Chapter Six

Love Story


“Kim Sunggyu?” I looked up at the door immediately but there was no one there. I continued to rest my head on the table again. I had thought he had finally come to school and I was feeling tired from worrying about him since I left his side last night.  


“Kim Sunggyu?” My head automatically jerked up from the table again but only to be filled with the same disappointment as the first time when I saw that the door was yet again open with no one there.


“I guess he is not coming today…” I whispered quietly to myself as I sigh in sadness from the lack of my beloved around me. I almost wanted to skip school today and maybe pay a visit to his house. Wait a minute that is a wonderful idea! I should pay him a visit to check on him. That way, I can both check on him and declare my everlasting love for him. This is such an excellent idea! Furthermore, I am sure pillow is doing a great and wonderful job at protecting my dear and darling baby. I am practically killing two birds with one stone.


Insert the image of Woohyun fist pumping the air in the middle of the teacher’s long speech about the cell structure and screaming out loud something about his everlasting love for a certain hamster named, Kim Sunggyu.


Some people just never learn.


Somewhere out there a sick and lonely hamster sneezed.


Anyway, the plan that Woohyun thought out or had in mind was simple and foolproof. First, he would go to Sunggyu’s house after school. Second, he would take care of his sick and lonely lover. Finally, he would declare his boundless affection for the poor fellow. It seemed simple and easy. Or so he thought. However, there was one slight problem that he or anyone for that matter (even the author) did not expect.


“So class, please pass up your homework.”


“There is one script missing. You better admit it now!” The teacher’s voice boomed across the entire classroom after he counted the scripts. The class looked around in curiosity, wondering who the poor victim is this time for failing to submit his homework to one of the strictest teacher in the school.


Suddenly, a hand was raised.


All the heads turned to the direction of the hand in one synchronised action.


Nam Woohyun was the one who raised his hand.




Nam Woohyun did not do his homework.




Cue the lighting and thunder with exaggerated facial expressions of everyone in shock and horror. It was also said that there were a few people taking out their religious items and praying hard about saving them from the end of the world while some just fainted.


Apparently, our handsome hero had forgotten to do his homework for some apparent reason (hint: Read the chapter before this) and hence, had to stay back after school to finish it up which basically meant that his plans was ruined. In other news, the news about him not doing his homework spread across the entire school like wildfire which split the entire school into three main sections. The first being the ones stated above (Don’t be lazy and look at the paragraph above you), the second being those who thought Woohyun had become a rebel and was preparing to join their leader when he raises up against the entire school and the last being the concerned party who kept questioning him about the reason why he did not do his homework and sending him condolences as though someone died.




“Dongwoo~” Woohyun whined to his friend and gave him his cutest pout and puppy dog eyes. He really wanted to visit Sunggyu as soon as possible but there was that obstacle that blocked him from his goal: His unfinished homework.


“No, I am not helping you do your homework for you.” Dongwoo said curtly at the I-am-not-trying-to-flirt-with-you-but-maybe-seduce-you-to-do-what-I want Woohyun.


“But why?” Woohyun was close to tears at being rejected.


“Because I am cool like that.” Dongwoo replied but this time, avoiding to make eye contact entirely to prevent himself for complying to his friend’s request.


“But… Wait a minute, how do you know?” Woohyun looked at his friend, puzzled and bewildered.


“Know what?”


“About me not doing my homework?” Woohyun tilted his head in confusion at his friend knowing something that he thought only he knew.


“…” Dongwoo’s palm immediately crashed onto his face as he realised that Woohyun did not even know how news about him always and manage to spread across the entire school within minutes. It was no exaggeration. While the teacher stunned and in shock at his favourite student not doing his work, his classmates did the liberty of messaging and taking pictures of the historical event.




Yes, he is that popular.




“Tell me!” Woohyun whined again. This time, Dongwoo had a plan. He was about to use his secret weapon against this acting-cute-is-cute person.


“How is Sunggyu?” He attempted to change the topic.


There was a sudden twinkle in Woohyun’s eyes. Objective achieved.




Woohyun was about to enter a frenzy about how cute and adorable his future boyfriend and lover was until he recalled whatever happened the day before; about how he was bullied and how he was treated so badly. He was after all innocent and did not deserve such treatment.


It was apparent in his facial appearance that he felt guilty and sad towards the state of which Sunggyu is now.


“Dongwoo, he is badly hurt and I need to be there for him…” He said sadly with tears threatening to roll out of his already tearing eyes as though Sunggyu had contracted cancer or some life-threatening disease.




Somewhere out there the same hamster sneezes.




Dongwoo, who did not managed to read the last chapter, had entirely misunderstood Woohyun and had mentally almost killed Sunggyu by imagining him being knocked down by a car, being hit in the head by an incoming flower pot or even worse, being tripping over a stone and bursting a pimple from the impact. All of which ended up in the same ending: Sunggyu is currently in the hospital and is deep need of attention.




Moral of the story: Read the last chapter of the story or else, you will end up doing someone’s homework like a certain dinosaur.




“Okay Woohyun! Go! Be with your lover and make his last moments count!” Dongwoo choked on his words while chasing away his friend so that he could accompany his lover for the last time.


“Thank you, Dongwoo!” He gave his friend tight hug and immediately fled away as the last bell rang, thinking at the same time what a wonderful friend Dongwoo was.


However, there was one minor issue that he seemed to forget about Dongwoo: He likes doing his work in green pen. There is indeed no doubt that he would also do Woohyun’s work in green ink. Oh well, I believe that Woohyun can live with the consequences as after all, I am the author.  Or so I thought.


Anyway, for more information about how Woohyun might not survive this ordeal, stay tuned for the next chapter! Back to the story:




Woohyun did his best and sped through about five traffic lights, seven roads and about ten blocks while dodging about seventeen cars and causing about five to brake suddenly and nearly getting to an accident about nine times. If only you could see it, he was basically leaping and jumping over cars and dashing across roads as though it was some action movie. However, there was a minor thing that he forgot in his excitement of trying to get there: He could have just taken the bus and Sunggyu’s house was only a stop away.


Insert facepalm or something equivalent.


Well, anyway, the main thing was he managed to reach Sunggyu’s front door safe and sound. In the time of which he was running, he managed to think of another foolproof plan about what to do. He was going to use the “concerned classmate” excuse to infiltrate the place and begin operation make-Sunggyu-mine. It would be accomplished even if he had to do it by force.


Cue dramatic music.


He gently knocked on the door. There was no answer.


He gently knocked on the door again. There was no answer again.


He knocked on the door with slightly more force. Still, there was no answer.


He finally started to bang on the door, realising that his poor hamster was trapped in his own house, having fainted from being too weak, having tripped over a piece of paper or worse, becoming unconscious from choking on water. He was basically in panic mode, almost breaking down the door hoping that Sunggyu would respond.


Anyway, another sneeze could be heard from the other side of the door which went unnoticed from all the loud sounds Woohyun was making.


After a while, Woohyun slammed his fist into the doorbell in defeat.


It was the end for Woohyun. It was the end of everything that Woohyun had ever dreamt, imagined and fantasised about. His love, his precious and his other half had fallen and left him all alone. Being alone is definitely something that Woohyun is not used to. He cannot be alone. He hates being alone and thus, it was the end for Woohyun. Sunggyu was everything to him and now with him gone, it was the end.


Conclusion: Woohyun is such a drama queen. Just saying.  


After another while, the door was finally open with a still-half-asleep hamster on the other side of the door.


Cue meeting of a seriously unglamorous duo with Sunggyu wearing his baby bear pyjamas and furry slippers with his hair looking like a bird nest while Woohyun was in a mess with tears threatening to roll out of his eyes and a certain liquid almost leaking out of his nose.




The moment their eyes met, the effect took place instantly.




The door was hasty slammed shut.  


Sunggyu’s heart was racing rapidly. It was beating much faster and stronger than it should. What could he have expected? The love of his life, the one person he has dedicated all his time to stalk was standing outside his door. It was perhaps a dream come true. “Maybe it is just a dream?”he thought suspicious of what he had just saw at his door step.




He pinched himself.




He felt pain which meant that it was not a dream. Woohyun was really at his doorstep. To any normal person, he would immediately wonder why Woohyun was at his doorstep, why Woohyun was in a mess and why does Woohyun still look ridiculously handsome despite his situation. However, Sunggyu was not normal. He was in love.




He was deeply in love.




Thus, the first thing he noticed instead was what Woohyun thought of him when he first saw him. He looks down and only to notice that he was looking cute and adorable from head to toe which was not he wanted. He wanted to have a manly but mysterious aura yet kind and soft. (Even I do not understand this.) Anyway, he entered panic mode.


He threw open his wardrobe and attempted to fix on something that is more appropriate for this occasion. Trust me; he looked more than just fine.




Meanwhile, the poor thing outside the door that was on the verge of tears was taken deeply aback by Sunggyu’s actions. After all, no one likes it when someone suddenly slams the door at your face after you thought that someone was dead. It was that small moment of genius that got Woohyun to realise that Sunggyu was not dead. He was not going to be alone as he thought he would be. Sunggyu was alive and there was meaning in his life!


It took him slightly longer to realise what Sunggyu was wearing which was exactly what he had in mind. There was nothing more adorable than that imagine of your love dressing so cutely and lovely. Then again, even if you cover Sunggyu black from head to toe, Woohyun still have a way of looking at Sunggyu with roses and other flowers at the background. He was that deeply attracted by the hamster. He was so smitten to the extent that he just continued to stare at the door. After a while, he was apparently seen hugging his pillow and rolling all over the floor according to several eyewitnesses.




Suddenly, the door opens.




A deep and sultry voice left Sunggyu’s throat, “So you want to come in?”




All Woohyun could do was look. 

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Good job authornim!
blacksea #2
Chapter 10: lol. i've been reading this story long time ago and finally u updated it.

was laughing when i read all the chapters again. from the beginning. this is the best crack story I've ever read. i dont know you tag this story for 'crack' fic or not, but this is so funny!! can't stop laughing.
straybangfinite877 #3
salflower #4
Chapter 9: I agreed with you. Hoya is . Hsywoshslsge *die*

This is the... *inserts tons of love* I'm waiting for the next chapter. Hwaiting! c:
Chapter 9: hogod hoya = . YES HOGOD YES!!!!!
and who's that person in the detention room? myeongsu? nooo! hoya plis rescue gyugyu for namu~~~~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 9: As usual, your chappies always make me laugh like a mad person... :D
But I really enjoy reading...
Hmmm... Wonder who's that person in the detention room..? He sounds scary... >__<
incubus #8
Chapter 9: I love your writing style, it makes me laugh (like a hyena XD) but I'm still worried about what will happen to my cutie pie gyu gyu. >.<