Jessie's POV:

"What's with the sigh, sis?" I broke of the silence by imitating the way she sighed and exaggerated it a bit. To that she laughed and shook her head.

"One month and you couldn't stay low profile?" Jane teased

"What do you mean by that?!" I asked.

"Jess, that guy… I am responsible for keeping that guy's image clean and free from any controversies. How do I keep it clean if you're threatening to mess it up?" Jane made her point. I kept quiet for a bit and looked by the window .

I looked at her while taking my heels off and motioned myself to an indian seat and started talking "One night and you judge me for messing it up? Hahaha! Hey relax it was a party, people flirt. Besides, He's Taeyang, I'm the girl from Manila. What could get more impossible that us being linked to each other?" I held Jane's hand that's on the armrest "Ate, relax. That guy will probably forget my name when he wakes up" I winked and sat straight again.

I saw a smile creeping on her face while saying "What's your wager on that?! My bet is that he's formulating your phone conversation by now. I'll wager on my Harry Winston engagement ring!" She motioned her ring finger on me as if throwing me a middle finger.

"REALLY? You're really gonna give me that ring? You sure??" I grabbed her hand and stared at it for a while. My sister is the luckiest girl ever. She got her fiance wrapped around her pampered fingers--The guy is madly in love with her.

I started to talk again "No, you know how I at bets. But I'm sure of this though. Nothing will happen, Ate."'s been a long time since I called her that and I think she pretty much liked it. Tonight I learned from Dara that Ate in Korean was Unni. I cannot wait to pull off my new korean words to my sister later!

Jane parked the car in front of my building and took off her seatbelt and opened her door to go out as I did the same. We stood in front of the car as we hugged each other and said our goodnights. "Look, I'm not stopping you to see men you wanna see no matter who they are. In fact, I think it's high time for you to get yourself into a serious and actual relationship and quit "dating" around!" She tucked my side bangs and continued "But if and when this thing with Taeyang DOES happen…keep it on a down low will ya?" She winked at me and nudged my elbows.

I laughed and broke off from our semi hug "Don't worry okay? I know m y limits. And like what I said, nothing will happen!" I opened her door and closed it for her as she starts the car again and opened her window.

"Get in, I'll fetch you by 8am. We'll have breakfast before heading to YG."

I smiled "Ne, arasso unni! Kalkeyeo" I acted like a  14 year old tween and waved at her with a wide grin.

She looked in disgust and laughed "The fcuk! Don't act that way you look insane. Hahahaha! Where did you learn that?"

"I have sources!" I winked and waved as I started to walk towards my Appartment building barefoot carrying my heels.

Jiyong's POV:

While everyone was pretty much getting ready to go I had a chance to sit down with Dara and ask how she is and spend some few quality time with her. With all our promotions and separate activities, we've pretty much had a hard time catching up and being together. This day just made a way for me to see my baby girl and I'm at my happiest state. Dara and I held hands, spoke about our upcoming schedule, she'd take out her phone once in a while and make me take photos of her and update her me2day. I'd do the same.

I cannot really wait for us to be out in public, it's getting harder and harder to hide my feelings towards her, I wanna hold her and sit beside her overtime I see her but our situation doesn't permit us to be together. But despite all this, I am content--with Dara and what we have. I cannot imagine going through all those trials alone without her being by my side and my ears when I need to vent out.

Dara yawned and placed her head on my shoulders as Minzy, CL, Top and Bom were preparing to leave as well. I took advantage of every moment with her and just kept still. I noticed that someone was missing: Yongbae. The guy appeared with a stupid smile of his face and from that moment I know something was definitely up with this guy. I never saw him smile that way and I think I know why he's being all so dazed tonight, Jessie.

"Aigoo, kaja kaja!" CL stretched out at stood up "Dara unni will you go with us or Jiyong oppa will take you home?" she said smiling at us.

"Aniya, I'll go with you guys. This baby needs to rest as well!" Dara holds my face and kissed my cheek as she stood up.

I stood up as well along with Dae, Yongbae, TOP, and Seungri to take the girls out and send them off. I held Dara one last time in a tight hug and kissed her cheek and sent her off to the van. Our van came next to it and so we all came inside and prepared to go to our dorms as well.

Everyone was pretty much dead beat from all the dancing and drinking so the ride home was quiet. I opened my phone to see a message from Dara: a photo of her motioning a smooch along with the message "I had fun tonight baby! It's been a long time. Thank you and I missed you so much! Goodbam~~ :*" I smile just looking at her photo. She never fails to make me smile and forget everything else around me. I felt a pillow thrown at me and when I looked back I saw Seungri laughing and pointing out how "lovestruck" I was. Aigoo this guy.

"I just noticed, three of us acted like lovestruck idiots today! Aigoooo chincha!" The maknae laughed with Daesung as TOP asked "Three? I understand Jiyong and me but who's the third one?" TOP smugged sarcastically and raised his eyebrow while looking at Yongbae sitting in front staring at his phone like a complete idiot. We all laughed and decided to throw a pillow at him and we succeeded on making him look back at us.

"What is your problem?!" Yongbae throws back the pillow smiling at us and shaking his head "You guys are acting like kids!" He added.

"Ya, look at yourself and see who's acting like a kid from daycare who met a pretty girl in the sandbox!" I teased. "The new Creative Director…" I stopped and we all shouted "Ayieeeee!" and throwing things at him. Yongbae just smiled and asked us to get a life as he sits back straight again and dialled a number.

Deasung teasingly added "Yongbae hyung, gwenchana! This is your chance so we will let you do what you want and what makes you happy. So, Hwaiting?!" He shouted with so much aegyo as we all cringed in disgust.

Taeyang's POV:

I'm dead. From the moment I laid eyes on her I knew this was gonna happen and I will be easily found out by the people who knew me best. I didn't wanna deny it since that would be completely stupid and unreasonable because I really do like her. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer, I forgot that she didn't have my number so she probably won't answer it or she's sleeping already. I ended the call and sent her a text message.

"Hey Jessie, Tey here! ^^ It was great meeting you tonight. Goodnight and hope to see you again sometime!" I hit sent and waited for a reply but we reached home and our beds without getting anything from her. I laid myself down to bed and took a last glimpse at my phone only to disappoint myself. I tried hard to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about her and the way we danced and talked tonight. It was amazing for a first time meeting, we had that instant connection that nobody understood…I think even the both of us don't.

I kept thinking about her smile as I placed myself to sleep. 

Jessie's POV:

I only felt tired when I reached my apartment. I didn't realize that I was practically standing and dancing most of the time and that my heels killed my feet. I haven't partied that way in a while now! I prepared myself to go to bed and cleaned up, checked a few emails from my friends and my parents. I laughed at the last sentence of my mom's email: "Have fun and be SAFE (in all ways). ;)" Hahahaha! My mother is so funny. She's cool like that, the issue about , politics, and even religion was never a hard thing to explain to us since my parents brought us up in an open minded home. I think that way we grew up being so open to them that sometimes we forget that they are still after all a generation older than us. I wanted to reply to mom but I was to tired to type so I decided to head on to bed and reply tomorrow.

Phone rings. Unknown number.

I shouldn't take this even though I know who it is. 1: If I took the bet with Jane she would have won 2: I have nothing to say since I practically acted all flirtatious around him and even called him y abs. He must have gotten the wrong picture about me by now. 3: I was lazy to talk.The call ended and I sighed in relief and placed myself to bed and heard the message tone. 2 messages: 1 from Taeyang confirming that the unknown number was him and 2 from my sister Jane: "He probably called and texted by now ;) Don't say I didn't warn you!" I laughed and sighed at the same time and decided not to reply to both, everything about this night happened so fast and I just needed time to grasp it and accept it. 

Nevertheless, this day was beyond EPIC! And dancing with Taeyang…was probably the highlight of my whole stay in Korea. How often does a normal person like me meet a guy like Taeyang and be able to flirt with him? I don't want to linger on any feelings right now, it's not the best time to be involved with someone especially if he's someone like him.

At the end of the night I sleep with "Don't say I didn't warn you" ringing in my head.

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princessjay #1
I love your story. Hope you will consider writing a sequel. ;)
Chapter 21: Awww this story was cute.
hanbinxxi #3
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
hanbinxxi #4
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
Carmelnap #5
Oh gosh! I really loved this story. You definitely should continue writing and I hope here will be a sequel.
: sob sob sob.. ur fanfic has ended!! i love this!! will u be doing a sequel or a one-shot of this?! :)
supjiyong #7
Zomg this is soooooo romantic!! Awww yesh you should continue eheheheh, you're a great writer with awesome storylines comin' in your mind! Hwaiting~ :)
: aawww.. *teary-eyes*
u updatedd again!! yeah!! this chappy is awesome; wat can i say.. haha.. so YB went all da way to Boracay to get back Jessie?! finally!! yeah!! :)
will Jessie.accept his invitation?! or is Jessie already on her way back to Korea to look for YB?! erm.. update update update soon!! ^_^
: OMG!! nice chappy!! aaww.. Jessie did the right thing by going away from YB.. if i were her; i would have slapped YB in the face for cheating on me!! haha.. :P
why wouldn't u update another chappy Author-nim?! u leave me hanging with the last chappy.. >.<
: wow!! it's been a while since u updates author-nim!! hehe.. i miss this story!! :(
but anyway; nice update.. YB is sucha jerk in the last chappy!! how can he do this to Jesie?! stupid guy!! where is Jessie hiding now?! pls update soon, i wanna know what happens next!! :D