The envelope

Let me go.

“Oh, what is this?” Dong Woo mumbled as he pulled out a yellowish envelope from the pile of things on the shelf.

He opened the envelope and to his surprise, he found a wad of notes in it. He jumped up excitedly as a note slipped out and fell to the floor. The all excited Dong Woo did not notice the note and ran out of his room.

“Hey guys! Look at my huge discovery!~” Dong Woo exclaimed as he flapped the notes smugly.

“Woah.” Sung Yeol remarked as he walked over to his hyung.

“Let’s use them and have fun today!” Sung Jong suggested as he jumped up.

“But whose money does this belong to?” Sung gyu asked as he took the stack from Dong Woo.

“Heck care. Let’s just use it. Too bad for the unlucky fellow!” Hoya laughed and said.

“Agreed!” Woo Hyun joined in and slapped Hoya’s back.

“Let’s go~!” Sung Jong punched his fist in the air and yelled.

“Where are we heading to?” Myung Soo asked as he got up from the couch.

Eun Ji looked up from her book and joined them.

“Don’t know. Let’s just go out.” Dong Woo said.

“With money, anywhere will do.” Sung Gyu added in and waved the notes.

“I was the one who found the money…” Dong Woo muttered under his breath.

“Yes, my dear Dong Woo? What did you say?” Sung Gyu slung his arm across Dong Woo’s neck and asked dangerously.

“Heh. Nothing, nothing.” Dong Woo laughed and lied.

“Let’s go, let’s go~” Sung Jong sung as the guys left their dorm.

“So… Where’s the first stop?” Woo Hyun asked.

Myung Soo pointed to the convenience store before them and smirked.

“ICE CREAM!” Sung Jong shouted and ran to the convenience shop.

Sung Gyu shook his head and entered the shop with the others.

“Eun Ji, pick one too.” Sung Gyu said with a smile.

“Hmm…” Eun Ji thought as she looked at the choices.

Stretching her hand for the green apple flavoured one, Eun Ji’s and Myung Soo’s hands touched. Retracting her hand, she blushed madly. Myung Soo took one for her and another for him. He handed her one of them with a smile. Eun Ji nodded and took it from himself. After Sung Gyu paid for the ice cream, the eight of them were back on the street again, enjoying their ice creams.

“So… Where is stop number two?” Woo Hyun asked as he the ice cream.

“Noraebang!” Sung Yeol suggested as he pointed to the Noraebang.

“Great! Let the singer show his talent.” Woo Hyun boasted as he looked up proudly.

The seven others left him standing there in his posture and ran up first.

“Yah! Wait up for me~” Woo Hyun shouted and ran after them.

“Aish. This is so boring.” Sung Jong complained.

“Yea, we are singing the same few songs over and over again.” Woo Hyun said as he put the mike down.

“I forgot that we are in 2018 now and all the songs are unknown. Haiz.” Sung Gyu said.

“No...No… we know one band.” Hoya said.

“DREAM!” Dong Woo said with the snap of his fingers.

They ended up laughing at the boys dancing till their stomach cramped.

“Their songs are obviously auto-tuned. HAHAHA~” Woo Hyun laughed.

They ended up spending their time at the noraebang amusing themselves with DREAM’s MVs.

“Hyung, how much are we left with?” Sung Jong asked as he leaned closer to the leader.

“Yah, Lee Sung Jong. Why are you coming so close to me?” Sung Gyu jumped a little.

“Heh. I want to drink frappe.” Sung Jong smiled sheepishly and pointed to the café.

“Okay.” Sung Gyu agreed right away.

“That was… surprising.” Sung Yeol thought.

“Something is wrong.” Myung Soo thought as he followed them.

“What do you want?” the waiter asked.

Before Sung Yeol could open his mouth to order his black coffee, the leader spoke.

“One cup of caramel frappe will do. Thank you!” Sung Gyu said politely.

“WHAT?!” the others chorused.

“There is no more money left.” Sung Gyu winked as he flashed the last bill.

“Haiz.” The others sunk back to their seats and sighed.

“Hyung, you are not going to drink it on your own right?” Woo Hyun battered his eye lids and asked.

“He is at it again.” Eun Ji said to herself and laughed.

Myung Soo laughed as he heard her comment although it was relatively soft.

“Here you go.” The waiter handed them the drink.

The drink laid in the middle of the big table as the rest of them eyed it.

“I am not a bad person so let’s play a game. The last person who didn’t have to do a dare will get the drink. How about that?” Sung Gyu proposed.

The rest nodded their head in agreement as their gaze remained fixed on the drink.

“So here we go.” Dong Woo spun the bottle and said.

The boys crossed their fingers and stared at the bottle intently. The first unlucky person ended up to be Eun Ji. She smiled nonetheless as she was not exactly interested in the drink.

“So… Eun Ji, your dare is to shut your eyes for a minute.” Woo Hyun said.

“Oh, okay.” Eun Ji said and obeyed his command.

“That is too simple.” Sung Jong pouted and said to Woo Hyun.

“Steal a kiss from her on your cheek.” Woo Hyun mouthed to Myung Soo.

“WHAT?!” L said in shock.

“Do it!” Sung Gyu whispered with a smile.

The six boys were all excited and signaling to Myung Soo. Myung Soo shook his head and before he knew it, Sung Yeol pushed him to Eun Ji. His cheek accidentally or rather purposefully landed on her lips.

“OH!” Eun Ji exclaimed as she opened her eyes wide open.

Myung Soo turned and faced her apologetically. They were so close to one another and Eun Ji felt her heart racing.

“Mianhae.” L said as he went back to his seat. The others chuckled at the first dare.

For the subsequent dares, Eun Ji and Myung Soo were not concentrating already. There was an awkward tension between the two. The two hearts were beating quickly and they were confused by it.

“Why is my heart pumping so fast?” Eun Ji thought.

“This is weird.” Myung Soo thought to himself.

Eventually, the drink still went to the leader. The leader had a second chance when the bottle landed on him right after Eun Ji. It was leader’s privilege according to him. Obviously, with a second chance, the leader won the game.

“Unfair.” Sung Jong muttered.

“Yes, Sung Jong?” The leader sipped the drink and eyed him suspiciously.

“I was just talking to myself.” The maknae flustered a bit and lied.

Eun Ji laughed at their interaction.

Reaching the dorm, Hoya saw a note on the floor. Picking it up, he read the content.

Dear Reader

Please do not touch this money. It is Hoya’s emergency money and rightfully belongs to him. You will be cursed if you use it without permission! ;)


Hoya widened his mouth as he read the note.

“That unlucky fellow… is me?!” Hoya exclaimed as he face palmed himself.


 Author's Note:
Hey there! :) How is the new chapt?:D
Heh. Hope ya enjoyed reading and will comment/subscribe? ^^
Thanks for reading ~ ^^

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Chapter 13: this is so sad T__T its so unfair that the 8 of them couldnt return together...only 7 days of being together
and i really pray that a day where infinite's popularity would go so downhill
Chapter 13: I'm crying. Omgeee. This was so sweet yet sad. Wow. That little one week thing could've been like their break and the girl. I feel sorry she had to die. Aigoo. But yeah, although this is fiction, I will forever be an Inspirit. Infinite will always be infinite, our bond is endless.
mylovebigbang #3
Chapter 13: Why did she die!!! you made me cry ;-;
imveryloser #4
i cried so hard at the ending ; - ;
your writing is just amazing ♡
i wish you could make a sequel
but that would be asking for too
much right? > n < ; thanks for
creating such flawless &; moving
stories, author-nim ; uuuu ;
@jinheeloves-yeollie: Thank you so much for reading and loving (:!
I am glad you liked it <3!
it's so saddd ;AAA;
I love it though!
@Daikatsu: oh my gosh, I made you cry?<3 Thanks for the comment :D!~
@zelly15: Your comment totally made me go crazy !!(: I am really really happy to read your comment <3!
@5201314: YAY for making you cry <3!
@neomanuisarang: Thanks for loving (:!
Love you guys infinitely for Leaving me these lovely comments :D!!
that was soooo sad! i loved the unique concept, though. =)) good job!
Why??? :'(
It's making me cry.
Well done, regardless. :')