful things he has ever seen in his life. Not to mention how handsome Woohyun looked with that amazing smile plastered on his face. It was an expression of pure bliss and happiness. Secondly, he was still sick from the rain and the fight which you would know of by simply reading the story again. (This is not some sick plot by the author to get you to increase the view count – where on earth did you get that idea?). Therefore, he would not have the strength as he hoped he had to lift Woohyun up from that position.


Insert dramatic and romantic theme song music which plays appropriately about now.




Thus, Woohyun ended up pulling his angel into his embrace and onto the corridor floor with him. Sunggyu landed directly above Woohyun with their chest against each other and their lips only an inch apart. Both could feel their heartbeat accelerating and the other’s heavy breath on their faces. It was definitely a good day.


They laid there for a while. Both were unsure whether to get up from this embarrassing position or just to close the gap between the lips that are yearning for contact with each other. They both took a deep look into each other’s eyes and saw nothing but love in them. This was definitely the first time they have ever been so close to each other before, the first time that they ever had such a proper and close look at each other.


“Wow, he is so handsome…” Sunggyu could not help but think that way because it is the simple truth. Woohyun is handsome beyond anything he had ever seen. His heartbeat starting racing even faster if that was possible and he was sure the organ might burst out of his chest anytime from being so close to someone so perfect.


“So this is how he really looks like…” Woohyun took a closer glance at the love of his current life. He resembled every much of angel he had ever imagined Sunggyu is. His heart is fluttering from the close contact between each other. There is no doubt that he is falling in love yet again. There is also that little something this is telling him that Sunggyu feels the same way.


However, it was way too early for them to kiss. There was so much that they did not know about each other so Woohyun decided to do the dirty work.


“Am I really that comfortable to lie on?” He asked cutely which sent Sunggyu into panic mode as he attempted to scramble his way out of Woohyun’s warmth.


They both stood up. Sunggyu shyly lifted his hand showing Woohyun the direction to the entrance of his apartment as a welcome sign. Woohyun could not help but chuckled as he witnessed the transformation of his y and seductive fox back into his shy and timid hamster form.  This was definitely something he could get used to as he entered to apartment.


The place was familiar to him as after all; he was in the same place the night before, attempting to nurse Sunggyu back to health. Suddenly, it flooded back to him the reason why he was here the night before, the reason why he had to nurse Sunggyu back to health and the reason why Sunggyu was sick in the first place. It was his entire fault and he still had the cheek to see him. It tore him apart knowing how much he wanted to be here but yet away from here.  He did not want Sunggyu to get hurt again.


Suddenly, he felt this familiar warmth and softness on his hands again and realised that Sunggyu was holding his hand, with his fingers intertwined. It was definitely not a dream. He then saw Sunggyu’s bright face that was smiling widely at him.


“Take a seat while I bring you something to drink” He said with a soft and happy voice which complimented the expression he had on his face. Woohyun soon found himself smiling equally as brightly and nodding at Sunggyu. He took a seat and Sunggyu skipped to the kitchen happily.


Woohyun could not help but glance into the kitchen to witness how his crush was preparing his drink. The sight of Sunggyu concentrating on making a cup of tea for him was making fall in love yet again. He was concentrating so hard at pouring the hot water that his tongue unexpectedly stuck out. He felt so loved.


It was then and there that he decided that he was going to protect his shining angel no matter what it takes.




“I’m sorry…” He snuck into the kitchen and slipped his arms by Sunggyu’s waist, giving him a backhug which pleasantly surprised him. “He smells sweet…” Woohyun thought as he took a whiff of his hair.


“For?” Sunggyu asked, confused by the sudden apology.


“Letting you get hurt…” Sunggyu immediately turned around and saw the sad look on Woohyun’s face. He was clearly disappointed with himself for not being able to protect Sunggyu.


“But it is not your fault…” Sunggyu tried to look away from the sad expression on Woohyun’s face but could not. He wanted and needed to something about it. Gently, he brushed away the fallen fringe from his face and used his fingers to softly wipe away the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes and smiled as comfortingly as possible. He needed Woohyun to know it was not his fault. It was not his fault that he fell in love with the latter.


They stood there with their eyes looking dearly at each other, desperate in finding comfort in the eyes of the other, hoping to know that everything will still be alright.




Then, Woohyun’s lips moved.


“From now on, I promise to protect you.”



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Good job authornim!
blacksea #2
Chapter 10: lol. i've been reading this story long time ago and finally u updated it.

was laughing when i read all the chapters again. from the beginning. this is the best crack story I've ever read. i dont know you tag this story for 'crack' fic or not, but this is so funny!! can't stop laughing.
straybangfinite877 #3
salflower #4
Chapter 9: I agreed with you. Hoya is . Hsywoshslsge *die*

This is the... *inserts tons of love* I'm waiting for the next chapter. Hwaiting! c:
Chapter 9: hogod hoya = . YES HOGOD YES!!!!!
and who's that person in the detention room? myeongsu? nooo! hoya plis rescue gyugyu for namu~~~~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 9: As usual, your chappies always make me laugh like a mad person... :D
But I really enjoy reading...
Hmmm... Wonder who's that person in the detention room..? He sounds scary... >__<
incubus #8
Chapter 9: I love your writing style, it makes me laugh (like a hyena XD) but I'm still worried about what will happen to my cutie pie gyu gyu. >.<