

As soon as Jennie was out of the room Lisa slowly opened her eyes and breathe. She took a deep breath inhaling Jennie's waning sweet scent on the hoodie. Lisa groaned. It's almost gone. I need more. So much more.


Lisa was struggling to keep it together since Jennie came to her rescue at the party. When Jennie pulled her close and kissed her forehead, Lisa felt it straight to her core.


Lisa is irrevocably in love with Jennie since forever. That's probably total exaggeration but that's how Lisa felt for the black haired beauty. People see Jennie as a "" for the lack of a better term. Lisa thinks of Jennie like a coin or more like yin yang. Most people see the yin often. Lisa, well Lisa is not most people, she sees the yang most of the time. Jennie is the cutest person in the universe. She's like a cute tiny baby kitten with her cute chubby cheeks. She's also one of the sweetest person she knows. She'll help you out in whatever way she can. She's also always there to listen to your problems and help you sort it out, and if she can't she's always gonna be there to support you. Just don't anger her or you'll get scratched at or worse, torn apart. Never mess with Jennie Kim. Again, NEVER.


The incident at the party is a perfect example. When Jennie kicked and floored Jungkook, Lisa went from shock, pity for Jungkook, then hot and bothered cause, damnit, Jennie still looks hot even when mad. She's so out of place wearing a hoodie, sweatpants and chucks, surrounded by people whose dressed to impress, but Lisa cannot take her eyes off of her.


When she got in Jennie's car, she took a deep breath and shivered. She feels so much. She needs her. All of her. This is so damn hard. she thought. She's feeling the effects of whatever they've put into her drink and it's messing with her head, well not just her head. She has an idea on what it is, she also has an idea how to make it better but that would mean she has to risk things. And she thinks she's not willing to take that risk, not yet anyway.


When Jennie got inside the car, Lisa pretended to sleep. A few minutes later and Lisa was getting more bothered.


"Nini.. it's so hot. Is the AC on?"


"It's on" Jennie answered.


She needed a very very cold shower right now. So she did the next best thing to do given the situation. "I'm just gonna take this off." She stripped. She removed her shirt and tossed it somewhere.


The cold blast from the AC quelled her need for the time being. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep.


Her senses are a bit heightened. Everything bothers her. She feels like her bra is digging at her skin. She stopped thinking and decided to just remove it too. Let's test the water. She thought. She leaned forward and fumbled with the hook of her bra.


"Yah! Lisa-ah! What the hell are you doing." Jennie shouted and made Lisa froze.


"It's itchy and it's in the way." It's a lousy explanation but it's the only reasonable explanation she can give Jennie given the situation. She can't just outright say I'm hot and bothered, do something about it. And she really really want Jennie to do something about it. No, only Jennie can do something about it.


"Stop it. You're not stripping anymore clothes, okay?" She heard Jennie said. She looked at Jennie and pouted. Lisa definitely noticed Jennie flustered but did not comment on it. Lisa always notice everything Jennie do or how Jennie reacts. She's in tune to her more than anyone. But, she kept that to herself. She more or less sure Jennie feels the same. But she also knows that Jennie wasn't ready then. Now. Now she might be, or not.


"But Nini it's hot." She sit back and placed her hands on her thighs showing that she won't attempt to get rid of her bra. Pout still plastered on her face.


"I know. But, no more. Do it for me, okay?"


"Okay" Lisa said. I'll do anything for you Nini. You know that.


"Okay. Can you wear your shirt back on please?" Jennie paused. "Please."


"No." Lisa answered. She never did say she'll do anything without getting persuaded. Both of them know she'll eventually give in but it doesn't mean she will make it easy. No is not really a no towards Jennie. It's no, not yet. Then a yes in a few more moments.


"You're going to catch a cold. I don't want you to get sick. Please wear it."


Lisa knows what's happening. Apparently her in only her bra affects Jennie than how she let on. "No." She answered again. She eyed Jennie's face and saw the blush on her cheeks. You're definitely affected too, Nini. She moved her eyes downward and finally noticed that Jennie was wearing her yellow hoodie. She didn't notice it earlier. Too much was going on and she was distracted. She stared at the tiny print on its neckline 'LM' it reads.


"Okay, how about you wear my hoodie...." Lisa didn't catch the rest of the things Jennie said. She feels warm at the thought that Jennie is comfortable enough wearing her clothes and even claiming it as hers. She was still staring at the print 'LM'. It's like I already claimed her as mine. Let's see. A small smile broke at Lisa's face. She nodded at what Jennie wants her to do, whatever that is.


Her feeling of warmth was gone and in its place was scorching hot flame like she was flung straight at the sun. Jennie striped off her hoodie giving Lisa the full view of full s encased in an offending contraption we all call bra.


Why do bra's exist. Lisa questioned the universe.


She saw Jennie leaned towards her and her brain went into overdrive.


Is she going to kiss me?


Are we doing it right here?


Should we get married now?


Wait! did I die?


She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice she's now clothed and is now wearing the hoodie she was staring at moments ago. Jennie brushed her hair and kissed her forehead. Lisa froze and closed her eyes. She turned away from Jennie and burrowed her head on the hoodie. "Nini.. you're an idiot." Lisa muttered under her breath. I'm definitely not dead yet. By the rate her heart is pounding she's very much alive.


When they arrived she didn't even try saying anything, afraid that will betray her and she might end up saying things she'll probably regret. She tried her best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling on her lower body. Wearing the hoodie Jennie was wearing, engulfing her with her scent didn't do anything good to her. It actually made everything worse. She's so aroused that she thought not even a cold shower can help her.


She managed to keep it together and finally ended up in her room. She call it a success except the part where she flinched when Jennie touched her. She's just too sensitive right now. The only cure she can think of is out there in the kitchen.


With a purpose, Lisa stood, dropping the clothes Jennie put in her lap on the floor.
I need a cold shower, preferably with tons of ice. She slowly walked towards her bedroom door. Clumsy hands fumbled with the button of her jeans until it was undone. She lowered her zipper and ungracefully shimmy out of her pants. She discarded it on the floor not caring where it lands. She barely noticed she was out of her room. She could've taken a shower on her own bathroom but she wanted to steal more of Jennie's scent. The scent she was craving the most asulted her nose. A bolt of sensation was sent to her s and groin. Lisa can't help herself and moaned, shower long forgotten. She lifted the hoodie up her arm and tossed is somewhere. The cold air caressed her skin and sent shivers to her half body. She made quick work of her bra and toss it somewhere too. Not to be deterred from her destination. She inches towards the bed and slowly crawl and plop on it. Her head landing on soft pillows with a poof. Goosebumps decorated her skin. She slowly moved her hands up and down her body and cupped her tiny s. Lisa pinched her and moaned loudly. "Nini.."


She closed her eyes and continued to self. She knows Jennie will look for her and will eventually find her. Does she care if Jennie saw her in her state right now? NO, not now, all she can think of is to get off. To get rid of this overwhelming heat. Her body is on fire. In normal circumstances she would be bothered if Jennie saw her pleasuring herself. She's just too far gone to care.


She lifted her hand and touched her lips. She slowly on her middle finger and moaned. She added her index finger and gave it the same treatment. She slowly trailed her fingers from her chin, to her neck, to her chest. With one destination in mind, they slowly made their journey. As they pass her navel, her hands abruptly stopped.


"Don't." Lisa heard. Eyes still closed as she continues to caress her left .


"Stop." The voice growled. The command halted her hands. She slowly opened her eyes and turned her head towards the source.


"Ni...ni." She panted. She saw Jennie on the doorway gripping the doorframe with too much force. Jennie's face is red and she's panting like she just ran a marathon. Her pupils are blown and drops of sweat are visible on her forehead.


How long was she there? How long was she watching me? It must have been a while given the state that she's in. Jennie was still wearing Lisa's shirt. The crop barely covered Jennie's bust and her abs is on full display. Lisa her lips.


"It's okay Nini." She said. Staring at Jennie's hungry eyes. Conveying her need for release.


"Let go." Pleading Jennie with her eyes. She needs her right now. "Please.. Nini.." She moaned as she brushes her fingers on her hard . "I.. need.."


"Stop." She heard Jennie say again. Her eyes fixed on Jennie's face. God. She's beautiful. She heard the door shut close.


Jennie slowly walked towards her never letting go of her gaze. The bed dipped as she sat at the edge. Jennie caressed her face and she leaned towards her hand. A ghost of a smile graced Jennie's face. Lisa smiled too feeling a welcome warmth on her chest. "Lisa.."


Lisa slowly sat up and closed the unnecessary gap between her and Jennie. She raised her hand and framed Jennie's face. "Let go, Jen." She didn't give Jennie the time to respond and captured her lips. Her lips are so soft like fluffy clouds on the sky, not that Lisa know how clouds feels like. She Jennie's bottom lips asking for permission. Jennie opened and that's all Lisa needed. She poked her tongue in and deepened the kiss. She was so lost in it she barely noticed her back hitting the mattress.


The need for air broke them apart. Foreheads kissing and both of them panting meer inches from each other. "Hi." Jennie said breathless. Lisa can't help but giggle. "Hi back." Lisa said hand still wrapped around Jennie's head.


"I'm beyond aroused, painful even." Jennie stated. "I want you to know that it's taking all my self control not to touch you beyond this Lisa." Lisa felt there's a but there somewhere so she waited. "But, you're on something and I'm not gonna go and take advantage of it." She said it full of sincerity.


"So, if I wasn't on something you would.." she waited a moment to let it sink in. "Make love with me." she said it as a statement, staring at Jennie's eyes full of love.


"No." Jennie answered. That surely put a damp on Lisa's arousal.


"Wha..what why?" Lisa asked. She thought Jennie felt the same way.


Is she just being polite when she responded with the kiss?


! Did I ruined our friendship?


Was I reading all the signals wrong?


Before Lisa get way too far ahead with her thought. Jennie kissed her, tongue and all. "Shut your mind Lili." Jennie said and kissed her again. When Jennie moved away and Lisa fluttered her eyes open. Jennie was looking at her full of love, Lisa feels warm all over.


"You're not asking the right questions Lisa." Lisa is not dumb nor too oblivious. But kissing Jennie apparently scattered her brain all over and she can't gather her thoughts properly. "Questions?" Lisa asked stupidly.


"Yes, way important questions than me sleeping with you." Lisa raked her brain and come up with one. Her eyes grew wide at the realisation. How stupid of her to ask Jennie if she'll sleep with her before asking that. Stupid. damn. libido.


"That look says you know what it is." Jennie said smirking. She so wanted to kiss that smirk away. "Ask me." The statement was said with a promise of a 'yes' to whatever Lisa's question.


She took a deep breath and released it. She look directly into Jennie's catlike eyes. Take a risk. Take a humongous leap.


Go big or go home Lalisa.


"First of all, I want you to know. No, I need you to know that I have been in love with you since I first saw you. You flashed me your gummy smile and I was gone."


"Second, I'm sorry if I asked about sleeping together before anything else. I would take the high road but.. let's just blame it all to my stupid libido." That earned a giggle from Jennie. It's one of the sound Lisa would like to here for the rest of her life.


"Lastly, I love you with all of being." Jennie's eyebrow raised a bit and didn't escape Lisa's eyes. "Yes, BEING Jennie Kim. BEING. All of me." Jennie's eyes softened full of understanding and Lisa continued. "With all of those said. Would you Jennie Kim take me Lalisa Manoban as your wife?" Lisa smiled, hoping, really hoping that Jennie says yes to her absurd proposal.


"Wi..fe?" Jennie stammered.


"Yes, wife. I don't want you to just be my girlfriend. I want you to be my wife. To be in my life till the end of time." She held Jennie's hand in hers and looked her straight in the eye. "I know it's absurd given I confessed to you and proposed to you on the same night." She looked down her body and up again back on Jennie's gaze. "Almost totally too." A blush bloomed on her cheeks. "But I'm a hundred percent sure about it Jennie. You're it for me."


Seconds passed, minutes or was it hours . Jennie didn't speak or moved.


Did I blew it? I went in too fast didn't I? Aigoo. What am I gonna do?


If she turns me down. I'll accept it like a woman and cry like a baby on Chaeyoung's shoulders.


Maybe she needs time to think? Without my ness on her face.


She moved to get off the bed and go back to her room to let Jennie think. She stood up and was about to walk away when Jennie grabbed her wrist and dragged her back down. She sat on the bed next to Jennie her hand held by Jennie on top of her lap. Silence filled the room. Jennie is still processing everything so Lisa sat there squeezing Jennie's hand every now and then.


Without saying anything Jennie stood dropping Lisa's hand. Jennie went towards her dresser and was rummaging through her stuff. When she found what she was looking for she stood and went towards the bathroom. A minute later, Jennie came out a bathrobe on her hand.


"Wear it." Jennie handed her the bathrobe. Lisa took it wordlessly, she stood and wore it hiding her ness. "Better?"


"Yes." Jennie said. "Wear this too." Jennie extended her hand so Lisa has the full view of what Jennie's giving her.



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mixedmotions #1
Chapter 15: one of my favourite stories for sure, you’re an amazing writer
curseurheart #2
Chapter 15: Shy Lisa is the cutest!
Married life treating them both great, huh?
I almost forgot ChaeSoo still living under one roof with them.

Thank you so much for the update. Stay safe, author!
Chapter 7: Okay wow just wowwww hshshshhs hubby is prepared lol
Chapter 6: <3
Chapter 5: Chaeng love youuuuu jshshshsj
Chapter 11: Very cute!
dalanDAN18 #7
Chapter 9: This is so good!!! Good job! More please :)
curseurheart #8
Chapter 8: This story makes my heart goes gooey
Chapter 8: Love your story
Chapter 2: First to comment wow