Jessie's POV:

My parents had a breakfast setup by the beach to send us off. We're flying back to Manila then Korea in the afternoon. This is the hardest part of coming home, knowing that you have to go back to your regular life--far away from your family. After the breakfast everyone went back to their rooms to pack and get ready for our flight. I on the other hand stayed with my family for a while to talk and give out our goodbyes.

"I'm gonna miss you, my baby girl." Mom said hugging me crying "Dad and I will try to visit you soon, okay?" I smiled and hugged my parents tight as I cried hard knowing that I won't be seeing my parents for another few months. Dad hugged me tight and smiled at me "You've grown to be a strong young lady, I'm very proud of you my dear." We kept hugging and crying as Amber broke the dramatic scene by smiling "Don't worry, girl's well take care of now!" She teared up joining us in the couch.

Amara and James joined us and said their goodbyes to me. "Hey, the vans are here already sis. And the others are outside na." She said pouting "Take care okay? Please don't forget to be here when I give birth okay?! I need all of you to be with me!" She said hugging me and Amber. I stood up as I was wrapped around my dad's embrace until we reached the hotel's entrace.

"We won't be joining you, but we hope that you had a fun and comfortable stay here." My dad bowed and shook the hand of President Yang and everyone else "Please take care of our Jane and Jessie!" He added smiling as President Yang nodded and smiled "We have them covered, Arch. Garcia. Thank you for welcoming us to your family, we will not forget your kindness!" Everyone bowed down to my parents and thanked them. Yongbae approached my mom and dad hugging them and saying thank you.

"Remember your promise." My dad smiled shaking Yongbae's hand as they hugged and said goodbye. I hugged my family for the very last time and kissed Amara's growing tummy. We rode the van together as I took a last look at my family. Saying goodbye this time was harder than the first. I cried so hard as Dara and Chaerin hugged me and comforted me. 

"Don't worry Jess, you got family in us too!" Chaerin cupped my face smiling and I smiled back wiping off my tears. We reached the airport peacefully, Jane pretty much did a great job at covering this trip, even if she wasn't with us we left the Boracay without getting so much attention. When we were on the VIP lounge waiting for our flight back to Incheon, President Yang talked to us seriously.

"Ya, you all made trouble for the past five days. With the issue about Dara and Jiyong's relationship, we cannot add another one. Can I trust you all with this?" He wasn't mad, but he wasn't smiling as well. At that moment we knew that we were all back to reality. We all nodded and agreed to keep our relationships silent and on the down low. 

"Hyung, people are thinking that Dara and Jiyong will be kicked out of the family. I just read it now" Tablo oppa showed his tablet to us as President Yang shook his head with so much frustration.

"These people have small understanding. Aigoo ottokaji? Jiyongah, Dara..When we get back home don't leave us. Just act the way you are now, when Jane come's back we will issue and official statement saying that you are dating but for now, let your actions speak louder than words but tone it down." Dar and Ji nodded and agreed.

"We will show those narrow minded people what family is." He added looking at the tablet.

We got on the plane smoothly, I was sitting beside Teddy oppa the whole flight and as per our family meeting, Yongbae and I as well as TOP and Bommie never made physical contact the whole time. 

And just as expected the airport was swarmed by screaming fangirls and press, we walked side by side. President Yang, Teddy oppa, Tablo oppa, Dongwook oppa and I walked together. Behind us was Jiyong and Dara holding hands and beside them were Bigbang and 2ne1. We were all laughing at the view of some people crying after seeing Ji and Dar together. Press followed us and security tightened their watch until we reached our vehicles. That was such an adrenaline rush and at the same time I had the thought: If people find out about me and Yongbae they would react the same or even worse. The thought of it just bugged me the whole time we were in the van.

I have to protect myself, I have to protect Yongbae, I have to protect everyone who trusts and cares for us. 

I must protect this love.

Jiyong's POV:

To be honest, I really wasn't expecting this kind of attention. The moment we got in the airport lobby we pestered by photographers and press, I knew I had to protect Dara more now until this issue dies. A part of me feels sorry for my baby girl, but a part of me feels so much better since we're not hiding anymore and since our relationship is supported by the YG family. For now, this is the most important thing for me. I couldn't hide Dara anymore, I wanted the whole world to know that we belong to each other and that we'd do everything to make it stay that way.

I felt Dara's tension once I held her hands, she even tried to take off her hands off me so I had to whisper to her that it was going to be okay. 

"Aigoo, look at these two...enjoying the public display of affection..Chincha!!" TOP lightened up as we all laughed even Hyunsuk hyung looked back at us and laughed. There's just so much attention right now and although I feel bad for some fans, we really found it funny how people cry about Dara and I being together. I just really hope to get the public's approval. 

When we got to the YG building, everyone pretty much separated. Hyunsuk hyung went home, Teddy, Tablo, and Dongwook hyung went to the studio, 2ne1 went to their dorms so did we except for Yongbae.

"Ji, I'm gonna drive Jess to her appartment then come back after. Would that be alright?" he asked as I nodded and warned him

"Make sure nobody sees or recognizes you, arasso?" 

"Ara, kumawo Ji!" He said smiling and running towards Jessie's car.

On our way home I decided to text Dara to check if she was okay.

"Baby? Are you alright? I'm sorry if I caused trouble.. I'll fix things soon, arasso? I love you so much baby. Rest well"

My phone beeped a few minutes later and it was her.

Dara: "Hey! I'm more than okay, baby don't worry. We're in this together! I know everything will be alright soon soooo... Hwaiting!! I love you too baby, you go rest as well! Are you in the studio?"

Ji: "No, I decided to come to the dorm with the others. Tomorrow, I will be! Hope to see you! Love you!"

I don't know why we all felt so tired but eventually we all fell asleep when we got home. Tomorrow when I wake up, I have to face the public and I have to protect my girlfriend. Tomorrow, the next day, and for the next few years..I shall have the same heart for the same girl.

Dara's POV:

"Unnie, gwenchana?? Aigoo, there were so much people outside the dorm. This is insane!" Minzy said snuggling with me, Bom, and Chaerin in the living room couch. 

"I'm lying if I say I'm okay mingkki yah.. Aiish, unnie caused you so much trouble.. Miyan.." I said playfully but I meant every word I said. I have no idea how this will affect 2ne1 and Bigbang. I have no idea how to face the fans tomorrow and during performances. I'm scared of getting something thrown at me when I perform now. I have all these scary but possible scenarios in my head now and I just can't help but keep them all to myself because I don't want to cause more trouble to any of my members.

"Unnie!!! Bichaso?? Since when did telling the world you love someone a crime?! And if there's anything we've all been wanting for you for the past few years is to be able to date Jiyong oppa freely without the hazard of being caught or causing an issue! This is for the best.. The public would accept you guys soon, you'll see!" Chaerin as always assured me like a boss. This girl just gives so much strength to me lately and I couldn't be more thankful.

"Kureh! CLroo is right, it will be okay Dara yah.." Dara paused to look at us "Aigoo we're becoming more and more like family now, this is so nice.." She does her usual dorky smile and hugs us.

The girls prevented me from checking web portals and watching TV and we decided to set up our sleeping bags in the living room and watch movies till we fell asleep. I was the last one to fall asleep that night as I stared at the girls sleeping beside me and Jiyong's photo in my phone. I'm gonna work harder, for these girls who have faith in me, for the company who supports us, and this man that truly loves me and is willing to take all risks just to be with me. I have to be stronger.

Taeyang's POV:

I drove Jessie to her appartment and stayed until it was dark so that nobody would see me or recognize me. Jessie was comfortably quiet the whole car ride and would eventually take a glimpse at me every once in a while.

"It's okay to talk, you know." I held her hands and smiled to calm her down. Even though she wasn't speaking or showing that she was worried, I know she is. I couldn't blame her, this is not the world she wants to be in. Jessie is such a free spirit, an open mind, an expressive soul.. Hiding would be hard for her to manage. 

"I'm okay. You're over thingking, Youngbae.." She points her fingers at me as she smirks and smiles eventually "If thought bubbles could burst out right now, I would have seen a thousand!" She continued as we both laughed at her attempt of making things lighter.

"But really, I know things will be hard around us. I too, am scared.. Scared that I might frustrate you, scared that I might hurt you, scared that you might give up in the middle of the road and let go of what we have. But I have so much hope. Please work with me, Jess." I held her hands tight as I gave her an assuring smile. I saw her take a deep sigh and eventually smiled and leaned her head on my shoulders.

"Day one of being my boyfriend and you're all so mellow dramatic. It's making me sad." She got up and leaned over to kiss my cheeks gently. "I have hope in us, Bae. I know we can deal with this together, I know it's going to be hard but it's not gonna be hard forever right?" She smiles and leans in my shoulders again "I got you and you got me, that's all that matters to me now. That's all I need to get through the next few days, months, and years." She smiled again as we remained quiet during the remaining time of the drive as we eventually reached her place.

When we reached her appartment we sat in the living room for a while checking the news and it was all JiDara. We laughed at a lot of articles and comments, I can't believe how we get to laugh at times like these, I don't know what it was but Jessie has always had this attitude of making things lighter at any given occasion.. It's one of her gifts that not only I love but the whole YG family as well. 

I didn't know I passed out in her sofa, I eventually woke up to the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. I stood up half awake and saw her cooking something--I just had to sit there for a while to watch her move so freely, so realistic, it's moments like those that I find her beautiful the most. I eventually walked towards the counter and sat at the stool to watch her as she served a chicken pasta dish that I haven't seen or tasted before.

"Woah, I didn't know you cooked. Ten points added to your 'hot girlfriend' chart." I smiled and joked around and she glared at me with a smirk and sat beside me.

"I attended cooking classes for 3 months when I stayed with Amber in Italy. I was THAT bored!" She took off her apron and ponted at the dish she served "That is Adobo pasta. Adobo is a Filipino dish, I think you tasted that when we were in Boracay!" She smiled as she got my fork and prepared to feed me.

It was delicious, and I wasn't even kidding. She could cook! "Is there anything else you can't do, Jessica Garcia?" I smiled cupping her face.

"Yup! I can't deal with cheesyness." She joked around and pinched my nose. We stayed together for another hour until we finished cleaning up her dishes, I eventually had to leave her since the coast was already clear and it was pretty much getting late. I held her hand tight until her doorstep and paused.

"Don't bring me down already, just in case people recognize me." I said and smiled at her. "Remember our conversation in the car alright?" I cupped her face and placed our foreheads together.

She hugged me tight and we stayed that way for a while. I left her there assured and with so much love. I know I can get through anything for as long as I have her. I have never felt more complete and content in my whole life. It's something money, fame, screaming fans, and all things material can ever replace. This is where I want to be, This is who I want to be with, This is where I will be for the rest of my life. I will protect it with all of me.

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princessjay #1
I love your story. Hope you will consider writing a sequel. ;)
Chapter 21: Awww this story was cute.
hanbinxxi #3
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
hanbinxxi #4
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
Carmelnap #5
Oh gosh! I really loved this story. You definitely should continue writing and I hope here will be a sequel.
: sob sob sob.. ur fanfic has ended!! i love this!! will u be doing a sequel or a one-shot of this?! :)
supjiyong #7
Zomg this is soooooo romantic!! Awww yesh you should continue eheheheh, you're a great writer with awesome storylines comin' in your mind! Hwaiting~ :)
: aawww.. *teary-eyes*
u updatedd again!! yeah!! this chappy is awesome; wat can i say.. haha.. so YB went all da way to Boracay to get back Jessie?! finally!! yeah!! :)
will Jessie.accept his invitation?! or is Jessie already on her way back to Korea to look for YB?! erm.. update update update soon!! ^_^
: OMG!! nice chappy!! aaww.. Jessie did the right thing by going away from YB.. if i were her; i would have slapped YB in the face for cheating on me!! haha.. :P
why wouldn't u update another chappy Author-nim?! u leave me hanging with the last chappy.. >.<
: wow!! it's been a while since u updates author-nim!! hehe.. i miss this story!! :(
but anyway; nice update.. YB is sucha jerk in the last chappy!! how can he do this to Jesie?! stupid guy!! where is Jessie hiding now?! pls update soon, i wanna know what happens next!! :D