Chapter One

Love Story


Nothing more can be said about Kim Sunggyu. It is the truth. Hearing just the name Kim Sunggyu will ring no bells or balls and will just leave you in confusion as to who is he. Yes, he is that famous.


In case you are wondering, he is right now sitting at the far corner of the classroom, beside the last window and reading a book. Or that is what he wants you to think he is doing. Such is the life of a ninja named Kim Sunggyu.




At first glance, there is nothing special about this hamster-looking person. He has small eyes and puffy cheeks, with a natural tendency to look fierce which always fails in the end and thus, making him look like some hamster which has stuffed its cheeks with way too much sunflower seeds or something.


However, if you zoom in closer to this seemingly unsuspicious hamster, you can see that he has a flawless and fair skin which radiates the sun rays giving him a natural glow whenever the sun shines into the classroom. His eyes are also another special feature which should be looked out for – those devil eyes which are both alluring and y. A wink from him can simply make your heart melt or just make you want to squish his all-so-squishable cheeks and make him your pet or something. However, it should be noted that he is a ninja and not a hamster. I repeat, not a hamster.


Anyway, the constantly asleep hamster who is pretending to read a book basically remains an unknown to many which he does not mind either. He does not like nor need the attention that many wants – he just want to survive the evil jail that the adults called school. A place of learning they said. However, it was more like they want their children to suffer the same torture that they had to endure when they were young. This sentiment is held strongly by Kim Sunggyu who simply wishes to get school done and over with.


After all, he has many other better things to do.


And did I forget to mention, that seemingly innocent docile hamster has a huge, dark and mysterious secret that people must not know.


He prefers males over females.




Well, make that two secret.


He is also secretly stalking the most popular person in the school, Nam Woohyun. Apparently, he lives in constant denial of this fact that he is stalking Woohyun.




“I do not stalk him at all. I was most definitely not following him home from school. I was protecting him from the dangers that he might face from the streets like dogs. I hate dogs. They are scary little things that may bite off your face if you are not careful enough.” Enough said, hamsters are terrified of dogs.


“I am not stalking him. I am simply taking photographs of him so that I can document the perfection that God has sent to us peasants on earth. As a student, I must make sure that I appreciate the beauty and treasure the present that God have given us.” Did I forget to mention also? Kim Sunggyu is atheist and most definitely in denial.


Kim Sunggyu is most definitely without a doubt Nam Woohyun’s stalker.




Anyway, back to the subject at hand, both are still in the first year of school and apparently have gone down different routes with Sunggyu entering the dark side. You have to admit a hamster spazzing over something is definitely a sight to see.


As for Woohyun, he took a different route or rather he just walked and everything happened. It was the first day of school. He just simply got out of his branded vehicle with sunglasses, a very revealing top which showed his well developed chest and skinny jeans that hugged his slender legs tightly. Basically, he looked so hot that within the first five minutes he had garnered a fanclub of about twenty people. Right now, the fan club has about one hundred members or more.


In short, everyone in the school loved Woohyun in one way or another.


It was not entirely his fault actually. It was his parents who blessed him with riches and wonderful genes.


One would expect him to be a complete jerk and all but in reality, he is far from that. Simply put, he is perfect.


His face is constantly plastered with a smile which melts hearts and brains. Many people are swooned head over heels whenever he walks through the hallways and with a flick of his fringe, there will be a few casualties at least.


The way he treats people also deserves a medal. He does not disrespect anyone and treats everyone the same way – with a smile and a gentle voice. There is most definitely no flaws about this person.


That is the reason why he has managed to cage our beloved hamster within his grasp so easily. There is no one else like him and everyone else wants to be like him. Meanwhile, our hamster wants him all for himself or something of that sort – to make Woohyun his and only his.


His daily activities other than sleeping during the lessons is looking over that book of his to observe his beautiful target who always seats at the front being a good student. Did I forget to mention also that Woohyun loves to study? It may seem impossible but it is true that Woohyun always seat at the front and does his homework on time without fail. That is just another reason why the entire school loves him.


Sunggyu also has this habit of making notes. He does not make notes of what the teachers rambles about but rather what does his soon-to-be lover does every minute, every hour and every day except during the weekend whereby he does not have the opportunity to observe him. (He instead, hides in the bush front of Woohyun’s mansion and observes the demi-god every action – This to Sunggyu is definitely nothing stalkerish but well, we all know the truth.)


“Today, Woohyun fell asleep during our English lesson. Our teacher is so boring. Hogod, why does he look like an angel while sleeping? I am so tempted to touch him.”


Insert hearts.


“Stop talking to that ! She is a ! You should be talking to me! I am the true love of your life – How can I make you realise that?”


Insert more hearts.


“Woohyun just came back from the toilet and he looked like he was suffering from some stomach upset. If only he realised my existence, I would most definitely make him feel so much better.”


Insert much more hearts.


Little does our unsuspecting little hamster realises, the God which he worships has already noticed and realised his existence. Well, Woohyun supposedly did. If anyone was caught in that situation, there is no way one can simply forget. It was just way too epic.




Picture this:


Woohyun was as usual walking gracefully across the hallway with an occasional flick of his raven locks and the random fainting of a few girls as he does so. Swaying his hips left to right which was simply a sight to see, he walked like a model on a catwalk towards the water fountain. Seriously, who taught him to walk like that? And who ever walks like that?


That is not the point.


Anyway, he was busy sipping the water from the water fountain to notice that his fanclub and a whole lot of random people were staring at him drinking (with some whipping out their cameras to talk a picture of him). According to some of the eyewitnesses, Woohyun was looking divine and godlike while taking the sip of water and the water which his lips touched is holy water, the elixir of life and the water of life. Yes, he is that famous.


After what seems like a photo shoot, he finally stopped drinking. He then turns around while flipping his fringe again – that were accidentally drenched by the water. Simply put, he was sparkling.


Anyway, the main thing was Sunggyu was part of the crowd that was gazing with some drooling at Woohyun and apparently, he was standing in a very favourable position. The light rays shone through the windows and brightened up Sunggyu’s face. Basically, he was shining.


Meanwhile, in Woohyun’s eyes, he thought he saw an angel – a small-eyed and fluffy angel with flawless and white skin that is radiating under the sunlight. Honestly, that poor boy has been studying way too much or has been reading way too many books. Well, that was the way our innocent little hamster managed to catch the attention of our resident God-on-earth.


After that chanced incident, it would seem that the paths of our two protagonists crossed more often. That is the result of catching the eye of Nam Woohyun. He started to realise that the enchanting hamster shared all of the same classes with him and was always nearby him. However, he never dared to greet or get to know him – he did not have the courage to.




One fateful day, it happened.


Woohyun was yet again not realising what he was doing and was just walking along the corridor like a model again. Sunggyu was walking in the entirely opposite direction and was cataloguing his collection of photos in his precious album which he always held close.


Then, it happened.


The two blind idiots ended up bumping into each other and yet another dramatic scene happened again.


The photos were falling down from the sky like snow and the two were recovering from their fall. Then, they made eye contact and were mesmerised by the look of the opposite person. They just kept looking at each other endearingly for a few seconds.


“Are you alright?” Woohyun spoke first, breaking the silence with his deep and manly voice.

“Yes…”  Sunggyu replied like some girl who had just met the love of his life, or like some fangirl who finally saw her idol and was scratching his head with his face flushed in a deep shade of red.


Then, it took Sunggyu a few seconds to process where he was, who he was facing, who he was talking to and what was on the floor.


Insert panic mode.


In almost an instant, the beloved hamster started to scurry around to collect all photos and attempted to not let Woohyun realise that they were all pictures of him. He sighed in relief when he thought he had picked up all of his beloved pictures. However, he was too late as when he turned, he saw Woohyun holding on to one of his pictures.


Insert panic mode, level two.


Immediately, Sunggyu snatched the picture away from Woohyun and ran away from the stunned boy at light speed in hopes that he did not see what was on the picture. However, he was so wrong.


Meanwhile, Woohyun was still sitting on the floor and was still trying to process what just happened.


“Who was that? Why was he in such a hurry? He is cute. Wait a minute! Why was he holding onto a picture of me? That is just so cute.”


Woohyun just sat there, smiling to himself with a mega-wide grin. It was so obvious he was crushing hard on the hamster.


However, his behaviour did not go unnoticed.




“What just happened?”


“I heard that someone purposely bumped into Woohyun!”


“Are you serious?”


“Apparently, Woohyun was so taken aback by it!”


“We need to protect him!”






The next day, a note was left in the locker which read:


“Leave Nam Woohyun Alone” 

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Good job authornim!
blacksea #2
Chapter 10: lol. i've been reading this story long time ago and finally u updated it.

was laughing when i read all the chapters again. from the beginning. this is the best crack story I've ever read. i dont know you tag this story for 'crack' fic or not, but this is so funny!! can't stop laughing.
straybangfinite877 #3
salflower #4
Chapter 9: I agreed with you. Hoya is . Hsywoshslsge *die*

This is the... *inserts tons of love* I'm waiting for the next chapter. Hwaiting! c:
Chapter 9: hogod hoya = . YES HOGOD YES!!!!!
and who's that person in the detention room? myeongsu? nooo! hoya plis rescue gyugyu for namu~~~~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 9: As usual, your chappies always make me laugh like a mad person... :D
But I really enjoy reading...
Hmmm... Wonder who's that person in the detention room..? He sounds scary... >__<
incubus #8
Chapter 9: I love your writing style, it makes me laugh (like a hyena XD) but I'm still worried about what will happen to my cutie pie gyu gyu. >.<