
미안하다...사랑한다 (I'm sorry ...I love you)


            ---'He has nothing to lose,' he though as he run thinking only of Chaerin and praying for his body not to let him down and take it for her sake. Despite the late hour into the deep night, the moon enlighted his way through before the gathering dark clouds of Autumn. It was cold but Jay didn't bother and run  faster till he reached destination. It was an old, huge and abondoned warehouse in which gangs and all sorts of deliquents hang out. ---

                Before opening the gate, he could hear a suffocated voice of crying Chaerin, just in between the sarcastic laughs of the gangsters. He opened the door and yelled as he run to them: "don't ever lay another finger on her,..' and before realizing it, he ckicked two guys that were about to pin him down, and then turned his head to Chaerin who was laying 

there but before asking her a thing, other members of the gang as well as their leader -whom Jay couldn't distinguish the face as he stood there in a the darkness - 

ordered: "yah, what are you doing laying there, grab him and bring him to me..." but Jay had a great fighting experience and he wasn't an easy target. he fought them one after the other but somehow, the leader walked calmly out of his dark spot towards Chaerin who was still laying down. He grabbed her from her hair and dragged her. He remarked: "so, would you stop acting like a hero? Or else this girl will..." But Jay didn't want to hear more and surrendered begiing them to let her go and that she had nothing to do with this, he asked angrily: "who are you? What do you want from me?..." but he wouldn't get an answer ...As soon as he saw two guys approacching, he took his necklace (that had his and Chaerin's star figures) and robbed it into his wrist while folding his hand's palm around it and walked firmly towards them. As they grabbed him one from each side arm and made him kneel.

                Jay was calm and smiled slightly assuring terrified Chaerin that everything will be fine. Chaerin who was tied up around in a chair smiled back at him through her silent tears and nodded: she could see in his eyes a familiar look, an assurance and she felt safe...when she noticed something...something that reminded her of her lost first memories rushed into her head and as she connected her flashbacks of moments spent with Jay:


                In one of their dance practices as they sat talking, jay told Chaerin about how he found it hard to trust people when his own mother abondoned him...the way he let out an awkward laugh when he was embarrassed, ....everything, every gesture, every body movement of his and even things he used to say matched that old friend of she remembered, could it be... Jaebum?   


                 The leader finally appeared out from the darkness but as soon as Jay saw him, he knew what this situation was all about: revenge! The gang's leader approached and leaned towards Jay: "do you remember me?"


         Just like any teen, Jay had his troubled past. He was a young boy whose past tormented him, in fact, he was a prettty angry and hot-tempered boy with a rebellious nature always first to get involved in fights and always seeking targets to demolish and torture: he was like that but not for too long. Even though he knew Minzy and Taemin, they weren't really close but their common passion for dance brought them together and he seriously though of changing his, he withdraw from his position as a leader on the day they had a fight with another important rival gang at the area. He tried to convince them to start afresh and clean but one of his closest friends and gang member fought him and declined his offer; so, he led the gang to the fight and lost eventually and since then he held a grudge against Jay for breaking their friendship and swore revenge: Taeyang was his name.


                Jay smirked, looked at him and said nothing which angered Taeyang: "hold him up...Now" he ordered and furiously started throwing punches at Jay like a madman. Jay fell from pain but he did let out nothing, not a sound, not a colmplaint...he just looked at Chaerin. Chaerin begged them to stop but it only fueld their acts of terror. Taeyang pulled Jay from his jacked and threw him on the ground and started kicking him: "because of your cowardice we lost Hankyung, he is dead because of you...and now you gonna meet him up there and apologize..."

Jay pushed him and stood slowly because of the pain; it was hard for him to keep his balance but he remained standing up:

"you was you who killed was all because of you...I told you to stay away from trouble but because of your took our friends into the irreversible: if not dead ...some of them ended in jail who should we blame?"...

"Shut're still as cocky as before..." kicking him again making Jay fall backwards.

But Jay continued talking: "you don't know a thing...HanKyung didn't want to fight anymore as his mother was sick but he was such a loyal friend that he came to rescue you and paid for his life...and I was there too but you were too angry to see me..."

"What ...what are you talking about? Stop saying nonsense...shut him up hurry..." he ordered the others but signs of doubt began to show up as he seemed to go through his past memories.

                 While the other two were beating Jay who was still down, he continued saying: "HanKyung wanted out too, so he came to me before that day. he told me about his mother, so I let him go. I had to come up with something to cover up for his absence...that's why I announced my departure. You guys were so frustrated to notice his absence and went to a fight...but knowing about it and how you would be a**kicked without us he came to me and begged to go there...." Jay stopped talking as Taeyang wanted him to shut up kicking his head; for a moment Jay saw the world around him go dark and darker; he passed out. Fearing for his life Chaerin slowly untied herself and battled the guys who watched her to make her way though to Jay. Halfway as she run crying his name out loud, Jay opened his eyes seeing her running towards him he tied to get up but failed untile she held him on time making him lean on her to help him stand: "why are you letting yourself get beaten like that, what are you doing?..." but Jay only smiled at her through his bloody face but soon stopped as he saw another one approaching Chaerin from behind to hit her with a bat. Jay stood right away, hugged Chaerin tightly and closed his eyes: he made her turn as he turned taking her initial position. A heavy blow hit his back so hard that it felt like splitting on two. Jay lost consciousness immediately and fell on Chaerin who fell backwards because of Jay's weight.

At that moments sirens of police were heard approaching but as they were leaving Taemin, JongUp and few others came to rescue and began fighting with the remaining individuals while Taeyang escaped from another exit.

            Chaerin looked around her and Jay was still on top of her ...she thought he was dead for she could hardly feel him breathing. She turned him aside and held his head into her lap: "wake your eyes Jay...please..." as her tears fell on his face. Jay could hear her but he had his eyes closed still: he wished he would just die now...but her loud voice brought him back and opened his eyes slightly: "don't worry I'm not going anywhere...just..." the pain was so strong that he couldn't finish his sentence. he looked at her and remembered he still had the necklace in his hand but as he was about to move he felt a sharp pain in his head that made him faint again letting go of the necklace. But as soon as Chaerin hugged him crying she noticed that something slipped from Jay's hand. She took it and was astonished at what she found because it was so familiar and everything just like that became clearer, she understood: she looked at the necklace and then at Jay but before saying anything, Taemin and Jongup run to them so Chaerin hid the necklace and followed them to the hospital... TO BE CONTINUED













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Chapter 25: aww its been long time author nim ..
im waiting this for update n finally u update :')
ahh finally chaerin found jay , i do hope jay could be save n be good with chaerin soon :')
thanks for the update n cant wait for the ending :)
author nim update this story again please ..
im waiting for thiss T_T
Chapter 24: author sory for late comented :(
mm now everyone was knew about jay's sicked
n they have too saved him
i hope jay dont go to america but where he go ??
i hope chaerin n others can find him n saved him :')
n JayxCL can be together at the end ^^
update soon author :)
Chapter 23: heheh my pleasure author nim ^^
i really like ur story ! :)
woahh really this will be have happy ending ?? great :D

about story :
his father didint know aout jay's sick yet ?
n jonggup n taeyang know about him .. they feel really sad n bad :(
n did jay really go ? i hope noo ..
thank u for update n keep writing author ^^
Thank you -chaefamri- your words mean so much to me^-^
I changed the story's end for your sake =)
Indeed this story should have a happy ending for all the sadness.*.*
i shall update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: haii author ^^ , glad u r back
thank u so much for updating this story :)
u know im ur loyal reader n coment :D
because i love ur story <3
this too hurt for them both , jay why is to hard for u to say i love u to chaerin ??
I feel pained to see them like that :(
n what would happened when his father came ??
Im curious the next chapter :D
keep updating author nim ^_^
Chapter 21: its ok author ^^
so now they can live together again ?
hope they will ... :)
keep writing n update author ^^
Chapter 19: i hope this story will be happy ending
n jay is not dead , so they can live together :)
I promise this would have a happy ending wonder how? just stay tuned^^
Minhyo98 : unfortunately =(