with greater love, comes greater suffering

with greater love, comes greater suffering


Chapter 17


Yoona woke up the next morning founding her wrapped in a pair of arms. It’s amazing how the couple can still share their love as if they barely know each other. Yuri was still asleep, her long arms wrapped around the doe eyed girl’s waist. It was always so comfortable and safe within the arms of Kwon Yuri, at least, that was what Yoona thought in her mind.


The entire household was extremely quiet and Yoona knew exactly why - her mom is not here. But she was used to it since little. However, today was different. The absence of her mom was not due to her career. She sighed, looking at the girl next to her. How she ended up falling in love with her was a mystery, but there was no way she would let this girl go.


The tanned girl soon began to wake, slowly opening her eyes.


‘Hey…’ the tanned girl greeted while rubbing her eyes


‘Morning, Yuri.’ Yoona greeted back


‘You’re waking up so early?’


‘Yeah… can’t really sleep…’ Yoona weakly smiled


‘I’ll go and make breakfast for then.’ Yuri said as she went out of the room.


‘I guess I should check on the letters then.’ Yoona thought while getting up from bed




Yuri went into the kitchen and walked towards the refrigerator. She opened it and looked inside, only to find a couple of eggs, a bottle of expired milk, few bottles of alcohol, couple of fruits and a pack of ham.


Yuri took the pack of ham and took out two eggs. She cracked the eggs open and started stirring them.


‘Let’s make yourself yummy.’ Yuri mumbled while stirring.


She got a pan from the drawer and placed it on the stove, heating the pan in order for her to cook. She added a bit of olive oil onto the pan and spread it around.


Once Yuri finished stirring the eggs, she put them onto the pan, waiting for them to heat up. In the mean while, she opened the pack of ham to defrost it.


Thirty seconds has passed, Yuri knew the eggs is nearly ready. She put the pack of ham into the egg and rolled it up to become an omelet. To the final step, she added a bit of salt to make it tastier.


‘That should do it.’ Yuri mumbled ‘Yoong, come and grab your breakfast!’ Yuri shouted from the living room.


There was no response from the girl.


‘Yoong, breakfast is ready!! Come and get it!!’ she shouted again


Still, no response from the girl.


Yuri put down the omelet on the table and ran into the room, only to find it empty. She to the bathroom, kitchen (again) and Mrs. Im’s room, there is still no sign of the girl. Where could she be? Yuri grabbed her phone and dialed her; she waited a few times before the caller answered.


‘Yoong? Where are you?’ Yuri panicked


‘Yu…Yu… ri… please c..come to… the… basement, right now.’ Yoona stuttered


‘What! Why?’


‘Don’t ask, just… just come down here first!!’ Yoona yelled from her phone




With that, the latter closed her phone and ran out of the door.




Once she reached the basement of the apartment, she only found Yoona sitting on the floor, hugging her knees, holding a box and a letter and sobbing quietly.


‘Yoong, what’s wrong?’ Yuri approached the girl


Yoona handed the box to Yuri. She opened it, only to be in shock of what was inside. Yoona handed the letter to the girl.


If we can’t get what we want with the government, we will chop a finger off the victims each day until they bleed to death.


Yuri looked back at the box filled with red crimson liquid. She approached the girl again,


‘Don’t worry, it may not be Mrs. Im’s…’


‘But what if it is? What if she’s bleeding to death now?’


‘We’ll go to the police later on, okay? They’ll sought everything.’ Yuri comforted the girl as she wrapped her arms around Yoona’s waist.


Yuri doesn’t know how long this would last, but for now, she could only hug Yoona and comfort her. She blamed herself for being so useless, even though it’s not really her fault.

A/N: I won't be updating the fic for the next two weeks cuz I will going to Vienna!! See you guys soon!

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this was cute!
you should update soon~!! ;~; yoona's moom!
YoonA loved her mom so much even if she hasn't been a part of her life most of the time..That thought was...I don't know what to add..sad?
luv_yoona #4
update soon!!! :D
Man...yoona mom so bad :X<br />
Update soon
Oh, yoona's mom is so cruel
luv_yoona #7
i love ur story. it's great... poor yoong. i wonder if that woman is yoong's mother<br />
update soon!!!
mayang #8
please update!!!
puff02030405 #9
A/N Sorry for another late update...