A Day Like Others

미안하다...사랑한다 (I'm sorry ...I love you)


“Oh! Hyung, can you teach me that move you did last night ? ..., when you did that thing… with your head…and …just teach it to me…Oh, hyung please,” running to Jay before entering through the school’s gate.

Jay: “Good morning to you too Taemin-ah…” turned to him

Taemin: “Eh?? Oh so, would you teach it to me? Please…?” as he kept jumping around like a giant baby.

Jay didn’t have the time to answer when Minzy cut in slapping Taemin’s head, jumping to reach it: “Oh, stop acting like that you’re ruining our image; we stand for cool not dorky, you dork!” as she waved at Jay and threw a fierce stare at Taemin which made him change his expression in a twist and regain his composure again.

“Hi, Jay!” shouted the class as one.

--- Jay was not only popular at school; he was loved by everyone because he got along with everybody around him. Jay is one of those rare examples of something very close to ‘perfection’: a brilliant student, talented dancer, passionate musician and so amazing at sports. He bursts out of energy; he has this sparkle in him of always giving his all in everything, that passion in him just outshines anyone around him. ---

        After class, Jay hangs out with Taemin and Minzy his childhood friends (since he was eight) to practice dance and enjoy making music and this was the only thing that Jay hid from his father who wanted him to become a doctor following his own footsteps. He couldn’t face his father with him wanting to become a singer and do music, not that he was afraid of him but it was because he loved his father so much and didn’t want to disappoint him after all he did for him. There is never a day that goes by without him remembering that rainy night, when his father came to the orphanage looking for him. Jay was eight back then, his mother left him there right after he was born while his father never knew of his existence till he got a letter one day; he never hesitated and wanted to be a good father for the son he was estranged from by the woman he loved but left him for someone richer than him. Jay never talks about his mother: sometimes he hated her and sometimes he just wanted to know how she looked like; his mother indeed was the reason of him wanting to excel in whatever he does. That day, Jay remembers how he had to be separated from the one person who made him smile back then; that person he had to see crying for him begging him not to go through the rain. From time to time, he tries to imagine her face, what does she look like now, where can she be by now, is she somewhere near or far from here? Is she was happy?.

“Yo, Hyung…so are you coming?” asked Taemin packing his stuff, followed by Minzy which intrigued Jay's wandering in his thoughts after laying down in the cold vast room; he was tired after dancing. He just layed there and stared silently into the roof; it was one of those moments he enjoyed the most, moments to think about things, just think.




Memories: --- “Nuna!! why wouldn’t you buy me that ball? I hate you,” screamed little Jaemin hurriedly walking behind his sister.

Chaerin couldn’t answer; she heard the ‘I hate you’ so many times everyday but now she can’t cry anymore even if it still hurt her to hear it. She can’t be weak; she had to hold everything in: that’s what older sisters do. --- (those episodes happened more often when Jaemin was quite young)


                Memories like these always haunted Chaerin who loved her brother dearly, but sometimes she wondered if life was not too harsh on her having such a responsibility at seventeen. She was always protective of him; she didn’t want him to see how she struggled for him, how painful and stressful; she felt guilty for those few seconds in which she felt she was alone. She didn’t have time to act like most of the girls her age, to have those pink dreams, to live ordinarily doing silly things, having friends to laugh and cry with and stop wearing those worn clothes which reminded her always of those things she could never afford. She hangs on for her brother her life was just him within it. It was never about her, it was just him and the only way she could keep going through with it was her passion for dancing: she always sneaks out in the middle of the night after putting her brother to sleep to this empty garage to dance to the music; the only way she knew to pour out her frustration, just another reason to wake up the next morning.

*** Pretty simple one right here well, better next to come. ***


To the coming readers, please enjoy!! ^^

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Chapter 25: aww its been long time author nim ..
im waiting this for update n finally u update :')
ahh finally chaerin found jay , i do hope jay could be save n be good with chaerin soon :')
thanks for the update n cant wait for the ending :)
author nim update this story again please ..
im waiting for thiss T_T
Chapter 24: author sory for late comented :(
mm now everyone was knew about jay's sicked
n they have too saved him
i hope jay dont go to america but where he go ??
i hope chaerin n others can find him n saved him :')
n JayxCL can be together at the end ^^
update soon author :)
Chapter 23: heheh my pleasure author nim ^^
i really like ur story ! :)
woahh really this will be have happy ending ?? great :D

about story :
his father didint know aout jay's sick yet ?
n jonggup n taeyang know about him .. they feel really sad n bad :(
n did jay really go ? i hope noo ..
thank u for update n keep writing author ^^
Thank you -chaefamri- your words mean so much to me^-^
I changed the story's end for your sake =)
Indeed this story should have a happy ending for all the sadness.*.*
i shall update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: haii author ^^ , glad u r back
thank u so much for updating this story :)
u know im ur loyal reader n coment :D
because i love ur story <3
this too hurt for them both , jay why is to hard for u to say i love u to chaerin ??
I feel pained to see them like that :(
n what would happened when his father came ??
Im curious the next chapter :D
keep updating author nim ^_^
Chapter 21: its ok author ^^
so now they can live together again ?
hope they will ... :)
keep writing n update author ^^
Chapter 19: i hope this story will be happy ending
n jay is not dead , so they can live together :)
I promise this would have a happy ending ...you wonder how? just stay tuned^^
Minhyo98 : unfortunately =(