Jessie’s POV:

His sudden kiss lingered on even when I don’t see him anymore, I won’t be all hypocritical by saying that this is the first time a situation like this occurred with me but this is in fact the first time to see myself not fight back after or complain about it. For some reason I found it right and didn’t find the need to ask him why he did it or that he shouldn’t do it. For some weird reason, having him around and sending him home like that felt so right.

I grabbed my phone when I got inside my apartment and I needed to call somebody, if this were Manila I would probably be driving to a girlfriend’s house and consult about it but this place is different and I only had Jane or Jung to call but since Jung and I haven’t reached that level of closeness yet, I later on decided to call Jane.

“HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” I heard her squeal as I assumed her being under the influence of either alcohol or sugar.

“Hi back at you, sis. Hey I need THE talk.” I replied with a soft voice as I heard my sister stumble on something.

“Wait, just a sec let me get a quiet spot!” She’s out drinking, I realized.

“Are you sure you can talk? I mean I didn’t mean to interrupt something but this couldn’t really wait and you’re the only one I have…” I got cut in the middle as Jane said “Spill the beans, little girl” sounding so interested.

“He visited me here with takeout food, we ate and talked, laughed, and yes maybe flirt a little, but on his way out…He..” I got cut again.

“OH.MY.GOD!!!! HE KISSED YOU?!!!!!!!!” She shouted as I placed my phone on a distance.

“Chill out!! Yes, he did. But in the cheeks—not the beso beso kind of kiss but more of like a..’I’m not sure if I’m allowed to kiss you on the lips so I’ll just kiss you on the cheeks’ kind of kiss.” I continued.

“Wait !!!!!!! Wait we’re talking about DONG YONGBAE here right? Am I on the same page?!” She said with confusion and excitement.

“Yes, him. Oh my, what’s happening to me Jaaaaaaane??” I complained while I sat on my work chair and started to open my laptop.

“And nobody saw this happen, I hope?!” She asked like a y mother.

Ugh this girl is not helping me!! I thought silently.

“Nobody saw it, no CCTV, no people. Now can you stop being a publicist and pretend like a concern sister even for just a bit?!” I threw a fit and I heard her laugh.

“He kissed you huh? Hmm, well he brought you dinner…AT YOUR APATMENT, LATE AT NIGHT. This only means 3 things. 1: He likes you, 2: He wants to know you more, 3: He wants to make sure if you’ll allow him to feel all these for you.” She concluded and added “I told you from that night at the party, Yongbae is serious. He has never acted around a girl like this for a very long time now Jess.”

I sighed and asked “Right?! I didn’t wanna assume anything but this guy is driving me crazy. I’m not sure if this is just one of those flings but inside I hope that it’s not and that its something more than that. But he’s THE DONG YONG BAE and I…am just the silly girl behind the camera and would go unnoticed even when I leave or walk out of the set.” I said sadly “I don’t want to get hurt Jane, but I’m starting to feel something for him and I’m not sure if I should like it.” I concluded.

“Look, Jess. I don’t wanna get your hopes us too and I don’t want you to get hurt. At the end of the day, you are my sister and I wouldn’t take you getting bashed by people. Simmer down, you’ve only known this guy for a month and have had ‘intimate’ conversations with him for quite a few times..” She inhaled and exhaled to rest before continuing “..and concluding your feelings now wouldn’t be the best time. If he reaches out, then welcome him, get to know YONGBAE more than TAEYANG for I’m telling you…they are different people. Take it slow sis. In the end both of you will figure this out.” That’s more like it, she finally got her big sister mode on now.

“Thanks, Jane. I really appreciate this.. And I’m sorry again for being all so ‘I dunno what to do anymore’ around you.” I said thankfully.

Our phone conversation lasted for another 15 minutes before she had to say goodbye and tell me that she was actually with Taeyang and the guys now. I thanked her again before putting down the phone. I felt better, talking to Jane really helped my calm down. But the thought that she’s out on a party (?!) with Taeyang and the guys bothered me. Isn’t he supposed to be practicing or resting for the shoot? I had to shake myself from being all girlfriend delirious and decided to research on this guy who just liberally kissed me on the cheeks.

I read about how he got discovered, how he started originally with Jiyong, how good he was in dancing and singing..I even watched videos of him: performances, variety shows, interviews. I did all these for the next 3 hours and noticed that it was 5am already!

Is this what stalking do to people? Delay them from slumber? At the end, I ended up playing one of his songs called “Take it slow”. What a really great timing I told myself. Before going to bed I checked out my Twitter and saw multiple mentions of me from my friends back home, my sister Jane mentioning how she missed the times I call her out for help (did she really have to tweet that, really?!) and my eyes got so wide with the latest update: @Realtaeyang is now following you!

I clicked on his profile and saw his latest tweets:

@Realtaeyang: Today I learned a new word-Beso Beso.

And what shocked me was the last tweet:

@Realtaeyang: Sleeping with the last quote for today “City lights, racing hearts, your smile, our time.”

OHMYGOODNESS WHY?! I jumped at the ringing of my phone and answered it without checking who the caller was. I was so curious about his last tweet that I didn’t check my phone nor did I pause HIS SONG.

“Hello?” I answered and was left with a pause on the other line.

“Hey, are you listening to my songs?” He said as I imagined him smiling.

Can I go home and burry myself to embarrassment haven now?

“Uhm, well yeah. I gotta know the music of the people I work for right?” Stupid alibi, Jessica Garcia, really stupid.

“Hmmm, okay. That’s my favorite from the album.” He said happily and continued “Why are you still awake?!” He asked.

“I had to do some last minute research for Jane’s wedding” Right. Researching. To my defense I was researching, about you and your irresistable smile.

“Oh, I was with her awhile ago! I stopped by a friend’s party when Jiyong called me out.” He sounded like he was assuring me that he didn’t do anything wrong.

“Oh really? Cool! Haha” I laughed awkwardly and heard him smile.

“I’m not gonna keep you for a long time, I want you to sleep. But I called to tell you that I really do like you, Jessie. Not as a friend, but as a man who admires every single detail about you.” He paused “But I feel like I’ve been going fast and I don’t want to ruin things for us.” He paused again waiting for me to say something.

“Hmm, wow. Uhm, I don’t know what to say Tae..” I replied awkwardly.

“Yongbae, my name is Yongbae. This crazy guy falling for you is Dong Yongbae.” He said with authority but with so much assurance and sincerity. “I’ll do my best to prove to you that this is not just a fling or some short time thing. I really do like you and I want to give my heart a chance with you.” He paused again “Still there?” He laughed asking.


“Yeah, still here.” I said with assurance “So, why say this all of a sudden?” I asked.

“Because I’ll be busy for the past 2 months, I’m not even sure if I’ll see you often. But I don’t want to loose you or the chance to win your heart so I’m telling you how I feel now.” He paused, thought for a while “You’re really making English seem like my 1st language now” He joked for a bit and I laughed as he continued again “Can you give me the assurance that you’ll give me a chance and that you won’t close your heart for me?” He asked with fear.

“Well, I have to be honest..things between us really went fast, but its not the bad kind of fast but not good either. I’m not going to deny the fact that I like you too, because you probably know it from the moment I kissed you awhile ago.” I paused “So don’t worry, I have to figure out how I feel too. So this time would really be nice.” I finally said.

I heard him sigh and laugh, “I am sure about how I feel, Jessie. Please give me 2 months to prove that to you?” He asked and continued, “Meantime, please don’t stop talking to me or don’t avoid me. I really don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me.”

“Hello, we work in the same company and I practically will be where you are so there’s no way that I could avoid or not talk to you, silly!” I joked and laughed.

We both laughed and realized that it was 6am already and finally decided to end the call. “Wait, Jessie?” He said.

“Yes, Yongbae? Taeyang? Ohmygoodness I’m sorry I’ll figure out what to call you next time.” I jokingly said and heard him laugh a bit.

“I love the God that you love, that’s one thing I should be proud of.” He said with so much confidence.

I was taken aback and recalled our conversation earlier when he asked me what kind of guys I like and that was the number one criteria I told him.

“I love the fact that you love my God, Yongbae.” I smiled and continued “I have no idea what we are now, but I will pray for this. If it’s His will for us to be together, then it would be so awesome!” I said cheerfully as he agreed and we ended the call.

That night, before sleeping..Just like how I end every night or day, I read my Bible and accidentally opened it to Chorinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” I prayed that night and sincerely gave up how I felt to God. This was the best thing to do for now.

Love is patient. Love is kind. Take it slow.

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princessjay #1
I love your story. Hope you will consider writing a sequel. ;)
Chapter 21: Awww this story was cute.
hanbinxxi #3
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
hanbinxxi #4
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
Carmelnap #5
Oh gosh! I really loved this story. You definitely should continue writing and I hope here will be a sequel.
: sob sob sob.. ur fanfic has ended!! i love this!! will u be doing a sequel or a one-shot of this?! :)
supjiyong #7
Zomg this is soooooo romantic!! Awww yesh you should continue eheheheh, you're a great writer with awesome storylines comin' in your mind! Hwaiting~ :)
: aawww.. *teary-eyes*
u updatedd again!! yeah!! this chappy is awesome; wat can i say.. haha.. so YB went all da way to Boracay to get back Jessie?! finally!! yeah!! :)
will Jessie.accept his invitation?! or is Jessie already on her way back to Korea to look for YB?! erm.. update update update soon!! ^_^
: OMG!! nice chappy!! aaww.. Jessie did the right thing by going away from YB.. if i were her; i would have slapped YB in the face for cheating on me!! haha.. :P
why wouldn't u update another chappy Author-nim?! u leave me hanging with the last chappy.. >.<
: wow!! it's been a while since u updates author-nim!! hehe.. i miss this story!! :(
but anyway; nice update.. YB is sucha jerk in the last chappy!! how can he do this to Jesie?! stupid guy!! where is Jessie hiding now?! pls update soon, i wanna know what happens next!! :D