with greater love, comes greater suffering

with greater love, comes greater suffering


Chapter 13


‘Well, not too bad Ms. Kwon, only an injured back, 3 more days of staying and you’re out of this place.’ The doctor smiled at Yuri


‘Thank You.’ Yuri smiled back


It has been a week after the terrorist attack in their school. To many people, being attacked by terrorists was obviously not the greatest thing of all, but to Yuri, terrorist’s attack turned out to be the best thing ever in Yuri’s life.


Come to think of it, if it weren’t the attack, Yuri wouldn’t know what Yoona was thinking towards her. They wouldn’t have confessed, they wouldn’t feel happy (like right now what Yuri is feeling), and they wouldn’t have their first kiss.


Suddenly, a knock was heard throughout the room and in came a doe-eyed girl. Yuri turned her face to where the doe-eyed stood and smiled at her presence.


‘How’s your ankle?’


The doe-eyed smiled back at Yuri as a response


‘Very fine thank you.’


‘You don’t have to be formal, Yoona.’


The doe-eyed girl named Yoona sat beside Yuri and pulled for a kiss.


‘I wasn’t.’ Yoona smirked when they pushed away from the kiss


‘So, when are you coming out then?’ the doe-eyed asked


‘3 days later.’


‘Oh…’ Yoona looked down, trying to hide her sad face from Yuri


Yuri gently caressed Yoona face with her hand and lifted the doe-eyed face ‘C’mon, it’s only 3 days, by then we can hang out, do whatever we want.’


‘Yeah, well… I guess I can wait.’ Yoona said as she laid her head on Yuri’s shoulder




Yoona arrived back home after visiting Yuri. When she opens the door, she saw her mom sitting on a couch, crossing her arms, looking angry.


‘Hey, mom.’ Yoona said casually as she went back to her bedroom until she heard a call from her mom




Yoona turned around


‘Yes, mom?’


‘Have you been falling in love with a girl?’ her mom asked seriously


Yoona was surprised to hear about the statement. How did her mom found out about it?


‘Mom, how did you know?’


Her mother sighed and put her diary on the dining table.


‘You checked my diary!’ Yoona shouted in disbelief


“Yes, and I am glad I did it.’ Her mother said ‘because now I know that you’re in love with a girl named Yuri, right?’


Yoona remained speechless, she knew her mother would be against this.


‘Yoona, you know I am against this, you know I am against homoual relationship, but why do you still keep opposing me.’


‘I don’t get what is wrong with it, mom, it’s the 21st century and everyone is equal.’ Yoona suddenly has the courage to speak


‘This is wrong, Yoona!!’ Her mom said angrily as her furious eyes shot up look at Yoona ‘this is going to ruin your future, people are going to discriminate you, they are going to hate you for loving a girl.’ Her mother said ‘Yoona, you’re suppose to marry a rich man so that you can live happily ever after.’


‘Is that why you divorced with dad?’ Yoona suddenly ask, surprising her mother


‘It’s for your own good Yoona, your dad is a poor useless man, and he has no money to raise you up…’ however, Mrs. Im was being cut off by her daughter


‘Then you think you can raise me up huh?’ Yoona suddenly said


‘Well, yes, look at you now…’


‘You didn’t raise me to be like this mom.’ Yoona was angry now ‘you never did. I did it on my own; I took care of myself when you’re away. Remember the car accident I got a few months ago? Where were you that day huh?’


‘I did came to see you!’


‘But you left the next minute! All you have to do was just leave some bank notes on the table and you’re off! I received no calls or anything from you when I was in the hospital, you didn’t came to pick me up the day I recovered.’


‘I pay for your fees, your education fees, your medical fees…’ again, she was being cut off by Yoona




Yoona calmed herself down before saying her next sentence


‘I can live without a car; I can live without a big house or even without a phone. We can sell this house, we can sell our car, all I want is just to receive some mother love, mom. That’s all I need.’


Ms. Im suddenly slapped her daughter on the face. She gritted her teeth and stared at her daughter.


‘You are never going to see that Yuri again.’


That was the last sentence Yoona heard before her mom stumbled back to her room. Yoona stayed in the living room, dumbfounded for a moment before tears started to form in her eyes. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the house to the rain, hoping to find someone to comfort her for the moment.

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this was cute!
you should update soon~!! ;~; yoona's moom!
YoonA loved her mom so much even if she hasn't been a part of her life most of the time..That thought was...I don't know what to add..sad?
luv_yoona #4
update soon!!! :D
Man...yoona mom so bad :X<br />
Update soon
Oh, yoona's mom is so cruel
luv_yoona #7
i love ur story. it's great... poor yoong. i wonder if that woman is yoong's mother<br />
update soon!!!
mayang #8
please update!!!
puff02030405 #9
A/N Sorry for another late update...