

"Chaeyoung-ah! You're back."

Chaeyoung just got out of the cab. She turned her head towards the voice and found Jisoo walking towards her. Her left hands holding what seems to be groceries and on the other her phone. She hitched her backpack on her shoulders and moved towards Jisoo. She raised both her hands and engulf Jisoo in a hug. "Hi. You're back too."

She let her go and grabbed the groceries Jisoo was carrying. "Did you just got back too?" Gesturing towards Jisoo's backpack.

"Yeah. I went and did some grocery shopping before heading towards the apartment cause I know we don't have food." They walked towards their shared apartment.

"Did you get a text from Minnie too?"

"Yes. And I'm guessing they're still sleeping. Also one of the reason I went to buy food."

"So, you also didn't went to the party to get Lisa." Chaeyoung smirked.

"Yep, why bother. Jendeukie will be there faster than the flash." They both giggled.

"True. She have it so bad."

Jisoo snorted. "Those two have it so bad. It's just that they're both idiots."

"I know." Chaeyoung sighed.


They reached their apartment and Jisoo unlocked and opened the door. She held the door open and let Chaeng go inside first.

Chaeyoung head towards the kitchen and dropped the groceries on the table. She saw Jisoo head towards her room to put away her bag. Chaeng head towards her own room to do the same. When she came back out. Jisoo is putting the groceries inside the fridge and cupboards.

"It's almost lunch time. What are we having?" Chaeng said while putting away some cereals on the cuoboard.

"You just came back and you're immediate concern is food." Jisoo said shaking her head.

"What? It is almost lunch. I'm hungry too." Chaeyoung said.

"Go and wake up the chef if you want some food." Jisoo said gesturing towards Jennie's room with her head.

"Do i have to? Can you just cook something?" Chaeng said pleading.

"Nope." Jisoo said stressing the p. "Just go and wake her. Wake the monkey too."

"Can we just order chicken?" Chaeng offered. She knows how Jisoo likes eating chicken.



"Because I'm craving for kimchi fried rice. So, go and wake up the chef." Jisoo said.

"Why do i have to go and wake her up. She's your best friend." Chaeng weakly said.

"So you'll get over your fear. Go on. She won't bite." Jisoo pointed towards Jennie's room.

"She's still scary though." Chaeng pouted and grumbled. She made her way towards Lisa's room first. She can just wake Lisa first and tell Lisa to wake Jennie up.

She reached Lisa's room and opened the door not bothering to knock. "Lisa-ah, its time for lunch." She went inside the room and saw that Lisa wasn't in it. "Should have known." Chaeng mumbled.

She turn around and her foot caught on something. She looked down and found a shirt on the floor. She picked it up, folded it and placed it on Lisa's bed unbothered. She went out of Lisa's room and headed towards Jennie's.

She stood outside Jennie's room and took a deep breath. She reached and gripped the door handle. She turned it slowly and pushed the door open as quietly as possible. She peeked inside and saw Lisa and Jennie sleeping wrapped with Jennie's blanket. She stepped inside and saw Jennie's head on the crook of Lisa's neck. Lisa's cheek pressed on Jennie's head her hand wrapped around Jennie's shoulders. Aww. They look so cute. Chaeyong thought, a smile creeping out her face. She got her phone out and took some pictures. Done. Now I'll leave you two alone.

She turned around and her foot got caught on something, again. She squat down and picked up the clothing. What's with the clothes on the floor. she looked at her hand and gasp. She stood up and surveyed the room. Articles of clothing are all over the floor. She glanced at the bed then at the floor again. It took her only a few seconds to connect the dots. Her hand flew towards to stop herself from squealing. She got out of the room fast and slowly closed the door.

Eyes still big from shock and elation Chaeng skipped back towards the kitchen. She found Jisoo seated at one of the bar stool scrolling on her phone. She stood in front of Jisoo, grabbed her face and kissed both of her cheeks.

"What's gotten into you?" Jisoo asked wide eyed.

"Nothing." She said smiling widely. She took Jisoo's hand into hers and dragged her towards the door. "Let's go eat outside. My treat."

Jisoo cooked her head and looked at her but didn't protest. "What about Jennie and Lisa?" Jisoo asked.

"Let them sleep in. We'll just bring them some take out. Let's go." Jisoo just shrugged and Chaeng tugged her towards the door.

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mixedmotions #1
Chapter 15: one of my favourite stories for sure, you’re an amazing writer
curseurheart #2
Chapter 15: Shy Lisa is the cutest!
Married life treating them both great, huh?
I almost forgot ChaeSoo still living under one roof with them.

Thank you so much for the update. Stay safe, author!
Chapter 7: Okay wow just wowwww hshshshhs hubby is prepared lol
Chapter 6: <3
Chapter 5: Chaeng love youuuuu jshshshsj
Chapter 11: Very cute!
dalanDAN18 #7
Chapter 9: This is so good!!! Good job! More please :)
curseurheart #8
Chapter 8: This story makes my heart goes gooey
Chapter 8: Love your story
Chapter 2: First to comment wow