Scars of a First Love

미안하다...사랑한다 (I'm sorry ...I love you)


        ---   Since that day, the awkwardness never left the air that Jay and Chaerin shared. However,  something has changed within Chaerin; she couldn’t deny the effect Jay had on her whenever he was around: how her heart raced speedily and how her cheeks flashed into pink whenever her eyes met his gaze; she was attracted to him as the day goes by but it became more difficult to control those feelings. She had to avoid him in order to repel herself from succombing to her heart's temptations. So, but they were always like moon and sun or day and night they could never meet. She couldn’t tolerate this side of her: so weak and fragile for she had to stand for her icy image since that day when she was almost eight just two days before her birthday:


---FLASHBACK: ten years ago---

      ---  Chaerin was abandoned along with her baby brother by their own aunt not being able to support them anymore after their parents passed away in an accident who was about to get remarried. Threatened by the unfamiliar new surroundings and presences of the orphanage, Chaerin always acted on the defensive sometimes fierce and violent whenever someone tried to approach her. She always fought with her fellow orphans but most of the time she only hung around with her brother…she couldn’t trust no one but someone could break through her glass and melt the ice… :

---Almost a year after---

               “Hi! I’m Jaebom!!” smiling at her brightly giving her flowers …but Chaerin threw them right away staring blankly into emptiness when she rose looking for her brother whom wasn’t playing next to her anymore, she kept calling his name but he wasn’t answering. Jaebom  held her tiny hand and began looking for him till they heard screams coming out from the other side of the garden. Little Jaemin fell into a deep hole: Chaerin knelt and began shouting for him to keep still and that she would save him when she was about to go down Jay held her arm and told her to stay behind and go get some help. Jaebom looked around him for something to use to help Jaemin while he kept talking to him (Jaebom was always smart and had a sense of responsibility): He saw a rope on the floor right in front of him he wrapped it around his waiste while the other end of it to a tree and got down he held jaemin an instructed him to hold onto him and not to look down by the time people got to the site Jaebom had already pulled the little boy at the astonishment of everyone especially Chaerin who kept smiling at him as she huged her brother. Since then, the two of them were inseparable and Jaebom was always the one finding ways to make Chaerin smile: he showed her his tiny dance moves, and made her laugh hard at his failed attempts into head spins or bboying moves and the times in which  told her jokes and helped her with her homework and many things.

            One day, at their favorite spot just upon an old bridge over a small river in between a gorgeous green landscape like it was just coming out from those fairy tales, hidden within a  small forest nearby. A place they would often go to after coming back from school just to hung out and play to break free from the restraining walls of the orphanage and explore the splendid innocent beauty of childhood that was by their parent’s own sins that left them so fragile and unsecure looking with fear at their own dreams and hopes. That is how was Jaebom to chaerin and chaerin to Jaebom: a source of strength and inspiration comforting each other through the abrupt frustration of loneliness.

              --- Another year later --- 

               It was a pretty sunny day when Jaebom and chaerin were walking down the tiny road, when he run asking Chaerin to follow him: 

"Wait for me!! where are you going?" asked Chaerin while running when Jaebom stopped and faced her ...he was shaking all of a sudden and tried to speak thrugh his stuttering while sctaching his head looking shily at the floor...Chaerin stopped before him worried and couldn't speak...Jaebom looked around him and smiled awkwardly clinching his eyes from time to time beacuse of the sun beams that were peircing right through him penetrating in between the trees' branches ...Jaebom coughed to clear his throat at the cute worried stare of Chaerin who was torn between curiosity and worrying:

"Huh, ...uhum...I want...No..not that...I mean I have ...well...I.." but got interrupted by the impatient Chaerin who got closer: "what is it there something that's bothering you? you're scaring me ..."

Slowly without any word Jaebom pulled his hand from behind his back and gave her a little box. Chaerin, unable to hold her excitement opened the box saying: "but's not even my birthday yet...!? why all of a sudden?"

Jay spoke with his head down: "it's not a birthday present...well, i mean you can think of it as you wish but I want to ask you something ..." but Chaerin had already opened the box and pulled out two necklaces: one with a small star and the other one  with a bigger star which can be put together completing one another like a ring can slip in smoothly into one's finger.

"Jaebom-ah what is this?..." asked Chaerin clueless!!

Jaebom took the necklace that had the smallest star and put it carefully around Chaerin's neck and begun: "Chaerin-ah ...will you be my girlfriend?"; Chaerin opened to answer but he stopped her by continuing: "I want you to be my girlfriend and if you accept me as your boyfriend you can out the other necklace as a 'yes'...if not you may just erase this moment from your memory and accept the necklace as a present for your coming birthday and just throw the other's simple as that ...I guess..." scratching his head again looking around him trying to control his axpression...

Chaerin taken aback, couldn't help but feel lost at the unexpected proposal as she couldn't understand how that was possible eventhough Jaebom was almost one year older thaan her but how could he or her understand what love is? how it is supposed to feel like?...Lost in thought Chaerin didn't notice that time was slipping away and that Jaebom began to feel a pain growing all the way from his stomach to his heart when Chaerin couldn't even lift her head or look at him.

Jaebom turned away and started walking as fast as he could and never stopped despite that she was calling him; unlike what was planned , he couldn't really take in the feeling of being rejected: it was really a big deal after all. Meanwhile, Chaerin knelt on her knees and unwillingly started crying but those tears were tears of joy because in her heart she knew finally the feeling of being loved back ( and I say so because Chaerin, initially had a crush on Jay since the first day she arrived two years ago..^^ well it started pretty early huh that's why she acted all proud and rejected him when he first spoke with her)


                --- Jaebom avoided Chaerin as much as possible even when she tried talking to him he would just keep silent pretending he is busy doing anything but talking to her. it was a pretty bad weather that day it was raining heavy threads bringing along a certain feeling of bitterness and melancholy of the orphonage's little  resedents when a a sound of a car slowly began approaching. ---

It felt weird for Chaerin not to talk to Jaebom even if it was just a day and plus her birthday was coming up on the next day and Jaebom still didn't dare to talk to her; soon enough the responsible came in to the large dinner room and called for Jaebom aloud: "Jaebom, dear! there someone who wants to see you!" jaebom stopped eating and everyone including Chaerin kept staring at him.  he left the room following the lady into her office where a stranger was looking out through the window: "Jaebom-ah you see this adjushi right here, well, he is your father and he came to take you back.." 

Jaebom looked petrified; "I came to take you, son. I never knew you existed till today ...please..." as the misterious man tried to approach him.

"leave me alone, you're not my dad, don't call me that. I'm nobody's son; I don't have a dad." as he kept crying and kicking trying to get loose from the director's arms. --- Chaerin was just behind the door when she heard all the conversation--- 


            Without even realizing, Jaebom was already in the car as it's angine started running Chaerin appeared out of nowhere calling for jay but the car has already begun to get further. Chaerin kept running through the rain calling for Jaebom until she fell...she kept kneeling all wet on the muddy floor when someone helped her stand. Chaerin wiped her tears only to see jaebom breathless in front of her, who came back running to her. Without uttering a word, Chaerin took a necklace from her pocket and put it around Jaebom's neck kissing him on the cheek while their  tears met. Chaerin kept her smile despite the saddening parting while showing him her necklace holding it so tight ...understanding each other's heart, just speaking through their eyes that's how they were able to say goodbye without even uttering the word for it and each went their separate ways.


  ---- That's how an innocent love that was never given the chance to blossom was snatched away from two pure souls who had just began to believe again in hope and the beauty of life. But none of these two know that destiny has given them another chance in finding love...Will they take it? ---


WOW!!  that's a pretty long chapter...I just couldn't stop writing and plus it's kinda because I have been away for so long, I guess!?


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Chapter 25: aww its been long time author nim ..
im waiting this for update n finally u update :')
ahh finally chaerin found jay , i do hope jay could be save n be good with chaerin soon :')
thanks for the update n cant wait for the ending :)
author nim update this story again please ..
im waiting for thiss T_T
Chapter 24: author sory for late comented :(
mm now everyone was knew about jay's sicked
n they have too saved him
i hope jay dont go to america but where he go ??
i hope chaerin n others can find him n saved him :')
n JayxCL can be together at the end ^^
update soon author :)
Chapter 23: heheh my pleasure author nim ^^
i really like ur story ! :)
woahh really this will be have happy ending ?? great :D

about story :
his father didint know aout jay's sick yet ?
n jonggup n taeyang know about him .. they feel really sad n bad :(
n did jay really go ? i hope noo ..
thank u for update n keep writing author ^^
Thank you -chaefamri- your words mean so much to me^-^
I changed the story's end for your sake =)
Indeed this story should have a happy ending for all the sadness.*.*
i shall update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: haii author ^^ , glad u r back
thank u so much for updating this story :)
u know im ur loyal reader n coment :D
because i love ur story <3
this too hurt for them both , jay why is to hard for u to say i love u to chaerin ??
I feel pained to see them like that :(
n what would happened when his father came ??
Im curious the next chapter :D
keep updating author nim ^_^
Chapter 21: its ok author ^^
so now they can live together again ?
hope they will ... :)
keep writing n update author ^^
Chapter 19: i hope this story will be happy ending
n jay is not dead , so they can live together :)
I promise this would have a happy ending wonder how? just stay tuned^^
Minhyo98 : unfortunately =(