11.30pm, I found myself walking with my sister and walked through the press wall. I got shocked that these photographers know my sister and took a photo of us. We were then marked as double trouble. Apparently my sister was also known as the most fashionable publicist and seeing us together that night made such a big fuss because 1: I was a new face and 2: I admit, we did rock our vampire inspired outfits. Jane went for a body hugging LDB and heels, Red lips, and messed up curls. I went for a burgundy hanging shirt, black jeans, my signature 5 inch heels, a clean pony tail, smokey eyes and lips. I have to admit, I missed being photographed with my sister. Back in Manila, we attended parties together and we would always appear on red carpet blogs. Dressing up was fun when you have Jane as a partner!

That 3 minute photo fame did it for me and calmed my nerves down. Hand in hand, Jane and I walked inside the club as people greeted us and my sister repetitively introduced me to her colleagues. My eyes wandered for a while as I  was amazed by the vampire themed party--everyone wore black or red, YG Artists songs played on, Overflowing booze around the club, and good looking faces surrounded me. When I looked back to where my sister was a few seconds back, I didn't find her. Great. Language barrier. Club. Celebrities. Cold. Sister left me. This is gonna be a fun night.

I scanned the room and looked for the nearest bar and eventually found the one across. I walked slash bumped my way to the dancefloor back to the bar and settled down to order my first alcohol since I got to Seoul. I've always been Ms. Jack and coke so I ordered a glass and exchanged smiles with this cute bartender standing in front of me. If only we understood each other, we'd be talking by now. Le sigh. Took a chance to look around and find my sister but my poor vision won't allow me to see clearly. A pair of cold hands met mine and saw the bartender smiling again and saying in his most possible cute korean accent "Jack and coke for the pretty gur!" Le sigh 2. Why am I such a er for guys with nice smiles and chinky eyes? I smiled back and said thank you as I grabbed my glass and scanned the club again for Jane.

Taeyang's POV:

16th year of YG! couldn't be more exciting than this. I feel so honored to be included in this wonderful company where I practically grew up and matured in every way. Everyone talked about this party for months. It was polly one of those rare times where you'll see everyone that comprised YG in one event like this one. Walked in the entrance of the club with Jiyong and Seungri and seconds later we were swarmed by cameras and fans. This was the life that we lived for the past 6 years and I pretty much got used to this. Minutes later Dae and TOP walks in and joined us in the photo.

I couldn't help but look beside us when I saw our publicist Jane nuna walk in with someone. Jane nuna takes care of us like her own siblings, we practically owe her for saving our asses when we get into small or big troubles. Nuna was probably the best publicist ever-beauty, body, and brains. So seeing her on her usual self didn't surprise me no more. The unfamiliar girl beside her however got my attention, she was taller than nuna even without those heels, she had the brightest smile I've ever seen and there's something about her simple demeanor that oozed swag and y at the same time. She's pretty and she made me look at her not once, not twice, but probably everytime I got the chance.

Daesung tugged my arm to signal me that we needed to get in the club and so we did.

"What the hell happened to you back there, Bae?" Jiyong asked with a smirk.

"Ah, nothing. Just thought I saw someone I knew. Keke." I said putting my hand around his shoulders as we walked in the club and greeted the people behind our success: our stylists, our crew, Hi Tech, the trainees, everyone who was there. It was so nice to see these people have fun and relax even for just one night. We were lead to the VIP table where Hyunsuk hyung was sitting with Tablo hyung, Teddy, Kush, and Choice37.

We exchanged our greetings and handshakes and ordered our drinks when Hyunsuk hung said "Ya, order later. You can't be smelling like booze when you meet this guest I invited." he smiled and continued "The night is long, order later jashik." And we all laughed. Bigbang and the hyungs have never been this close, I guess going through so much last year has made us closer and better. Seeing Bigbang together laughing and teasing each other was such a delightful sight, and would you believe it..we're releasing our album in 2 months. So this party is pretty much our last one for the time being since we will all be so busy preparing for our comeback. 2NE1 came and greeted us and exchanged conversation for a bit when they went to their respective table and Jiyong joined them. 

"Jiyongah, go back to your spot. Press around=Not gonna happen." Jane nuna appeared out of nowhere and warned Ji with a concerned and playful tone and Ji went back to our table. Jane nuna sat for a while and asked Hyunsuk hyung a few things. I got bored sitting so I decided to stand up and roam around the club for a bit when I saw the same pretty face I saw awhile ago at the bar looking for someone in the swarm of people on the dancefloor. I saw the bartender looking at her with the same smile I had on my face when i saw her. He held her hands which made her look at him as he said something that made her smile so widely and adorably. Luckily another girl goes for an order and he attends to it while she gets her gaze back at the dance floor.

I had to talk to her, I convinced myself and decided to walk towards her direction. While walking I didn't know how to speak to her, since she was with Jane nun she's probably not from here and she looked foreign too. But to be sure I got beside her and decided to speak in Korean.

Jessie's POV:

"nugungaleul chajgo?" A smooth sounding voice seemed to ask as I looked at the direction of the speaker I said embarrassingly "Excuse me?" he smiled and said "I guess you're not from here. Are you looking for someone?" He looked familiar, I just wasn't sure where I saw him but I swear I did. It took me a second to reply to him and say "Oh, uhm. Yeah, I kind of lost my sister and need to look for her." I sheepishly smiled and took a sip from my glass.  Awkwarrrrd. "Oh, I see. Where are you from? Maybe I know her." he replied sounding so gentle and concerned.

I already love this country. Thank you Lord for Korean boys and their cuteness. "I just moved here from the Philippines." I paused to see him waiting and continued "Yeah I guess you do. She's actually working in YG too.. He name's" then I got cut off by one of the bodyguards calling out "Yongbae ya, they're looking for you." I saw him look down and shake his head like a little kid who didn't get his candy and saw him look at me again "Uhm, you wanna go with me? I'll help you find her. It's dangerous to have you here alone." he said with so much concern. "I'll be fine, now worries! Thanks for the concern" I smiled and waved my hands at him. He smiled back and eventually had to follow his bodyguard and I saw him took another look at me.

Taeyang's POV:

Damn, that was short! I thought to myself as I followed the man in front of me and decided to take one last look at her. He raised her glass and smiled again and it left me on a daze. That was one of the most random yet unforgettable conversation I had with a girl. She obviously had no idea who I was basing from her comfortable tone and natural actions while talking to me. She was just herself and I loved every bit of it. I'll look for her, I have to. I can't let this night finish without even getting her name or her number. She said she just moved here so she is staying here for a while, which is a good thing for me. I have to see this girl again!

I reached our table and decided to speak "Where did Jane nuna go?" please do not stare at me like I broke a rule. Everyone laughed and Jiyong replied "She went to look for our guest, the fcuk did you go?" I scratched my head and laughed when the bodyguard spoke "He was at the bar speaking to a girl." the smiled and winked at me before walking off. Everyone laughed at me and Seugri threw tissue papers at my direction teasing me.

A few more minutes, Hyunsuk hung returns to his seat asking "What did I miss?" and everyone laughed again and looked at me. "Oh helloooo, Jane!" I heard Teddy hung say with a big smile on his face as everyone fixed their positions as if they were being inspected in school. I looked back and saw Jane nuna holding the same girl I was with a few minutes ago. "Everyone, this is my sister Jessie. Jess, meet Bigbang's Taeyang, Jiyong, TOP, Seungri, and Daesung. The guy on a hoodie and smiling like fcuk is Teddy, beside him is Tablo and of course you already met Hyunsuk oppa awhile ago." Everyone either waved their hands, bowed their head, or said hello to her as she returned the greeting with a brief "Hello, everyone." and bowed after. "She's gonna be in charge of your upcoming Music Video's design and concept."

Hyunsuk hyung stood up to offer his seat to Jane nuna and Jessie as he moved beside me. "Wow, an import? Must be very impressive to even be considered!" Teddy hung said with an  impressed tone.

"I do what I can." Jessie said smiling awkwardly and everyone laughed and pointed out how she took after Jane nuna's sarcasm and humor. "She does what she can." Jessie said again laughing and hugging Jane nuna and we all laughed in chorus.

"Alright that's it, go back home little girl!" Jane nuna playfully said and continued "Yah, don't you dare hit on her. She's kickass and she can all beat you up in one seating." Jessie covered her face and shook her head while we all couldn't stop laughing at the sisters and how close they were. Hyunsuk hyung discussed how he wanted to go about our video and everyone pitched in their ideas as Jessie carefully jots it down on her phone.

I carefully observed her and how she transformed into a different person when she's serious and working. She really is something. From time to time, she would let out a smile of embarrassment when she cannot seem to bring out her ideas correctly due to language barrier but it was all good. An hour passed and we didn't even notice that we already formed a concept and that it was just a matter of execution and finalizing. Jessie was impressive, at first glance you would see her as a girl who partied a lot and wasted her parent's money but when you get to sit down with her like we all did, you will get impressed as to how much she knows at such a young age and not to mention, we were in a club--who thinks straight at a club?! She's impressive and she took our hearts away.

"Well your sister was right about you, young lady!" Hyunsuk hung spoke raising his glass as he continued "welcome to the family! Make us good concepts from now on. Cheers!" everyone raised their glass and said "Please take care of us!" and did our toast. Jane nuna stood up and took Jessie with her and said "Well, we'll let you guys be and party! We'll see you around" She winked and held her sister's waist and they walked out together laughing and hugging each other. Jessie was happy, I can see it from how she jumped and hugged her sister after they left us. 

"Double trouble!" Tablo hyung said shaking his head and smiling "Hyunsuk hyung you brought double trouble in the club hahaha! This is gonna be awesome." Hyunsuk hyung laughed and replied "Jane has done wonders with all of you no doubt she's amazing, when she showed me her sister's portfolio I wasn't that impressed since I've seen things like this before. But I had to do some fact checks and saw that she was pretty much making a name for herself in the Philippines and Abroad. She's smart and very professional for her age as you can see. I had to get her because I know she has potential. Double trouble indeed!"

Jiyong and TOP said in unison "Can we drink now?!" The hyungs all laughed and ordered drinks for us and we partied the night away.

Jessie's POV: 

I cannot believe I just did what I did back there! I had my sister to thank. Bigbang was amazing, they were all into their music and very much passionate about it. Everyone listened to my suggestions and it felt nice to see that my ideas were acknowledged. After that nerve racking hour with Bigbang, the Producers, Tablo, and Presidant Yang, my sister introduced me to 2NE1 who was sharing a table with Gummy and us. They were a fun bunch! CL and I talked about how awesome it is to be hired as their new creative director, Dara and I spoke in Filipino like there's no tomorrow, and the last thing I knew we were at the dancefloor dancing! I missed having girlfriends around me, I missed partying, and most of all I miss having Jane around.

Growing up, Jane was the closest to me. I knew her boyfriends, her secrets, her pregnancy scares, and her achievements more than our parents did. And being in the same country as her and working on the same company as her was the most amazing thing that happened to me this year. Jane and I danced like there's no tomorrow, took photos and MMSed our sisters Amara and Amber with the caption "Die ezzzz, love from SEOUL ;)" attached. Both sent back photos-Amara with a wink and a middle finger with "Die Fukazzz I miss you :* Visit you soon!" written beside it and Amber with a sad face and a "Should I move there too?;(" message. Profanity was a term of endearment for me and my sisters and MMS was our way of communication. Tonight we have exchanged a lot of MMS and it felt like we were partying with them as well. Jane had to step out of the floor to do her PR duties and make sure that the club was Papparazzi and Troll free and I was left with Dara and Bom dancing to "I am the best". 

Jiyong and TOP came to the dancefloor and danced with us. Jiyong held Dara's waist and TOP gave Bom a quick and sweet hug. Jiyong winked at me and smiled as I shouted "I'm gonna get some air, you  guys have fun dancing ayt?" Jiyong gave me a thankful look as Dara and Bom smiled at me and said "Come back okay?!" I nodded and walked slash danced my way out of the dance floor. I saw Jane a grabbed her "Am I missing something? Is Jiyong and Dara a thing? What about Bom and TOP?" Jane gave me a shut up look and motioned me towards the ladies' room. Jane made sure nobody was around and said "You can't tell anyone outside YG, understand? Celebs Dating in Korea is very different from the Philippines. I'm sure you get the picture?" Jane checked her makeup out in the mirror and I sat in the counter saying "Ooooh, alright. My lips are sealed! Hey, one more thing..What about Taeyang, Seungri, and Daesung? Are they dating anyone from YG too?"

Jane shook her head "Seungri and CL though…we're not sure they have this love hate thing going on. Daesung is not dating anyone, Minzy's too young, and Yongbae…I think he's not seeing someone at the moment." Jane finished up retouching and held my hands "You missy on the other hand, cannot date anyone in public. If you wanna hook up, fine by me but make it discreet. The company's very careful with their employees and artists." I nodded and smiled with approval "It's not like I'll find myself a guy here, not when the only korean words I know are Annyeong and Kamsahamnida." I winked and we both laughed as we walked out of the ladies' room and went back to the party.

Taeyang's POV:

I was dancing with Dae and Seungri, we had a little dance off and it was hella funny! Everyone watched and I kinda hoped she was at the crowd but when I took a good look at the people surrounding us, she was nowhere in sight. After the battle we joined TOP and Jiyong as they were with Dara and Bom. We envied Jiyong and TOP-they had girlfriends beside them and who takes care of them. Dara and Jiyong has been seeing each other for more that 5 years now, Bom and TOP..well we weren't sure how it started actually. It would have been really nice to have someone beside me too, these past 2 years I've been searching for her--the girl who would make me swoon, the girl I'd write songs for and dance with. And tonight I think I found her, but chance wasn't allowing our paths to meet at the moment.

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princessjay #1
I love your story. Hope you will consider writing a sequel. ;)
Chapter 21: Awww this story was cute.
hanbinxxi #3
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
hanbinxxi #4
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
Carmelnap #5
Oh gosh! I really loved this story. You definitely should continue writing and I hope here will be a sequel.
: sob sob sob.. ur fanfic has ended!! i love this!! will u be doing a sequel or a one-shot of this?! :)
supjiyong #7
Zomg this is soooooo romantic!! Awww yesh you should continue eheheheh, you're a great writer with awesome storylines comin' in your mind! Hwaiting~ :)
: aawww.. *teary-eyes*
u updatedd again!! yeah!! this chappy is awesome; wat can i say.. haha.. so YB went all da way to Boracay to get back Jessie?! finally!! yeah!! :)
will Jessie.accept his invitation?! or is Jessie already on her way back to Korea to look for YB?! erm.. update update update soon!! ^_^
: OMG!! nice chappy!! aaww.. Jessie did the right thing by going away from YB.. if i were her; i would have slapped YB in the face for cheating on me!! haha.. :P
why wouldn't u update another chappy Author-nim?! u leave me hanging with the last chappy.. >.<
: wow!! it's been a while since u updates author-nim!! hehe.. i miss this story!! :(
but anyway; nice update.. YB is sucha jerk in the last chappy!! how can he do this to Jesie?! stupid guy!! where is Jessie hiding now?! pls update soon, i wanna know what happens next!! :D