
미안하다...사랑한다 (I'm sorry ...I love you)

        The doctor came outand reassured Chaerin that her brother had nothing serious and that his fever came down and he carried on:

'it seems that he has little anemia due to bad nutrition, so you have to be more carefull, okay?'

"Thanks doctor. i'll do my best," shaking his hand over and over.

         When the doctor was leaving, he remembered something and turned around: "by the way, lady; you have a smart and a caring brother. He kept talking about not wanting you to worry about him and the things he had to do like: eating just once per day in order for you to make some economies and how hard you work just to provide him with everything. i'm sure he would grow into a fine young man."

         Her eyes became tearfull as she smiled listening to the doctor's account  as she reached for Jay looking behind her he was already gone as she could catch a glimpse of his back before he disappeared. She was about to run behind him to thank him but instead she heard her brother calling: "nuna, nuna!!!" running to hug his sister.

Chaerin went to ask how she could pay for the hospital fees when the nurse answered that someone had already paid them.

"Why does he always have to do this...?" she asked herself but felt such huge gratefullness.




           Arrived home, Jay went to the kitchen noticing that his father didn't come back and guessed that he didn't finish his job; he grabbed something to drink and went directly to his room feeling exhausted and threw himself on the bed checking his phone about the missed calls but couldn't call back because he felt the urge to sleep. But he layed there gazing to the roof and ended switching on the light: this girl drived him crazy continuously thinking about her and rewinding the last scenes of his day like an old movie.


The next day at school:


        Unlike the ordinary school days, Chaerin stood at the gates waiting impatiently and nerveously: she saw Jay's friends arriving without him and she waved at them 'good morning' as they smiled back at her. She kept waiting till he appeared from afar. Chaerin waved at him calling his name feeling like she was making a fool of herself and this guy made her do things she never thought of doing: "I just wanted to say thank you ... I mean not just for yesterday but for everything you had done for me...and honestly, I don't know how," shaking from embarrassment.

"Well...I know a way..." he took her hand and run together to the class before it starts.

"Hey, guys!! Welcome our newest addition: Chaerin," averyone's mouth hanged for quiet some time before smiling and cheering for Chaerin while she kept arguing: "but I ...I can't...I mean thanks ...but...ouch!!" to Jay squeezing her hand so hard and whispering under his teeth: "you have to, remember? You owe it to me."

Chaerin had to agree: "please take care of me." Everyone was happy welcoming her but Minzy who felt jealous and a bit threatened...


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Chapter 25: aww its been long time author nim ..
im waiting this for update n finally u update :')
ahh finally chaerin found jay , i do hope jay could be save n be good with chaerin soon :')
thanks for the update n cant wait for the ending :)
author nim update this story again please ..
im waiting for thiss T_T
Chapter 24: author sory for late comented :(
mm now everyone was knew about jay's sicked
n they have too saved him
i hope jay dont go to america but where he go ??
i hope chaerin n others can find him n saved him :')
n JayxCL can be together at the end ^^
update soon author :)
Chapter 23: heheh my pleasure author nim ^^
i really like ur story ! :)
woahh really this will be have happy ending ?? great :D

about story :
his father didint know aout jay's sick yet ?
n jonggup n taeyang know about him .. they feel really sad n bad :(
n did jay really go ? i hope noo ..
thank u for update n keep writing author ^^
Thank you -chaefamri- your words mean so much to me^-^
I changed the story's end for your sake =)
Indeed this story should have a happy ending for all the sadness.*.*
i shall update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: haii author ^^ , glad u r back
thank u so much for updating this story :)
u know im ur loyal reader n coment :D
because i love ur story <3
this too hurt for them both , jay why is to hard for u to say i love u to chaerin ??
I feel pained to see them like that :(
n what would happened when his father came ??
Im curious the next chapter :D
keep updating author nim ^_^
Chapter 21: its ok author ^^
so now they can live together again ?
hope they will ... :)
keep writing n update author ^^
Chapter 19: i hope this story will be happy ending
n jay is not dead , so they can live together :)
I promise this would have a happy ending wonder how? just stay tuned^^
Minhyo98 : unfortunately =(